Are You Sick Of Feeling Stuck, Stressed, Or Like You Just Can’t Get Ahead - No Matter How Hard You Work?
Does it ever feel like something inside you is holding you back from where you want to be in life?
It could be a voice in your head whispering "you're not good enough"...
Aches, discomfort, or a lack of energy that stop you from showing up at 100%...
Or even a flood of anxiety, powerlessness, or negative emotions that keep getting triggered in you by specific people or situations.
If you're like most people, you might have tried all sorts of tools and methods for getting your mind and body back on your side.
But the truth is, until you discover the root cause of your own inner blocks, you’ll struggle to make any long-lasting change in your life.
And that’s exactly why I’m going to let you in on a 3,500-year-old secret that can change everything for you.
This secret is invisible.
It's energetic.
And up till recently, most scientists, doctors and personal growth teachers were mystified by it.
All they knew was it works.
It changes lives.
And it can help anyone overcome any challenge, and achieve any goal.
In just a few moments, you’ll join a growing number of people who are discovering this secret, and changing their lives with it.
Just promise me you’ll keep an open mind as I share this secret with you.
Great, let me start from the beginning.
Hi, I'm Natalie Ledwell, co-founder of the Mind Movies movement.
And I want to show you a beautifully simple way to instantly and effortlessly elevate ANY area of your life - from your career and finances, to your health and relationships - as easily as flipping on a light switch.
The key, as you'll soon see, lies in knowing the correct way to strengthen the 7 energy centers, or 'Chakras', inside your body.
Now in case you're not familiar with the Chakras - they're a set of spinning energy 'wheels' that run from the base of your spine to the tip of your head.
Each Chakra influences a different area of your life - and when that Chakra is strong, its corresponding area of life prospers.
But what happens when a Chakra becomes blocked through negative energy and self-defeating thoughts?
Its corresponding area of life suffers.
In other words: your life is a reflection of your Chakras.
So if you're wondering why you've been sabotaging yourself.
Or why you've been struggling or feeling frustrated with where you are in life.
Then this remarkable approach to Chakra healing that you're about to see, could change everything for you.
And it doesn't even matter whether you're an experienced energy healer, a complete Chakra newbie, or somewhere in between.
Are you ready to release what's really holding you back?
Firstly, I ask you to open your mind to an exciting possibility.
Imagine how your life would change if you had seven of your very own 'guardian angels'.
These angels are with you for one reason: to help you overcome any challenge, so you can be, achieve, manifest, and experience anything you want.
From transforming your financial struggles into liberating wealth and abundance.
To help you finally break free from that soul-sapping job, and step into your dream career.
To healing your relationships, and giving you amazing friendships and romances.
To turning your self-doubt and negativity into unbreakable self-confidence.
To even reversing any illnesses, and giving you a healthy, fit, youthful body.
Well, that's precisely what happens when you know the right way to nurture and balance your Chakras.
Yet even though the Chakras were discovered over 3,500 years ago - to this day, most people still have no clue how to properly protect them...
Even if you're already practicing Chakra work, you might find it hard to find the right techniques, and consistently unblock the right Chakras at the right times.
So here's my promise to you: wherever you're at in your energetic journey right now, as long as you listen carefully and receive what I'm about to tell you, you'll quickly realize why:
1) Chakra healing could be the KEY to finally overcoming your biggest struggles and achieving your biggest goals - even if nothing else worked in the past.
2) It's absolutely not your fault Chakra healing might have all this time seemed like such a tricky and even confusing subject.
3) It's actually surprisingly EASY to heal your Chakras, once you know the correct way and use the correct tools available to you.
All I ask is that you watch this video from start to finish right NOW, because it may not be available for much longer.
Before I continue, I need to share something personal with you, just so you know where I'm coming from.
You see, over a decade ago my partner Glen and I launched Mind Movies.
In case you're not familiar with it, Mind Movies is a peak performance technology that reprograms your subconscious mind for success - by just watching a specially engineered video for 3 minutes a day.
The technology was so transformational, Glen and I quit all our other business ventures to focus on it.
Within months of launching it, Mind Movies spread like wildfire across the world.
And in what feels like an incredibly short time - I went from an overworked, stressed out, unhealthy entrepreneur eating junk food at midnight and skipping my gym workouts because I was too busy - to the leader of a 2 million plus-strong global tribe of personal growth enthusiasts.
Around this time, a persistent question kept bubbling up from inside me:
How can I teach people to live their greatest lives, when I'm far from perfect myself?
So I began putting in the work, and committing my life both to my highest potential and to others.
I began meditating daily. I changed my diet. I got serious about journaling and goal-setting.
I studied every personal growth course, attended every seminar, and read every book I could get my hands on.
The changes I experienced in this time were incredible.
I felt more productive, energetic, creative and positive than ever before.
Something still wasn't right.
And if you've ever wanted something so passionately, and put in the work for it, but still can't get exactly where you want to be - then you may know exactly what I'm talking about.
The problem was my own inner resistance.
Because despite my progress, I still couldn't shake off my deepest weaknesses.
I still overworked myself because I couldn't let go.
I still doubted myself because at times I felt insecure.
I still skipped my meditation sessions, blew my diet, and made important decisions from a space of fear and insecurity, just a little too often for my own comfort.
I had no clue how to get out of this rut and take my personal growth to the next - until I stumbled on these words by energy healer Donna Eden:
"Energy is the living, vibrating ground of your being, and it is your body's natural self-healing elixir, its natural medicine. This medicine, this energy medicine, feeds body and soul, and attending to it restores your natural vitality. Energy medicine is the science and the art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at its best."
In that moment, a lightbulb - or more like seven light bulbs - lit up in my head all at once.
In the midst of all this 'work' I was doing, I realized all this time I had been ignoring the energetic aspect of my personal growth: my Chakras.
This was the gateway to the next level of my self-mastery.
And knowing I needed a breakthrough, a way to get from where I was to where I needed to be - in that moment I made the commitment to start working with my Chakras.
So if you're not entirely happy with where you are in life -
If you feel you're not yet living from a state of PEAK self-mastery, self-confidence, productivity, health, creativity and empathy -
Then I believe Chakra healing - more specifically, effective Chakra healing - could be the next step in your journey too.
Let me just ask you: how would your life change if you could instantly heal and open your Chakras, and experience total energetic flow in every area of your life, not through any sort of complex, overly tedious healing ritual - but as easily as washing your hands with soap?
Well, I'm about to show you the solution to doing just that.
The shocking truth is, 99% of us - even those of us who do regular 'inner work' - don't actually know the best way to balance, heal and work with our Chakras.
Some of us have been taught to focus on elevating our minds and bodies, but never our energetic centers.
And then there are some of us who do engage in Chakra work - only to find out it's often too difficult, intense or time-consuming to understand, stick to, and see tangible results.
Here's the thing though: like I told you earlier, healing your Chakras doesn't have to be time-consuming or hard.
Because after all - Chakra healing should give you energy, not take it away!
The good news is once you see what I'm about to show you, energizing your Chakras - and in turn your life - is surprisingly easy, and rewarding too.
Whenever you face a challenge, you'll find solutions, opportunities and lucky 'coincidences' falling into your lap at just the right time.
Plus, you'll always find yourself with the clarity, productivity, creativity and energy you need to perform at your peak and be the best possible version of you in every area of your life.
And trust me - you'll have plenty of people pointing out how much you're GLOWING with positive energy!
When you heal your Root Chakra: your career and income will flourish.
When you heal your Sacral Chakra: you'll enjoy the most sizzling romantic relationships of your life.
When you heal your Solar Plexus Chakra: you'll easily master new skills and have a newfound sense of clarity in your life.
When you heal your Heart Chakra: you'll connect better with your family, friends, coworkers and everyone around you.
When you heal your Throat Chakra: you'll speak your truths and express your thoughts with effortless clarity.
When you heal your Third Eye Chakra: you'll gain a heightened sixth sense that helps you make the right choices every time.
And when you heal your Crown Chakra: you'll experience a heightened spiritual connection to everything and everyone around you.
In other words, all the outcomes you want to create in your life begin by healing your Chakras.
So recently, we started experimenting.
More specifically - we've taken a selection of our best peak performance technology and psychological growth frameworks.
Harmonized it with timeless Chakra healing wisdom brought down through the generations.
And created a better, more optimized approach to Chakra healing.
The results we've seen in ourselves and in our students, have been incredible.
Deep energetic blocks that would normally take days or even weeks of energy clearing work, were now dissolved in minutes.
Positive thoughts and happiness were amplified.
Solutions to problems manifested seemingly out of nowhere.
Even deep set limiting beliefs tied to Chakra weaknesses were untangled in record time.
All by just watching or listening to one of our multimedia technologies adapted to Chakra healing, or following a simple two-minute mind exercise.
And now that you've come this far, I want you to be one of the first people in the world to experience these Chakra healing tools and technologies too.
So I've compiled them all for you into a system that I call Chakra Awakening.
Chakra Awakening is a complete 3-part Chakra healing 'system' for each of your seven Chakras.
In it you'll find a collection of easy-to-use tools, techniques and technologies for instantly unblocking any of your Chakras, and protecting it from negative energy.
Let's take a closer look.
The first part of Chakra Awakening is a 7-part Chakra Healing Blueprint that will help you discover the current state of each of your 7 Chakras.
All you need to do is spend a few minutes answering a series of simple mind-body questions, and you'll be given an instant and highly accurate 'diagnosis' of how energized or blocked each of your Chakras is.
The second part of Chakra Awakening is a set of seven Chakra Charge-Up video tutorials and micro-visualization sets, one for each Chakra - in a simple and fast format designed for even the busiest of people.
After using your Chakra Healing Blueprint and finding out which of your Chakras is weak, just watch the corresponding video to take a deep dive into the characteristics of that Chakra, how to keep it strong, and how to protect it from future blockages.
Secondly, at the end of each video you'll also find a powerful 'micro-visualization' exercise for instantly unblocking the corresponding Chakra.
Each one is a compact but immersive 3-minute visualization that takes you to the core of your corresponding Chakra, and harnesses your mind power to instantly unblock and strengthen it.
And finally, the third part of Chakra Awakening is a digital pack of our best Chakra Care tools and technologies for every Chakra.
In this pack you'll find a Chakra Care 360 immersion meditation audio, a set of 50 Chakra Care affirmations, plus 7 Chakra Care Mind Movies, one for each of your Chakras.
In case you're not familiar with Mind Movies, they're our single most popular personal growth technology of all time.
Mind Movies combine visualization, affirmations and uplifting music and imagery to give you an instant energetic boost - and they're as easy to enjoy as watching a music video on YouTube.
Okay, now before I go any further, I just need to clarify this with you one more time.
You see through the Mind Movies movement, my team and I have studied and experimented with countless personal growth modalities over the years.
From meditation, to goal setting, to visualization and affirmations, we're familiar with pretty much everything under the sun.
And it's through that experience I can confidently tell you that even if you're already meditating, even if you're setting goals, even if you have your own daily success rituals that you swear by - it's still VITAL that you're in touch with your Chakras, and you know at all times how they're energetically influencing your life.
Working on your mind, your beliefs, your habits, your emotions - these are all of course crucial steps to evolving yourself and optimizing your life.
But the only way to set yourself on a path of holistic personal growth, where your challenges are easily overcome, and your mind, body, spirit and even your surroundings are all in exquisite alignment with the life you want to live - is to do the energetic work.
That's precisely why I created Chakra Awakening for you - and whether you're already a passionate energy worker, or if this is the first time you're hearing about Chakras - you'll find it's incredibly easy and rewarding to elevate every area of your life with it.
Don't just take my word for it though, try it for yourself! Just click on the Add To Cart button below this video, follow the simple instructions, and you'll get instant online access to the entire Chakra Awakening.
Yes, in just a few short minutes from now, you could be experiencing every Chakra-energizing tool, technology and exercise in Chakra Awakening.
Is there a specific challenge in your life you're trying to solve? Like a challenge at work, a lack of time or money to live on your own terms, a health problem, or a strained relationship with a lover, friend, family member or even yourself?
Can you sense a block coming from inside you, or even manifesting around you, that's holding you back from a specific dream or goal?
Or do you just crave a deeper level of abundance, success, vitality, self-confidence and love in your life?
The solution to all of this, and more, is just a few moments away and it all starts by clicking the add to cart button below this video.
When you use the tools in Chakra Awakening for just a few minutes a day, you'll notice your blocks and challenges shrinking, and your opportunities, abundance and 'happy coincidences' multiplying almost instantly.
And when I say a few minutes a day, I mean it.
You see, even though Chakra Awakening gives you many tools to choose from - using them is actually incredibly quick and easy.
Identifying your closed Chakras takes just a few minutes a week.
And as for your visualizations, affirmations, Mind Movies and other tools - you're free to pick and choose the ones you like most, and how often you use them.
Meaning you can take a few minutes a day, or just a few minutes a week working on your Chakras.
There is no right or wrong answer, so although we do give you guidance on how to integrate these into your life - you can also experiment and find what fits your busy schedule best.
Like I said earlier - we've created Chakra Awakening to be by far the simplest, easiest system you'll ever use to keep yourself in good energetic shape.
Oh and there's another thing I'm so excited to tell you.
You see, what I'm offering you today is a private and exclusive invitation - because we haven't actually launched Chakra Awakening to the general public yet.
So as soon as you get your access, I'd love for you to share your experience with my team and I, and tell us how it all goes for you.
Your initial feedback will go a long way towards any further upgrades we add to the system - which you will of course get lifetime access to as well.
And as my way of saying thank you for being one of the first people in the world to experience Chakra Awakening, I'm going to give you an extremely generous discount and set of bonuses - which I'll tell you more about in just a few moments.
First though, I'd like to show you some preliminary feedback from some of our students who tried our earlier version of Chakra Awakening - just so you know what kind of experience you can look forward to.
Augustine Nygaard shared:
I have been using the Chakra Flow Meditation for ca 2 months now, and I love it! I use it every morning. I distinctly feel more aligned, at peace, focused, grounded and happy when I do the meditation. And my day flows much more easy.
Sally Reeve wrote to us and said:
I have been using the Chakra clearing exercise almost every day and have noticed some major shifts. I feel much more grounded, stronger physically and mentally and more spiritually aware.
And Sharon Robertson shared:
I love the Chakra Energy Flow! From the very first time I used it an amazing sense of peace, calm and well-being filled me. I use it regularly and every time I listen to it, I feel more healing taking place. So glad I purchased it!
You know, the very first time you start using the techniques in Chakra Awakening, you may already feel an energetic weight lifting off your shoulders, or a block removing itself from deep inside you.
You may even feel an intense sense of forgiveness, compassion, self-love, or clarity.
Or, depending on the state of your Chakras, it may take a few sessions before you feel anything on a conscious level.
What's important to know is that the energetic healing IS taking place - and the effects only get better and better, the longer you stick to your Chakra healing exercises.
As an added bonus, you'll even start experiencing better results with any other personal growth practices you have.
Your meditations will be deeper and calmer. Your visualizations will be more vivid. Your affirmations will go deeper into your subconscious. Your goals will be achieved that much more easily. Your daily habits will be more aligned with the person you want to be.
All because you've removed the energetic blocks that have quietly held you back all this time.
So go ahead and click that Add To Cart button right now - and let's start healing your Chakras.
Alright, so apart from the results you'll get, here's another reason why Chakra Awakening is the absolute best solution to energizing your Chakras and your life.
You see, if you were to work with an energy healer to get the kinds of results Chakra Awakening will give you, it will take an incredible amount of time and cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Our goal with Chakra Awakening though is to make Chakra healing accessible and affordable to everyone.
So let me quickly remind you what you're getting in this package.
First you're getting the Chakra Healing Blueprint for diagnosing your Chakras - and it's valued at $24.95.
Secondly you're getting the Chakra Charge-Up videos and micro-visualizations, valued at $34.95 each, totaling $244.65.
And then you're getting the entire Chakra Care pack of tools and technologies, with a total value of $149.95 for the Mind Movies, meditation and affirmations.
That's a total of $419.55 in value - and yet we don't want you to, no, we won't let you pay even a fraction of that.
Because when you say YES right now, and become one of the first people in the world to experience Chakra Awakening - you're getting instant lifetime access to EVERYTHING for the rock-bottom price of just $47.
But tell you what, I want to make this sweet deal even sweeter for you, so here's what I'll do when you click that Add To Cart button right now.
I'm going to include with your order an amazing free bonus gift - a one hour long subliminal audio entitled Raising Your Vibration.
Raising Your Vibration is a 60-minute subliminal audio that projects hundreds of thousands of positive affirmations into your subconscious mind.
These affirmations then command your subconscious to be more positive, energetic, and to vibrate at a higher level - making it a great complement to your Chakra healing.
Even better, you can play this subliminal audio in the background, when you're working or doing your daily chores. No conscious effort or focus is needed, it does all the work for you.
It's normally $37, but because it's the PERFECT companion audio to Chakra Awakening, when you order below right now, you'll get it absolutely free.
And of course on top of your exclusive discount and bonuses, you’ll also get an extended unconditional 12 month money back guarantee.
How it works is simple: if for any reason whatsoever you're not over-the-moon happy with Chakra Awakening; even if you get too busy to use it, even if you find it’s only half as effective as I'm telling you it'll be, which by the way would STILL transform your life in so many profound ways - then just email us anytime in the next year at, and we'll shoot you over a full, fast and friendly refund.
No catches, no questions asked.
Why do I insist on giving you this extended guarantee, even when as you can see all the risk is on us?
Because we completely understand that the only way to know if something works for you is to TRY it first.
And why should you have to take any risk when you do that? We'll cover all the risk, so you can focus on healing your Chakras, and in turn your career, your finances, your health, your relationships, your self-confidence and self-love, and your spirituality. This also means you don’t even have to make your final decision on the program today, you can do so in 1 whole year from now!
Remember: to lock down your extended 12 month guarantee, PLUS your discount and bonus, all you need to do is click on the Add To Cart button below this video.
Go ahead and do that right now, because I can't promise you'll see this generous offer again once you leave this page.
I just need to caution you: just like any other body part, the longer you leave your Chakras blocked, the harder and harder it gets to unblock and heal them.
So why make things harder when you can make things easier for yourself in every possible way?
It's time to make a choice now: will you choose to stay on the energetic roller coaster, and deal with the bumpy ride each time your Chakras become blocked?
Or will you say YES to healing your Chakras, and allow them to shine their powers on every area of your life?
I trust you know the choice that's best for you.
And if you're ready to make that choice, I'm ready to show you the easiest, most rewarding path to energetic harmony.
Just click on the Add To Cart button right now for instant access to Chakra Awakening - along with your exclusive discount. Your bonuses. And our unconditional zero-risk 1 year money back guarantee.
I'm Natalie Ledwell, and I can't wait to give you the gift of energetic well-being. Thanks for watching.