Today on the blog, we share a special article from guest blogger and Law of Attraction coach, Deborah D’Ippolito.
Ah, summertime! The longer days of extended light, fireworks and outdoor events blossom in every town and city. Summer fun definitely includes hanging out with friends and family and enjoying the outdoors. It's also the time of year many people take vacations. Whether you're on the road to your favorite happy spot or just grilling in the backyard with your friends, there's no doubt about it:
Being with loved ones can be a source of joy and fulfillment.
The thing I've come to realize is I enjoy my time with others much better when I'm centered and feeling my connection with the divine. That's my term for the universe and God. Whatever your definition of the divine encompasses, I'm referring to the appreciation we all can have with this loving universe that brings forth a feeling of peace and joy. It's the relationship that predicates all others.
A lot of emphasis in modern society can be focused on togetherness - whether that be togetherness with a special someone, your family or a social group. It's all good. What isn't emphasized frequently is finding contentment with one's self. To me, contentment with myself is best achieved when I'm connected to the divine, my source and creator. My life is much better when I'm feeling aligned with the universe. Most of us have been socialized to cater to others first. However, the secret to good relationships is to maintain your vibration and then what you offer with others is the quality of your attention from your higher state.
Here's a few things you can do to boost your mood and connect well with others:
1. Connect with the divine by connecting with nature as often as possible. The birds, trees, grass, and flowers - effortlessly celebrate being here in oneness and illustrate great examples of how to enjoy the moment. Walking outdoors is grounding.
2. Practice presence and living in the now with as much gratitude as you can. Try saying Ho'opono pono while you go throughout your day to allow more feelings of love and peace. This Hawaiian prayer can be a catalyst to bringing your being to a state of zero. When you're at zero, your experiences are not shadowed by past memories or data that could cause misperceptions of the moment. It has been a miraculous practice for me.
3. Notice your self talk and state and do your best to eradicate negativity, self criticism or judgement. Forgive yourself and others often. It's not about being right. Let go. Take nothing personally and always give what you're doing your all. Realize when a thought you have is not serving you or limiting you and turn it around to serve you.
4. Meditate, get plenty of rest, eat well and practice your own way of honoring the life you're living with ritual. This sends a signal to your mind that you are aware of the journey and assists you with being kind to yourself.
5. In communications with others, speak your truth with kindness and honor what you need by asking for it and moving toward it knowing that you can find contentment without any one outcome. Learn not to react to others but instead rephrase what you hear without judgement.
6. And finally, spend time doing what you enjoy. This is honoring yourself. Keep going toward your joy, your dreams, what matters to you and live based on your highest values, always doing your best. As you pursue what you enjoy, you'll likely find like-minded friends and have joyful relationships with them.
All relationships stem from your relationship to your creator and yourself. Find the good and accentuate it!