Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 351   Andy Shaw

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with LOA expert and creator of ‘A Bug Free Mind’, Andy Shaw. Andy joins Natalie to discuss his incredible story of how one thought that got ingrained in his mind at a very young age, changed his way of thinking forever. During the show, Andy explains that the reason he became a multimillionaire twice (as he lost all of his fortune the first time), is because he never doubted his own power of creation. He also shares how most people live in fear of losing what they’ve created and how this way of thinking can keep them from the abundance they deserve. Plus, he reveals the name of his latest book and the secret to a wealthy mindset!

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594! That’s the number of Inspiration Show episodes recorded throughout these amazing years. Can you believe it? It’s been such an amazing ride - I’ve created amazing friendships, shared fascinating stories, watched lives being transformed; yet, the biggest gift has been to me. That’s why it’s hard to leave, but the time has come to transition to the next chapter.
But not without recording one very special last episode of The Inspiration Show for you!

Final Inspiration Show episode!

Have you ever heard about the miraculous healing power of Ayahuasca? Or perhaps even tried it yourself? In this special episode of the Inspiration Show, I interview my friend Brandee Lynn, who reveals the truth about Ayahuascas healing properties and the many miracles she’s witnessed at her retreat center: from fatal diseases being cured, to life purposes being found! If you’re open to learning more about this unique healing technique, then you’ll love this eye-opening episode.

Brandee Lynn - The Healing Powers of Ayahuasca

If you had to live in one room, with only one person forever - who would you choose? On this interesting episode of The Inspiration Show, my good friend and thought leader Stewart Emery, discusses the importance of choosing who you let in your room, aka - your life. Watch it now to discover how to set healthy boundaries, especially if you struggle with communication or ending toxic relationships.

Stewart Emery - Who's In Your Room

Like many other transitions in life like divorce, a sudden change of job, or your kids moving out - downsizing your home can be very painful. A home represents a cherished period in someone’s life, and moving represents closing this chapter. But do you have to look at it this way? On this very informative episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest Sharon McRill, discusses the many gifts that come with letting go and making space in your heart and life for something even better. If you have a hard time “letting go”, then make sure to watch this great interview!

Sharon McRill - How to Transition Like a Winner

Sadness, shame, anger, embarrassment, disappointment, frustration, vulnerability, helplessness - are you guilty of repressing any of these emotions? In 30 years as a practicing psychologist, what our Inspiration Show guest, Dr. Joan Rosenberg, has found is that what often blocks people from succeeding in life is their inability to experience and handle 8 uncomfortable feelings. And when we don’t face or deal with them, she explains that they actually take away our confidence, health, and happiness. 
If you’re ready to master your emotions, make sure to watch this episode!

Dr. Joan Rosenberg - 90 Seconds to a Life You Love

You believe in the power of thoughts. But do you also believe it's possible to use the mind to heal yourself - and even others? If you're at all curious about this fascinating possibility, today's episode of The Inspiration Show may just shift your model of reality. Joining us is Lynne McTaggart, a best-selling author, award-winning journalist and lecturer, as she reveals how the mind can be turned into a tool for personal and mass healing.

The Power of Eight - Lynne McTaggart

The Huffington Post refers to my very special guest as an “Award Winning Author, highly sought after International Speaker and one of the most grounded Spiritual Entrepreneurs around the globe.” From escaping Vietnam to living in refugee camp - now she owns one of the most renowned Vietnamese restaurants in the world, and she’s one of the most sought after keynote speakers! If you’re an entrepreneur, or if you’re looking for a new way to approach the challenges in your life, then I highly encourage you to brighten your day with this amazing interview with Pauline Nguyen.

Pauline Nguyen - How to Become a Spiritual Entrepreneur

What if I told you that by being still, and using the power of your mind, you could change the entire world? Well, it’s possible, and this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show reveals how! My guest is the founder of “The Stillness Project”, Tom Cronin, and he discusses little-known benefits of meditation that could inspire you to practice it daily. If you want to discover how to use meditation as an instant tool for bringing about contentment, peace, and harmony, then don’t miss this inspiring episode.

Tom Cronin - Meditation Benefits You Didn't Know About

Do you ever feel guilty for binge-watching TV shows that offer no value? Did you know there’s a whole new genre of TV shows created specifically to expand your consciousness and take your mind to a whole new level? Joining us on this special episode of The Inspiration Show is my good friend and humanitarian, Spryte Loriano, discussing her upcoming “reality” TV show, Awakening Giants. If you’ve been feeling like you want to be a part of a positive change in humanity, then watch it now!

Spryte Loriano - Awakening Giants: Your Favorite TV Show

Are you ready for the most otherworldly episode of The Inspiration Show? Today’s guest is going to blow your mind! You may not have heard of her but something tells me you’ll remember her from now on. Karen Noe is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list - and she channels Dr. Wayne Dyer! If you’re going through a rough time of grief or struggle or have ever wanted a sign from a higher consciousness, then today’s episode can change your life.

Karen Noe - Wayne Dyer's Message About Grief and Struggle

Do you find that you take care of everyone around you before attending to your own needs? Do you feel guilty when you do take time for yourself? My guest on this episode of The Inspiration Show and creator of the Women Awakening Community, Cynthia James, talks about ways you can start practicing self-care and making sure you’re healthy and thriving before taking care of anyone else. If you’re ready to find a daily practice of self-care that nourishes you, then don’t miss this special episode!

Cynthia James - Take Care of #1 - YOU!

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is it possible for an ordinary person to make a difference in the world?” Or do you ever feel the need to make someone’s life better or make a contribution, but aren’t sure where to start? On this enlightening episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest and good friend Arjuna Ardagh talks about the four value sets it takes to achieve “brilliance” and a life of service, and how, if you feel the calling, you can make an impact in the world. If you’ve been feeling a need to give back, then don’t miss this special episode!

Arjuna Ardagh - How to Make an Impact in the World

Have you ever experienced heaven on earth? Did you know you don’t have to have a near-death experience or see a light at the end of a tunnel, or have a transcendental event to find it? In this fascinating video interview, my special guest Martin Rutte, reveals exactly how to enjoy magical moments every day! If you’ve had a desire to create a more meaningful existence, or enhance what you contribute to the world, then make sure you watch this show!

Martin Rutte - How to Experience Heaven on Earth

Do you feel that in order to be successful, you have to work long and hard? Have you been working so much that you don’t have a life? If you’re burned out from long hours and taking on too much, then you’ll definitely want to see today’s brand new episode of The Inspiration Show with my good friend, author of “Live Big”, and fellow entrepreneur, Ajit Nawalkha. If you’re ready to work better, not harder - then watch now!

Ajit Nawalkha - Have Success Without Working Harder!

What would your life look like if you had no fear? And how would your life be different if you always acted in alignment with your true self? If you’ve ever wished you had more courage to go after your dreams, then let this amazing episode of The Inspiration Show be your inspiring force. I talk to Tim Shields, author of the novel “A Curious Year in the Great Vivarium Experiment”, about overcoming limitations. If you’re tired of letting your fears get in the way of your dreams, then do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in this fascinating adventure.

Tim Shields - Don't Let Your Fears Get in the Way of Your Dreams

Have you ever questioned your self-worth? Do you sometimes wonder how much you matter to others (or even yourself)? If you’ve been experiencing low self-worth, regret, or shame and are ready to move on, then let today’s brand new episode of The Inspiration Show guide you towards fulfillment! I can’t wait for you to meet my special guest, transformational leader, humanitarian, and author of “44 Hours & 21 Minutes: A Woman's Truth and Power”, RaShawn Renee. On this session, she’ll share with you how to turn your past experiences into powerful lessons, gain a better understanding of what “self” actually means, and how to realize that forgiveness is simply acceptance. If you’re tired of letting your past dictate your future, then watch this incredible episode right now!

RaShawn Renee - Boost Your Self-Esteem

Are you a business owner stuck at a certain revenue level? Struggling to build the right team? Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and consumed by all you have to do? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then join celebrity business strategist, Allison Maslan, author of “Scale or Fail: How to Build Your Dream Team, Explode With Growth, and Let Your Business Soar”, on this eye-opening episode of The Inspiration Show to discover the simple solution to these challenges. Seriously, if you’re ready to soar your business, then watch this episode now!

Allison Maslan - How to Successfully Grow Your Business

Have you ever been thinking about a friend or family member, and then seconds later they call you? Have you ever had anxiety or a premonition about something happening — and then it did? On today’s brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, my very special guest, Mark Gober, the author behind the new revolutionary book, An End to Upside Down Thinking explains this fascinating phenomenon. If you’re interested in hearing amazing evidence about our human connection through our consciousness, then watch this episode now!

Mark Gober - An End to Upside Down Thinking

Have you ever experienced a pure state of flow - a moment where you forgot everything around you and things just seemed to magically unfold for you? Today on The Inspiration Show, I talk to my good friend and skilled meditator, Brett Anderson, about bringing new energy and balance into your life. If you’re ready for meditation to not feel like a chore but rather pure enjoyment, then watch this episode now!

Brett Anderson - How to Get into a Flow State

Do you ever crave changing your life, but you’re not sure how to do it? If you’re ready to find the clarity to pivot into the life you’ve always dreamed of, then this insightful episode of The Inspiration Show with my guest, Adam Markel, author of “Pivot”, is for you. During the show, Adam shares ways you can become aware of the bad thinking habits that may be holding you back so you can swap them out for new daily success rituals. If you’re ready for positive change in your life, then watch this episode now!

Adam Markel - How to Find the Clarity to Change

Do you ever feel like you’re just passing time, and not really living? The thing is, the world is full of abundant opportunities, but sometimes it can be too easy to get caught up in the same thought patterns and ways of doing things. If you feel a little stuck right now and would like to hear how you can shift your whole life’s perspective to create the reality you desire, then watch this otherworldly episode of The Inspiration Show with my special guest, Jim Self, author of “A Course in Mastering Alchemy.” If you’re ready to begin the journey back to recognizing your true essence of kindness and magnificence, then this episode is for you.

Jim Self - How to Find the Real You

Do you ever go to bed thinking - Why am I here? Why do I feel this way? Is this all there is to life?
If you’d like to know the secret to waking up fulfilled and content, then don’t miss this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, with my special guest Sandra Biskind. During the show, you’ll discover unique insights on how to raise your vibration (regardless of what’s happening around you), a simple way to tap into your intuition, and the 4 essential life questions that lead to transformation. If you’re ready to let go of past programming and behaviors that no longer serve you, then this episode is definitely for you!

Sandra Biskind - How to Raise Your Vibration

Do you have a hard time saying no? Is it difficult to put yourself first? Do you feel worthy of telling yourself a new story about your life? On today’s uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show, I talk to Patty Aubery, co-founder of The Canfield Group and the powerhouse woman behind “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. 
During the show, she shares how unfortunately many women feel unfulfilled in life not because they’re not skilled enough to reach success, but rather because they don’t give themselves permission to be extraordinary and chase their wildest dreams. If you’re tired of playing small and you’re ready to break through the limiting beliefs that may have kept you in the shadows, then watch this episode and experience an outrageously successful version of you.

Patty Aubery - How to Become an Outrageously Successful You

Would you like to discover the secret to career and wealth success? If your answer is yes, then join my very special guest and friend, Christy Whitman, on this powerful episode of The Inspiration Show. Christy is a NY Times Bestselling author and creator of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy; and during the show, you’ll learn from her about the Universal forces such as polarity, alignment, resonance, momentum, and magnetism — and how to harness these forces to optimize your wealth and career. Whether your vision of an ideal career is starting your own business, rising to a different position within your current company, or landing your very first job, Christy’s wisdom will help you make that vision a reality.

Christy Whitman - How to Find The Secret to Success

Do you ever feel like you’re in a crisis of isolation? Or that you don’t know how to find your community? Did you know that having poor social connection is more physically harmful than alcoholism and obesity? On today’s unique episode of The Inspiration show, my special guest, author and entrepreneur Radha Agrawal, discusses the generational angst our world is currently in and offers up ways and tools to find “your people” and community and deep connections in the most natural of ways. Don’t miss this episode!

Radha Agrawal - How to Find and Make Deeper Connections

Do you ever wish you could communicate with your pet? Well, did you know your pet’s behavior may be a reflection of your own? On today’s exciting new episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and pet intuitive and trainer, Denise Mange, shares that our pets act as mirrors reflecting back to us bigger energetic patterns in our lives which may no longer serve us. When we acknowledge, heal and release these patterns, it becomes evident in our pets' energies, attitudes, and behaviors. Watch this episode if you’d like to know how to train, connect, and relate to your animal companion. It’s truly eye-opening!

Denise Mange - How to Communicate With Your Pet

Two of the most powerful sources of transformation are science and spirituality, but is it possible to integrate the inspiration of spiritual experience, with the discipline of science? On this brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, we explore the fascinating life of the enigmatic philanthropist and former Detroit Tigers’ owner, the late John E. Fetzer. Through his memoir written by this Inspiration Show’s guest Brian C. Wilson, you’ll wake up to new spiritual wisdom and be inspired to harness the power of your infinite potential just like John did.

Brian C. Wilson - How to Integrate Science and Spirituality

Everyone experiences fear, stress or anxiety at some point in their lives, but most people think it’s a bad thing. Yet did you know that when harnessed, these forces can be our greatest source of strength? On this insightful episode of The Inspiration Show, you’ll get a better understanding of the relationship of fear with the human mind and discover how to transform these seemingly negative emotions into good health, wealth and happiness.

Akshay Nanavati - How to Turn Fear Into a Positive Force

If you heard there was a piece of technology proven to safeguard you from anything bad happening to you, would you run out and buy it? Well, what if I told you this already exists? 
My special guest and filmmaker Bill Bennett says we all have a Personal Guidance System, which, its only purpose is to keep us alive so we can fulfill our purpose. It’s called the gift of intuition. And in this video interview, he explains the surprising way his intuition saved his life, as well as the details of the amazing film he created after this otherworldly experience!

Bill Bennett - How to Find and Follow Your Intuition

Do you believe in the power of the mind-body connection? If you’ve ever been nervous or fearful and your heart started pounding and your hands sweating, you’ve experienced its power. And just like when you think of a sad memory and you shed tears, your body can remember every situation you’ve been through even an unconscious level. On this life-changing episode of The Inspiration Show, my very special guest and co-founder of Soul Medicine, Nikki Jade, will show you how to unlearn who you think you are, so you can heal inside out and remember your divine nature.

Nikki Jade - How to Connect to Your Mind-Body Power

Living with chronic pain is a very demanding path on all levels; physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is relentless and unforgiving and tests our ability to cope with extreme challenges on a daily basis. How do we live with chronic pain and not fall into depression and hopelessness? How can we take this journey with less hardship, and create more ease and well-being in the midst of persistent pain? How do we stay engaged with life, despite the pain? All these questions and more are answered in today’s revealing episode of The Inspiration Show.

Sarah Anne Shockley - How to Cope With Chronic Pain

Jeremiah Burgess is a Liberian civil war survivor who found a copy of Napoleon Hill's  “Think and Grow Rich” while living in a Ghana refugee camp. Jeremiah applied the book's principles when he returned to his home country after the war to build a vocational training school from the ground up. While online, Jeremiah discovered Mind Movies and reached out for help. But that was only the beginning of his truly inspiring journey. Watch this exclusive episode to find out how you can play an essential part in Jeremiah’s mission to change a nation.

Jeremiah Burgess - Help Build a Sustainable School

Ready to go into the most soothing and deep trance? In this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, joining us is Lon; a gifted artist and visionary who creates ‘living art’ with sacred geometry. If you’ve never heard of it before, sacred geometry can be used as a visual meditation tool to help you navigate through challenging times and think ‘outside the box’ so you can make positive changes in your life. Watch this video as Lon shows you how to use sacred geometry to create the life you want and how to use it in your Mind Movie to make it even more powerful!

Regina Lon - The Power of Sacred Geometry

Discover the otherworldly healing powers of Qigong, a 5k-year-old ancient practice, on this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show. Joining us is my good friend and Sensei 
Tristan Truscott, a black belt student that was forced to end his career due to a crippling back injury. What took place after is an extraordinary journey into the flow of life force energy, mental power, healing, and mystical experiences that transformed his health.

Tristan Truscott - How to Heal With Qigong

In today’s world, many believe that if you’re “busy” you’re important, and if you live your life leisurely, you’re considered lazy. But why?
In this interesting episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and author of the book “Breaking Up With Busy”, shares why we often feel like we need to be busy all the time - and more so, why we see it as a virtue. If you’d like to live more by doing less and experience more gratitude and happiness, don’t miss this episode!

Yvonne Tally - How to Break Up With Busy

Can you imagine waking up every day feeling healthy, and physically, mentally and spiritually connected to the world and the people you love? Did you know that by balancing your chakras this is possible and so much more? Watch this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show as Michelle Fondin reveals how, by using chakra healing, she overcame cancer and how anyone can use it for a lifetime of peak wellness.

Michelle Fondin - How to Use Chakra Healing

Many of us turn to food to relieve stress or cope with emotions like sadness, loneliness, or boredom. And after eating, we feel even worse. Not only are we still stuck with the first emotion, but we also feel guilty for overeating. But no matter how powerless you feel over food cravings, there is an answer. Watch this interesting episode of The Inspiration Show to discover an effective way to gain control over food and your feelings.

Julie Simon -How to Overcome Emotional Eating

If growing up you were told: “Men know more about money than women.” Or “It's better to do good than be rich.

Meriflor Toneatto - How to Change Your Relationship With Money

Joseph Campbell said, “You have to let go of the life that is planned in order to live the life that is waiting for you.” That’s a beautiful quote, right? But the truth is, letting go and embracing change can be a lot harder than it sounds. If you’ve experienced loss, you may feel the same way. It’s normal to long for “how it used to be” and long for the days before your heartbreak. Discover how to move through the grieving process and create space for healing on this special episode of The Inspiration Show.

Kristine Carlson - How to Move Through Grief

It is said that positive people live longer. If this is true, is it possible to change your mental and physical health with the power your thoughts alone? During this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and author of the book, “The Genie in Your Genes:Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention”, Dawson Church, reveals the answers to questions like these, and explains why your thoughts play a bigger role than your genes at influencing your health every day.

Dawson Church - The Secret Behind Epigenetics

If you’re like most people, you probably had little to no training on how to best communicate in a way that fosters deep trust and intimacy. In this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show, bestselling author and couples’ therapist Jonathan Robinson will show you two words that can turn any argument into a healthy conversation, plus the #1 thing that can make even the most difficult person become receptive to listening in times of conflict.

Jonathan Robinson - How to Listen During Conflict

Are you an empath, intuitive, or soul seeker who wants to learn how to truly connect to the Universe? Or are you someone who would love to learn the language of the Universe to better your life? In this exciting episode of the Inspiration Show, award-winning author and visionary teacher, Sara Wiseman, deciphers the language of the Universe and it’s extremely eye-opening - to say the least!

Sara Wiseman - How to Connect to the Universe

How would you like to alleviate your anxiety, strengthen your resilience and enhance your creativity? Did you know that you can experience all of this just by coloring? 
Well, just like meditation, coloring also allows you to switch off your brain from thoughts and focus only on the present moment. On this brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and best-selling author Marilyn Suttle, reveals how her new coloring book “Color their world: The Art of Creating Strong Customer Loyalty”, is helping work feel like playtime.

Marilyn Suttle - How to Enhance Your Creativity

As divine beings, our birthright is to be free, expansive and joyful. Yet our experience on earth sometimes seems anything but that - and why is that? If you feel limited by lack of wealth, health, love, or creativity, then this mind-blowing episode of The Inspiration Show could be everything you need to free your mind to continuous, flowing, love-based abundance.

Brad and Kasey Wallis - How to Master Your Higher Consciousness

Can you think of the worst moment in your life that you’ve had to endure? How did you overcome it? How would it be different if you were trained to have the right mindset to create heroic outcomes? What if I told you it’s not too late? Watch this video to learn how.

JJ Virgin - How to Become a Warrior Mom

Many of us believe the universe conspires to help people find their other half, in order to maintain a cosmic balance. But how do we make sure we recognize our soulmate when they appear? And what happens if we ever lose them? Can we have more than one? These are just some of the fascinating topics we discuss on this thought-provoking episode of The Inspiration Show. Watch it now.

Herb Freed - How to Recognize Your Soulmate

Are you experiencing grief from childhood wounds? Are you burdened with the loss of a dream? Or perhaps you’re aching because an important relationship has ended? Regardless of any pain you might be going through right now, you can learn how to be more joyful, and live a more fulfilling life. This video will show you how.

Dawn Harris - How to Heal Your Emotional Wounds

Have you ever suffered from anxiety? If you have and you’d like to learn how to remove anxiety from your life by using resources already inside of you, then you'll love this empowering episode of the Inspiration Show. When you watch it, you'll also learn how to heal yourself and experience true love, peace and happiness.

Corrine Zupko - From Anxiety to Love

What is heaven to you? Is it experiencing the most nourishing, rewarding, and fulfilling life? Or is it something you are certain is waiting for you in the afterlife? Perhaps you don’t have words to describe what it means to you, yet deep in your soul you can feel it.
If you’d like to experience heaven on earth, then watch this powerful video and see your life change right before your eyes!

Martin Rutte - Heaven on Earth

Do you ever wonder if your pet can understand what you’re saying? Or what it would be like to have the power to communicate with animals? Watch this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show as my guest and animal channel communicator, Sandra Mendelson, opens up the door to the breathtaking world of animal consciousness and what animals understand about life – and us.

Sandra Mendelson - We Walk Beside You

Have you ever written a letter to yourself? What would it be about if you had to do it now? On today’s brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest and author of the book “A Year of Inspired Living”, Kelly McGrath Martinsen, shares how encouraging her readers to write letters to themselves has helped them develop greater awareness of their relationships and journeys. Don’t watch this episode unless you’re ready to go deep in self-reflection!

Kelly McGrath Martinsen - A Year of Inspired Living

Can you imagine having the power to heal yourself and others? Well, actually you do! You just need to learn how to harness it. On this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and author of “The Secret Nature of Matter,”  Richard Gordon, explores the powerful connection between our thoughts and reality. He explains how, by applying his breathing techniques to raise one’s energy levels, you can heal posture, reduce pain, balance emotional distress and even pets. If you or a loved one is suffering from any of these ailments and are open to a different modality of healing, then this episode was made for you.

Richard Gordon - The Secret Nature of Matter

Have you ever tried going one full day without complaining? Complaining is often a daily habit that from the moment we wake, we start doing without even noticing. But how would your life be different if you started your day by asking yourself what’s great instead of what’s challenging? On today’s special episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest and author of the book “This Messy Magnificent Life”, Geneen Roth, shares her fascinating transformation, going from self-hatred to over a year without complaining, and reveals the powerful process that made it happen.

Geneen Roth - This Messy Magnificent Life

Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer and videographer, plus a multi-award winning author, yet his most innovative work is his ability to photograph the essence of love. On this episode of The Inspiration Show, Carl shares his fascinating method for capturing the light that resides within each and every one of us, and explains how we can fully express our authentic gifts.

Carl Studna - The Evolution of Loving

Debbie Ford was a sought-after spiritual teacher, and NY Times bestselling author who passed away 5 years ago, yet that didn’t stop her from writing what could be her greatest book yet. On this otherworldly episode of The Inspiration Show, we’re joined by personal growth expert and speaker, Arielle Ford. Arielle shares the story of her sister Debbie, and how she was able to translate Debbie’s words into a book with the help of celebrity medium James Van Praagh. Little did she know what started as a psychic reading would turn into her sister’s latest legacy, “Your Holiness: Discover the Light Within”. If you’re struggling with any soft or hard addiction, self-doubt, or dealing with an issue you can’t find an answer to, then Debbie’s book was made for you.

Arielle Ford - Discovering the Light Within

Why do so many people - even those who work really hard - still struggle to attract enough abundance into their lives? According to my brilliant friend and acclaimed wealth expert Derek Rydall, it's because 99% of us have been blinded to the natural sources of abundance both inside us and around us. In today's new episode of The Inspiration Show, Derek reveals a remarkable paradigm shift that will totally change how you create and manifest abundance. As someone who's spent decades studying this topic, I can assure you this one's a game-changer. Watch now.

Derek Rydall - The Abundance Project

Discover the otherworldly healing secrets of a lost Navajo Tribe on today's extraordinary episode of The Inspiration Show. Joining us is Charles Langley, an English journalist who spent three years living with a tribe of Navajo medicine men in the American Southwest. What transpired is an eye-opening expose into Navajo witchcraft, divination, healing, peyote-induced visions, and the unseen forces that quietly shape our lives.

Charles Langley - Unforeseen Forces: Healing Secrets of a Lost Navajo Tribe

Do you ever feel too overwhelmed, scared or confused to take action on your goals? Or do your hopes and dreams sometimes seem so far away that you feel like giving up on them? If you’re in need of a serious dose of motivation to keep going, then this uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show could be the highlight of your week. My special guest Sidney Reeves, aka Mr. Fit, joins us to share the second part of his extraordinary story - and how visualization and gratitude played an essential part in his post-accident recovery.

Sidney Reeves - Surviving Against the Odds (Part Two)

Has a life-changing event left you feeling heartbroken or hopeless? If you’re dealing with grief or any form of emotional adversity, today’s episode of The Inspiration Show is a beautiful reminder to never give up - and that life does get better. Joining me today is Sidney Reeves, an extraordinary man who experienced extraordinary grief when an accident involving a drunk driver took both the life of his girlfriend, and his mobility. But what he did next triggered a series of events so extraordinary, even Oprah invited him on her show. This conversation left me in tears - and is a moving reminder of why life is always worth fighting for.

Sidney Reeves - Surviving Against the Odds (Part One)

No matter how prepared you think you are, the Universe sometimes throws you a curveball that knocks you helplessly off balance. Plans, dreams, relationships, trips - anything and everything can get scrambled in an instant! But rather than hoping the Universe goes easy on you - it’s far more empowering to simply learn how to rebalance your thoughts, your vibrations, and your spirit at a moment’s notice. Find out how on today’s new episode of The Inspiration Show - featuring authors Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl.

Troy Amdahl & Dave Braun - Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World

Does the pursuit of happiness sometimes leave you drained and overwhelmed? If you’re tired of “the chase” and are open to a more fulfilling and sustainable way of life, then today’s episode of The Inspiration Show was made for you. Join bestselling author Joe Nunziata as he reveals a remarkable way to break free from this cycle - and align yourself with true peace and joy.

Joe Nunziata - How to Stop Chasing and Start Living

Spring Washam is a well-known healer and meditation and dharma teacher, and today she’s joining us in The Inspiration Show to discuss how to move through grief without feeding it or repressing it. During the show, Spring also gives practical advice on how to overcome difficulties in life, and why she believes that meditation and self-compassion are 2 essential keys to happiness. Anyone who has suffered can benefit from watching this enlightened episode.

Spring Washam - How to Move Through Grief

Whether you’re recovering from illness, surgery, or you’re looking to give your immune system the biggest boost it’s ever experienced, the ancient healing elixir you’re about to discover during this Inspiration Show episode could be the solution you’re looking for. During the show, my guest Chef Lance Roll shares why bone broth is becoming one of the most popular health-boosting additions to the kitchen, and why celebrities like Kobe Bryant and the entire Lakers team, use it to refuel after playing.

Chef Lance Roll - Bone broth: Healing Magic Elixir

This is the final episode of The Inspiration Show for 2017! And as you’re about to see - this is an extra special one. So many amazing things have happened at Mind Movies this year, but what’s coming in 2018 is even more wonderful  :-). In today’s episode you’ll get a glance at what’s coming (and how you’re a part of it all). And because it’s the New Year, I’ll also show you 4 vital questions to ask yourself that will give you clarity on your goals. Plus, an incredible exceptional experimental technology we’re developing that will help you achieve those goals in record speed.

Natalie Ledwell - 2017 Special Christmas Edition

Imagine a seriously angry person in front of you right now. Their face is bright red. They're breathing heavily. Their fists are clenched. Now, imagine having the power to calm this person down in 90 seconds or less - all by saying just a few specific words. You'll learn those exact words on today's brand new episode of The Inspiration Show - and as you can surely imagine, it's a fantastic superpower to have! Joining us today is the brilliant Douglas Noll, a lawyer turned mediator and peacemaker who helps people from all walks of life - including violent criminals - live from a space of unshakable peace and calm.

Doug Noll - How to Turn Anger into Peace in 90 Seconds

Did you know almost 6 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? And despite billions of dollars of research, there are no significant cures for it. On today’s eye-opening episode of The Inspiration Show, Dr. Steven Masley - author of The Better Brain Solution - reveals what’s really causing our brains to deteriorate before their time. And the 5 steps you can take to not only protect your brain in the long run but to even look and feel 10 years younger - almost instantly!

The Better Brain Solution - Dr. Steven Masley

Are you courageous enough to do what you really love? Are you passionate enough to pursue your dreams? My guest on today’s episode of The Inspiration Show is a perfect example of what's possible when we choose to grow into our biggest expression. Her name is Nina Kaiser, and during the show, she reveals what it took to leave her lifelong career as a school teacher, and start her new business venture: MindGourmet. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why is everyone able to live their dreams except me?” - then this episode was made for you

Mind Gourmet is Food for Thought - Nina Kaiser

We’re going deep on today’s episode of The Inspiration Show! My dear friend, neuroscientist, chiropractor, lecturer and author, Dr. Joe Dispenza, joins us to share the simple steps anyone can follow to trigger a mystical, transcendental, life-changing state of higher consciousness in the mind. You’ll be blown away by what happens to your brain in this state, the seemingly superhuman abilities it awakens in you - and how surprisingly easy it is to experience it (once you know how).

Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Do you suspect there’s an energetic block sabotaging your personal growth or healing? Then hop on today’s fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show as we explore a 2,500-year-old practice that will set you free. Joining me is special guest and Qigong master Teresa Yeung as she reveals how Qigong has helped her heal not only herself, but thousands of others from ailments like high blood pressure, stress, allergies, and physical and emotional imbalances - all by performing a simple form of energy work that anyone can do. So if you’re in need of some energetic loving - join us right now and let’s get you back on track.

The Power of Qigong - Master Teresa Yeung

How does this affirmation make you feel? “I feel completely loved and have the strongest, sexiest and most satisfying relationship I could ever hope for.

Connecting With Your Sexual Soulmate - Susan Bratton

According to New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden, mankind's biggest crisis isn't global warming, or war, or disease -but rather a crisis of thinking. More specifically, it's about the stories we're telling ourselves daily and how these stories shape questions like: Why are we here? What will the future look like? How will our species survive? On today's episode of The Inspiration Show, Gregg and I explore some of the biggest questions humanity has ever asked itself. Join us.

What Is The Meaning Of Life? - Gregg Braden

Music - what a gift to mankind! You may already know how a series of consciously arranged sounds can soothe, re-center and emotionally support you - but do you know just how powerful music really is? On today’s episode, we join Mind Movies music producer Craig Young as he reveals how music can awaken higher states of consciousness, heal the body, reverse negative habits, and even connect us to the Universe itself.

The Power Of Music - Craig Young

If you haven’t learned to listen, trust and use your intuition, your life may be more challenging than it needs to be. Why? Because your intuition is there to help you make the best choices. And it guides you towards the best possible outcomes, while avoiding frustration and negativity. Watch today’s interesting episode of The Inspiration Show, as my guest Terrie Christine (Psychic Medium, Clairaudient, Clairvoyant and Clairsentient), shares her unique process to sharpen your intuition and use it to release fear, as well as access more love, peace and empowerment.

How To Trust Your Intuition - Terri Christine

When you make plans, you expect those plans to materialize - and when they do, your brain rewards you with a rush of pride and satisfaction. But what happens when plans fall apart, and expectations are unmet? According to master life coach and bestselling author Christine Hassler, you experience an 'Expectation Hangover'. In today's fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, you'll join Christine as she reveals how to 'rewire' your brain so you no longer need to wallow in regret, self-recrimination, or anger - and instead use your Expectation Hangovers as catalysts for profound transformation.

How To Live With No Regrets - Christine Hassler

Has the departure of a loved one or a profound life-changing event left you heartbroken? If you’re currently dealing with grief or looking for deeper meaning in your life, then today’s episode of The Inspiration Show will help you in your healing process. Robert Clancy, author and inspirational speaker, joins us to share how to shift from a space of crippling grief to one of hope, acceptance and healing.

How To Deal With Grief - Robert Clancy

You believe in the power of thoughts. But do you also believe it's possible to use the mind to heal yourself - and even others? If you're at all curious about this fascinating possibility, today's episode of The Inspiration Show may just shift your model of reality. Joining us is Lynne McTaggart, a best-selling author, award-winning journalist and lecturer, as she reveals how the mind can be turned into a tool for personal and mass healing.

The Power of Eight - Lynne McTaggart

On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, I speak with Gaia mystic, healer, and international speaker: Mare Cromwell. Mare joins me to share her astonishing communications with Mother Earth or Gaia. During the show, you'll discover the timely 'spiritual transmissions' Mare has received from Gaia, and she sheds some light on the important role you play in bringing wisdom, love, and compassion back to earth.

The Great Mother Bible - Mare Cromewell

You may not recognize my guest right away, but her story is so fascinating, that she’s been on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, featured on the Huffington Post and now The Inspiration Show. 
Her name is Amy Weiss, and she was diagnosed with cataracts at the age of 25 that could eventually leave her blind. On today’s brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, Amy opens up about the past-life regression that changed her present life, and could change yours too.

The Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy - Amy Weiss

Did you know the average person is exposed to over 5,000 advertisements in a day? Modern life bombards us with unending information. Yet how much of it is wisdom that truly fulfills and enlightens us? And why, despite the constant communication, do many of us feel more disconnected than ever from each other? According to my friend Dr. Anita Sanchez, the solution to our modern overwhelm and isolation is to simply reconnect with our true nature. Join us on today's episode as she reveals how 4 'Sacred Gifts', passed on to her from a group of indigenous leaders, can help you rediscover deeper meaning, wisdom and connection in your life.

The 4 Sacred Gifts - Anita Sanchez

Have you ever read a gripping, fascinating, mind-blowing book, and thought to yourself:

How To Land A Book Deal - Zhena Muzyka

Is weight gain, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes, or any other condition robbing you from longevity and a joyful life? On today’s eye-opening episode of The Inspiration Show, celebrity Dr. Partha Nandi uncovers his very exclusive 5-step plan that can help you lose weight, activate your body’s natural anti-aging mechanisms, and keep your mind stress-free. Don’t miss this eye-opening episode.

5 Steps To Becoming Your Own Health Hero - Dr. Nanda Parthi

Many of the difficult people you encounter in daily life can be avoided, but what if they’re family members? What if the difficult person is a parent, a sibling, one of your children, or your mate? On today’s special episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest, life coach and retired family therapist, Dr. Eric Maisel, shares valuable insights extracted from his latest book “Overcoming Your Difficult Family”. During the show, he offers useful strategies for dealing with the people you’re connected to for life, even when they are not cooperative. Discover Dr. Maisel’s 8 best strategies to maintain inner peace in the midst of family chaos and create a better life for yourself and your whole family.

Overcoming Your Difficult Family - Dr. Eric Maisel

Is it possible that love is the foundation and essence of life? During this unique episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest and author of the book “Love is The Power”, Robert O. Williams reveals the answers to questions like this, and explains a very powerful message of love that came to him after going through multiple near-death experiences and visits with other dimensions.

Love is The Power - Robert O. Williams

We often build our identities through our achievements and possessions. But when you’ve lost everything, how do you rebuild your identity and your life? If you're starting over, or if you just need a little nudge to overcome a challenging time, then today's uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show is perfect for you. I can't wait for you to meet my special guest, master coach and founder of The Good Radio Network: the unstoppable Frankie Picasso. Frankie is an advocate for a Socially Conscious Planet; she reinvented herself and turned her life around after overcoming a crippling accident that put her in bed for 6 months. She's helped countless people come back from zero, overcome the impossible, and achieve their dreams - and her unique perspective could be just what you need to rebuild and thrive too.

How To Be a Champion of Change - Frankie Picasso

What if the experiences, wisdom, emotions and destinies of everyone that has ever lived, and ever will live, are energetically stored in the fabric of the cosmos themselves? I know this sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, but this 'library' of infinite cosmic wisdom does indeed exist. It's called the Akashic Records, and knowing how to tap into it gives you instant clarity on how to live your purpose, heal your wounds, release your fears, and clear the karmic blocks stuck in your soul's blueprint. On today's episode of The Inspiration Show, we join my friend and bestselling author Lisa Barnett, as she shares a simple way to tap into the Akashic Records, and use its wisdom to dissolve any block in any area of your life.

Akashic Knowing - Lisa Barnett

Regardless of the type of diet you have: vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or paleo - you want to experience vibrant health. And in today’s insightful episode of The inspiration Show, my special guest and movie director, Tomas Reyes, and I explore health as a unique and empowering journey He is also a superstar in his latest film “Beyond Food”. Tomas and his team have traveled all over the US on a mission to interview a group of extraordinary people; pioneers who are challenging mainstream health advice. He knew the information he gathered from these mind-expanding interviews would improve his life and now he shares how it can improve yours too.

Beyond Food - Tomas Reyes

Patricia Gachagan. It was a name everyone knew in London and Barcelona’s glitziest social circles. Patricia spent much of her youth as a jet-setting party girl traveling across Europe. But, just hours after giving birth to her son Elliot, her reality was turned upside down by a life-changing diagnosis that would force Patricia to give up her old life - and push her resilience to breaking point. If you’re dealing with a challenging situation, an illness, or are on the verge of giving up hope, today’s uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show will give you a dose of some much-needed strength.

Patricia Gachagan - Born Together

When someone makes a mistake, do you respond with judgment, anger and blame? Or with a solution-focused mentality of compassion, respect and forgiveness? The best outcomes come from the latter, but how often are we able to forgive wholly and sincerely? Forgiveness is a gift and a skill - and I encourage you to master it by watching today's brand new episode of The Inspiration Show. We join scholar, executive producer and 6-time Emmy award winner Dr. Shawne Duperon, as she shares how Project Forgive, her Nobel Peace Prize-nominated movement, has helped millions of people release pain, grudges and regret - and how you can too.

Dr Shawne Duperon - Project Forgive

Did you know that it only takes 1 second to connect with your soul, experience complete bliss, or change your metabolism? In today’s enlightened episode of The Inspiration Show, my very special guest, and meditation teacher, Michel Pascal, shares life-changing nuggets of wisdom he learned from living in the largest monastery in the Himalayas for 15 years. If you’re a busy person going through a stressful time in your life, and you’d like to learn how to train your mind to remain calm regardless of chaos, then watch this brand new episode to learn Michel’s Buddhist Meditation For Daily Stress Technique.

Michel Pascal - Meditation For Daily Stress

Did you know that nearly 10% of all Americans practice yoga? It's by far one of the world's most popular wellness practices. And yet many people don't realize just how powerful it really is. Yoga, when used correctly, makes you more than just fit and flexible. Countless doctors and scientists are also stunned by its effectiveness against anxiety, chronic illness, and even emotional grief. And if you're curious about how to harness the full power of yoga - even if you've never done a sun salutation in your life - then you'll love today's episode of The Inspiration Show with yoga master Jennie Lee.

Jennie Lee - How To Use Yoga Therapy For Healing

Can you imagine having the ability to “see” an illness by simply focusing your thoughts on it? Every trauma (whether emotional, physical, mental or spiritual) carries a life experience. When you become aware of this trauma, you can then look inward for the answers that bring healing. On today’s fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, Master Healer and Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter reveals how to heal from a chronic illness, pain or disease, and even clear your Chakras by harnessing the phenomenon known as Medical Intuition. If you or a loved one is struggling with any form of illness, or if you've been told to

Wendie Colter - How to Use Medical Intuition For Healing

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who constantly live in fear and those who live in happiness regardless of external situations. If you’d like to find out how to illuminate the darkness and live in a state of unbreakable hope and positivity (no matter what's going on around you), then today's episode of The Inspiration Show is a must-watch. Joining us is Maria Felipe, bestselling author of Live Your Happy: Get Out of Your Own Way and Find the Love Within, for a deep dive into what it really takes to be unconditionally happy.

Live Your Happy - Maria Felipe

Did you know that when it comes to wealth, we all have a unique 'code' embedded deep in our DNA? It's known as your Sacred Wealth Code - and understanding yours is the key to overcoming your personal barriers and stepping up to a life of prosperity and purpose. On this week’s episode of The Inspiration Show, you’ll discover 3 vital truths about your personal wealth and why you may not be earning and receiving what you deserve (even if you're hustling and trying your best).

How to Discover Your Sacred Wealth Code - Prema Lee Gurreri

My very special guest, Morry Zelcovitch, creator of our “The Effortless Prosperity” program, co-creator of our Mind Movies Matrix program, and Brainwave Entrainment expert, joins me to discuss how you can overcome any challenge in your life by changing negative thoughts into positive ones. During our chat, Morry reveals the extremely effective holistic tool that can help you quickly and easily create the reality you’ve always dreamed of.

Morry Zelcovitch - What is Brainwave Entrainment?

When NFL Player Keith Mitchell suffered a career-ending spinal injury, he made the unorthodox choice to turn to mindfulness techniques and heal with his mind. Keith is now a celebrity yogi and holistic coach, and on today's episode of The Inspiration Snow, he shares how to overcome self-defeating thoughts, and use your mind to heal your body from virtually any injury or illness.

Keith Mitchell - Yoga and Mindfulness as Tools for Healing

Are most of our fears irrational? According to my friend and acclaimed mind researcher, Cedric Bertelli, they are. The problem lies in the way we assign specific reasons to our behaviors, like:
“I am getting mad in traffic because people are driving like idiots!” 
“I am lacking self-confidence because when I was a kid my parents didn’t give me enough recognition.” 
“I cannot have a normal relationship because my ex broke my heart two years ago.” While many of these reasons are inaccurate, they do prolong our suffering and stop us from healing. So how do we free ourselves from irrational fear? Watch today’s episode of The Inspiration Show to find out.

Cedric Bertelli - TIPI: The French Antidote To Fear

Have you been worrying lately? Unchecked worries can send us spiraling into a loop of repetitive thoughts that make life seem like a horror movie. In today’s fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, we join my special guests and bestselling authors, Carol Kershaw and Bill Wade, as they share 3 incredibly effective techniques to turn your worry and anxiety into a limitless stream of creativity, opportunities, and solutions.

The Worry Free Mind - Carol Kershaw, EdD & Bill Wade, PhD

In today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Mike Marschhausen, a combat veteran turned mind-body-spirit coach and healer, shares how he evolved spiritually while enhancing his masculine power. Mike explains that regardless of the expectations men have been taught to live up to, anyone can find peace and experience true inner fulfillment.

Spirituality For Men - Mike Marschhausen

On this heartfelt episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest, and trauma survivor, Digene Farrar, shares her personal journey of trauma, recovery, and survival. During the show, she digs deep into her experience as a 9/11 survivor, and how this event brought to surface another event from her past; her sexual abuse as a child. This episode is dedicated to anyone who’s looking to turn their pain into strength.

Digene Farrar - Healing From Trauma and Abuse

We often hear that we get in life what we have the courage to ask for. As a child, if you had learned the art of asking, how different would your life be? On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, we join my special guest, Maria Flores Letelier, author of

Maria Flores Letelier - How To Ask For What You Want

We build technology, we race for cures, and we aim for the stars. But what if the answer to unbreakable health was already discovered 5,000 years ago? Millions of people now turn to the ancient science of Ayurveda to heal, energize, and turn back their body clocks - and mainstream doctors, scientists and healthcare professionals are finally starting to take notice. So there couldn't be a better time for this episode of The Inspiration Show, as Ayurveda expert Acharya Shunya takes you on a deep dive into what many people call

Acharya Shunya - How To Heal and Lose Weight With Ayurveda

Like most people, you probably believe in a greater force as a gateway to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Neuroscience calls it Ipseity. Quantum physics calls it the Zero Point Field. Psychology calls it the True Self. Religion calls it God. Spirituality calls it Source, or Spirit. On this thought-provoking episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest, Dr. Jayne Gardner, will introduce you to the most fascinating version of this “greater force” you’ve heard yet. After you watch this video, you’ll gain greater power to overcome any external situation, and create a new reality for yourself.

Jayne Gardner - What is Divine Intelligence?

Have you ever been in an intimate relationship that left you feeling inexplicably alone and disconnected? On today's episode of The Inspiration show, join my special guest and relationship expert, Dr. Holly Parker, as she explains why relationships can lead to feelings of isolation, and how to replace these feelings with unshakeable happiness, trust and connection.

Holly Parker - If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?

Are you ready for a mystical journey into the beauty and awe of life? On this whimsical episode of The Inspiration Show, spiritual guide, Deirdre Hade, and creator of “What The Bleep Do We Know!?”, William Arntz, reveal why even though science and spirituality are often seen as conflicting practices, they co-exist and are both equally necessary in order to harness our full creation powers.

Deirdre Hade & William Arntz - Can Science and Spirituality Co-exist?

What would your life look like if your cravings didn’t control you? If you've ever given in to the seductions of junk food like ice cream and potato chips, this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show is for you. Join my special guest, author, and certified health and nutrition coach, Natalia Levey, as she busts one common myth about food: That all cravings sabotage your health. You'll be blown away when Natalia proves that cravings aren’t the enemy, the real reason your brain creates cravings, and how to make them work for you so you can finally improve your weight and health.

Natalia Levey - How To Master Your Food Cravings

What is the single easiest, simplest, and fastest way to experience a consciousness awakening in your life? Answer: By simply making kindness your primary purpose. Kindness changes the way you look at life, the gifts you get from it, and how others connect with you. On today's uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show, international speaker and bestselling author Jill Lublin reminds us how a basic adjustment in attitude and approach can substantially improve every area of your life.

Jill Lublin - The Gift of Kindness

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S.? Over 40 million people are affected, including children whose school performance and self-esteem are under constant attack. On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, we join two special guests - Dr. Peta Stapleton and Kate Helder - as they shine light on what could be the simplest, most effective, and almost strangest tool for vaporizing not only anxiety, but also chronic pain, phobias and addictions.

Dr. Peta Stapleton & Kate Helder- How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Using EFT

Does your mind control you? Or do you control your mind? On this exciting episode of The Inspiration Show, Dawa Tarchin Phillips, a Mindful Leadership expert, author and senior meditation teacher, explores this topic and shares groundbreaking insights on how to curb self-defeating habits. During the show, you’ll discover why the term “Mindfulness” has become so popular recently, Dawa’s interesting definition of mindfulness, and how to use mindfulness to erase negative habits and gain deep control over your mind.

Dawa Tarchin Phillips - How To Use Mindfulness To Erase Negative Habits

Leadership is one of the most powerful qualities a person can have - and you don't need to be a politician or CEO to reap its rewards. Effective leaders have the ability to empower, inspire and mobilize people around them… which is a terrific superpower to have no matter what you do in life! But are truly great leaders born? Or are they nurtured? And more importantly - how can you awaken the leader in you? On this brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, business trainer, coach and #1 best selling author, Neel Raman, reveals the surprising answer to these questions and unveils the 5 crucial questions that allow the natural leader in you to flourish.

Neel Raman - How to Awaken the Leader in You

Eva and Olga Karpman

Have you ever wondered why a friend can have such a deep spiritual experience while meditating but when you listen to the same meditation audio, you feel nothing? Or why it is that two people with the same disease have radically different responses to the same course of treatment? Or why so many people feel disconnected from themselves and their goals, for most of their lives? These are questions that my friend and spiritual teacher and healer, Ken Stone, uncovers in this brand new episode of The Inspiration Show. During the show, you’ll better understand how to break the barriers that are holding you back from experiencing your divine nature and you’ll discover an easy breathing technique that lets you connect with your higher self.

Ken Stone - How to Experience Your Divine Within

Do you live an active lifestyle? What motivates you to get off the couch? Would $50,000 get you out the door? If you’re nodding, then this fun and unique episode of The Inspiration Show was made for you. My special guest and author of “Breakfast Tea & Bourbon and The Hunt for $50,000”, just released an intriguing puzzle and real-life treasure hunt to inspire people to live a more playful, joyous and healthy lifestyle. During the show, Pete reveals the specific details of how each real-life clue can lead you to an actual treasure worth $50,000. A physical treasure is hidden somewhere in the United States, and the adventure is about to begin, but you’ll have to watch the full episode to discover when. Good luck!

Pete Bissonette - Breakfast Tea & Bourbon

Do you feel unfulfilled? Do you wake up wondering “Why am I here?” Do you ever feel anxious, depressed, unsettled or confused and you just can’t figure out why? Did you know that by Upgrading Your Frequency, you can change the way you show up in the world AND achieve the level of success you desire? During this fascinating episode of The Inspiration Show, Sandra Biskind (known for her powerful transformational techniques of freeing people from their limiting beliefs), reveals the 4 most crucial questions you need to ask yourself so you can upgrade your frequency right now. She also uncovers the secret code of Universe that leads to everlasting success and happiness.

Sandra Biskind - How to Upgrade Your Frequency

What's your favorite film of all time? Whatever your answer is, there's a fair chance my friend Lisa Dalton has been in it - except you'd never see her face. Lisa spent years as a stuntwoman to some of Hollywood's biggest stars, and in today's extraordinary episode of The Inspiration Show, she reveals what it's like to work with people like Meryl Streep and Robin Williams, what most people don't know about showbiz, and how she was able to heal from a career-ending spinal injury while transitioning from showbiz into her life's true passion. Going through your own period of transition? Or curious about the untold inner workings of Hollywood? Then this one's a must-see!

Lisa Loving Dalton - Falling For The Stars

Modern life is a double-edged sword. On one hand, we have running water. Electricity. The internet. And countless opportunities for growth, connection, and travel like never before. But with many of these conveniences also comes crippling stress, obesity, depression, addictions, and a disconnection from the spiritual side of life. Is there a way to expand the good while rejecting the bad? On today's brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, we join spiritual teacher and clinical hypnotherapist Dr. John McGrail on an exploration of this topic, along with a fascinating question: Could the answer to our modern salvation lie both in modern science and our ancient past?

Dr. John McGrail - What is Synthesis Effect?

You know how people like David Blaine and David Copperfield make jaw-dropping magic look easy? Well that's exactly how you'll feel when you watch Bob Doyle explain how to harness the Law of Attraction. Bob is a featured expert teacher on the movie “The Secret” and during this episode of The Inspiration Show, he reveals why most people think the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, and uncovers how to live a passionate life that you love living every second of the day.

Bob Doyle - Does the LOA Really Work?

Whether or not you believe in the gift of mediumship, this episode of The Inspiration Show will have a great impact on you. Teresa St. Frances joins me to discuss her latest book “What Happens The Day After?: Messages From Adolescent Suicides”, which details encounters and conversations with the spirits of adolescents who committed suicide. If you’re a parent, a teacher, or if you have kids at home, then this episode will teach you how to address challenging topics with them. Plus, learn the most important coping skills that kids and teenagers need in order to overcome any challenges in life, as well as the signs to look out for when your kid needs help.

Teresa St. Frances - How to Communicate With Your Teenager

Do all mystical and spiritual things fascinate you? Are you longing to step out onto your highest spiritual path, perhaps as a healer or a conscious creator? Or do you simply feel the need for Higher guidance and connection? For over 3 decades, James Van Praagh (a.k.a. “The Original Ghost Whisperer”), has served as the voice of the Spirit world- with books and talks that have helped millions receive insights from the other side. During this otherworldly episode of The Inspiration Show, James shows you how to pierce the veil of this other side, and connect with both unconditional love and your soul's true purpose.

James Van Praagh - The Power Of Love

On this uplifting episode of The Inspiration Show, Emma Mildon “Spiritual Personal Assistant”, and regular contributor to mindbodygreen, shares how she became a sought after spiritual guide to her generation. If you’re looking to find your gift, talent, mission in life, or to simply gain a deeper connection with yourself and everything around you, Emma’s story will give you the motivation to never give up on yourself or your dreams.

Emma Mildon - The Search Of Your Soul

Did you know it’s very possible to train your brain to manifest your life’s goals and dreams? As incredible as this sounds, with the help of mantras, you can. In this very special episode of The Inspiration Show, my guest Sherianna Boyle, shows us how to use the power of mantras effectively and how repeating these words can positively influence your thinking as well as those around you.

Sherianna Boyle - Mantras Made Easy

Every moment of every day, you have two choices: 1. Be extraordinary. 2. Settle for less. What will you choose? Rico Racosky, author of “Just 2 Choices”, reveals what's really holding you back, and how to consistently make the choices that lead you to your greatest life and your highest potential.

Rico Racosky - Just 2 Choices

During this rare and insightful episode of The Inspiration Show, licensed therapist Ann C. Barham gives you a glimpse of the enormous power of past life regression therapy and demystifies this intriguing phenomenon, while sharing astounding stories. During the interview, Ann reveals how this therapy can help you resolve enduring personal issues, enrich your life, and answer burning spiritual questions about your purpose on this earth.

Ann Barham - Past Life Regression: The Truth Demystified

Middle age can be a uniquely challenging time for a woman looking to live life to the fullest. If you can relate or if there’s a woman in your life in search of deeper fulfillment, happiness and wellbeing, then this week's episode of The Inspiration Show is essential. You'll join Pat Duckworth, cognitive hypnotherapist and author of “Hot Women, Cool Solutions”, as she reveals 3 simple keys any woman can use to discover her greatest purpose, at any stage of life. Other highlights include how women experiencing menopause symptoms can transition through this period of change with boundless grace, love and self-empowerment.

Pat Duckworth - Discover Your Greatest Purpose At Any Stage Of Your Life

If you'd like to live a more meaningful life that brings you contentment, joy and fulfillment every day, then you are going to love this episode of The Inspiration Show. During the interview, award-winning author and sought after international speaker, Cynthia James, reveals exactly how to achieve a perfectly balanced life. She also shares important spiritual daily practices that everyone should incorporate into their lives to create healthy relationships and a supportive environment. She explains that once you know how to really nurture yourself, you can share this divine power with your community, your career, and the world!

Cynthia James - How To Make Time For Yourself Without Being Selfish

Did you know that more than 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size? And 42% are actually aware of it. Most women would agree that what you wear underneath your clothes is as important as the clothes themselves… yet they're still wearing uncomfortable and sometimes unhealthy underwear. In this truly unique and eye-opening episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell and breast expert and author, Elisabeth Dale, reveal the importance of buying a bra that fits and how to successfully do it. During the show, Elisabeth shares the biggest misconceptions when it comes to choosing a bra, the rules to consider when buying one, and how to find out if you're wearing the wrong size. Plus, she unveils the reason why every woman should read her new book “The Bra Zone.”
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Elisabeth Dale - How To Buy A Bra That Fits

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with founder of The Collaborative Community Movement, and graduate of Natalie Ledwell’s Ultimate Success Masterclass, Craig Babic. Join Craig as he shares how a personal desire to release his daughter from student debt led to a national movement to help all students settle their debt before graduation, and help small businesses overcome the same stress, isolation and fear faced by students. Whether you're a parent, student or entrepreneur, today's episode will give you a new perspective on managing what you care about most.

Craig Babic - How To Pay Off Student Debt In A Holistic Way

What happens when you bring together the greatest minds in Personal Development for a 2-day event in one of the most historic venues in New York City?
On this 15-minute episode of The Inspiration Show, my very special guest Koby Ben, shares how an insecure and fearful person manages to overcome the biggest challenge of his life and find the courage to fulfill his dream - to organize an event that brings Bob Proctor to speak in his hometown. Discover what it really takes to create one of the most unprecedented mastermind events in the personal development field, and find out how to attend this historic gathering called “Modern Day Millionaire.”

Koby Ben - Modern Day Millionaire

What if you were to live each day to the fullest and feel truly grateful, despite any adversity you may be facing? On this insightful episode of The Inspiration Show, you will learn 5 simple strategies to do just that. Dr. Marilyn Joyce, an international keynote speaker, bestselling author and cancer survivor, joins Natalie Ledwell to share her story of how she survived TWO types of cancers - not just with healthy nutrition - but with a shift in her mindset. This episode is committed to helping you optimize your daily joy, productivity, and wellbeing - no matter what is going on in your life.

Dr. Marilyn Joyce - How To Live Your Life To The Fullest

Why is life so overwhelming? Is there no escaping the avalanche of tasks, commitments, clutter, unfinished projects and family drama constantly barrelling towards you? Today's episode of The Inspiration Show gives you an easy way to add blissful simplicity, joy and stillness to your life. Connect with award-winning Organization Coach and passionate Simplicity Expert, Mridu Parikh, on an eye-opening 15-minute session that will finally uncomplicate your life.

Mridu Parikh - How To Organize Your Life

On this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, Robert Clancy. As early as at the age of 6, Robert committed his life to assisting others, and learned how to receive the greatest gifts in life: kindness and compassion. During the show, he shares the extraordinary chain of events that inspired him to devote his life to volunteerism and how this too can bring deeper meaning to your life and enlighten your soul.

Robert Clancy - How To Live And Lead With Kindness

If there was one thing you could do to make yourself physically stronger and healthier, live longer, earn more money, be more attractive, invite good luck and opportunity, and quicken the pace and ease at which you achieve things from your dream list, would you do it? Well, the answer is very simple and on this brand new episode of The Inspiration Show, you’ll discover it. Natalie Ledwell speaks with happiness expert, entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, Keryl Pesce. Keryl joins Natalie to discuss how to be happy and cultivate this feeling every day, regardless of how many obstacles you believe are currently standing in your way.

Keryl Pesce - The Secret To Happiness

On this heartfelt episode of The Inspiration Show, the courageous Laura Lane joins Natalie Ledwell to discuss her inspiring journey, which started when her daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Little did she know that 500 miles away, another family was going through a very similar experience… and this family would become the most precious support in their life as they were going through this difficult time. During the show, you’ll be reminded of how fragile life is, but most importantly, when and how to surrender to both life and death. It is a source of insight and a great lesson on how to hold on to hope and faith. Plus, discover the important details of Laura’s upcoming virtual summit called “Hope & Happiness For Cancer Kids”, which helps support parents of children diagnosed with a life threatening disease.

Laura Lane - Hope And Happiness For Cancer Kids

For many people, the catalyst of their own spiritual transformation is a powerful event. For others, it is simply meeting a person or reading a random article online that could spark a change in their lives. On this week’s episode of The Inspiration Show, you'll hear how Kevin Hancock went from a stressed lumber executive that had lost his voice, to a spiritually-fulfilled leader, and the unique and inspiring force that led him to his transformation. You’ll discover amazing indigenous wisdom that he learned from living on an Indian reservation and the #1 piece of advice that made the biggest difference in his life... and that could change yours too.

Kevin Hancock - How To Find Spiritual Fulfillment

Many of us have heard that gluten is harmful to our health... but do we really know why? On this week’s eye-opening episode of The Inspiration Show, my special guest is an internationally recognized speaker, healer and researcher specializing in Celiac disease & gluten intolerance, Dr. Tom O’Bryan. He joins me to discuss why gluten is detrimental to your health and how you can dramatically increase the quality of your life by removing this from your diet. During the show, Dr. Tom explains the importance of learning about food sensitivity and reveals that this is one of the major causes of infertility. If you want to discover the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against illnesses like Alzheimer's and diabetes, then don’t miss this episode!

Tom O'Bryan - Is Gluten Bad For You?

On this week’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Gaia mystic, healer, and international speaker, Mare Cromwell. Mare joins Natalie to share her astonishing communications with Mother Earth or Gaia. You'll discover the timely 'spiritual transmissions' Mare has received from Gaia, including an important event that will take place before the elections, and the role YOU can play to bring wisdom and compassion back to earth.

Mare Cromwell - 1000 Goddesses Gathering

On this moving episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ultimate Success Masterclass graduate and founder of “Planet Peace Gatherings”, Melita Ray. If you're excited by the idea of sparking real positive change in your community, Melita's game plan could be the rocket fuel you need to make a difference. Discover how you can be a part of Melita's ingenious mission to spread positivity, hope and awareness across the planet by flooding the media with loving and compassionate messages.

Melita Ray - How To Remain Positive During Chaos

On this exceptional episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with self-discovery enthusiast, freedom-strategist and life coach, Vasavi Kumar. Vasavi joins Natalie to discuss how a big (and sometimes painful) change in your life can lead to your biggest transformation. Watch as Vasavi takes a fascinating deep dive into the personal and professional roles we adopt in our lives, and how those roles influence our sense of worth and value. If you're feeling lost, trapped or struggling to find your Highest Identity, Vasavi's insights could be the catalyst for your breakthrough.

Vasavi Kumar - How To Transition Through Big Life Changes

On this very special episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with psychologist and hypnotherapist, Dr. Sharon Livingston, to discuss what to do when your best friend cuts you off forever. During the show, Dr. Sharon explains the importance of having close friends that understand you on a deeper level, as well as knowing when and how to let go of toxic friendships. Dr. Sharon opens up about losing her best friend and the powerful strategies she applied into her life to pull herself out of grief. She also reveals that losing a friend is as painful (if not more) than losing a partner. And through her book “Get Lost Girlfriend”, she wishes to help people let go of suffering, find themselves, and live in peace.

Dr. Sharon Livingston - How To Survive A Friendship Breakup

If you have a teenager at home, or if you know one, then you must watch today’s episode of The Inspiration Show. Today, Natalie Ledwell and writer and teacher, Naomi Katz, discuss the “Beautiful Project”, which is a movement created to empower young women to love themselves and speak their truth. During the show, Naomi shares that after working so closely with teenagers, and learning that suicide was the #3 leading cause of death amongst teenagers - she felt compelled to help prevent teen suicide. She created a platform where young women could share their struggles and their voices would be heard. She also explains that nowadays, teenagers suffer more from anxiety and depression than other generations. And she addresses how sexualized images affects girls’ self-esteem. Plus, she reveals important and practical strategies to respond in a healthy way to the social media influences.

Naomi Katz - How To Prevent Teenage Depression

On this special episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with intuitive healer and author of

Courtney Amundson - Does Pain Serve A Purpose?

Are you, or do you know someone who, has a unique gift to sense the unseen? On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with intuitive spiritual mentor and business coach, Yol Swan, on the fascinating phenomenon of Indigo people. Indigos are gifted people with remarkable intelligence and spiritual depth - and on this session you'll discover how to recognize an Indigo, whether you're an Indigo, and how to tap into the cosmic ocean that Indigos draw their strength from. As an Indigo adult herself, Yol will summon her 30 years of cosmic and self-exploration to take you on a spirit-expanding journey through the iris of true human potential.

Yol Swan - Are You An Indigo?

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Alicia Lynn Diaz, founder of the

Alicia Diaz - How To Dissolve Emotional Blocks

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with intuitive healer and author of “Living Hope-Steps To Leaving Suffering Behind,” Lynne Cockrum-Murphy. Lynne joins Natalie to discuss her inspiring survival story, which started when her father saved her from a house fire when she was just a baby. Lynn shares that the only reason why she had survived was because she was carried out first before her sisters who had, unfortunately, died in the fire. During the show, she shares her struggles growing up with her mother whose life was shattered by the tragedy and her childhood jolted again by her step-father’s death in a car accident. Sadly, Lynne’s resilience was tested again with her mom’s murder years later. For most people these tragic events could have been the end of any hope for happiness, but this wasn't Lynne's case. Lynne decided to embrace her struggles, release her limiting beliefs and move from a life of victimization into one of possibilities.

Lynne Cockrum-Murphy - How To Leave Suffering Behind

On this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with chiropractic doctor and author of the book “The Propelled Heart”, Dr. Toni Rivera. Dr. Toni joins Natalie to discuss the importance of listening to your body’s wisdom, as many traumatic experiences from your childhood often develop as illnesses in our bodies. During the show, Dr. Toni opens up about the unusual way she discovered she was a victim of sexual abuse, and how she turned the wounds of this traumatic event into the gifts that she now shares with the world. Dr. Toni reveals that when we focus on external situations, we can’t listen to our body’s wisdom, intuition or spirit. However learning to understand the language of our body is extremely important as it helps us to heal from injury and pain so much faster.

Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera - How To Listen To Your Body's Wisdom

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and life coach, Valerie Sheppard. Valerie joins Natalie for the second time, but this time to discuss the key fundamental principles of her signature '4-Step Happy To Be Me' process. During the show, Valerie explains what these steps are and how she applied them into her own life to overcome a massive stroke and recover mentally and physically. She also shares that unfortunately, most people today feel unhappy because they’re stuck in an old and false paradigm of happiness. She explained that rather than chasing for happiness externally, we should align ourselves with our true spiritual and divine nature. In fact, the longer we look for it outside of ourselves, the longer we will feel unfulfilled and unhappy. Plus, she reveals why her latest book is the perfect tool for profound personal transformation.

Valerie Sheppard - 4 Steps To Finding Happiness

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with mentor, entrepreneur and coach Bruce Cryer, AKA renaissance man. Bruce joins Natalie to discuss his diverse and fascinating background that, for many years, was spent leading many successful companies, until a life threatening disease ignited his desire to express his creative side. During the show, Bruce opens up about having to endure many physical and mental challenges, like the passing of his mother. He shares that many people have a tendency to keep pushing and keep working harder in life, yet there is actually a secret sauce to creating more flow in your life. Bruce reveals what his secret sauce is to finding the motivation and inspiration to start a business, create fulfilling relationships or become who you’re destined to be.

Bruce Cryer - How To Keep Your Inspiration Alive

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and founder of Awakening Coaching, Arjuna Ardagh. Arjuna, joins Natalie to discuss his latest project called ‘Conscious Men’, which is a 5 day mini course about men, but not just for men. It also helps women to learn how to recognize a Conscious Man, and how to support a man to bring out his greatest gifts. During the show, Arjuna explains that a conscious man is the one who’s operating from the masculine but is in touch with his emotions and making more conscious choices for him and his partner. He also shares that through his program and in collaboration with John Gray, (the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), together they wish to help men find spiritual fulfillment while enhancing their masculinity so they can have better relationships, health and success in life.

Arjuna Ardagh - Can Men Be Spiritual And Masculine?

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international speaker, CEO of Suttle Enterprises and author of

Marilyn Suttle - How To Turn A Difficult Customer Into A Raving Fan

On this special episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author of “Being There Awakenings”, the amazing R.C. Henningsen. R.C. joins Natalie to discuss the very inspiring and magical journey that he’s been for the past several years. During the show, he shares how amazing it is to see what we can accomplish when we set out with an intention, even if we have no idea how to do it in the beginning. R.C. opens up about hitting rock bottom after an accident, and losing the ability to do all the things he enjoyed the most, even practicing his profession and helping people. He also shares the details of the moment in his life when he opened an email from Natalie Ledwell and explains how his life was completely transformed for the better. Plus, he reveals his secret to tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction and how he used it to manifest the life he always dreamed of.

RC Henningsen - The REAL Secret To Manifesting Dreams

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Master Intuitive coach, stress expert and creator of the Internal Guidance System (IGS), Zen DeBrucke. 

Zen joins Natalie to discuss her revolutionary method that teaches individuals how to tap into and follow their inner guidance. During the show she explains that our bodies respond to what we’re thinking and it has incredible wisdom. She also reveals that there are 3 areas that make up our Internal Guidance System: the throat area, the chest area and our rib cage. Every time our IGS shows up in any of these areas, for example, when we feel a lump in the throat area or when we feel pressure or tightening in the chest, it’s to indicate that we need to replace our thoughts, and it helps us by guiding us towards the truth and the best choices in life. Plus, Zen also shares an incredibly powerful exercise to tap into your IGS anytime, anywhere.

Zen DeBrucke - How To Tap Into Your Inner Guidance System

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of ’Succulent Wild Love’, international expert in personal well-being and transformation, Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK). SARK has made a career out of sharing her personal journal-like writings and inspiring others through her messages of joy, creativity and self-love. During the show, she opens up about her personal journey of transformation and how she had discovered her true passion to become a writer at age 10. SARK also reveals that one of the most wonderful emotional states that humans can experience is love, but sometimes searching for love becomes exhausting and even shameful. Through her book she wishes to show people that having a loving and healthy relationship is not only possible but also incredibly easy once you understand how it works. SARK believes that a great relationship is always waiting for us whenever we are ready. She also reveals the 6 powerful habits that show how to solve any relationship issue in a healthy and mature way, and create a life of love beyond compromise.

SARK - 6 Powerful Habits To Experience More Love

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with a metaphysical practitioner, mentor and author of the ‘You’re Not Crazy You’re Just Awakening’ book, Dr. Edwige. This incredible woman joins Natalie to discuss her very own inspiring spiritual journey that began at the early age of 12. She shares the story of when she was visited by a being of light that showed her how to move through time and space. Then a few years later, after a near death experience, she reconnected with the source and that is how her spiritual awakening process began. During the show, she explains that as children, most of us are aware that we are divine beings, but unfortunately, as we grow older, we start forgetting who we really are and we lose touch with our own potential. The process of “remembering” that our desired reality already exists right in front of us and is already there waiting, is called Awakening. Dr. Edwige also shares her practice of assisting her clients by guiding them through this process, bringing their light to life and expressing their divine nature.

Dr. Edwige Bingue - Guide To Spiritual Awakening

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with music producer and sought-after speaker for medical and motivational conferences, Barry Goldstein. Barry joins Natalie to discuss the motivation behind his latest book “The Secret Language of The Heart”, which shows people how to utilize music to improve your life. During the show, Barry explains that every one of us can equally harness the power of music to alleviate specific illnesses, reverse negative mindsets and attitudes, dissolve creative blocks and improve overall health. He also shares the importance of choosing the right music on the Mind Movies software and why this is the secret sauce for successful manifestation. Plus, he also reveals the 3 most important questions you need to ask yourself to choose the piece of music that’s going to expand your consciousness or take you to your “happy place” faster.

Barry Goldstein - Can Music Heal?

On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker, life coach and author of ’The Expectation Hangover’, Christine Hassler. Christine joins Natalie for the second time to discuss the inspiration behind her latest book and how it can help people overcome unexpected challenges in life. During the show, Christine opens up about her own problems, disappointments and the addictions that empowered her to seek a new and more fulfilling way of life. She explains that when people’s expectations are met and things go according to plan, they feel accomplished, in control, and on track. But when life does not live up to their expectations, they end up with an Expectation Hangover. Here, Christine reveals her 5-step process to recover from expectation hangover and how to use disappointment as a catalyst for profound transformation and doorway to endless opportunities.

Christine Hassler - How To Overcome Dissapointment In Life

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Tony Wilson, a transformation specialist, Ultimate Success Masterclass graduate and author of “You Are Enough”. Tony joins Natalie to discuss his new book and the important reasons why everyone should read it. During the show, Tony opens up about once struggling at seeing life through a positive sense and living in flow, but after finishing his USM Certification Course he was able to change his life and the lives of others. He realized that most people are looking for hope, so he built a 3-step program where he helps individuals, unemployed, homeless and prisoners, regain hope and change their mindset. Through practical exercises and motivational speeches, he teaches them to understand themselves, gain clarity, and how to live in a state of abundance, which is one of the messages he wishes to share with the world in his latest book.

Tony Wilson - How To Not Lose Your Hope

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with a best-selling author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, Jonathan Robinson. Jonathan joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind his latest book called “The Technology of Joy” that helps people discover the best apps, gadgets, tools and supplements for feeling more joy and happiness in life. During the show, Jonathan shares how people nowadays are still trying to find happiness the old way by trying to control everything and everyone around them. Unfortunately, this is the reason people never get to experience complete happiness. Jonathan strongly believes that technology can turn this around, as some apps have been scientifically proven to make people happier by raising their joy and energy levels and creating more loving relationships. Plus, he reveals the 5 components that studies have proven to make up a happy life.

Jonathan Robinson - 5 Components Of True Happiness

Today on a special episode of The Inspiration Show, Mind Movies co-creator and Law of Attraction expert, Natalie Ledwell discusses how childhood subconscious imprints or limiting beliefs affect people from a very young age blocking their success. During the show, she explains that many people seem to be doing everything right to manifest their desires, yet they’re unable to see any positive results. She shares that the reason this happens is usually because their childhood subconscious imprints are not aligned with the reality they want to create. Natalie reveals that from age 2 to 6, we’re already programmed to think, feel and act in a certain way...If these imprints come from negativity or lack, most likely, they will sabotage our success and prosperity in our adulthood. Plus, she unveils the details of her upcoming Masterclass specifically designed for people who want to identify and get rid of these subconscious childhood imprints.

Natalie Ledwell - The Reason Why You Can't Manifest Successfully

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with personal development expert, energy healer and creator of ‘Dressing Your Truth’, Carol Tuttle. Carol joins Natalie on a special edition of the show to discuss the importance of dressing for your energy type. She explains that she observed that different people express different energies and movements, and with help of her ‘Energy Profiling’ program, people can identify and honor their true strengths and gifts. Carol believes that all women are beautiful and should honor themselves with how they dress. She also reveals the 4 elements that create each unique type of beauty and gives Natalie a makeover that transforms her from the inside out!

Carol Tuttle - 4 Types Of Energy Profiling You Need To Know

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with bestselling author and professional writing instructor, Tom Bird. Tom joins Natalie to discuss his amazing ability to help people overcome writer's block and write a book in only 5 days or less during his transformational retreats. During the show, he explains how he guides people to surrender to spirit, God or the Universe and form a spiritual connection, that later serves as their main source of inspiration for their book. He shares that people come to his retreats somewhat skeptical about writing a book in such short period of time, however after they overcome their critical mind through deep relaxation and exercises, 95% of his students accomplish it. Plus, he reveals that it's only when we put the left side of our brains to sleep that we uncover our true self.

Tom Bird - Write/Right From God

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with fellow Australian farmer, Warren Davis. Warren joins Natalie to discuss the harsh reality that farmers in his country have to endure and how it that impacts their lives through high interest rates, low commodity prices, flood and drought. During the show, Warren shares how much these events had a massive impact on his family, relationships and finances and, therefore, he had to walk off his farm. He opens up about feeling guilt, remorse and losing his identity in the process, however through resilience, persistence and determination, he was able to build his life back again. Today Warren helps other farmers to overcome the same hardships he once had and now through coaching, speaking at seminars and leading by example in running his successful company.

Warren Davies - The Unbreakable Farmer

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with sound healer, energy practitioner and spiritual guide, Aleya Dao. Aleya joins Natalie to discuss her spiritual awakening and how she uses her experience and abilities to facilitate people's awakening process. During the show, Aleya shares that we live in a multidimensional world, the physical and the non-physical; and when we tap into the non-physical realm, we achieve peace, calm and fulfillment from the inside-out. Plus she reveals the 7 Cups Of Consciousness that help people connect with their guides (our intuition or essence), and how to use this information to overcome challenges in the outer world.

Aleya Dao - 7 Steps To Connect With Your Inner Self

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Guinness book record holder, author of The Chicken Soup For The Soul and sought-after life coach, Jack Canfield. Jack joins Natalie to discuss the motivation behind his latest book called ‘The 30 day sobriety solution’, which shows people how to cut back on (or quit) drinking in the privacy of their own home. During the show, Jack shares that many people associate drinking with pleasure, but after do they feel guilty or ashamed and they drink more to numb that feeling, which then becomes a vicious downward cycle. Jack also explains the many benefits of cutting back on alcohol and how to replace “happy hour” with something more fulfilling like practicing yoga, learning something new or working towards your goals.

Jack Canfield - How To Quite Drinking In 30 Days

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with certified professional dating and relationship expert, and founder of Dating with Dignity, Marni Battista. Marni joins Natalie to discuss the Do's and Dont's of online dating, and the biggest pitfalls that women fall into when looking for love and how to avoid them. During the show, Marni explains that no matter the situation, anyone can find love. The secret is to release the limiting beliefs holding you back from experiencing something new or a deeper connection, and also becoming aware of the type of people you're dating so you can start making different choices. Marni also reveals important rules every woman should know when going out on a first date and unveils the secret to creating an online profile that attracts the right kind of men.

Marni Battista - The Do's And Dont's Of Online Dating

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with professional speaker, educator and Heart Centered Success Coach, Dr. Lise Janelle. Lise joins Natalie to discuss the purpose of life and the secret to living a life you love. During the show, Lise opens up about the tragedies in her life that force her to seek spiritual fulfillment, and shares how she found the deepest transformational experience of her life. Lise explains that unfortunately 90% of our actions are based on old beliefs related to experiences from the past, which prevents us from living authentically, from our heart. She also reveals our mission in life, her formula for a happy, healthy life and how to reconnect with our heart in the present, and create an amazing future.

Dr Lise Janelle - Your Mission In Life Revealed!

On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, my very special guest is really good friend and new mom, Megan Duma. Megan joins me to discuss her experience about giving birth for the first time and the reason why she decided to create “Mind Movies For Moms”. During the show, Megan shares that when she got pregnant, and started looking for information and resources that would help her plan her labor with ease, she found nothing but negativity and fear-based ideas. She also explains how she used her Mind Movie to manifest the birth of her beautiful son, and how 'soon to be moms' can harness the power of the Law of Attraction to attract their dream birth. Plus, she reveals the big mistake she made when she created her Mind Movie that almost jeopardize her health.

Megan Duma - How To Manifest A Dream Birth

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with energy expert, professional speaker and life coach, Vicki Sandler. Vicki joins Natalie to discuss the importance of becoming aware of your energy and how raising your vibration can transform your life for the better. During our chat, Vicki reveals that by the age of 35, 95% of our thoughts, beliefs and actions are memorized unconscious reactions, or in other words, habits; and when we learn how to change our energy, we can change our life. Vicki also shares her 3A’s process that stands for Awareness, Acknowledging your energy blocks and taking Action right now, which is designed to help people release their fears and live a life with passion and purpose. Plus, she unveils her #1 tip to overcome fear and shares an exercise to raise your vibration in only 90 seconds.

Vicki Sandler - How To Raise Your Vibration In 90 Seconds

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with America’s #1 Breakthrough Coach, star of The Secret and popular TV coach from the Steve Harvey Show, the amazing Lisa Nichols. Lisa joins Natalie to discuss what abundance really is, how to amplify it and how to achieve more prosperity in life. During the show, Lisa explains that abundance is not something that you go get, rather it's something that you grow or expand. She also shares that people that live abundant lives live their passion every day, and honor their gifts. Your gift could be being a great father or mother, being a great listener or even expressing creativity. It is that skill that comes effortlessly to you, and it doesn’t necessarily have to bring you wealth, but it always brings you joy. Lisa also reveals the 5 secret traits all abundant people have and her #1 strategy for shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundant, starting today.

Lisa Nichols - The Secret To Abundance

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with coaching guru, author and business mentoring expert, Terri Levine. Terri joins Natalie to discuss how she helps coaches and business owners leverage their business. During the show, Terri explains the 5-step process to discovering your natural talents and how to master them. She also reveals the most important qualities of a good coach and shares her #1 piece of advice for anyone looking to start their own practice.

Terri Levine - Discover Your Talents In 5 Steps

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with master executive coach, workshop leader and keynote speaker, Scott Coady. Scott joins Natalie to discuss the important work he’s doing to transform people’s lives through his powerful training program called ‘Embodied Training’. During the show, he explains how his self-mastery training has helped rock bands, 500 Fortune CEO’s and rocket scientists, to build the confidence they need to become leaders and fulfill their highest potential. He also explains what a modern leader is and how to score a $200 dollar discount in his exclusive training program happening in January 16th-17th, 2016, in LA, CA.

Scott Coady - How To Become A Modern Day Leader

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with celebrity nutrition, fitness expert and Four-time NY Times bestselling author, JJ Virgin. JJ joins Natalie to discuss her inspiring story of how she became a successful nutritionist and reveals the life-altering event that reminded her that health is not only a matter of looking good, but it can also be a matter of life and death. During the show, she opens up about the tragic accident that almost took the life of her son, and how she made the decision to not surrender to the doctor’s grim prognosis and instead decided to fight. It was then she understood that our health is the single biggest obstacle that could hold us back in life, when in fact it's one of the easiest things to maintain. She also shares the 3 most important things you can do to lose weight, look younger and reclaim your health. Plus, she reveals the single most important thing you’re eating that could be making you overweight, without you even realizing.

JJ Virgin - How to Lose Weight And Feel Great

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with relationship expert, professional speaker and bestselling author, Arielle Ford. Arielle joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her latest book “Turn Your Mate Into Your SoulMate”, and the reason why everyone needs to read this if they want to know the secret to a deep fulfilling relationship. During the show, Arielle talks about her relationship with her husband and how one day she realized she wasn’t the perfect wife she thought she was. Arielle became a student of love by interviewing many relationship experts like John Gray, and realized that the big secret to marriage was something very different than what she thought. Plus, she reveals the most common mistake women make with their partners that sabotages their relationship.

Arielle Ford - How To Make Your Mate Your Soulmate

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with yogi mystic, energy healer and author of the book ‘Mirror of My Soul', Jasmina Agrillo Scherr. Jasmina joins Natalie to discuss how her passion for helping others find their path to peace, joy, health and spiritual connection, was born. During the show, she explains that a near-death experience while fighting a brain tumor, intensified her ability to live and intersect between this world and the unseen world of spirit. By surrendering to the guidance of spirit, she found the strength to rise from adversity to a place of wholeness. Jasmina shares that these mystical experiences have inspired her to write her latest book and she now uses them to help people connect more deeply with themselves through her coaching and widely popular 15 minute healing sessions.

Jasmina Agrillo Scherr

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with International reporter, coach, and author of “Bouncing Forward’, Michaela Haas. Michaela joins Natalie to discuss how we find healing and new resilience after life’s inevitable setbacks, and how her book is helping people overcome Post Traumatic Growth. During the show, Michaela shares very inspiring stories of remarkable people she interviewed like the late Maya Angelou, who explained that her childhood trauma actually led her into a life of purpose. She also reveals what Post Traumatic Growth is, its most powerful treatment, and the #1 thing that helps trauma survivors overcome a life of adversity so they can lead fulfilling and happy lives.

Michaela Haas PhD

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with mother of 4, entrepreneur and creator of Transformation Toolbox, Marilyn Short. Marilyn joins Natalie to discuss the amazing properties that essential oils have and how she uses them for her own personal growth, her family’s and her clients. During the show, Marilyn shares that essential oils are considered the blood of plants, and each plant has its own chemical constituents. But what’s most remarkable about them, is that clinical research shows that pure essential oils have the highest frequency of any measured natural substance known to man. Marilyn also explains how she uses them along with her Mind Movies software to find peace, de-clutter her life, find more joy, gain clarity, visualize and practice gratitude.

Marilyn Short

On today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with wellness expert, international speaker and author, Dr. Michelle Nielsen. Michelle joins Natalie to discuss the miraculous experience that she manifested through the power of meditation when she cured her little boy from many physical impediments. During the show, Michelle shares that after 9 months of practicing daily visualization, her son improved so much that he went from having difficulty speaking to being completely fluent in 3 languages. Michelle explains the extraordinary way that visualization works and how she uses it to help others release their emotional blocks in their subconscious.

Dr. Michelle Nielsen

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with celebrity blogger, and author and creator of, Robyn Openshaw. Robyn joins Natalie to discuss how she went from weighing 200 lbs to 135 lbs just by paying attention to her diet. During the show Robyn opens up about her amazing journey from being overweight and eating processed foods, to becoming a blogger sensation with over 80,000 visitors every month that look to achieve vibrant health. It’s now her mission to teach families how to live a whole-food (mostly raw) diet that’s easy, inexpensive and tasty. Plus, she reveals the most common foods that people eat that compromises their health and what aisles you should avoid next time you go grocery shopping.

Robyn Openshaw

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, master energy therapist and creator of “Dressing Your Truth”, Carol Tuttle. Carol joins Natalie to discuss how and why she created a program called Energy Profiling, which helps people identify and honor their true natures, strengths and gifts. During the show, Carol opens up about her abusive childhood and the catalyst that empowered her to seek alternative treatments for her emotional and health problems. She shares that through studying chakras, she soon discovered that different people have different energies and natural movements, and when people are in tune with their own energy, they’re able to heal inside out. Plus, she shares the 4 types of energy profiling she’s created to help women express their inner beauty in their outward appearance.

Carol Tuttle

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with coach, speaker and author of ‘Oh Shift!’, the amazing Jennifer Powers. Jennifer joins Natalie to discuss the importance of experiencing our personal power by exercising our freedom of choice. It’s through her book that she wishes to empower people to speak their truth, tap into their vulnerability, tame their ego, be in flow and give themselves permission to accept and honor themselves. During the show, Jennifer shares that things don’t just happen to you, for you or against you, things just happen; and you get to decide how you react to these situations and what role you play in them. She also explains how to shift your perspective to one that serves you, how to cultivate self-love and how to remove your mask to reveal your own truth and brilliance.

Jennifer Powers

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Buddhist practitioner, author and life coach, Jude Weber. Jude joins Natalie to discuss her very inspiring spiritual journey that started when a mystery life-threatening disease forced her to stay in bed for years. During the show, Jude explains that this is when she had a profound insight about humanity and her purpose in life. She explains that, led by spirit, she was able to heal herself, and her creativity and passion for creating value for other people was reignited. After this extraordinary event, Jude brought to life her long-lived dream called ‘Buddhaful”, which is a line of greeting cards and candles designed to inspire and nurture the human spirit through affirmations. Through her writing, creativity and coaching, Jude supports and encourages others to transcend their personal struggles and awaken their true nature.

Jude Weber

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and sought after international speaker, Teresa de Grosbois. Teresa joins Natalie to discuss the motivation behind her latest book “Mass Influence - the habits of the highly influential”, which explores the most common habits and unspoken etiquette of the highly influential that are a mystery to most successful entrepreneurs. During the show, Teresa shares that some of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs struggle with is their fear to play a bigger game and they instead listen to their inner voice that tells them they're not smart enough or good enough. Teresa also shares that becoming influential is everyone’s responsibility and reveals what does it take to become an influential voice.

Teresa de Grosbois

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with psychotherapist, author and columnist, Kim Schneiderman. Kim joins Natalie to discuss how her latest book called ’Step Out of Your Story’, has the power to transform tragedies into triumphs. During the show, Kim explains that the reason people get stuck in their lives is because they’re unaware they have the ability to change their story. This is why she believes that when people imagine their lives as if it was a novel and see themselves as a 3rd person, they’re able to emotionally detach themselves from the situation and overcome their challenges easier. Kim shares that everyone has a story to be told, each unique and powerful in its own way, and rewriting our own scripts that are getting in the way of becoming our true self and living our best life, is the most effective way to transform our lives.

Kim Schneiderman

Today on The Inspiration, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, channeler, healer, consultant, and philanthropist, Ariyana “A Star Child”. Ariyana joins Natalie to discuss why she decided to leave her successful career as the president of a multimillion-dollar company to pursue her life’s purpose, and the important message she was chosen to bring to mankind through her psychic abilities. During the show, Ariyana shares that through the “Light Language”, she channels her star family (angels), and she brings that information to help people. She explains that we all have a purpose on earth, and her mission is to help people find it; she reveals how in her latest book “Light Atonement”. Ariyana shares that even though some people’s life purpose may be different than others, change will happen if we all contribute to make a difference by committing to help one another. She also reveals what a “Star Lineage” is and how to find out if you have a “Star Child” at home.

Ariyana, a Star Child

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with former tax consultant now sought after spiritual teacher, speaker and author of

Clayton Ainger

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with family therapist, licensed psychotherapist and author, Susan Stiffelman. Susan joins Natalie to discuss simple and effective ways to raise children with greater ease and enjoyment in just 3 minutes. During the show she shares the inspiration behind her book ‘Parenting With Presence’, which is filled with practical advice, exercises, and stories from her clinical work. Susan also explains how to transform parenting into a spiritual practice and transform children into conscious adults. Plus, she reveals the most zen way to deal with your child when you’ve lost your cool, and shares the 3 ways of parenting that may be damaging the relationship with your child.

Susan Stiffelman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with psychologist, spiritual teacher and author of 'The Calm Center’, Steve Taylor. Steve joins Natalie to discuss his journey on his spiritual awakening and explains the way he connects to his essence. During the show Steve explains the importance of mindfulness meditation and shares that when people set aside some time for it, they experience a reduction in stress, an increase in contentment, and they achieve more. He reveals that when people learn to trust and they stop pushing hard, they connect better with the flow of the universe and life becomes easier and things begin to fall into place.

Steve Taylor

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with co-author of the book ‘Feeling Great: Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment”, Kelly Johnson. Kelly joins Natalie to discuss what feeling great really means, how to always feel great and why we lose our ability to feel great. During the show, Kelly explains that feeling great is not just about having a good time for a few hours, but rather being at peace with who you are and being grateful for everything the way it is. She also shares that the 4 keys to feeling great are optimism, enthusiasm and contentment and respect and reveals exactly how to acquire them and apply them.

Kelly Johnson

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with fellow Aussie author, Dr. Galen Loven. Dr. Galen joins Natalie to discuss the terrible situation that Australian farmers are now facing due to the drought. During the show, Galen shares that approximately every 4 days a young Australian farmer commits suicide leaving behind a struggling family. In their battle with the continuing drought, they give up in despair. This is why Dr. Galen, a serial entrepreneur with a burning desire to make a contribution to the world and help people, has created ‘Tuckerbox’, a funding campaign that gathers food and donations to help Australian farmers improve their lives and their families.

Dr. Galen Loven

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with keynote speaker, founder and CEO of Technalink, Alka Dhillon, AKA “The Spiritual CEO”. Alka joins Natalie to discuss how to successfully apply spiritual practices in the business world and workplace. During the show Alka explains why meditation is the core of her health and her business and shares a very powerful yet easy relaxation technique that people can practice while going through a challenging situation anytime, anywhere - even while talking to a client face to face! Plus, she reveals why her book ‘The OM Factor’: A Woman’s Spiritual Guide to Leadership, is a MUST read for anyone looking to increase productivity, while also reducing anxiety and stress.

How to use meditation at work - Alka Dhillon

On this special episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international consultant, coach and professional speaker, Anita Sanchez. Anita joins Natalie to discuss how she was able to turn her hardships into a life of success and empowerment. During the show Anita shares that she was abused by her father from the age of 4 to 13, and despite him being murdered a year later, she didn’t find true freedom until she decided to accept and forgive. She explains that we all have the ability to turn a painful situation into strength and wisdom. And her struggles have given her the experience and knowledge to help people from all walks of life thrive and succeed in their personal and business life. Plus, she reveals the 2 most important things people should do to shift their perspective into pure positivity.

Anita Sanchez

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ultimate Success Masterclass Certification graduate and creator of “Love Bottle”, Minna Yoo. Minna joins Natalie to discuss her exciting business venture that started when she discovered that becoming a doctor wasn’t her path, but she still wanted to help people improve their physical and mental health. During the show, Minna shares that although water is our most fundamental need, there are still many people that suffer from multiple illnesses due to dehydration. Minna reveals the unique way she’s helping people create a relationship with water so they can have the ultimate drinking experience and maintain their best health.

Minna Yoo

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ultimate Success Masterclass Certification graduate and creator of ‘Wellness Living Now’, Louise Armstrong. Louise joins Natalie to discuss her really inspiring journey from losing her health and financial and emotional stability, to becoming a successful life coach through the USM coaching course. During the show, Louise reveals the powerful tool that helped her create a positive mindset, overcome emotional trauma and discover passions she never realized she had. Plus, she shares the wellness habits that made a difference for her, which she now encourages her clients to adopt. She also shares that her mission in life is helping others find their passion in life as well as helping them to see the importance of taking care of their health.

Louise Armstrong

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with music composer, producer, songwriter and author of ‘What You Want Wants You', Thomas Bahler. Thomas joins Natalie to discuss his innate ability to mentor people who struggle to discover what makes their heart sing and inspires them to reach their highest potential. During the show, Thomas shares remarkable and inspiring stories of the famous artists he’s worked with during his successful career.  Among them is Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones and Steven Spielberg! He also explains that his book is all about a simple 4-step formula for getting unstuck and living a successful and fulfilling life. It also teaches you how to tap into our intuition, which he believes is the pathway to divinity.

Thomas Bähler

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Subconscious Behaviorist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and author of ‘Fat to Fearless’, Asher Fox. Asher joins Natalie to discuss how limiting beliefs from childhood affect your relationship with food, which is one of the main reasons why people are overweight. During the show, Asher explains the outstanding work he does by helping those who suffer from being chronically overweight to heal their subconscious issues that drive them to eat emotionally. He also explains the amazing techniques he uses to help people break free from unhealthy relationship patterns, that ultimately leave them feeling alone and unfulfilled. Plus, he reveals why his latest book is a must read.

Asher Fox

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with best-selling author, motivational speaker and personal development teacher, Lucinda Cross. Lucinda joins Natalie to discuss how one poor decision she made as a teenager affected her whole life and caused her to go to prison for 4 1/2 years. During the show, Lucinda shares how she found her calling in life during her time in prison and how she used her gift to inspire, encourage and uplift her cell mates. She also shares the unique way how people can find their calling in life. She now teaches other women how to learn from their experiences, and how to tap into their gifts and greatness to build a business that makes a difference to them, and to others.

Lucinda Cross

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with producer and writer Barnet Bain, known for the movie ‘What Dreams May Come’. Barnet joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called ‘The Book Of Doing And Being’, which is packed with lessons, tools and techniques to tap into people’s creativity. During the show, Barnet explains that we’re all innate creative creatures, we just don’t know it, or can’t understand our own creative thoughts. And for us to tap into this source of creativity that we’re born with, we need to allow it to come to us through our intuition and practicing consciousness. He also shares that logic is not the enemy of creativity, but only one of the colors of creativity. Barnet’s book can help anyone who’s looking to jumpstart a project, create a work of art, experience a more fulfilling relationship or make other dreams come true.

Barnet Bain

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and entrepreneur, Micheline Nader. Micheline joins Natalie to discuss her beautiful book, which provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to elevate your consciousness and manifest your true potential. During the show, Micheline opens up about how she transformed her personal losses into a catalyst to turn her life around through the practice of conscious awareness. She also explains what living a conscious life really means and the importance of becoming aligned with your true source.

Micheline Nader

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and past life regression therapist, Mira Kelley. Mira joins Natalie to discuss her amazing personal success story with regression therapy and how she now uses it to transform people’s lives. Mira, who suffered from TMJ condition, was able to miraculously cure herself instead of having to go through a painful jaw surgery. During the show, she explains that when people need guidance making decisions, want to resolve emotional and health issues or want to understand their purpose in life and the events that surrounds them, they can turn to this powerful healing method. Mira also reveals that through this transformative process you explore one or more of your past or future lives and will receive answers to the questions you have from your higher self, your angels and our guides. Plus, she unveils the most important thing we must cultivate in order to successfully create our lives.

Mira Kelley

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with radio talk show host, speaker and author of ‘Self Aid Success Stories’, Helen Woo. Helen joins Natalie on the show to discuss how she rose above her struggles after hitting rock bottom and transformed them into success. During the show, Helen opens up about all the misfortunes she had to endure throughout her life, including abuse, addiction and betrayal from her best friend. But through all these challenges and whenever she asked herself ‘why me?', she realized she had gotten stronger and wiser. It was her faith and believing in herself that got her through the most difficult situations in life. Now, she hopes to make a positive difference by helping others to do the same.

Helen Woo

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker and co-founder of the LEAP (Leadership Excellence Accelerating Potential) Foundation, Dr. Bill Dorfman. Dr. Bill joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding job LEAP does by helping young adults uncover the ‘real-life’ skills they need to succeed in life. During the show, Dr. Bill explains that each year, hundreds of students travel across the globe to learn from some of the nation’s top leaders and speakers on how to manage their money, how to acquire confidence, how to set goals and maintain a healthy body and mind, as well as social and business etiquette skills. All these skills are fundamental to success, yet they’re not being addressed in the traditional school system. Dr. Bill also reveals the most important lesson he teaches in his program that guarantees business and personal success.

Dr. Bill Dorfman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Paul Drouin, the Dean & Director of the Quantum Science University and a professor of Integrative Medicine, to discuss his motivation for creating QSU. After losing his brother to cancer, Dr. Paul became set on a mission to seek new treatments and to even find a cure for this dreaded disease. During the show, he explains how in the last 50 years of research, Quantum Medicine has influenced science, particularly in the areas of alternative medicine. Dr. Paul also shares some important details about his upcoming World Summit of Integrative Medicine, where 49 top experts on different modalities of medicine and science, like Dr. Lissa Rankin and Dr. Joe Dispenza, will come together and share their cutting-edge work.

Dr. Paul Drouin

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with one of the most respected and sought-after motivational speakers of our time, Bob Proctor. Bob joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called ‘The ABC’s of Success’ and how this book became an international best seller before even being released to the public. During the show, Bob explains that it took him over 9 years to discover why he was being successful despite of going against everything he was taught at home to do. This is why in his book, he hopes to stimulate people’s minds by asking them provoking questions about their life and own beliefs. Bob reveals that when people are programmed to live in a certain way, and they finally break this paradigm… they become winners.

Bob Proctor

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with transformational mentor, Brian Ridgway, aka ‘The Spellbreaker’. Brian joins Natalie to discuss his very inspiring spiritual journey that started when he became aware he had a strong intuitive sense at the age of 2, but kept hiding it out of fear until a few years ago. During the show, Brian explains that he was born into a situation of anger, violence and abuse, and therefore carried a self-esteem based on negative beliefs. He also shared that even though he would massively succeed, because of these beliefs, he kept self-sabotaging himself until he reached rock bottom and ended up suicidal and penniless. Brian shares the amazing series of miracles that took him from stuck to free (almost overnight) when he decided to honor his purpose in life and share it with the world. Brian is now on a mission to transform the lives of 300,000 people by 2017 by helping them break their spells and upgrade their self-image, their health, income and relationships, using the same practices that helped him reached complete joy.

Brian Ridgway

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international best-selling author, motivational speaker, life mentor and CEO of Triumph of Success Inc., Zlatoslava Petrak. Zlata joins Natalie to discuss how she came to realize that she not only wanted to study the Laws of the Universe but she also wanted to master them and teach them to others. During the show, Zlata explains that we’re all vibrational beings with unlimited potential, but are often limited by our own minds. In order to break free and access our full potential we must open our awareness and shift our mindset from feeling powerless and like a victim of our circumstances, to one of creation and manifestation. She also shares that when we align ourselves with our goals, that unlimited source of abundance and inspiration automatically opens up for us and many miracles start unfolding without effort. Plus, she reveals exactly how to align your thoughts with your feelings for successful manifestation.

Zlata Petrak

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life coach, spiritual teacher, writer and business mindset guru, Lloyd Burnett. Lloyd joins Natalie to discuss his personal journey of self-discovery and how he was able to set himself free from his own limiting beliefs. During the show, Lloyd shares that many people can’t reach success because there’s a part of them that’s secretly scared of it. They fear that if they become too successful they won’t have enough time for their family, or they will expose themselves to being criticized. He also explains the importance of dealing with our subconscious limiting beliefs and understanding where they come from instead of hiding them or denying them. Plus, he reveals the 3 important steps to free yourself from them for good.

Lloyd Burnett

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Anil Gupta, a bestselling author and gifted speaker who focuses on transforming the lives of those struggling with life challenges. Anil also runs successful workshops around the world teaching his happiness principles and a methodology that he’s developed that brings proven, rapid and lasting results. During the show Anil explains he was once extremely unhappy, until he decided to shift his life perspective to a place of gratitude and serve others without expecting anything in return. He also shares that happiness does come from within, and in order to tap into that happiness we must first be aware of what we need, what’s missing in our life and what do we need to let go of. Anil also reveals the very important questions he asked himself to get out of his depression and find fulfillment. Plus, he unveils how to use his happiness principles to improve any relationship.

Anil Gupta

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell is joined for the second time by award-winning author and 'wealth' spiritual guide, Karen Russo. Karen has dedicated her entire career to helping both professional and spiritual seekers to overcome ‘Money Traps’ and create personal and financial prosperity. During the show, Karen explains the Prosperity Practice that’s helped her clients achieve their goals and shares the importance of practicing a wealth ritual.

Karen Russo

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell shares the juicy details of her brand new show, Wake Up! which will be airing every Saturday morning to 80 million households in the US beginning May 9th. During the show, Natalie reveals what it was really like to host her Ultimate Success Masterclass live event for the first time and why she feels that meeting Neale Donald Walsch, marked a new beginning in her spiritual journey. Natalie also unveils the important update that will impact the direction of The Inspiration Show from this day forward and the important projects that she has lined up for the months ahead. Plus, she reveals how you can support her TV show and win $2000 worth of prizes!

Natalie Ledwell

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell chats with professional speaker and best selling author, Corey Poirier. Corey joins Natalie to discuss his incredible book entitled ‘Share Your Message With The World’, which is a compilation of inspirational stories by some of the most enlightened super-achievers. During the show, Corey explains that before he discovered his biggest passion in life and became a bestselling author, he used to be a stand-up comedian obsessed with the study of Super Achievement. Corey shares exactly how he went from comedian to entrepreneur, to motivational leader. Plus, he reveals the common traits these super-achievers have and unveils the most important thing you need to learn today to accomplish more in life.

Corey Poirier

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Miriam Knight, founder of New Consciousness Review, radio host and author of the book ‘What Wags The World: Tales of Conscious Awakening’. She joins Natalie to discuss the motivation behind writing this book and shares the paranormal experience that initiated her spiritual awakening and sparked her interest in becoming an energy healer. During the show, Miriam explains that there are many people who have had profound or mystical experiences but oftentimes they ignore them as they can’t find answers to explain them. This is why she’s created a book which describes the stories from more than 30 authors and filmmakers and shares how these life-changing experiences resulted in wisdom, love and a deeper understanding of their lives. Plus, she reveals one of the most valuable gifts we have as human beings, that’s often overlooked.

Miriam Knight

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker, life coach and author of the eBook ‘The 3 Pillars: A Simple 3 Step Process to Manifest Positive & Permanent Change in Your Life’, Karl Gruber. During the show, Karl explains that the reason so many people feel frustrated when they use the Law of Attraction is because they don’t have a strong, consistent personal foundation. He also shares that we have to be physically, mentally and spiritually balanced in order to work in conjunction with the LOA. If you're unbalanced in just one of these areas, then it will be impossible to live your purpose in life with true integrity. Plus, he shares how to score a cope of his awesome eBook, for free!

Karl Gruber

In today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with award winning bestselling author, speaker and trainer, Judy van Niekerk. Judy joins Natalie to discuss her courageous story of survival that started when she was only six years old when her father kept her imprisoned in her family home for over 20 years. During the show, brave Judy opens up about the years of horrific abuse and explains why she still went to visit him on his death bed. Judy shares how she went from learning to integrate into society to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She also shares that no matter what you’ve been through there are tools that you can consciously use to create the life that you want and she strongly believes that the universe gives you the experiences that you need to lead you towards your purpose.

Judy van Niekerk

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and post-trauma coach, Michele Rosenthal. Michele joins Natalie to discuss trauma, its effects and how she has successfully helped people to recover from it. During the show, Michele opens up about being a trauma survivor who struggled with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for over 25 years. She explains that we can’t always find meaning in our trauma, but we can learn to make meaning come out of it. She also reveals the 3 most important steps to overcome any little or big trauma in life, which are also contained in her latest book called ‘Your Life After Trauma’. Michele’s book is recommended for anyone who wants to release the past and move into the present (and then on into the future) with an increased sense of courage, confidence and control.

Michele Rosenthal

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ultimate Success Masterclass graduate and founder of ‘Joy Kids Universe’, Joanne Henig. Joanne joins Natalie to discuss the inspiring message behind her company that supports and empowers children to live joyfully, create without limits, and love without judgment. During the show, Joanne shares that since a very young age, she was always curious to find out what the purpose of life is. She also reveals that the universe did deliver the answers she was looking for and explains what they were. This is in fact why Joanne is now on a mission to bring these principles to the next generation. Plus, she unveils why her latest book ‘The Joyful Universe of Casey Rose’, should be read to every single child.

Joanne Henig

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, entrepreneur and natural health expert, Andrea Cox. Andrea joins Natalie to discuss her outstanding work as a health coach and as the facilitator of her successful retreat called ‘Alkalize with Andrea’. During the show, Andrea explains the amazing benefits of detoxing, what it does to our bodies and why it’s so important to do this at least once a year. She also shares her personal battle with bulimia and how she came to realize that being healthy was the most important thing in life. Plus, she reveals effective and simple methods that we can implement right now to lose weight, cleanse and flush all the toxins from our body without pain.

Andrea Cox

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with money guru, teen coach and author of ‘How To Ditch Your Allowance And Be Richer Than Your Parents’, Patti Handy. Patti joins Natalie to discuss how to educate your teenage children about money by teaching them how to manage it, so they can have more of it in the future. During the show, Patti opens up about how being taught to be financially independent from a very young age empowered her to raise a toddler by herself without struggle. This is why she feels so passionate about this topic and why she understands that financial education needs to be taught at an early age. Patti also reveals the most common reasons why young adults fail at managing their money and unveils the #1 thing that parents need to stop doing right now, to help their kids to grow up financially successful.

Patti Handy

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with HeatherAsh Amara. HeatherAsh is the author of ‘Warrior Goddess Training’ and Founder of Toci - The Toltec Center of Creative Intent, which is a community that supports authenticity and spiritual awakening. She joins Natalie to discuss how she’s helping women achieve internal freedom and to become brighter, more loving, present and fierce, by discovering their strength while being vulnerable. During the show, HeatherAsh explains that her mission in life is to spread self-love amongst women and to help them stop believing they have to be superwoman in order to be lovable. Because after all, in reality, women just need to listen to what they really need, and not focus on what they think they should be. HeatherAsh believes that this new paradigm can make the world a better place.

HeatherAsh Amara

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with personal trainer, nutritionist and author, Rico Caveglia. Rico joins Natalie to discuss his Ageless Living Lifestyle program, which specializes in helping individuals who are 50 years and over, reach their very best level of health. During the show, Rico shares that his effective and personalized system promises to make people’s second part of their lives better than their first. One way of achieving this is by connecting our body with our mind and soul. Rico believes that when people live their purpose and feel good about their lives, they start appreciating their bodies more. Plus, he shares amazing tips on fitness and nutrition and reveals his #1 tip to longevity.

Rico Caveglia

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with David Christopher about his 15 year journey the led him to connect his scientific background with a new spiritual worldview. David speaks openly about the path that led him to create a brand new narrative, 'The Holy Universe', that talks about why we exist, why we're here and what the universe has in store for us all. His careful insight into our collective energy as a species, and on the earth as a whole, tells a fabulous story about how everything in the universe was made from the same source, all those 18.4 billion years ago. During the call, David and Natalie discuss not only the spiritual side of our universal energy, but the emerging science that’s already starting to call into question what we’ve always held to be true, and what our reality truly is. He also reveals how we can use our collective power to change our physical world.

David Christopher

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with #1 International best selling author, speaker, results coach and transformational leader, Pete Winiarski. Pete joins Natalie on the show to discuss the 3 forms of action that are helping businesses and individuals achieve their goals. During the show, Pete explains that after working for many years in the corporate world he found out a way to meld business with personal development, and realized that action was the main bonding component. Pete also reveals that action is not about sitting on the couch watching TV dreaming about your goals and wondering why nothing has change. Rather it is the inspired action that you take, that really makes the difference. He also shares how his latest book called ‘Act Now!’, will help you better your life.

Pete Winiarski

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international supermodel, award-wining actress and entrepreneur, Clarissa Burt. Clarissa joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work she’s doing by bringing women together through her empowering program called T.E.N. (The Envelopment Network), which provides support, friendship and advice to women from all walks of life. During the show, Clarissa explains that many women find it very easy to love their family, children and friends, but sometimes they forget their own value. She also shares that unfortunately many women in trouble suffer in silence because they don’t know where to go for help. Clarissa’s T.E.N. Network strives to help women succeed in both their personal and professional life.

Clarissa Burt

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with holistic health expert and co-founder of ‘The Wellness Revolution’, Jim Proser. Jim joins Natalie to discuss the miraculous benefits his program has and its effectiveness at helping people create healthy holistic lifestyles. During the show, Jim explains that conventional medicine doesn’t cure chronic issues and in most cases only takes care of the symptoms but not the root cause. Jim also shares that his program offers a comprehensive system that addresses the whole body when there’s an issue and reveals important things anyone can do to improve their health without spending a dime.

Jim Proser

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with bestselling author and spiritual and personal development expert, Brandy Faith Weld. Brandy joins Natalie to discuss the spiritual transformation she experienced after hitting rock bottom and having a near death experience. She now has a mission to stop the kind of human suffering that gets passed down from generation to generation. During the show Brandy explains how these old patterns and limiting beliefs are the cause of all the pain in the world and reveals how to reconnect with our soul, which is also a main focus in her new book ‘Heal Your Heart Free Your Mind’. Plus, she shares how her book will help anyone who feels alone, sad or separated from the world.

Brandy Faith Weld

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with master life coach, change agent and stress relief expert, Deirdre Maguire. Deirdre joins Natalie to discuss her different and unique modality of healing called FasterEFT (Emotionally Focused Transformations), which is a self-empowering system that can quickly transform your past, shift your emotional disruptions and restore your physical health. During the show, Deirdre opens up about her own journey of healing, sharing how she went from a life of sexual abuse, an eating disorder, alcoholism, cancer and even a suicide attempt, to finding true inner peace. She now successfully heals people all over the world from anxiety, depression, fear, grief and addiction.

Deirdre Maguire

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks for the second time with Julie Kleinhaus, an amazing certified Law of Attraction and life coach for teens and young adults. Julie joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming event, ‘Successful Kids Revolution’, which is a yearly event that aims to help parents and teachers empower their children to go beyond their limitations and achieve success in all areas of their life. During the show, Julie shares that some of the key things that parents will learn at her event are: how to help kids overcome ADD, achieving unlimited happiness, creating enlightened kids and how to understand their emotions through their energy. Plus, she reveals exactly how to introduce the LOA at home and at school, to young kids.

Julie Kleinhans

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international author, professional coach, and host of ‘Power Your Life TV & Radio’, Dr. Jo Anne White. Dr. Jo Anne is also a talented master healer, and she joins Natalie on the show to discuss her mission in life, which is to help businesses and individuals discover their potential, their intuitive power and their personal resources. During the show, Dr. Jo Anne who is also known as ‘The Success Doc’, explains the importance of living life with passion. She also shares her effective technique for helping people to figure out their passion in life and reveals the most important thing everyone needs to do every day to grow and get unstuck.

Dr. Jo Anne White

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with founder and executive director of ‘TotalPreneurs’, Kenneth Krell. Kenneth joins Natalie to discuss his upcoming event called 'World Love Week', which aims to help business owners create a fulfilling entrepreneurial lifestyle that’s rewarding, fun and less risky. During the show, Kenneth opens up about filing for bankruptcy twice when he was younger and how this experience empowered him to create something positive and focused on love, rather than just money. He explains that this is the reason why many entrepreneurs fail at creating successful businesses, which is why his company specializes in teaching others how to really fulfill their customer’s needs. Plus, he reveals the secret to gaining massive customer loyalty success, like the world’s most revered companies such as Starbucks and Costco, have.

Kenneth Krell

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with entrepreneur and founder of the ‘Dream Girl’ campaign, Patricia Petersen. Patricia joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding job she’s doing at teaching younger girls how to go after what they want, no matter what it is. During the show, the amazing Patricia talks about her passion for The Law of Attraction that developed from a very young age. She shares however that it wasn’t until 4 years ago that she found a way to share the LOA’s powerful message to a younger generation through her dream Girl campaign. She also shares what makes her teaching style so unique and reveals the biggest challenge that she’s found amongst her young students. Plus, she unveils the important details of her upcoming summit and why all young people should attend.

Patricia Petersen

oday on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with spiritual leader and author of ‘When Did You Die’, Temple Hayes. Temple joins Natalie to discuss how she came up with the idea of her new book, and reveals the message she wishes to share with the world. During the show, Temple opens up about growing up mystic and questioning everything, including her sexuality. She turned to a more spiritual belief to overcome her many addictions and fears. Temple also explains an 'energetic form of death', which is when we have a job that breaks our spirit, or when we stay in an unhealthy relationship. In other words, every time we are not true to ourselves or we don’t face our fears, we energetically die a little bit. Temples’ book offers profound insights and processes to help people embrace life.

Temple Hayes

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international business trainer and coach, Jana Beeman. Jana joins Natalie to discuss the unique way she mentors and trains people to move pass their fears and step into their own power. During the show, Jana shares that creating a profitable and fulfilling business wasn’t easy. Despite her many years of experience as a business owner, she struggled to succeed. Confused and disappointed, she started studying and researching, until she gained clarity of what her true passion was and where she wanted to be in life. She also reveals amazing insights she’s learned on her journey to success and explains how to apply them to your business and life in general!

Jana Beeman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and life coach, Valerie Sheppard. Valerie joins Natalie to discuss her amazing spiritual awakening that started with what she thought was a heart attack. To her surprise, she later found out that there was nothing physiologically wrong with her, except that her heart was energetically ill. During the show, Valerie explains how important it is to not only learn about self-acceptance and self-love, but also to identify and release what’s hurting us emotionally. She also shares that no matter how hard people try to use the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires, they won’t succeed unless they truly embrace their higher self and feel truly worthy of receiving. Plus, she reveals 3 very important questions you need to ask yourself today to release negative baggage and tap into your manifesting skills.

Bonita Lehman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and life coach, Valerie Sheppard. Valerie joins Natalie to discuss her amazing spiritual awakening that started with what she thought was a heart attack. To her surprise, she later found out that there was nothing physiologically wrong with her, except that her heart was energetically ill. During the show, Valerie explains how important it is to not only learn about self-acceptance and self-love, but also to identify and release what’s hurting us emotionally. She also shares that no matter how hard people try to use the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires, they won’t succeed unless they truly embrace their higher self and feel truly worthy of receiving. Plus, she reveals 3 very important questions you need to ask yourself today to release negative baggage and tap into your manifesting skills.

Valerie Sheppard

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international best-selling author, entrepreneur and spiritual teacher, Barb Schmidt. Barb joins her to discuss the outstanding work she’s doing to help people achieve a mindful and peaceful life through her program and book called new ‘The Practice’. During the show, Barb explains that her Practice method consists of 3 very important parts which are: a morning meditation, living in the present moment, and letting go. She believes that in order to manage stress and live a passionate life, we must first quiet our minds and connect with ourselves to hear the answers we know are already there. Barb also shares her tough journey to spiritual fulfillment and reveals how to multitask while living in the present moment!

Barb Schmidt

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with mentor and energy practitioner, Allyson Chavez. Allyson joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming summit called ‘Make Your Miracles’, where 36 top experts in miracle making (including Natalie) will reveal their formula for miracles. During the show, Allyson opens up about several tragic deaths that occurred in her family that made her feel abandoned by God and question her purpose of living; until she finally was able to overcome her limiting beliefs and fears, with the help of a unique method of energy work. She then realized that miracles are happening all the time, everywhere. Allyson is now on a mission to help people uncover and clear the blocks that keep them stuck. Plus, she uncovers the reason why people find it difficult to create miracles in their lives.

Allyson Chavez

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with bestselling author, speaker and coach, Derek Rydall. Derek joins her to discuss the message behind the ‘Law of Emergence’, which is a principle that states that everything you need is already within you; and when you become aligned with that perfect pattern of infinite potential, your natural powers unfold without struggle. During our chat he shares his amazing journey to self discovery that started with a sudden brush of death, leading him to finally discover that his efforts to try to heal, attract and improve himself were just a form of resistance. Instead he realized out that our true selves don’t actually need to be fixed. Plus, he shares the 3 most important things that people need to follow to find that alignment with their true selves.

Derek Rydall

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with award winning filmmaker and TV producer, Adryenn Ashley. On this last episode of 2014, Adryenn and Natalie announce for the first time to the public the release of their new TV show called 'WakeUp! TV', which Adryenn is producing and Natalie is hosting. During the show, Adryenn reveals that this talk show is made up of a panel of expert women covering a range of topics that are relevant to anyone who wants to create more meaning and value in their lives. However, in order to maintain the creative integrity of the show, they shared that they must raise $100,000, which will help to produce the show’s pilot in Jan 2015. Plus, they reveal the details of how you can be a part of this exciting project.

Wake Up! TV:
A new talk show with a conscious twist

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with self-esteem expert, Dr. Joe Rubino. Dr. Joe joins Natalie to discuss his amazing new program called ’31 Ways to Champion Children to Develop High Self-Esteem’, which aims to teach and empower adults about 31 core principles that impact children’s lives, so they can grow into happy, prosperous and well adjusted adults. During the show, Dr. Joe opens up about his own journey that inspired him to become a self-esteem coach and explains the reason why most people are addicted to negative emotions like sadness and anger. He also reveals why it’s so important that children develop a positive mindset from their early stages of life so they don’t have to reinvent themselves as adults.

Dr Joe Rubino

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with clinical psychologist and physical therapist, Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo. On the show they discuss her latest book called ‘Better Than Perfect’, which is a guide to help people crush their inner critic to create more happiness and less stress in their lives. During the show, Dr. Elizabeth explains that fear of failure is what’s robbing people’s happiness and well-being as it keeps them paralyzed and unable to move forward in life. She also shares the negative effects of perfectionism and how to channel it in a different and positive way. Plus, she shares the #1 solution to overcome stress, anger and fear.

Elizabeth Lombardo

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life and business coach Natalie Jayne. Natalie joins the show to discuss how her ‘Conscious Entrepreneur Blueprint’ is helping people to create profitable businesses that also support overall well-being. During the show she explains that when businesses have fundamental principles that support universal, spiritual or natural laws and they put people, the environment and their conscious before profit, they will see extraordinary success. Plus, she reveals the details of how you can score her 4 step video series where she shares ‘How To Make Love Your Bottom Line’.

Natalie Jayne

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with founder and CEO of The Bulletproof Executive, Dave Asprey. Dave joins Natalie to discuss how, after doing 15 years of research and self-experimenting, he finally found the answer to losing weight effortlessly while enhancing his performance: The BulletProof Diet. During the show, Dave explains why this diet helps you lose weight by filling you up, keeping you strong and even making you smarter. He also shares what the most common foods are that people eat, that are preventing them from achieving their ideal weight. Plus, he unveils the recipe for his bulletproof coffee that allowed him to lose 100 pounds without counting calories.

Dave Asprey

On this episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with holistic therapist and soul healing coach, Cristiana Dragomir. Cristiana joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding works she’s doing by helping people to achieve a balance between their body, mind and soul though her coaching program ‘The Luscious Lifestyle’. During the show, Cristiana explains that she was once all about achieving business success until she realized she had lost touch with her soul, and her health started deteriorating. She also shares what the most important things were that she implemented in her daily life to turn it around, which are the same principles she now uses to help people find the fulfillment their soul’s are looking for.

Cristiana Dragomir

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life coach, professional speaker and author of ‘Expectation Hangover’, Christine Hassler. Christine joins Natalie to discuss her amazing spiritual journey that started when she left her successful but unfulfilling job as a Hollywood agent, to pursue a life that she could be passionate about. During the show she shares that her spiritual fulfillment didn’t come easily. She lost her health, her career and fiancé. However, she realized that all these adversities had given her the inspiration to write her first book, which is guidebook for treating disappointment on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. She now fulfills her mission in life which is to help men and women of all ages to find self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and clarity.

Christine Hassler

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Motivational Speaker, Radio Host and Life Coach, John Seeley. John joins Natalie to discuss his empowering program called ‘Keep On Believing’, which involves free workshops for the unemployed and under-employed in North America. During the show, John opens up about finding his best friend just after he committed suicide and how it changed his life. After many years of struggle, he was finally able to rebuild his life. Now he is working to help others, especially those who have lost all hope about fulfilling their goals and dreams, to rebuild their life with grace and a lot less struggle than he had. Plus, he reveals some really effective ways to break free from limiting beliefs and how to create miracles in your life.

John Seeley

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with contemporary thought leader and spiritual teacher of the ‘Evolutionary Collective’ philosophy, Jeff Carreira. Jeff joins Natalie to discuss the journey of his spiritual search, which started when he was only 4 years old and came to an end when he embraced the Evolutionary Collective philosophy. During the show, Jeff explains that this philosophy aims to help people find spiritual fulfillment through unique awakening practices, which enables them to find the answers they’ve been looking for and experience true transformation. Jeff goes on to say that most people walk through life isolating themselves from others, without realizing the great influence and incredible connection that we have as human beings. His hope is for people to come together as a community to create a field of joy and happiness.

Jeff Carreira

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with LOA expert and creator of ‘A Bug Free Mind’, Andy Shaw. Andy joins Natalie to discuss his incredible story of how one thought that got ingrained in his mind at a very young age, changed his way of thinking forever. During the show, Andy explains that the reason he became a multimillionaire twice (as he lost all of his fortune the first time), is because he never doubted his own power of creation. He also shares how most people live in fear of losing what they’ve created and how this way of thinking can keep them from the abundance they deserve. Plus, he reveals the name of his latest book and the secret to a wealthy mindset!

Andy Shaw

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with business coach, Meshell Zwicker to discuss her upcoming Summit called ‘The Momentum Makers’, where top coaches and entrepreneurs reveal how they became successful in a series of intimate interviews. During the show, Meshell explains the concept of ‘Inspired Momentum’ which is a method that she uses with her clients to help them ignite motivation and to get things done purposefully, rather than just doing things out of obligation. She also reveals the formula to maintain the energetic state of Inspired Momentum and also shares why it’s so important to have a daily ritual that supports your creative mental state. Plus, she uncovers the details of her summit and how to score a free ticket!

Meshell Zwicker

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell is joined by author, motivational speaker and former professional juggler, Kit Summers. Kit’s story is so inspiring that he joins Natalie on the show for the second time to chat about the message behind his latest book called ‘Beyond Your Potential’, which gives amazing tips and insights on how to use your brain to the fullest. During the show, Kit explains how a series of traumatic accidents were the catalyst that empowered him to change his life for the better; and how he’s using these experiences to live a more purposeful life by inspiring and teaching others how to use their own brain in a more enhanced way.

Kit Summers

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international speaker, medium and author, Sharon Klinger. Sharon joins Natalie to discuss the message behind her latest book called ‘Power Words’, which aims to help people improve their lives and reach their goals faster. This can include goals like losing weight, breaking negative habits, improving relationships and building wealth, and it can all be achieved through the use of high energy words. During the show, Sharon explains that each word has its own power and vibration because of the meaning it carries. This is why word's can have astonishing positive impacts on our lives if we learn how to use them correctly. Sharon also reveals powerful words that you can use right now to improve your posture, release stress and gain more confidence.

Sharon Klinger

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with painting artist, Heather Smith. Heather joins Natalie to discuss the impact that her Visionary Paintings are making in people’s lives as she captures each individual’s essence and dreams, in every masterpiece. During the show, she explains the process she uses to paint and she shares that her art pieces are not meant to be enjoyed just as a decorative piece, but are instead full of meaning and purpose. Heather also opens up about being unhappy, insecure and unfulfilled not too long ago, and how she found the courage to fulfill her mission in life which is to utilize her creative talent to remind people who they really are at their core. Plus, she shares amazing stories of how her paintings have transformed people’s lives and how they can transform yours too.

Heather Smith

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with master healer and creator of the movement ‘Prayer Project’, Paramahansa Jagadish. Paramahansa joins Natalie to discuss his project that aims to shift the whole consciousness of the planet by uniting people on a global prayer for peace for 3 minutes 3 times a day. During the show, he explains that every time we reach out to the divine or source, we are praying; and the more people that come together, the more powerful the results will be. He also shares how his spiritual awakening started when he was only 4 years old and why he decided to dedicate his life to transformation and healing. Plus, he uncovers the #1 reason of suffering in the world and how to end to it.

Paramahansa Jagadish

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life coach, professional speaker and best-selling author, Mary Morrissey. On the show, Mary shares that when successful people are faced with difficult situations, they consciously choose the way they want to perceive it, rather than going into panic mode like many people do today. Mary also reveals the 2 most important things you can do to resolve any adversity, instead of being controlled by it. Plus, she shares the details of her upcoming webinar and how it can help anyone to get a very clear idea of how to finally get to where they want to be in life.

Mary Morrissey

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with founder of ‘The Stillness Project’, Tom Cronin. Tom joins Natalie to discuss his amazing journey from being a wealthy (but suicidal) ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ banker, to fulfilling his mission in life, which is to spread calm and stillness across the globe as a meditation coach. During the show, Tom explains the importance of practicing meditation, even for a few minutes a day, and its powerful and restorative benefits. He shares that many people think of meditation as a way to awaken their minds, but they sometimes don’t realize that meditation can have as much of an impact within our bodies, as this is where we hold stress, pain and fatigue, impeding our ability to feel love, joy and bliss. 
He also reveals the details of his upcoming film, in which he aims to inspire people to join him in a global meditation.

Tom Cronin

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with career and lifestyle consultant, Miriam Schafer. Miriam joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding work she’s doing to empower women to discover their true calling in life through her coaching program ‘Women With a Calling’. During the show, Miriam opens up about how, despite of having a successful career, she felt unfulfilled. As a result, she set out on a journey of self-discovery and a quest for a deeper meaning. She explains that unfortunately there are many women who feel repressed and live their lives defined by what they think society is expecting of them, rather than doing what makes them happy. She also shares the 7 ingredients of her recipe for success, and reveals that it’s never too late to align yourself with your highest potential.

Miriam Schafer

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with singer-songwriter and motivational speaker, Tiamo. Tiamo joins Natalie to discuss his new album called ‘Living The Lyrics’ which is inspired by his own personal journey of facing his biggest fears and pursuing his dreams. During the show, Tiamo opens up about how his worst nightmare came true when he showed up to perform at his dream venue and only 2 people were waiting for him in the audience. He then shares how this same devastating experience empowered him to face his biggest fears so he could finally find a more meaningful way to share his message and music with the world. He also reveals that through singing and speaking he wishes to empower people to never give up on their dreams.


Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author of the book ‘Unwavering Strength’, Judy O’Beirn. Judy joins Natalie to discuss her most recent work as an author and her empowering story that inspired her to write the book. During the show, Judy explains that her book helped her channel her grief when her husband became ill with cancer and ultimately passed away from the disease. In the two previous years before she lost him, she also lost her mother, two sister-in-laws, her dog and her daughter’s best friend - all to the disease, and a brother years before that. She also explains how she courageously chose to rise above these events and become a better person instead of letting grief consume her and determine her future. Her goal of this book is to help others deal with loss in their lives and to inspire them to find strength and comfort in these tough times.

Judy O'Beirn

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with neuroscientist researcher, author and spiritual coach, Mark Waldman. Mark joins Natalie to discuss his incredible discoveries about how to reach deep relaxation and disconnect from the thoughts and feelings moving through your mind. Turns out, nearly 99% of your negative thoughts and feelings are simply memories from the past, projected into the present. During the show, Mark also reveals that regardless of your religion or spiritual practice, when you engage in positive contemplative meditation, extraordinary changes begin in your brain. He also, explains what these changes are, and what our brain does when we daydream. Plus, he shares quick and effective techniques to lower stress and enjoy the benefits of meditation in only 2-3 minutes.

Mark Waldman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and empowerment coach, Sue Stone - aka The Positivity Coach, also recognized as the UK?s happiest and most positive person.
Sue joins Natalie to discuss the message behind her book ?Love Life, Live Life?, and her inspiring story that encouraged her to write it. During the show, Sue opens up about how she use to live a life full of fear and anxiety and shares how she hit rock bottom when she found herself in deep debt with children to feed. It wasn't until she learned about the incredible power our thoughts have, as well as the Law of Attraction, that she made the conscious decision to turn her life around by taking responsibility of her thoughts and actions. Sue now inspires, educates and empowers people from all walks of life to be the best they can, in every area of their lives.

Sue Stone

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and creator of the innovative learning language system, ?You are smarter than you think!?, Renee Mollan-Masters. Renee joins Natalie to discuss how her program and book (which have the same title) are helping individuals uncover their natural intelligence so that their true ?smarts? will emerge in any situation and the negative belief of ?I?m not very smart? disappears. During the show, Renee explains that we all have a certain level of intelligence, however the difference is that we all learn in different ways; and as long as we can identify what works best for us, then we can be as intelligent as everybody else. Renee also reveals the different ways our brain learns and the importance of empowering the younger generations to learn.

Renee Mollan Masters

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and editor-in-chief of ?Women Who Run It? magazine, Fiona Fine. Fiona joins Natalie to discuss the message behind her latest book called ?Babe In Total Control of Herself? (B.I.T.C.H), which is a movement for women who want to live and love on their own terms. During the show, Fiona opens up about how growing up and living in a man?s world impacted her life. And even though she was successful, she was unhappy as she had to sacrifice her femininity, until a car accident turned her life around by transforming the way she thought. Fiona explains that unfortunately many women today don?t give themselves permission to experience pleasure in life or try different things, without feeling guilt. That?s why she now wishes to give women a bigger voice, so they can step up into their own power.

Fiona Fine

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with awakening coach and author of the book ?Better than Sex?, Arjuna Ardagh. Arjuna joins Natalie to discuss the important work he is doing to train people to become facilitators of his awakening method. During the show, Arjuna explains the difference between longing vs. desire, and why it?s so important for people to find out what they really long for in life. He also shares the profound message behind his book, and the reason why he chose its unique title. Plus, he reveals the qualities you need to have if you?re interested in becoming an awakening coach like him.


Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with best selling author, law of attraction expert and star of the movie ?The Secret?, Dr. Joe Vitale. Joe joins Natalie to discuss his new breakthrough program ?Secret Reflection?, which is a continuation of ?Secret Mirror?, one of his most successful programs for manifesting wealth and abundance. During the show, Joe reveals what makes his new manifesting program so unique and different than the others and exactly why it's so powerful. He also shares how he gets into his creative process before starting to write a book or composing a song and why this process is so important for anyone who wishes to gain inspiration. Plus, he reveals exclusive LOA techniques he implements with his students to manifest successfully and why most people struggle to get the LOA working in their favor.

Joe Vitale

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with Neuroscientist, Chiropractor, Lecturer and Author, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Joe joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work he?s doing around the world by teaching people how to heal and create the reality that they want through thought alone. During the show, Dr. Joe shares his incredible journey that started when he was run over by a truck and broke 6 very important bones in his body and the difficult decision he made by choosing to heal himself, over using conventional medicine. He also shares amazing stories of people who have healed themselves and reveals how they did it. Plus, he explains why he chose to incorporate the Mind Movies visualization software in his workshops and how anyone can use Mind Movies to manifest the life they desireT.

Dr Joe Dispenza

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with best selling author, transformational speaker and creator of the community ?Express your Greatness?, Bertrand Dory. Bertrand joins Natalie to discuss the important campaign he has created to help people release repressed emotions like depression and guilt, from their lives. During the show, Bertrand explains that even though we may not realize it, guilt may be the #1 reason people feel stuck in their lives, experience stress and also go through unnecessary pain and suffering. He also opens up about the day his life was turned upside down when something triggered an unconscious feeling of guilt inside of him. He shared however that it also empowered him to help others release these emotions so they can express their full authentic greatness.

Bertrand Dory

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Law of Attraction Coach Expert and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, Christy Whitman. Christy, joins Natalie to discuss her successful coaching program on how to become a life coach. During the show, Christy explains her own spiritual awakening and her journey to becoming coach. She also gives useful advice on how to find your purpose in life and shares powerful law of attraction tips.

Christy Whitman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with transformational coach, entrepreneur and creator of the ?Small Business Global Summit?, Damian Reid. Damian joins Natalie to discuss his upcoming virtual event (happening September 16 - 18), which provides small business owners and self-employed professionals with important information and training on how to start their own businesses. During the show, Damian explains that he started his own business coaching company after realizing there was a lack of structure in the education system for small business owners to start successful companies. Plus, he reveals the common pitfalls that small business owners fall into and how to avoid them.

Damian Reid

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with successful business coach and entrepreneur V. Lynn Hawkins. Lynn joins Natalie to discuss her program that started as a book and has transcended into an empowering world-wide project called ?The Permission Movement?. During the show, Lynn explains that the idea became a movement about giving yourself permission to be who you were created to be to the fullest and to have what you have always dreamed of. She also reveals that after this amazing idea, she wrote a series of books to help women stand up for themselves for each other and for the young people that are coming behind us.

V. Lynn Hawkins

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with personal development expert and entrepreneur, Graham Dragon. Graham joins Natalie to discuss his very inspiring journey to becoming a personal development expert. During the show, Graham shares that after being diagnosed with prostate cancer and being faced with the possibility of death, he felt compelled to do something more meaningful and fulfilling with his life, so he started his own personal development business. Graham explains how he strives to help others and make a difference in the world. Plus, he reveals his #1 secret to being happy and joyful every day of his life.

Graham Dragon

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and forensic handwriting expert, Treyce Montoya. Treyce joins Natalie to discuss her very unique and empowering program, which consists of a non-traditional psychological, handwriting therapy. During the show, Treyce explains the fascinating way she analyzes people?s handwriting and the amazing discoveries she?s found that helps people identify what could be blocking them from reaching happiness. She also shares the proven science behind this technique and reveals that by changing our handwriting, we actually reprogram the brain to make new neurological connections so we can take on the new personalities traits we desire. Plus, she uncovers 3 very powerful tips that can help you to fully let go of the past and activate your subconscious.

Treyce Montoya

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with best-selling author and creator of ?The Get Unstuck Revolution?, Remy Chausse, to discuss her effective method for helping people to get unstuck. During the show, Remy explains that most people feel stuck in their lives because they keep focusing on what?s wrong and trying to solve the problem, rather than finding the positive in the situation. She also shares that it?s never your career, relationship or finances that create a problem, but rather it?s your own energy that becomes stuck, and it's very important to learn how to manage it. Plus, she reveals how to find and use your own strengths to overcome your daily challenges.

Remy Chausse

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with former psychotherapist, entrepreneur and author of ?The Rainbow Bridge?, Brent Hunter. Brent joins Natalie on the show to discuss how his latest book can help you find inner peace regardless of who you are or where you live in the world. During the show, Brent explains how the multiple crises we?re experiencing (wars, financial crisis, violence and terrorism) are affecting our world and how his book aims to repress them by inspiring people to engage in the movement toward World Peace. He also opens up about his personal and spiritual journey that empowered him to make a contribution to humanity and reveals how you can make a positive contribution to not only your life, but to the lives of billions of people worldwide.

Brent Hunter

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with internet marketing expert and entrepreneur, Anik Singal. Anik joins Natalie to discuss his very unique and effective business course designed to help people start their own businesses online successfully, while transforming the lives of others. During the show, Anik shares his very inspiring journey from becoming a multimillionaire in his 20?s, to going bankrupt, to finally reaching fulfillment. He achieves this not just by generating money, but by helping others reach the same success as him. He also reveals how internet marketing is a great way for anyone to not only make money, but to also get a message out to the world.

Anik Singal

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with dream interpreter, author and international lecturer, Kaya. Kaya joins Natalie to discuss his new book, ?The Source Code?, which offers more than 880 pages of interpretations of symbols and signs from your dreams. During the show, Kaya explains that his book incorporates over 15 years of research study and it aims to teach people how to interpret and understand the profound significance of the messages received during sleep and the signs encountered in everyday life. Plus, he reveals the life-changing dreams that forever altered his destiny.


Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author of ?Death Of The Dragon Keepers? and Ultimate Success Masterclass graduate, Risaria Langley. Risaria joins Natalie to discuss her latest book, which is a story written for children filled with fantasy and adventures. During the show, Risaria explains that after being an archeologist for 20 years, she decided to follow her passion and take a turn in life by becoming a writer. She also explains how taking the USM course helped her to fulfill her dreams and how she is applying it into different areas of her life. Risaria believes that if you?re passionate about something, it?s never too late to start.

Risaria Langley

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with full-time artist, author and lecturer, Ken Elliot. Ken, who?s also a manifestation expert, joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called ??Manifesting 123 and you don?t need the 3?, which describes how our thoughts take form in the non-physical world, and how we can bring them into our reality simply and efficiently. During the show, he shares the 3 most important steps to successful manifestation and reveals why we don?t need the 3rd!

Ken Elliott

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author of ?Lead With Your Heart?, Regina Cates. Regina joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her latest book, which offers a combination of wise advice, compelling anecdotes and practical strategies for living a life that is authentic, fulfilling and healing. During the show, Regina opens up about the struggles she had to face by being born gay in a conservative society and hitting an emotional bottom when she found herself sitting alone on her forty-third birthday. She realized after that moment that she had been trying to live up to other people?s expectations, and as a result, she had given away her most important gift, her power of choice. Regina also shares the importance of embracing our uniqueness and love for ourselves. Plus, she reveals how to find true happiness and joy within.

Regina Cates

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), expert in Goal Achievement and Brainwave Entrainment, Jeff Gignac. Jeff joins Natalie to discuss his new breakthrough technology called ?Passive Brain Fitness? which is helping people take their lives to a whole new level by improving their mental processing power. During the show, Jeff explains how negative emotions like stress, fear and depression affect our body by restricting our brain from the blood flow necessary to learn, think and live to our fullest potential. He also reveals that to be able to problem solve, look into the future and create, we must first be in a state that is stress and worry free.

Dr Amelia Kemp

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), expert in Goal Achievement and Brainwave Entrainment, Jeff Gignac. Jeff joins Natalie to discuss his new breakthrough technology called ?Passive Brain Fitness? which is helping people take their lives to a whole new level by improving their mental processing power. During the show, Jeff explains how negative emotions like stress, fear and depression affect our body by restricting our brain from the blood flow necessary to learn, think and live to our fullest potential. He also reveals that to be able to problem solve, look into the future and create, we must first be in a state that is stress and worry free.

Jeff Gignac

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with inspirational Fashion Designer and Self-Love Expert, Micaela Passeri. Micaela joins Natalie to discuss her powerful clothing line called ?I love Who I Am?, and how it helps hundreds of women and children love who they really are form the inside out. During the show, Micaela explains that she uses powerful and positive words on each garment to uplift and empower people to feel confident in who they really are. She also shares her personal journey to becoming a fashion designer and reveals how she?s supporting women in domestic violence shelters as well as underprivileged kids.

Micaela Passeri

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with certified life coach, mindset trainer, author and speaker, Ron Prasad. Ron joins Natalie to discuss his revolutionary phone application called ?Beat Bullying With Confidence?, created specifically for young people who have encountered bullying. During the show, Ron explains that his app contains practical tips on how to overcome bullying, how to support people who are being bullied and how to avoid it. He also opens up about being a victim of this form of violence? plus, he reveals effective exercises that kids can practice daily to build their self-esteem and confidence.

Ron Prasad

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Master Health Activator, international speaker and best-selling author, Julie Renee Doering. Julie joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding work she?s doing by helping people achieve perfect health. She does this through the use of a cutting edge technique she developed herself using the Quantum field and people?s own stem cells. During the show Julie explains her remarkable health journey and the many obstacles she had to overcome, including radiation poisoning, 17 surgeries and multiple cancers. Julie also shares that through this journey she not only restored her health back to 100%, but she also discovered her own true path, which is to help others discover their own human blueprint, which ultimately wires us all to heal!

Julie Renee Doering

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Certified Life Coach, dating expert and founder of ?Dating with Dignity?, Marni Battista.
Marni joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work she?s doing to help entrepreneurs start successful businesses and help aspiring coaches to become leaders in their field through her ?Confident Coach Blueprint? Coaching Program. During the show, Marni opens up about the many changes she had to embrace to transform her life and become the coach and relationship expert she now is. She also explains the effective techniques she has created based on her own life experiences? Plus, she reveals what every business owner needs to know right now in order to become more powerful and prosperous.

Marni Batista

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with award-winning author and child abuse survivor, Tom North. Tom joins Natalie on the show to discuss his new book 'True North', which is inspired by Tom's real life experiences as a survivor from an abusive stepfather that drove him to depression and drugs, and a mother who protected the image of the 'perfect' family at all costs. During the show, Tom shares that the Golden Globe award-winning movie

Tom North

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with nutritionist, mindful coach and hypnotherapist student, Nathalie Chantal. Nathalie joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her powerful coaching program ?Simply Live Better?, which aims to help people lose weight and achieve their greatest state of wellness, without the use of conventional medicine or quick fixes. During the show, Nathalie shares her personal journey from being a depressed, co-dependent and bulimic to becoming a happy, healthy and successful life coach. She also shares the difficult decisions she had to make to take responsibility for her own health? Plus, she reveals the 6 pillars she follows to transform people?s lives.

Nathalie Chantal

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with former top fitness trainer turned transformation specialist, Paula D?Andrea. Paula joins Natalie to discuss her signature coaching program, F.I.T, a program designed for men and women who are ready to end their struggles with long term chronic pain, flare-ups, weight loss, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, confidence and esteem. During the show, Paula explains the different skills and techniques she has learned throughout her fitness and coaching career, which she now delivers to her clients allowing them to experience a more healthy, dynamic life, with lasting results.

Paula D'Andrea

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and motivational speaker, Kit Summers. Kit joins Natalie to discuss his personal journey from traveling around the world as a professional juggler, to lying in a coma for more than a month, to finally emerging as a successful motivational speaker. During the show, Kit explains that despite the many troublesome times he?s experienced, he has now learned to turn every adversity into an opportunity, and now teaches others how to do the same.

How to turn any adversity into opportunities

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with Quantum Healer Practitioner, Health Educator and Web TV Host, Dr. David Trybus. Dr. David joins Natalie to discuss his unique method of healing, which helps people uncover and release their hidden blocks, to achieve optimal health in just one private session. During the show, David explains that in order for real healing to occur?the body, mind and spirit ALL need to be addressed at the same time. Plus, he uncovers the 3 critical components that contribute our current state of wellness and what can be done to reach the level of health and happiness you desire.

David Trybus

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker, author and creator of National ?Self Esteem Day?, Janice Davies. Janice joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding work she?s doing to help people all over the world build confidence and self-esteem, through her yearly event that begun on June 25th. During the show, Janice opens up about how she overcame her own self esteem issues through specific principles that she now uses to help others achieve confidence and self-love.

Janice Davies

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with international speaker and acclaimed business coach, Tina Dietz. Tina joins Natalie on the show to discuss her latest book ?Solve any problem in 10 minutes?, which is a blueprint to help you overcome challenges and achieve goals faster. During the show, Tina explains how to find your inner strength to overcome any fear in life as well as how to live life with passion and purpose. Plus, she reveals the #1 mistake that business owners make and how to avoid it

Tina Dietz

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with entrepreneur and founder of ?The Conscious Parenting Academy?, John Edwards. John joins Natalie to discuss the importance of developing conscious parenting skills in order to produce a happy home for all family members. During the show, John opens up about how growing up in a violent home affected him and his family as he grew older, which empowered him to seek and develop ways to raise his own children in a calm and supportive manner. Plus, he reveals the 3 stages of conscious parenting and how they can be implemented.

John Edwards

Today on The Inspiration show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with actor, author and motivational speaker, Dianne Bischoff James. Dianne joins Natalie on the show to discuss her new book called 'The Real Brass Ring', which is a story inspired by 'The Secret' and Dianne's own personal journey of transformation after courageously pursuing her life's true calling. During the show, Dianne opens up about how chasing after the American dream led her to an unhappy and unfulfilled life, and how she was able to build her life back up with the help of the Law of Attraction. Plus, she reveals her secret 'shortcuts for living well'

Dianne Bischoff

Today on the show Natalie Ledwell speaks with celebrity image therapist, globally recognized speaker and educator, Liana Chaouli. Liana joins Natalie to discuss the powerful work she’s doing by helping women from all walks of life to build their confidence by simply giving them advice on how to dress successfully. During the show Liana explains the effective process she uses to reflect her client's style and gives useful styling tips that every woman can implement right now to improve their image and self-esteem. Plus, she reveals the most common mistake women make when it comes to dressing and how to overcome it.

Liana Chaouli

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with professional organizer and Image Consultant, Kathi Burns. Kathi joins Natalie on the show to discuss her new online course 'Home Organizing Made Simple', which aims to help people attract the abundance and clarity they desire by organizing and simplifying their homes and lives. During the show, Kathi explains the important connection between our physical possessions and our mental well-being. Plus, she reveals an easy way to help people overcome fear of letting go to embrace change and therefore achieve a happier and peaceful life.

Kathi Burns

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, spiritual teacher and internationally acclaimed psychic-medium, Sunny Dawn Johnston. Sunny joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her new book called 'Invoking the Archangels', which is a 9-step guide to heal the body, mind and soul. During the show, Sunny opens up about a miraculous experience she had with an angel that saved her life, and shares the amazing work she’s doing to help other people connect with them. Plus, she reveals the most important things we need to do to receive their help and guidance

Sunny Dawn Johnston - Angels

Today on the show Natalie speaks with author, speaker and celebrity radio host, Raven Blair Davis - aka 'The Talk Show Maven'. Raven joins Natalie to discuss why so many people are afraid to step into their greatness and make a difference in their lives and businesses. During the show, Raven shares powerful tools and strategies to help people take action and step outside of their comfort zone. Plus, she reveals her #1 tip for overcoming fear so you can finally make any dream a reality.

Raven Blair Davis

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with best-selling authors, peace advocates and world-renowned recording artists, Robert and Terri Lynn TallTree. Robert and Terri join Natalie on the show to discuss their powerful vision, which is to teach people how to respect themselves, the earth and all living things, through traditional and contemporary American Indian music and stories. During the show, Robert and Terri share some simple, yet extremely powerful life advice from indigenous elders. Plus, they reveal how you can explore your authentic nature and welcome unlimited possibilities into your own life.

Terri and Robert LIVE

Today on the show Natalie Ledwell speaks with master energy healer and psychotherapist, Divora Stern. Divora joins Natalie to discuss the alternative modality she uses to help people overcome physical and emotional illnesses. During the show, Divora shares her personal journey of overcoming an abusive relationship to becoming a professional energy healer. She also explains why she strongly believes that integrating your subconscious mind with your conscious mind is the new and most effective way of healing.

Divora Stern

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with Founder of 'Positive Minded People', Bennie Mayberry. Benny joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work he's doing by transforming lives through his 1000+ community group in LA which fosters positive liked-minded individuals through social, community and learning events, in LA. During the show, Bernie explains that at some point in everyone's life, we're faced with a dream or a next step that scares us to death, however having the courage to just do it anyway, is what defines people's character. Bernie shares that his mission is to inspire people to move forward and help them reach their dreams no matter how scary they may seem.

Bennie Mayberry

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with best-selling author, teacher and spiritual guide, Patricia Cori. Patricia joins Natalie on the show to discuss the message behind her new book

Patricia Cori - The Emissary

oday on the show, Natalie speaks with neuroscientist, coach and founder of the 'Self-Help' Academy, Shonte Jovan Taylor. Shonte joins Natalie to discuss her personal journey from being a struggling, single teenage mom, to becoming a successful career woman. During the show, Shonte explains the amazing works she’s doing by helping people to optimize their leadership potential, professional goals, and personal development, through her 'Self-Help' Academy training program. Plus, she reveals the amazing science behind it and how to implement it to reach your highest potential.

Shonte Taylor LIVE

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with psychotherapist and best-selling author, Jonathan Robinson. Jonathan joins Natalie to discuss his new book called 'Finding Happiness Now', which describes 50 different, powerful techniques to find happiness and fulfillment in every area of your life. During the show, Jonathan explains that while we all search for happiness, this has a different meaning for everyone and often times, people don't make it a priority. Jonathan also shares different methods from his book to achieve happiness and reveals his number one tip for dealing with a tough or sad moment in your life.

Jonathon Robinson - Find Happiness Now

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with businesswoman, international speaker and author, Sharon Lechter. Sharon joins Natalie to discuss her new book called 'Think and Grow Rich for Women', which aims to help women embrace their personal strengths and explains how to achieve a healthy balance between life and work, without guilt. During the show, Sharon shares the importance of education in women's lives and why she believes successful women think differently. Plus, she reveals effective leadership skills that every person must have to succeed in today’s world.

Importance of Education in Women's Lives

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with author of 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks, Suzanne Mathis McQueen. Suzanne joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her latest book, which is a symbolic journey through the 28 days of the female hormonal cycle. During the show, Suzanne explains that society has given the feminine cycle a negative connotation despite this experience being one of the most remarkable sequences in the universe. She also reveals how important it is for women (and men!) to understand its different phases in order to have a better intimate relationship. Plus she explains why she strongly believes that female’s cycles are the key to accessing woman’s core power and wisdom.

Suzanne McQueen - Decoding the Woman's Cycle

Today on the show Natalie speaks with author, speaker and celebrity radio host, Raven Blair Davis - aka The Talk Show Maven. Raven joins Natalie to discuss why so many people are afraid to step into their greatness and make a difference in their lives and businesses. During the show, Raven shares powerful tools and strategies to help people take action and step outside of their comfort zone. Plus, she reveals her #1 tip for overcoming fear so you can finally make any dream a reality

How to use the Law of Attraction - Live

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with psychotherapist, master chef and author of ‘The Inner Peace Diet’, Aileen McCabe. Aileen joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her book which explains her a one-of-a-kind system designed to help people lose weight and manage stress in new and creative ways, and without the help of fad diets or quick fixes. During the show, Aileen explains the importance of cultivating a peaceful lifestyle by practicing meditation and yoga and how these practices can help us balance our emotional and physical health. Plus, she reveals why she strongly believes that we all have the inner wisdom to manifest our deepest desires.

Aileen McCabe - Inner Peace Diet

Today on the show Natalie speaks with international speaker, business success coach and certified LOA trainer, James Alvino. James joins Natalie on the show to discuss his signature presentation called 'Here’s Living Proof', which is system designed to challenge, motivate, entertain and inspire people to take charge of their lives with the right mindset and action steps for creating the life they envision. During the show, Jim explains the scientific background of his successful system and gives amazing insights of how to use the LOA in our daily lives. Plus, he reveals his secret formula to altering the physical reality simply with our minds.

Jim Alvino LIVE

Today on the show Natalie speaks with author of 'Bully Proofing You', Jeanie Cisco-Meth. Jeanie joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her book which is a step-by-step plan for 'Bully Proofing You', giving many practical tools that parents, teachers and students can use to deal with this issue. During the show, Jeanie shares her personal journey about how she overcame bullying herself and reveals the most important thing that parents and teachers need to know in order to empower kids to improve their self-esteem and protect themselves from abuse.

Jeanie Cisco-Meth

Today on the show I speak with professional speaker, spiritual teacher and entrepreneur, Sheevaun Moran. Sheevaun joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming live event called I am success now, which is designed to help people become successful in any area of their life. During the show, Sheevaun explains why our inside energy must be aligned with our outside energy to reach prosperity, empowerment and success. Plus, she reveals the effective method she uses to remove the obstacles that create pain, anxiety and fear, in record time.

Sheevaun Moran LIVE

Today on the show Natalie speaks with author, coach and NLP guru, Mr. Twenty Twenty. Twenty joins Natalie on the show to discuss how he was able to heal himself from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being taken hostage in one of the worst prison riots in the United States. During the show, Twenty explains that this traumatic event forever changed his life and why he strongly believes that things never happen by accident, they happen to teach us valuable lessons. Plus, he reveals the effective technique he uses to help people overcome any challenge in life.

Twenty Twenty

Today on the show Natalie speaks with contemporary thought leader and one of Oprah's special guests, Panache Desai. Panache joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called Discovering your Soul Signature, Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy, which aims to help people discover their life's purpose and overcome the emotional obstacles that keep them from becoming who they really are. During our chat, Panache explains why he strongly believes that we must all find our soul signature and the important steps you need to take to find it. PLUS, he reveals how to heal yourself from life's challenges as he explains the hidden causes of anger, fear, rage and insecurity.

Panache Desai LIVE

Today on the show Natalie speaks with 'The Unbreakable Man' and author of ’The Unbreakable’, Nicholas Steele. Nicholas joins Natalie on the show to discuss the inspiration behind his book and shares his miraculous journey of overcoming total paralysis and finally walking again! He attributes his success to visualization and positive affirmations. During our chat, Nicholas explains why he's been called 'a miracle' and 'unbreakable', and shares that his mission in life is to help people understand that anything is possible and that no one must ever give up on hope or their dreams.

Nicholas Steele - Unbreakable

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with body language expert and author of 'What Your Body Says and How To Master The Message', Sharon Sayler. Sharon joins Natalie to discuss different tips and techniques from her latest book and also shares how to build safety and trust with others, without saying a word. Susan explains the importance of body language and what to do to feel completely comfortable and in control when speaking to anyone, anywhere, anytime. PLUS, she reveals the one skill you need, to make a positive difference in your job or marriage

The Power of Body Language

Today on the show Natalie speaks with entrepreneur and author of 'Heed Your Call', David Howitt. David joins Natalie to discuss his modern-day manifesto, which combines myth, science, spirituality and business, and applies these ideologies to real-world lessons. During the show, David explains the inspiration behind his book and shares that he aims to help people integrate their soul and passion with their professions. David strongly believes that people must follow their hearts and inner voice to achieve prosperity in life.

David Howitt - Heed Your Call

Today on the show Natalie will be speaking with cancer survivor and the author of

The Inspiration Show: Ha, I Laugh In The Face Of Cancer

Today on the show Natalie speaks with creator of 'The Law of Attraction Radio Network', Jewels Johnson. Jewels joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming LIVE event called 'Ignite your power of creation through the Law of Attraction', happening April 11-13 in Palm Springs, California. Her event aims to remind people that they have the power to create anything they desire through positive thinking and energy. During the show, Jewels explains that our thoughts hold much more power than we really think and if we put the right amount of energy into them, we can create the reality we desire.

Jewels Johnson - LOA Event

Today on the show Natalie speaks with New York best-selling author of the 'Sedona Method', Hale Dwoskin. Hale joins Natalie to discuss the powerful technique that he learned 3 decades ago, that has forever changed his life and has helped hundreds of thousands of people to tap into the ability to let go of uncomfortable or unwanted emotions on the spot. During the show, Hale explains the science behind this effective method. Plus, he reveals how anyone can achieve financial stability, more fulfilling relationships and better health, no matter what's going on around us.

Hale Dwoskin

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with creator of 'The Effortless Prosperity Program' and Brainwave Entrainment expert, Morry Zelcovitch. Morry joins Natalie to discuss his revolutionary program, which helps people overcome challenges in any area of their life and to maximize on their true potential through brainwave entrainment. During the show, Morry explains that his program is based on repetition, which is the same method found in nature but a thousand times faster. Morry's powerful recordings inside 'Effortless Prosperity' help to change negative thoughts into positive ones, creating new ideas and therefore new actions and ultimately a new way of life

Morry Zelcovich

Today on the show Natalie speaks with founder of the 'Self Care Revolution', Dr. Robyn Benson. Robyn joins Natalie to discuss her free online event, which aims to empower individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to radically transform their health and lives. During the show, Robyn opens up about how losing 2 very important people in her life, gave her the motivation to find solutions to help reverse disease. Robyn also explains why she strongly believes that our thoughts control our health. Plus, she reveals the biggest causes of illnesses these days and how to reverse them.

Robyn Benson

Today on the show Natalie speaks with coach and professional speaker, Tracey Trottenberg. Tracey joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming 3 day event called 'Own, Honor & Unleash', which is a workshop style event designed for business-oriented women who want to enhance their leadership and speaking skills. During the show, Tracey shares the inspiration behind her empowering coaching program and reveals the important skills every person must possess to be an engaging and successful speaker.

Tracey Trottenberg - Own, Honor, Unleash

Today on the show Natalie speaks with Master Relationship Coaches, 'Orna and Matthew Walters. Orna and Matthew join Natalie to discuss their free online event called 'Love on Purpose Revolution', which aims to bust the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident. During the show, Orna and Matthew share the different techniques they use to help people find true love and they reveal some of the most common limiting beliefs that are holding people back from finding the right partner. Orna and Matthew explain why they believe that creating love intentionally and purposely is the right way to find long-lasting relationships.

Orna and Matthew Walters - Love on Purpose Revolution

Today on the show Natalie speaks with life coach & creator of 'Home and Harmony Lifestyle', Christa O'Leary. Christa joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work she's doing through her program that inspires people to live in a healthy and harmonious way, helping them to create supportive and nurturing homes and environments. During the show, Christa shares how a near death experience made her realize that the only way to live is passionately, and how important it is to share your unique gifts and talents with the world. Plus, she reveals two important steps you need to take to discover your passion in life.

Christa O'Leary

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of 'Business Heroin Magazine', Anne Perry. Anne joins Natalie to discuss the unique work she's doing through her magazine by helping women to break free of their limitations and invent their dream business. During the show, Anne explains that the most important attribute of her magazine is not only that it serves as a platform to broadcast women's voices, but it's also a community where entrepreneurs support each other. Anne also shares her personal journey of how she was able to honor her life's purpose by finding her unique genius.

Anne Perry - Business Heroine

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of '5 Women 5 Transformations', Dr. Jenny Ellis. Jenny joins Natalie for the second time to share the conclusion of her inspiring story that brought her from battling with depression after her parents got divorced, to discovering and fulfilling her life's purpose. Jenny opens up about how she lost herself trying to save her troubled marriage, until she found the courage she needed to turn her life around. During the show, Jenny also shares how she was able to achieve true happiness and reveals the 2 most important things any woman can do to instantly build their self-esteem.

Dr. Jenny Ellis- 5 Women 5 Transformations Part 2

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie speaks with the creator of '5 Women 5 Transformations', Dr. Jenny Ellis, to discuss the amazing work she's doing to help women, of all ages, build their confidence and embrace their strengths, by using different personal and psychological strategies. During the show, Jenny opens up about struggling with depression at a very young age after experiencing her parent's divorce, and shares the many adversities she had to face to pursue her passion in life, which unknowingly gave her the wisdom and experience to help other women to overcome the same obstacles. This episode of the Inspiration Show is part 1 of 2 with Dr. Jenny Ellis.

Dr. Jenny Ellis- 5 Women 5 Transformations

Today on the show Natalie speaks with the author of award-wining book, 'Do you Quantum Think?', Dianne Collins. Dianne joins Natalie to discuss her amazing discovery that reveals a missing link to make sense of our modern problems. This discovery gives us the understanding to rise above any challenge by shifting our way of thinking and creating a different outcome. During the show, Dianne explains how humanity has been conditioned for many years to a very limited way of thinking and how we can apply the principles behind quantum science and spiritual wisdom to successfully master any business, relationship or personal fulfillment.

Dianne Collins - Do You QuantumThink?

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with renowned relationship and intimacy coaches, Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver. They join her to discuss their new book titled 'Sexual Enlightenment', which is a guide book for achieving lasting fulfillment through ancient 'Tantra' teachings. During the show, Elsbeth and Freddy explain that they are able to help thousands of people achieve deep and meaningful relationships, through practices such as conscious breathing, meditation, energy awareness, tantric bodywork and self-expression. Plus, they reveal how couples can disengage from arguments and how singles can attract the right person into their lives.

Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver - Creating Lasting Fulfillment

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with musician Noah Solomon, to discuss how after reading Natalie's first book 'Never In Your Wildest Dreams,' he was inspired to use the Law of Attraction to monetize his music career. After an injury left Noah incapable of going back to his previous job, he decided to turn his passion into a new career, by applying the LOA teachings he learned from Natalie's 'Never In Your Wildest Dreams.' During the show, Noah reveals the #1 tool that YOU can use to shift your mind into a creative state and start living out your passion today!

How To Cash In On Your Dreams - Noah Solomon

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of 'Higher Brain Living,' Dr. Michael Cotton. Michael joins Natalie to discuss his revolutionary technique which has helped thousands of people find purpose and reach their maximum human potential. During the show, Michael shares the incredible science behind his energy healing technique and how by using 'Higher Brain Living,' anyone can overcome stress, anxiety and depression to live a more passionate, fulfilling life.

Dr Michael Cotton

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with cardiologist and author of 'Your Vibrant Heart,' Dr. Cynthia Thaik. She joins Natalie to discuss the incredible work she's doing to transform the health & wellness industry through a holistic, heart-based approach. During the show, Cynthia explains why she eventually turned to spiritual, integrative healing practices, after years of working in Western medicine. Plus, she reveals essential habits that every person must integrate into their life to achieve optimal joy, energy and passion.

Dr Cynthia Thaik Your Vibrant Heart

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with author, speaker and entrepreneur, Katrina Starzhynskaya. Katrina joins Natalie to share her transformational story of self-healing and empowerment, after growing exhausted with multiple misdiagnosis's from traditional medicine practitioners. Katrina was eventually able to take full responsibility of her health through a holistic approach and dramatic lifestyle changes, and she now helps others do the same. During the show, Katrina reveals the important tools that helped her overcome disease and the steps that anyone can follow to rise above any challenge in life.

Overcoming Challenges - Katrina Starzhynskaya

Today Natalie speaks with the creator of the upcoming event, 'Join A New Year's Revolution' online series, Mark Bowness. Mark's event will host 31 Personal Development experts who will personally train attendees to create AND achieve their New Year's resolutions in 2014. During the show, Mark opens up about hitting rock bottom and attempting suicide, after his marriage ended. This traumatic event eventually inspired Mark to live a purposeful, authentic life…and he now uses the powerful lessons that helped him turn his own life around, to empower others to tap into their own unique purpose.

Mark Bowness - Join A New Year's Revolution

Today, on the show Natalie speaks with New York best-selling author and star of the film 'The Secret,' Marci Shimoff. Marci joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming, free online event, 'The 3 Secrets of Living a Life Filled With Miracles,' which aims to help people manifest their dreams by achieving unconditional self-love and worth. During the show, Marci opens up about the day she found herself at the peak of her career but still unhappy, and how she finally achieved true happiness and fulfillment.

Marci Shimoff - Your Year of Miracles

Today on the show, Natalie speak with motivational speaker and author of 'Say Yes to a Positive Attitude,' Janice Davies. Janice joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding work she's doing to help people build confidence and self-esteem, through her yearly event called 'Self Day'. During the show, Janice opens up about once struggling with her own self-esteem issues, how she overcame them and how she uses these same principles to help others achieve confidence and self-love.

Janice Davies - Say YES to a Positive Attitude

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with life coach, Julie Kleinhans, to discuss her upcoming event, 'Successful Kids Revolution.' Julie's incredible event aims to train parents and teachers to help children release any negative or limiting beliefs from a young age, empowering them to go beyond their limitations and achieve success in all areas of their life. During the show, Julie shares why it's so important to teach teenagers and young adults about personal development. Plus, she reveals exactly how parents and teachers can apply the Law of Attraction at home and at school.

Successful Kids Revolution - Julie Kleinhans

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with America's Reinvention Expert and Author of 'What is your What', Steve Olsher, to discuss his upcoming live event, 'The Reinvention Workshop', happening this 24th and 25th of January, 2013, in San Diego. Through this eye-opening event, Steve wishes to help people discover, share and monetize their 'WHAT', which is the one thing they are born to do. During the show, Steve shares why he believes that passion is not always enough to succeed in life. Plus, he shares the 3 most important steps to discover your 'What' and reveals how to monetize your natural-born gifts.

What is your What? - Steve Olsher

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with author and speaker, Karen Russo. She joins Natalie to discuss he transformational work she's doing around the world to help people grow, both financially and spiritually. During the show, Karen explains why many people think that money and spirituality can't coexist, and how this actually hinders overall success, prosperity and happiness. Plus, she reveals the 3 most common money traps that people fall into and most importantly, how they can be avoided.

Karen Russo - Grow yourself AND your wealth

Today on the show, Natalie films a special episode of The Inspiration Show from the red carpet premier of the film, 'Stickability, The Power of Perseverance.' 'Stickability' is an incredible project from Greg S. Reid, which teaches audiences from all walks of life, the timeless lessons of perseverance and never giving up. During the special, red carpet episode, Natalie interviews some of the stars featured in the film and book, 'Stickability,' to find out their number one tip to persevering and achieving success, through challenging times.

Red carpet premier of 'Stickability'

Today, Natalie airs a special, end of the year, episode of The Inspiration Show, standing in front of one of her favorite spots in Sydney - Lady Macquarie's Chair! Natalie comes all the way from Australia to reflect what an incredible year 2013 has been, and expresses gratitude to everyone who helped her make the year a success. During the show from the Sydney Harbor, Natalie shares all of the exciting events that are coming up in 2014, and explains how viewers can get involved with some brand new projects in the New Year!

Special End of The Year Show!

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with music producer and composer, Gary Malkin. He joins me to discuss the power of music for achieving optimal health, abundance and fulfillment. During the show, Gary explains that because everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency, we can use music and sound to move into a higher state of consciousness and achieve new levels of wholeness.

Gary Malkin - Wisdom of the World

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with renowned healer, Krystalya Marie, to discuss the unique and powerful work she's doing to prevent cold and flu epidemics, through sound healing and sacred symbols. After overcoming scoliosis with holistic remedies years ago, Krystalya found a passion for helping others fight illness with the same powerful (and natural!) approach. During the show, Krystalya reveals the power that our beliefs have over our immune system and shares natural ways to fight off illness.

Krystalya Marie - Holistic approach to cold and flu

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with master leadership coach, hypnotherapist and creator of 'Feminine Power Cards,' Laura Rubinstein. Laura joins Natalie to discuss the incredible work she's doing to help women honor and recognize the power of their feminine energy, through her 'Feminine Power Cards'. These cards were inspired by the positive reminders Laura used to write herself to help her bounce back after a painful breakup and the end of her career. During the show, Laura shares her personal journey of discovering the power of her feminine side and reveals the importance of maintaining a balance between a masculine and feminine essence. Today, Laura continues to work with women to help them tap into their own femininity and express themselves in a healthy, positive way.

Laura Rubinstein - Feminine Essence

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with entrepreneur and creator of 'Attitude Orange,' Sujata Vadlamudy. Sujata joins Natalie to discuss the inspiration behind her new life management tool, 'My Attitude Planner,' which was designed to help people achieve a healthy, balanced personal and professional life. Sujata's planner not only helps schedule appointments, but also is a platform for goals, reflections, quotes, tips, challenges and solutions. During the show, Sujata opens up about the struggles she faced before starting her own business, plus, she reveals the most important action everyone must take to successfully accomplish any goal.

Sujata Vadlamudy - Attitude Orange

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with singer and songwriter, Sarah Blaine. Sarah joins Natalie on the show, to discuss the release of her newest single, 'Dance with the Devil,' which was inspired by Napoleon Hill's book, 'Outwitting the Devil.' Sarah's song embodies the powerful message that although everyone experiences moments of fear, self-doubt and negativity, everyone also has the strength to overcome those negative energies, to reach their highest potential and purpose. During the show, Sarah shares the details of her inspiring journey to becoming a musician. Plus, she reveals the importance of creating music with a positive, empowering message. Sarah's goal is to reach a younger generation and encourage them to reach their goals and dreams.

Sarah Blaine - Dance with the Devil

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with author and transformational coach, Gina Hussar, and she joins me to discuss her upcoming series 'Made for Money: Unlock and Unblock Your Millionaire Mindset.' Her inspiring project helps women achieve a balance between spiritual and financial success, by providing tools & techniques to eliminate self-doubt and guilt from their minds. During the show, Gina reveals the 7 principles that helped her recover from a life of anxiety & stress. And how she was able to incorporate that same knowledge into her coaching program, to empower others to do the same.

Gina Hussar - 30 Seconds To Peace

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with international speaker and author of 'Toby Says, Be a Buddy Not a Bully,' Charmaine Hammond. Charmaine's children's book series is inspired by her adopted dog Toby, and teaches children important values such as kindness, acceptance and respect. During the show, Charmaine explains how she is taking action to prevent bullying in schools through her BARK (don't Bite) program, which empowers children to speak out against bullying and to choose to respond with kindness and love. Toby and Charmaine travel to various schools to spread awareness and teach acceptance.

Team Toby

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with author of 'The Genesis Code: Your Key to Unlocking Hidden Genius,' Glynda-Lee Hoffmann. In her book, Glynda takes a rare and interesting approach to deciphering the original Book of Genesis from the bible, in which she explains actually contains hidden teachings about the limitless possibilities in the human brain. During the show, Glynda opens up on how she stumbled across the secret documents in the Book of Genesis, and how she now uses that knowledge to helps others reach enlightenment.

Glynda-Lee Hoffmann - The Genesis Code

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie speaks with professional speaker and co-creator of the upcoming virtual event, 'Your Life-Changing Legacy,' Lynn Rose. Lynn joins Natalie to discuss the incredible work she's doing to help people identify, create and monetize their own unique legacy. During the show, Lynn explains that her mission is to help others tap into their hidden talents and strengths, and to create a message that will positively impact generations to come.

Lynn Rose - Life-Changing Legacy

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with professional musician and actor, David Eby, to discuss his upcoming film,'Finding Happiness.' The film is a fictional story based on the real life, spiritual community of 'Ananda,' where David lives. 'Ananda' is a true example of a place where people strive to live in harmony, collaboration, peace and love with one another. 'Finding Happiness' was created inside the actual community, as to showcase authentic experiences and emotions from individuals who live there. During the show, David shares an incredible tool that viewers can use immediately, to achieve a greater sense of happiness, fulfillment and love.

David Eby - Finding Happiness

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of the 'Manifesting Mamas' telesummit, Susan Graham Guddat. After becoming a mother of 2 twin boys, Susan felt overwhelmed with exhaustion, stress & anxiety. During the show, Susan reveals how she was able to turn it all around to achieve a life full of energy, abundance and prosperity. Plus, she explains how she helps others do the same through her 'Manifesting Mamas' online workshop, which offers powerful strategies and tips for obtaining balance and fulfillment.

Susan Guddat - Manifesting Mamas

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of the 'Savvy Business for Women' Magazine, Vrunda Dave. Vrunda joins Natalie to discuss the amazing work she's doing through her magazine which helps women to successfully launch businesses they love. She aptly calls this process entrefeminism. During the show, Vrunda reveals the biggest challenges women face as entrepreneurs and the key thing that blocks them from reaching professional success. Vrunda explains that her magazine is also a social and humanitarian project that raises money to donate to struggling women and children around the world.

Vrunda Dave - Savvy Business for Women

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with with professional speaker and author of 'Double Your Income Doing What You Love,' Raymond Aaron. Raymond's book provides an extremely effective system to help individuals tap into their own unique potential to achieve ridiculous levels of success and prosperity. During the show, Raymond reveals the #1 reason why people struggle to make money, despite having the right work ethic, skills and intelligence. Raymond explains that handwork is NOT the secret to success and reveals his powerful strategies to turn a passion into a profitable business.

Raymond Aaron - Create Wealth Doing What You Love

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with visionary and entrepreneur, Scott Duffy. Scott joins Natalie on the show to discuss the upcoming debut of his book 'LAUNCH!,' which is a blueprint for business leaders to launch and grow successful businesses in 90 days or less. During the show, Scott reveals the two biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when trying to launch a business and he also shares some powerful ideas he received when working with working with personalities like Tony Robbins and Richard Branson, which he still applies to his business model today. Scott is an expert at breaking ANY idea into simple, manageable steps, so that no goal is out of reach.

LAUNCH! your success with Scott Duffy

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with master teacher and guide, Christopher Tims. At a young age, Christopher sought to find the truth behind spirituality and enlightenment. After leaving all traditional religions behind, Christopher experienced his own fulfillment through a specific set of ancient teachings. During the show, Christopher explains how he uses ancient wisdom, energy, light and sound, to help others obtain true manifestation and fulfillment.

Christopher Tims - Dreams Fulfilled

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with therapist and mindset coach, Tanya Penny. Tanya's life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 29. But what started out as a tragic event, ended up being the miracle Tanya needed to positively transform her life. Tanya was able to overcome MS by learning to manage her stress levels and finding a regular balance of work, rest and play. During the show, Tanya shares that her experience has helped her connect with her patients on a much deeper level, to help them achieve a passionate, healthy lifestyle too.

A Passionate Healthy Life

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with dream alchemist, author and spiritual teacher, Maria Mar. She joins me to discuss the inspiration behind her new magazine, 'Butterfly You.' During the show, Maria opens up about how after losing everything in a home disaster, she thought her life was over, but her eyes were opened when she realized that she was infinitely rich with her own unique talents and divine light. Maria now uses her experience with homelessness to help others tap into their own power and essence.

Tap into the power of YOU!

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with the creator of the 'Inner Hottie, Sexy Body' telesummit, Dawn Berube. After a traumatic event in her early 20s, Dawn struggled with lack of self-confidence, anxiety and panic attacks. During the show, Dawn shares that this event was eventually the catalyst for a deep spiritual journey to rediscover forgiveness, confidence and happiness, and along the way she also uncovered her passion to help other women do the same. Dawn's 'Inner Hottie, Sexy Body' tele summit offers inspiration, tips and expert insights for women to feel sexy and confident in their own skin. Natalie will be a featured speaker on the Dawn's upcoming telesummit.

Inner Hottie Sexy Body

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with international best selling author and creator of 'Mission Blue Print,' Nicola Grace. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer twice and filing for bankruptcy, Nicola decided that her life work was not over, and set out to make a massive difference in the lives of others. Nicola joins Natalie on The Inspiration Show to discuss her incredible project, 'Mission Blue Print', which empowers entrepreneurs to turn their passions into a profitable business. Nicola's very successful mentoring program was inspired by her own entrepreneurial skills and her passion to help others.

Marry Your Passion

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with shaman, and author, Frank Rico, to discuss the film and book, 'Dreaming Heaven'. This powerful story follows 18 individuals through their journey to Teotihuacan, Mexico - a sacred site, known since ancient times as a place of healing and awakening. The message from 'Dreaming Heaven' is that anyone can create an authentic life filled with an abundance of peace, happiness, grace and love…we just have to take the first step. During the show, Frank explains that the film and book allow the audience to experience the spiritual journey of Teotihuacan, from the comfort of their own homes. 'Dreaming Heaven' encourages people to live authentically and truthfully aligned with their purpose.

Dreaming Heaven

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with former US Naval Officer and author of the book 'Living the High Life Without Drinking the Champagne,' Jamie McCall. She joins Natalie to discuss her inspiring journey from hitting rock bottom, where she struggled with alcoholism, drug abuse and even suicide attempts to transforming herself into a local celebrity. During the show, Jamie explains that she is a firm believer that no matter how bad life gets, you always have the choice to turn it around for the better. Jaime is highly involved in her Hollywood career through acting, writing, producing and speaking. Jaime's passion is to inspire and encourage others to step out of self pity and to make a big impact!

Living the High Life without the Champagne

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with Alana Lea who's doing exceptional work in Brazil to restore organic trees and support the local communities. When Alana learned that 93% of the Brazilian rainforest where she was born had disappeared, she leaped into action. Alana's incredible project, iGiveTrees, benefits multiple small businesses and poor families by allowing them to stay on their farms and replant the rainforest, plus this project helps to renew the planet's natural resources for future. During the show Alana explains how listeners can help make a difference in families lives and in the environment by donating only $5 to plant an organic tree.

Trees of Transformation

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with Jane Noble Knight to discuss the incredible work she's doing around the world to celebrate women. While uncovering her own family history, Jane realized that historically and still today, many inspiring women remain unrecognized and unnoticed. Jane set out on the incredible journey, traveling in her motor-home, seeking to listen and recognize untold stories of amazing women. Jane shares some of the stories from women that she encountered during her travels and reveals the important lessons she's learned along the way.

Pilgrim Mother

Today on the show, Natalie speaks with Kim Snow for the second time to share the ending of her incredible journey to the United States from her home in Burma, a journey that took years. Kim opens up about the hardships and challenges she faced when finally reaching the United States while trying to discover her identity in a new country. During the show, Kim explains why after finally achieving her goal of living independently in a free country - she still wasn't happy. Kim also reveals the important lesson she learned about self-love, gratitude and happiness.

Against All Odds Part 2

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with friend and movie director, Barnet Bain, to discuss his new film, 'Milton's Secret.' The film will feature Peter Fonda and is based on a children's book by Eckhart Tolle and Robert Friedman. The main character is Milton, an 11 year-old boy who struggles to make sense of the challenges he faces. Milton becomes angry and discouraged with his life due to his fighting parents, bullying neighbors and his family's financial insecurity. The film takes the audience through Milton's struggle and finally his spiritual transformation when he discovers that he in fact has the power to create his reality.

Milton's Secret

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Marcie Peters to discuss her upcoming event 'Transform Your Health World Summit,' which Ledwell will be speaking at. Marcie was inspired to join the wellness industry after she suffered from chronic illness for years, with no improvement from traditional medicine. It wasn't until Marcie took responsibility for her own wellness and changed her diet and mindset, that she was finally able to regain her strength, energy and happiness. Marcie's passion and mission is to help people around the world reach optimal wellness through holistic practices and medicines. Marcie believes that a nutritious diet and regular exercise are absolutely vital to a healthy lifestyle. During the show, Marcie shares the details of her upcoming health summit which will run from October 1st to October 11th and will feature over 30 wellness experts including Ledwell.

Transform Your Health

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of 'Think and Grow Rich: Stickability, The Power of Perseverance,' Greg Reid. Greg joins Natalie on The Inspiration Show to discuss the amazing project he's involved in that reaches out to readers from all walks of life to teach the timeless lesson of perseverance, from Napoleon Hill's groundbreaking self-help guide, 'Think and Grow Rich.' Greg and his team have had the amazing opportunity to travel around the world, and ask the most powerful people of our generation, what is the secret to success? During the show, Greg reveals some of the incredible lessons that he's discovered along the way from innovators like Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple computers.


Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with radio show host and author, Debbi Dachinger. Debbi joins Natalie on The Inspiration Show to discuss her new book 'Wisdom to Success: The Surefire Secrets to Accomplish All Your Dreams.' Debbi specializes in goal achievement and her book offers readers a formula to overcome obstacles and obtain happiness, self-esteem and personal development. During the show, Debbi reveals that the #1 lesson from the book is that dreams really are doable and waiting on you to get started.

Dare To Dream

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Kim Snow to discuss Kim's incredible journey from Burma to Malaysia and finally to the United States. Kim faced many challenges including poverty, hunger and poor working conditions while trying to save enough money to move to America. During the show, Kim explains that although her situations often seemed hopeless, her determination to succeed kept her going. This episode of The Inspiration Show is part 1 of 2 with Kim Snow.

Against All Odds

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author of 'Too Much Gold to Flush,' Pat Grissom. Pat joins Natalie on The Inspiration Show to discuss her journey through divorce and separation and how it inspired her to write an amazing book to help women's shelters around the world. After suffering a painful split from her husband, Pat felt discouraged and angry. What started out as a book to expose her husband for his wrongdoings soon transformed into a story of healing and acceptance as Pat realized that her marital demise arose as a result of her own choices. Pat offers insight and advice on overcoming similar situations in 'Too Much Gold to Flush,' and she donates half of the sales price of each book to a women's shelter of the reader's choice.

The Gift of Infidelity

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Katherine Kelly to discuss her 'Soul Health' approach to healing and wellness. Dr. Kelly explains that there is no way to separate the different aspects of health because they are all so interrelated. The 'Soul Health' model uses 10 different areas which must be balanced for optimal health and spiritual growth. These include 'physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, financial, intellectual, environmental, sexual, recreational, and spiritual branches of health.' Dr. Kelly explains that if one aspect of health is 'broken' it is impossible for the rest of the branches to function properly. She works with patients to reach their highest potential by balancing the mind, body and soul.

Dr Katherine T Kelly

Today on the show Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ronna Price to discuss her incredible new documentary titled 'Sacred Journey of the Heart.' The groundbreaking film is about the process of healing and transformation using the most powerful organ of the human body - the heart itself. During the show, Ronna even shares her personal experience of transforming the pain of her past into deep appreciation by choosing to live from the heart. The film showcases some of the most influential transformational leaders of our time and takes the audience around the world to various sacred spaces to discover the true meaning of human evolution.

Ronna Prince - Sacred Journey of the Heart

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Tinh Pham to discuss the amazing work he's doing in San Diego to help the homeless. A few years ago, Tinh made a commitment to the Salvation Army every Wednesday night to volunteer, and this evolved into what is now 'Urban Angels.' 'Urban Angles' is a nonprofit organization formed to provide meal service and other forms of support for the homeless of San Diego. Tinh explains that 'Urban Angels' works with the city to reduce homelessness in the surrounding areas. One of the most recent developments is connection housing, which is San Diego's new integrated service and residential community that helps people off the street and into permanent housing. 'Urban Angels' welcomes volunteers on Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:30pm to serve the meal service.


Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of 'The Secret to Puppy Love,' Karen Palmer. Karen joins Natalie to discuss how she uses the law of attraction, mindfulness, and energy healing to train pets. Karen's book 'The Secret to Puppy Love' is a guide to dog training that helps pet owners build a more spiritual connection with their animal. During the show, Karen explains that these techniques can not only be used to transform pet and owner relations, but also to improve communication and connection with loved ones, co-workers and family.

The Secret to Puppy Love

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, success coach, international speaker and founder of Transform Destiny hypnotherapy office, Michael Stevenson. Michael joins Natalie on the show to discuss the 6 different levels of the subconscious mind and why hypnosis is the key to accessing all 6 levels. He explains how hypnotherapy empowered him to break past his unhealthy habit of smoking and other destructive behaviors, and he now travels as a coach and speaker to share the power of hypnosis with others. During the show, Michael walks the audience through the 6 different layers of the mind and reveals how important tapping into the subconscious is for creating lasting change in all areas of life.

How to use hypnotherapy to overcome bad habits

Today on the show Natalie Ledwell speaks with musician, bestselling author, and producer/director, James Twyman. James is best known for putting the peace prayers from the 12 major religions to music and now travels the world as

Senior Cinema Circle

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Natalie HIll, who's been working as an entrepreneur for more than a decade. But it wasn't until three years ago, while having a vivacious vacation in Costa Rica, that she had a life-changing epiphany. She realized she wasn't living the life she wanted and that she'd been squandering her most precious gift. Natalie made a decision right then and there to begin really living and to start doing things that brought her joy where she could share her gifts with the world and work with people she loved. Since then, she's been helping other entrepreneurs achieve a life beyond their wildest dreams through her sacred entrepreneurial success formula that teaches people to discover the relationship between business, personal development and spirituality. During the show, Natalie walks us through a few of the methods she uses to release the unconscious beliefs that are putting a cap on your happiness, your health and your prosperity.

Business The New Way

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell is joined by Heather Havenwood to discuss her company 'Sexy Boss' which encourages women to become fully responsible and successful in all areas of their life. Heather's previous life as a successful real estate agent ended in a sudden bankruptcy, which allowed her to rebuild her life from the ground up. Heather explains that this experience empowered her to discover her true passion, which is empowering women from all over the world to collaborate and succeed in both professional and personal life. During the show, she discusses how the empowerment of women is changing the rule book for 'money, success and sex'.

Sexy Boss

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie speaks with her good friend and world-renowned hypnotherapist Brennan Smith about how to rid yourself of limiting beliefs. While earning his Neurophysiology degree, Brennan's fascination with brain anatomy helped him discover how our thoughts quickly become things. This revelation caused a major shift in his conservative western-minded thinking and since then, he's spent over a decade studying therapeutic hypnosis. Along with his team at Natural Hypnosis, they're improving people's lives by empowering them to conquer limiting beliefs through the power of their own mind using hypnotherapy. During the show, Brennan focuses on how hypnosis affects the brain and how we can quickly and effectively reprogram our minds to create the life we desire. He also shares some of his favorite success stories and a special offer on his Manifestation Success Program from Natural Hypnosis.

Manifestation Success

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Malcolm Allen, a born entrepreneur with over 13 years of experience as a business growth strategist. While in college, Malcolm started MyCEO to help aspiring entrepreneurs take their ideas to the market. He reveals the biggest challenges most people face when developing their ideas into a business and how to access available resources to make their dreams successful.  During the show, Malcolm discusses MyCEO's upcoming convention Beauty, Brains and Business, featuring over 60 battle-tested business professionals, including Natalie, that will speak about their first-hand experiences and share insights for business owners at all stages. The event is August 15-17 in Dallas, Texas and is sure to be full of tangible, priceless strategies that will help you in business and in life.

Malcolm Allen BBB Conference

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Rea Wilke. Rea is a personal and leadership coach in the areas of career choice, spirituality, weight loss, finance and achieving overall happiness. During the show, Rea reveals how she was able to repair and transform her own marriage and the relationship with herself with a simple change in perspective, and she now strives to empower others to do the same.

Your Life Now

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guest, Aline Boundy, to discuss her upcoming tele summit 'Align With Your Purpose,' and how she discovered the 5 steps to discover and live a life of true passion and purpose. Aline worked for 33 years as a teacher but recently left her long-term career to to follow her own passion. She has now created a specific formula to help others discover their own purpose and live a life of true fulfillment. During the show, Aline reveals the 5 steps to aligning with purpose and shares the importance and meaning behind each step. Aline's upcoming tele summit begins on July 29th and Natalie Ledwell will appear as a returning expert on eliminating limiting beliefs.

5 Steps To Align With Your Purpose

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Krystalya Marie to discuss her healing modality, 'Empowered Spirit.' Krystalya explains that for many years of her life she attracted abusive relationships, especially with men into her life. During the show, Krystalya shares that once she was able to identify and eliminate her the core, limiting belief she had around self-love, she was able to heal and transform her life. Along the way, she also discovered an intriguing, unique healing modality that utilizes energy to heal and refocus the body, mind and spirit.

Empowered Spirit

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with CEO of 'Public Speakers Association,' Tonya Hofmann. Tonya reaches out to business owners, authors, speakers and coaches to improve their public speaking skills and help them to utilize this crucial skill to expand their business. During the show, Tonya explains that she created this platform to increase the collaboration of entrepreneurs around the world and provide quality training for public speaking. The 'Public Speakers Assocation' helps women and men use speech to attract more income, returning customers, and overall success.

Tonya Hofmann - Speaking for Success

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Julie Bond Genovese, author of 'Nothing Short of Joy.' Julie was born with dwarfism and degenerative arthritis, and for many years of her life she felt ashamed and humiliated by her physical body. During the show, Julie shares her amazing story of transformation and healing by learning to accept and love herself, inside and out. Julie reveals that once she realized that she was in control of her reality and happiness, she was empowered to utilize what she thought was her 'disability,' as the catalyst for complete spiritual fulfillment and professional success.

Nothing Short Of Joy

Today, Natalie Ledwell is joined by Jill Douka to discuss how people can unlock their unique strengths, energy and goals to free themselves and live happier, more fulfilling lives. Jill is a life coach, international speaker and author who lives in Greece. She shed's light on Greece's economic situation and how she's been passionately working with the region's entrepreneurs as a European business mentor to use the crisis as a kind of reset button on their lives. Jill has helped tens of thousands of people around the world through her work with the inspiring nonprofit organization Better Life Day and through her site. She has big plans to spread her message globally and we're excited to see how she'll continue to help people all over the world.

Jill Douka

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with her good friend Dawson Church. Dawson is the author of several books on 'soul medicine' and other aspects of natural health. He's also an international humanitarian who has used EFT (also known as tapping) to help war veterans, traumatized orphans in Rwanda and Haitian earthquake survivors free themselves from emotional trauma. Today, Dawson returns to not only lose weight and keep it off for good, but also to amplify self confidence and enjoyment of life.

Skinny Genes

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker, radio show host, and PTSD coach, Michele Rosenthal. Michele explains that trauma does not only stem from war and that there are many civilian victims that live with PTSD without treatment. During the show, Michele shares her personal story of trauma and healing, which inspired her to raise awareness for all PTSD victims. Michele works with her patients to move through the stages of healing and encourages them to focus on achieving a deep connection with themselves.

Surviving Grief

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Jenn August to discuss the amazing work she is doing with business owners to clear any mental blocks they have around wealth and success. Jenn uses hypnosis to root out any limiting beliefs embedded in the subconscious mind around self-worth, so attracting money and a thriving business becomes effortless. During the show, Jenn reveals how there is a 'stoppable' and 'unstoppable' self that each person has and explains how hypnosis allows anyone to tap into the unstoppable self to become a money magnet.

Unstoppable Self

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with inspirational speaker and author, Deremiah CPE, to discuss the process of achieving true happiness, peace and satisfaction within ourselves. Deremiah explains that most people feel happiness from external factors but aren't able to maintain a sunny disposition when in solitude. During the show, he reveals the number one reason why happiness is illusive for most people and the simple trick that will help to reach a state of happiness at any given moment.

The Happiness Factor

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell is joined by coach, speaker, author and radio show host, Bertrand Dory, to discuss his new book, 'Conversations for Your Soul.' Bertrand explains that 3 years ago he was unemployed, had lost his partner, and his relationship with his daughter was strained and stressful, he felt discouraged with his circumstances and knew he needed a dramatic shift in mindset. During the show, Bertrand shares that these unfortunate series events, were a push from the Universe to start using his gifts and talents to make the world a better place. Fast forward to today, Bertrand has a successful radio show focuses on The Law of Attraction and helping people realize their true potential. His new book, 'Conversations For Your Soul', reveals stories and messages from various authors, which each illustrate a different life lesson for the reader.

Conversations For Your Soul

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ester Nicholson about her inspiring story from transforming from a drug addict to becoming a back up singer for Rod Stewart and Bette Midler and creating a soul recovery program to help others heal from addiction. Ester explains her substance abuse stemmed from many emotional addictions including fear, feeling worthless, and many other negative thought patterns. After hitting rock bottom, she finally realized to overcome her substance addiction she had to address the subconscious limiting beliefs that were rooted deep in her mind since childhood. Today, Ester has fully recovered from her drug addiction and has dedicated her life to help others overcome addiction in any area of their life.

Esther Nicholson - Soul Recovery

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Eric Pearl about the incredible transformational work he's doing through a re-connective healing modality that he discovered through a rare, spiritual experience while working as a chiropractor. Eric explains that one night, out of the blue, he felt a sudden shift in energy and that this spiritual moment has since transformed his chiropractic practice and eventually the entirety of his life. Soon after Eric's connection to source energy, his patients reported feeling a higher state of consciousness, instantaneous healing, and everyone wanted to know how he did it! During the show, Eric explains how he came to accept his spiritual transformation and today he travels, around the world, to teach others the re-connective healing modality that encourages re-connection to the divine source of the Universe and inner spiritual being.

Soloman Speaks - The Reconnection

Today, on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with online marketing consultants Paul Gunter and Andrew Shorten about their upcoming Law of Attraction summit. Paul and Andrew found common interest in computer technology and Internet marketing and have built multiple online businesses in several niches over the last few years. Most recently the duo has turned their focus towards spreading the knowledge of the Law of Attraction and have created an online platform to touch & inspire people around the world. Paul and Andrew mention that after seeing the revolutionary movie, 'The Secret' in 2006, their lives were ultimately changed forever and since have dedicated much time and energy to creating the Law of Attraction summit.  The online summit will host 10 leading Law of Attraction experts, including Ledwell, and 50 percent of the profits are sent directly to the Unstoppable Foundation, which sponsors a village in Africa.

LOA Summit

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with energy psychologist Candace Green about the healing work she is doing with war veterans and their families. During the show, Candace reveals how she was able to personally overcome negative thought patterns using Mind Movies Matrix and EFT, and she even does a tapping exercise for the audience at the end. Candace explains that certain thoughts and emotions can hinder success if they are not identified and cleared and she reveals how simple this actually is.

Maximize Mind Movies Matrix

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell interviews renowned scientist, author & transformational leader, Dr. Joe Dispenza to discuss the ground breaking facts surrounding consciousness & quantum physics, and exactly how this effects the Law of Attraction. During the show, Dr. Joe reveals why some people struggle with The Law of Attraction and he explains how understanding the science behind consciousness allows the mind & body to create a new genetic density. Dr. Joe sheds light on why bad habits, feelings and thought patterns can be so difficult to break from and shares the step-by-step process of moving from the 'old self' to the 'new self'.

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains the Law of Attraction in a scientific way

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Joanna Ashley from 'Healing 4 Bodies.' Joanna joins Natalie to discuss her healing program 'GABE' which she explains she created after years of studying the connection between mind, soul and body. During the show, Joanna shares her personal story of overcoming Fibromyalgia, a disease that causes constant pain in multiple areas of the body. Joanna suffered from chronic pain for the early years of her life because she couldn't find a successful healing system. Joanna was stuck in this painful cycle of disease until she learned the basic teachings of energy work. Since, she has created an healing system that covers all areas of disease & healing by first focusing on removing negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Joanna has also made 'GABE' a simple form of the healing practices so that even children can implement the techniques.

Joanna Ashley - Healing4Bodies

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with Chris Lewicki from Planetary Resources and he's talking about an incredible science project that anyone can get involved with that will benefit humanity for generations to come. Planetary Resources raises money for the innovation of new technology to explore outer space, specifically asteroids. These asteroids are full of natural resources that will benefit the future of planet Earth. Chris explains that the crowd funding project also is bringing outer space down to Earth, by allowing anyone to use a telescope, take a 'selfie' photo of themselves in space, and gain overall knowledge about the solar system. The Planetary Resources group is raising money to raise awareness about science & education and funds projects that support this mission.

Be Part of Scientific History

Today Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guest, Edie Weinstein, to discuss a part of us that we don't often connect with, which she calls a 'shadow''. She shares how we can approach this shadow, acknowledge it and move through it to live a fulfilling, satisfying life. Edie explains that everyone possesses parts of themselves that they don't completely accept or like, so those personality traits & emotions become repressed and ignored. Edie shares that in order to be fully present & live a harmonious life, the 'shadow' has to be recognized and accepted.

Edie Weinstein - Befriending your shadow

Today on The Inspiration Show Law of Attraction expert Natalie Ledwell interviews Christy Whitman. Together, they discuss the 7 universal laws. Christy explains that after discovering the LOA 15 years ago her life radically changed. Watch today's episode to learn how you can change your life using the 7 universal laws.

LOA expert, Christy Whitman revealshHow to use the 7 universal laws

Today Natalie Ledwell speaks with grief counselor, motivational speaker and coach, Edie Weinstein. Edie works with people to teach them how to live their highest bliss, which she explains is different for everyone but is something that creates joy and fulfillment in all areas of life. Edie became a grief counselor, interfaith minister and organ donor educator after losing her husband to a serious liver disease. Edie explains that although everyone experiences grief at some point in life, not everyone knows how to cope in a healthy, manageable way. She reaches out to people who have experienced loss and encourages find healthy ways to grieve. During the show, Edie shares her very personal experience with death and afterlife communication and reveals why these messages are important for the healing process.

Moving Through Grief

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Chris Attwood to discuss his new book co-written with business partner Janet Attwood, 'The Passion Test. The effortless path to Discovering Your Life Purpose.'  During the show, Chris explains how incorporating the simple task of positive rituals into daily activities can actually positively impact the entirety of life. Chris explains the difference between rituals and habits, and reveals why becoming conscious of these actions is so important for overall happiness. He also shares how to incorporate joy and love into even the most common tasks to truly appreciate life at each moment. Chris and Janet Attwood have been working in the transformational industry for many years but during the episode, Chris explains why this book and this message is the most important thing that they have ever done to date.

Hidden Treasures

Today Natalie Ledwell is joined by Beth Johnston from 'The International Women's Leadership Association' to discuss the incredible work she's doing connecting women all around the world. The organization has reached women on almost every continent to provide dynamic resources and personal connections, to take them where they need to go to succeed. Beth shares that the goal of the organization is to encourage all women to reach her greatest level of personal and professional development and make it possible for every women to realize her own goals. 'The International Women's Leadership Association' reaches out to women in all walks of life, profession or age group.

Bringing Women Together Worldwide

Natalie Ledwell turns the tables in today's episode of The Inspiration Show and stars as the guest to discuss her brand new book, 'Never In Your Wildest Dreams.' Natalie Ledwell's first book will be officially released on Tuesday, May 14th and offers access to 'Inside The Chapter' behind the scenes videos, and her popular '7 Secrets to Happiness' E-Course. During the show, Natalie explains that everyone who grabs a copy of book this week, will also be entered to win one of the incredible, life-changing prizes and 1 winner will even win an all expenses paid trip to San Diego to spend the day with Natalie, to create a future success plan. Today's interview reveals the personal inspiration behind 'Never In Your Wildest Dreams' and Natalie also shares the special life lessons that are embedded throughout the book.

Never In Your Wildest Dreams

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with successful entrepreneur, author, and the host of 'Healing with the Masters,' Jennifer McLean. 'Healing with the Masters' is one of the largest transformational workshops on the planet, which reaches over half a million people in 230 countries around the world! Jennifer explains that the online teleseminar series helps people to discover their light and to find the divinity within themselves. Jennifer worked in corporate America for 20 years before becoming an internationally recognized author, speaker and healer. Her life intention is to encourage others to live a life of passion and happiness through her multiple transformational communities.

Healing With The Masters

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell interviews Mark Porteous. Mark use to work in corporate America until he had an awakening that shook him to his core. He then started a 1 year transition to leave his job, and follow his passion. Today, Mark helps others make the leap from working a job to living out their passion through his free summits. On the show, he shares some of his pupils inspiring success stories, and gives advice to anyone looking to making the transition. Enjoy!

Mark Porteous - Personal Transformation

Today Natalie Ledwell speaks with Lissa Rankin, M.D., to discuss her incredible new book, 'Mind Over Medicine Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.' Lissa was raised by a family of traditional doctors and for the early years of her life, she dedicated her life to western medicine and dismissed holistic practices. During the revealing interview, Lissa shares what made her leave conventional medicine for good and inspired her to look further into the deep and powerful connection between the mind & body. Lissa shines light on the cutting edge advancements in self-healing practices with the power of the mind! Today, Lissa continues her health care practices and furthers her research of how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can alter the body's physiology.

Mind Over Medicine

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with coach, author, speaker and successful entrepreneur, Bettie Spruill. Bettie visits The Inspiration Show to discuss the incredible transformational work she is doing all over the world helping communities and businesses work together to grow and succeed. Bettie has spent years in Ghana and Mexico city using the principles of effective communication and commitment to grow thriving organizations and improve communal relations. She explains that the world is transforming from a 'me' paradigm into a new, more harmonious, 'we' paradigm that will encourage healthy, loving relationships both professionally and personally. Today, Bettie travels the world to help others achieve their leadership and success goals.

The WE Paradigm

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with 'recovering businessman' and successful transformational coach, Terry Tillman. Terry has been working in the personal development realm since 1976, and he joins me on the show today to share some of the amazing insight that he has acquired over the years. He explains in the revealing interview, how he overcame personal diversity to live a life of passion & spiritual growth. Today, Terry travels the world and conducts seminars and speaks to entrepreneurs about transformational and experimental learning. Terry helps others achieve the results they desire in their lives through his unique teaching techniques.

Terry Tillman

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with transformational coach, Lynne Sheridan. Lynne has excelled in the fields of politics, creative writing and psychology and currently, she uses her extensive educational background to help others attract and maintain healthy relationships. During the episode, Lynne shares the most common pitfalls that couples fall into, the #1 thing you need to do in order for a relationship to thrive for years to come and how to deepen the connection with a partner. Lynne works with couples to break past superficial arguments and get to the root cause of the deeper problem. Today, Lynne travels the world and coaches people in achieving their most audacious goals and desires.

Lynne Sheridan

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guest, Julian Kalmar to discuss the incredible work he is doing through the life-changing program, 'Modern Day Mastery.' Julian returns to The Inspiration Show to share the details of the program, which encourages a life of true purpose and passion by directly connecting with the Universe. Julian was previously a highly analytical physicist and lacked inner fulfillment and compassion towards others, before he experienced a direct connection to Source. This transformational moment has now allowed him to teach others to align their life mission in perfect harmony with the soul. This eye-opening interview affects anyone who is seeking to better their lives through the Law of Attraction. During the interview, Julian explains how to break through the external noise of everyday life and stress and tap into a higher guidance to restore natural beauty and discover an unwavering relationship with a meaningful life purpose.

Modern Day Mastery

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Talyn Khanbabyan, from the life coaching program, 'Be You. Be Free. Have Fun.' Talyn explains why being the authentic version of yourself is so important for attracting more abundance into all areas of life. Talyn works with women to help build their confidence and self-love. During the show, Talyn reveals that women often attract the wrong relationships and opportunities into their life by losing sight of their authentic self, to please others or avoid conflict. Talyn's coaching program empowers women to conquer fear, doubt and expectations from others, to step into the best version of themselves.

Is The LOA Working Against You?

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guest and successful mentor & speaker, Amy Scott Grant. Amy returns to the show to discuss her upcoming personal development and spiritual product event, 'The Super Saturday Spirit Sale.' This one-day event will begin on Saturday, April 13th, 2013, at 1:00pm Eastern time and will be open for 4 hours only. 'S4' is an online, live event that will offer various products from multiple Law of Attraction visionaries, for up to a 90% discount. During the show, Amy explains that she also wanted to include a charitable element for the event, so 10% of every sale will be donated to the Chopra Foundation. The Chopra Foundation's mission is to advance the cause of mind, body and spiritual healing education and research. Mind Movies 3.0 will be included in 'S4' as well. Registration is free for 'The Super Saturday Spirit Sale,'and will include live energy healing, a description of each product being offered and free prize giveaways.

Super Saturday Spirit Sale

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, hypnotherapist and the creator of the 'Crystal Ki' healing system, Janine Regan-Sinclair. The 'Crystal Ki' healing system offers spiritual guidance, visualization techniques, and energy realignment to promote health and well being. The work that Janine does through energy healing is truly amazing because her powerful techniques can be used to improve physical, emotional and mental imbalances, no matter what caused the problem in the first place! During the show, Janine explains that energy is the source of all life in the Universe, and by raising our vibration to a higher level, we have the power to purify our mind, body and spirit. Janine shares that she actually has the ability to connect with her clients higher consciousness in order to break through any negative thought patterns or addictions. Today, Janine travels the world to teach the steps to take to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Crystal Ki Healing

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Kevin Thompson, the head coach of 'Automatic Income'. Kevin explains that his entire life he was brought up to believe that the only way to become truly successful was to put in long, intense hours of work. Kevin worked as a fisherman in Alaska for 7 years, in extremely dangerous conditions, with minimal time to spend with his family or friends. Kevin shares that after a brutal year on the water and one particular storm, he finally realized he needed out. He quit his job and eventually began to discover his passion of entrepreneurship. Still, Kevin explains that years later, after building up a carpet business, and he realized that he was unfulfilled and working 6-7 days a week, for 12-14 hours a day. One day, while sitting at his home office, Kevin had a transformational experience. He took out a piece of paper, and for the first time in his life, he wrote down exactly what he wanted in his life. After realizing that he had more to offer the world than long hours of labor, Kevin was able to discover his purpose and learn the necessary skills to create happiness in his family and professional life. Today, Kevin is financially successful through his company that helps others discover and market their own businesses online, and still has time to spend time with his loved ones.

Kevin Thompson

Today, Natalie Ledwell, speaks with life coach, author and host of the popular radio show Cutting Edge Consciousness, Freeman Michaels. Freeman explains that he worked as an actor for many years before discovering his passion for transformational coaching. As he personally struggled with weight loss throughout his adult life, Freeman was drawn towards helping others discover limiting beliefs and coping with them to discover their full potential. Freeman says that understanding and accepting the limiting beliefs, allows us to cope with these patterns in a positive, healthy way. Freeman works with partner Barnet Bain on the radio show Cutting Edge Consciousness, to help others reach higher states of consciousness and happiness.

Freeman Michaels

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Keidi Keating, the author behind The Light to discuss the amazing charity work that she is doing around the world with many other personal development visionaries. During the show, Keidi explains that she has worked as an author, editor and publisher since she was 18 years old, but after falling into depression, she longed to discover her life purpose and began regularly working with a transformational healer. Keidi shares after getting in touch with her intuitive, spiritual side, she was able to release physical and mental blocks that had kept her from reaching her full potential. Today, Keidi works with personal development gurus such as Neale David Walsh, Terry Tillman, and many others to spread life-changing messages to anyone going through a difficult time. Keidi's goal is to raise 1 million dollars for the multiple charities that The Light supports around the world. Some of the charity projects include; Conversations with God Foundation, Love a Child Foundation, and many other inspiring organizations.

Keidi Keating - The Light Project

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Ivan Misner, the founder & chairman of BNI, the worlds largest business networking organization. Ivan explains that years ago he worked as a managing consultant, but while building his personal list of referrals, he discovered something shocking. Ivan realized that most high level, educated entrepreneurs he was working with didnt know the correct way to network. During the show, Ivan discusses the importance of networking for a successful business but still this skill is not taught in schools around the world. Today, Ivan is dubbed the 'Father of Modern Networking' and is the leader of the largest business networking organization, with 6,300 groups in more than 50 countries around the world. Ivan reveals the number one most important thing to remember when networking and explains why building relationships is vital for success and profitability.

Ivan Misner

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Sara Lahey, the founder of The Hunting Happiness Project, which inspires individuals around the world to engage in random acts of kindness and a greater sense of community. During the show, Sara shares the details behind a special project called LoveN Aid that inspires local business owners to give back to the community and make the world a better place. After college, Sara had a transformational moment where she realized that she wanted to make a difference in the world by spreading compassion to as many people as possible. Sara is only 27 years old, and has already traveled to various countries around the world to share friendship, love and hope through Hunting for Happiness. Saras vision for the world is to bring power back to people, to help ignite passion and love in the hearts of individuals through knowledgable volunteers that provide aid to those in need.

Sara Lahey - Love-N-Aid

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Amy Scott Grant from KidCentered Meditation for Kids. Amy explains how she felt very intuitive as a child but didn't know how to channel her skills so she became depressed and confused as a young teenager. During the show, Amy reveals that the book Discovering The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, saved her life and directed her towards a life full of passion and purpose. She started out by spreading the power of positive thinking to those around her and wrote a book titled The Success Method. Amy shares that she harnessed her unique intuition skills to help others permanently cure limiting beliefs, fears, and stress. Today, Amy uses her skills to help children through the practice of meditation. KidCentered creates audios for children to overcome bullying, sleep patterns, negative thought, and overall motivation. Amy's company has successfully published 5 audios and plans to have over 100 by the end of the year. Amy's mission is to help the younger generation reach a higher state of consciousness and communication through meditation.

Amy Scott Grant

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell shares her powerful 7 Step Formula To Effectively Apply The Law of Attraction into daily life immediately. During the show, Ledwell explains that because she also felt frustration in the beginning implementing The Law of Attraction in her own life many years ago so she wanted to reveal the steps that helped her break through limiting beliefs regrind money, health, relationships and self confidence. Ledwell breaks down the exact steps that anyone can implement in their life immediately to fuel success and happiness. Ledwell takes the user through powerful strategies to rid negative thoughts and attract positive opportunities and individuals with ease.

7 Step Formula To Effectively Apply The Law Of Attraction

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell shares the behind the scenes success story of Mind Movies. Natalie explains how when she, her husband Glen and their business partner Ryan started their company in 2007 with minimal Internet experience. As they realized that Mind Movies was positively affecting lives and creating success, they put the company as a first priority. Natalie shares that the three of them decided that they needed to relocate to the United States to receive Internet marketing training from experienced professionals so they moved to San Diego in 2008. Natalie explains how the three of them worked 14 hour days, out of their bedrooms, building the company front the ground up. She shares how they had to drop everything including their life in Australia to take a chance on their company.

The Real Mind Movies Story

Natalie Ledwell speaks with hypnotherapist and creator of the upcoming Wellness Revolution Summit, Adoley Odunton. Adoley explains how she became very ill after years working in the fast paced film industry in Hollywood. She went from doctor to doctor but saw little improvement in her condition. During the show, Adoley explains how she finally stopped relying on medical advice from doctors and began taking care of herself. Today, she is healthy and symptom free and her mission is to share the holistic practices she learned with the rest of the world. Adoley discusses the details of her upcoming Wellness Revolution Summit which is a free tele seminar event that focuses on achieving optimal health. Natalie Ledwell, alongside many other health, nutrition, and brain experts will speak at the event to discuss holistic techniques such as tapping, EFT, and meditation.

Adoley Odunton Wellness Revolution

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Eric Brown, the creator of the Mindful Moon Application. Eric explains that life can become overwhelming and stressful if we forget to focus on the present moment and appreciate the blessings in daily life. During the show, Eric reveals how he created an application that uses technology as a gentle reminder to focus on positive thought and the present moment. The Mindful Moon application provides daily affirmations, and helpful advice to encourage users to live fully with passion and gratitude. Eric's powerful program also offers effective strategies to reduce stress, pain and anger. Eric continues to utilize technology and the teachings of personal development to enhance the work place and add passion to everyday life.

Eric Brown - Mindful Moon

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Sonia Ricotti, the #1 best-selling author of Unsinkable: How To Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down as well as The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple. Sonia explains how she used her own personal struggles to become a top rated professional speaker and has since inspired millions to overcome adversity, achieve financial freedom and extraordinary success. During the show, Sonia shares her personal journey of discovering fulfillment and happiness after hitting rock bottom. She explains that first she had to reprogram her subconscious mind and release limiting beliefs that were hindering her progression. Sonias mission in life is to help people all around the world achieve boundless success in all areas of their lives. Sonia has created a 3 step formula that explains exactly how to recover from any negative situation in life and to bounce back even higher than before, to achieve massive success in all areas of life.

Sonia Ricotti - Unsinkable

Today, Natalie Ledwell, shares her experiences from her recent trip to Kenya. Ledwell explains that this journey is special to her for many   reasons. She was able to manifest her travel dreams with positive  affirmations and visualizations. Ledwell?s first Mind Movie ever created  in 2006, included photos of Kenya and Dubai, which she was able to  visit in the month of February.  Although Ledwell has always been  familiar with the power of the mind and the visualization,  she became  fully immersed in powerful Law of Attraction practices around 2006. She  has since created a thriving company fuelled by her passion, reached  specific health goals, has continued to maintain a happy, loving  marriage, and now has traveled to the exact destinations she visualized  of visiting years ago. This episode of The Inspiration Show is full of  captivating images of Africa and the people living there, as well as all  of the animals that Ledwell encountered during a safari. During the  episode, she discusses the importance of tourism to Africa to help  conserve the animals, the reserves in Kenya are largely funded by  tourism money. Also, she hopes that this video will encourage others to  visit and provide support for schools and children there.

Inspiration from Kenya

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Cris Van Cleemput, to discuss his work with magnetic charisma and how that energy affects personal reality and daily life. Throughout the show, Cris shares how his extensive scientific background and masters degree in engineering prompted him to turn his fascination of magnetic energy into a coaching career. Cris explains that, as a young man, he was known as a great friend, someone who would always help others when they needed it. However, when Cris became ill, and could barely complete daily tasks, none of those same people came to return the favor and help him. He realized and promised himself that if he recovered from his sickness, he had to change something within his personality and life. What he realized was, every person has two personality types, a focused side (often times selfish), and a giving, caring side (mostly selfless), and if one side is given too much focus, the personality will suffer, similar to how he was feeling. Cris did recover and has since created a flourishing coaching business, and has helped people around the world find a balance between the two polar opposite personality types, to find a harmonious balance.

Magnetic Charisma Cris Van Cleemput

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Larry Michel from The Four Answers, How To Succeed In Love and Life. Larry discusses how he utilizes genetic energy to help others improve their communication, find love, and create long-lasting friendships. Larry explains throughout the show that each person  has a certain energetic frequency that defines communication styles, sexual compatibility, chemistry, and intellectual compatibility. Larry shares that when he first heard of the genetic energy theory, he was skeptical, due to his extensive background in sciences such as psychology and sociology. However, after experiencing genetics first hand in his own life, he knew that this field was his passion and the direction he wanted to take his life. Through The Four Answers, How To Succeed In Love and Life, Larry helps others discover compatible partners and improves overall communication between peers, employers, and family. The genetic energy system has impacted lives around the world, and Larry continues to spread his knowledge through a successful radio show and his online platforms.

Genetic Energetics Larry Michel

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Susan Leahy from Roberts Rules Made Simple. Roberts Rules of Order is a lengthy guide to teach individuals the most effective way to hold meetings, and to make decisions in professional organizations. Roberts Rules of Order has been celebrated as a reliable tool for businesses to conduct meetings with proper etiquette, increase productivity and total participation. However, the book is often criticized as dense and complicated. That is why Susan has spent 15 years creating a business that aims to break down the material into much more enjoyable, manageable pieces. Susan teaches the main points of the book in a much simpler version to board members and businesses across the country. Susan travels around the country and works, through an online platform, to encourage collaboration and organization efficiency with Roberts Rules Made Simple.

Roberts Rules Made Simple

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with co-founder of The Science of Stillness, Tom Cronin. Tom previously worked in the stressful environment of the financial industry for 26 years until he discovered the powerful healing power of meditation. Tom explains that, after overcoming anxiety, stress, and depression with this holistic practice, he felt it was his duty to share his knowledge with the world. Tom became certified as a meditation coach and successfully educated friends, family, and co-workers. The company soon expanded to an expanding online platform, Science of Stillness, that uses distinct sounds as a tool to quiet the mind and improve concentration. Tom continues to teach individuals around the world about the physical, mental, and emotional benefits derived from meditation. The unique approach to meditation utilizes scientific research to create a sound specific to each individual user. Science of Stillness hosts retreats and live seminars, in addition to the online platform, to encourage individuals to reach the highest level of consciousness.

Science of Stillness

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Kerry Douglas from Heal Your Health. Douglas battled with a muscle degenerative disease for years that brought on depression and a sense of hopelessness. Douglas began to see improvement in her health after realizing
that she had the power to control her situation with her thoughts. Douglas has since created an online seminar for those individuals who have experienced a loss or those who are going through a tough time mentally or physically. Douglas aims to encourage and empower individuals around the world to use the power of the mind to heal their health through her online seminars. Douglas credits holistic practices such as meditation, visualization, and Mind Movies for her healing.

Heal Your Health Kerry Douglas

Today, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Julian Kalmar, the author of the Happiness CD collection and a leader of 10 Million Clicks For Peace. During the show, Kalmar shares his remarkable journey of discovering his life purpose, which he explains, is to spread happiness and love throughout the world, especially to war refugees in the Middle East. After a serious spine injury left Kalmar bedridden and unemployed, his friends asked him how he stayed so positive during his difficult time. Kalmar realized that not everyone shared his sunny disposition regardless of the circumstance, and he felt the deep desire to spread his knowledge with the rest of the world. It took a couple of years and hours of writing and revision before Kalmar finally discovered a way to, successfully, publish his Happiness CDs, which explain how to create happiness in any situation. Kalmar continues to raise money for war refugees around the world with 10 Million Clicks For Peace? along with his Happiness CDs.

Julian Kalmar 10 Million Clicks for Peace

Today, on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guest, Vasavi Kumar to discuss some of the incredible work she is doing with women through her training course, S.O.U.R.C.E. Of Your Success. Vasavi explains how she has created a transformative coaching program based off of the hardships and lessons learned throughout her own life. Vasavi Kumar has taken the challenges she has overcome to create a 24 module course that encourages women to achieve their goals. S.O.U.R.C.E of Your Success aims to set women free from societal conformity and pressure from friends & peers.

Vasavi Kumar Keepin' It Real

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Sheryl Silbaugh from the women's collaboration organization, Brave Heart Women Resonate. Sheryl became involved with Brave Heart after the unfortunate murder of her nephew 3 years ago. This tragic event inspired Sheryl to become apart of a larger effort to improve community relations. During the show, Sheryl explains how Brave Heart has taken on serious global issues including easing tensions between Palestinian & Israeli women. The end goal of the organization is to increase communication and decrease conflict between different cultures, religions, and races. Sheryl is apart of the Los Angeles based Brave Heart community, where she strives to improve her hometown by providing resources and support to those in need. Brave Heart Women Resonate has reached over 400,000 women and is continually growing around the world.

Brave Heart Women Resonate

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Larry and Oksana Ostrosvsky from Be Well Buzz. These two health gurus appear, on The Inspiration Show, to discuss their recent 30-day cleanse, powerful medical advice, and the most effective way to make a long-lasting diet change. This incredible duo has explored the ins and outs of wellness including raw foods, juicing, vitamins and even blood testing. What they have discovered is that each person deserves a unique doctrine to achieve optimal health. During the interview, Larry and Oksana share their personal journeys to wellness and reveal exactly what steps to take to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Bewell Buzz

Natalie Ledwell interviews fellow Aussie, Richard Luck. He shares his struggle that he had with the universe in his younger days which led him to eviction, divorce, and jobless. He explains how a Wayne Dyer book gave him the push he needed to start his own passion-based business, find an amazing partner, and live the life of his dreams! The insight he shares on relationships, and the importance of understanding your partner so you can really accept them is so enlightening. Enjoy!

Rick Luck

Natalie Ledwell, co-founder of Mind Movies, interviews Ron Prasad who is doing tremendous work helping the aboriginal people in Australia. Ron once worked in the finance industry before the collapse, and before he discovered his true passion of helping others after listening to a Bob Proctor CD. He strives to help them find a better way of living through his camps, one of his pupils even went on to the AFL (Australian Football League).

Welcome to your life

Natalie Ledwell interviews Melanie Nicolas who has a passion for helping children. Growing up, Melanie didn't have strong mentors and it was at a young age she formed limiting beliefs around money. Today, Melanie runs children camps that instills youngsters with strong core values and beliefs systems. She explains her transition from working a "job" to living her passion on The Inspiration Show.

Melanie Nicolas Wealth Tips for Kids

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell reflects on the  incredible 2012 year and expresses gratitude for the accomplishments of  the Mind Movies team and the support of the Mind Movies community.  During the festive holiday episode, each Mind Movies team member from  the San Diego based office introduces themselves and shares a special  holiday wish for the audience. Natalie Ledwell shares her appreciation  for all of the remarkable people that have made success and abundance a reality for the company. She also expresses gratitude for those individuals that  have made it possible to create life-changing programs such as Mind  Movies for thousands of people around the world.

Special Christmas Show

Today, on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with returning guests Kacper and Josh, the creators of The Silent Furnace. Kacper and Josh discuss their predictions concerning December 21st, 2012, which marks the end of the Mayan calendar. The two describe a new wave of consciousness and a rise of feminine energies that they believe will transform the world as we know it. Josh, who has experienced two clinical deaths, shares his insight on what will happen on December 21st and reassures the audience that the change will be positive. Throughout the interview, Kacper and Josh discuss living from the heart and a new era the world is entering that represents the beginning of True Living.

What's Really happening Dec 21st

Natalie Ledwell invites Celestine Chua on to The Inspiration Show to discuss her Personal Excellence website, which receives over, one million page views each month. Chua explains how she worked previously at a brand management company and although she was experiencing professional success in the corporate world, she felt unfulfilled and empty. Chua decided to quit her job and created a website that featured her personal experiences and spiritual growth through online blogs. The website experienced massive expansion and today Chua travels the world to meet her fans and subscribers. During the episode, Chua reveals advice to tap into inner courage and strength and gives her expert opinion on the topic of discovering a career that is both financially and spiritually fulfilling.


Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the originators of The Silent Furnace, Kacper and Josh. During the interview, the two men share their journeys to enlightenment and self-awakening and discuss their common goal to share their knowledge, love, and peace with the rest of the world. Kacper and Josh have created The Silent Furnace to encourage others to let go of personal ego and experience a massive shift of awareness. Josh shares two personal experiences with death, once at the age of three and again at age twenty-one. Josh explains that these deaths brought him a new realization about the world we live in and allowed him to detach, from his physical self, to live from the heart. The two started The Silent Furnace in hopes that the world will experience a global awakening and become truly awake and aware.

Kacper and Josh Silent Furnace

Natalie Ledwell invites certified life coach, Vasavi Kumar, onto The Inspiration Show for the second time to discuss the key difference between passion and purpose. Kumar explains the most effective strategies to discover inner peace and joy and exposes the common mistake that many men and women make while searching for their purpose. Kumar shares her personal experience of discovering her multiple passions and how she has used them to achieve personal fulfillment and professional success. Kumar utilizes her background in formal education to fuel her personal growth training programs and strives to impact thousands of lives with coaching, motivational speaking and writing.

Passion vs Purpose

Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell invites students from her Ultimate Success Master Class on The Inspiration Show to discuss the positive affects that newfound appreciation and gratitude have had on their lives. As an exercise in her training program, Ledwell asked each student to create a journal and write down five things that they are thankful for each day. In honor of gratitude week, Ledwell speaks with each student on The Inspiration Show, to discuss the changes the student's have felt since starting a gratitude journal. Each individual shares the positive affect they have experienced from becoming consciously aware of daily blessings. Ledwell also explains how Mind Movies is supporting the families and animals affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Special 'Gratitude Week' Edition: Gratitude Journals

Today, on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the creator of the inspiring training program, S.O.U.R.C.E. of Your Success,  Vasavi Kumar. During the episode, Kumar shares her remarkable journey to self-discovery and success. She explains the importance of letting go of what other people think when striving towards a goal, and she provides simple but effective strategies to discovering life passion and purpose. Today, Kumar continues to work as a certified life coach and motivational speaker to spread inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Don't Worry About What Other people Think

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of Dogs Are Gifts From God, Karen Palmer. Palmer said that she previously worked with a non-profit organization and as a part time waitress until she saw an episode of The Inspiration Show, and decided to follow her life passion to heal animals. Palmer found the courage to quit her two jobs and started her own pet care business. Today, Palmer donates all of the proceeds from her book titled Dogs Are Gifts From God to animal organizations and has created her own radio show with over 10,000 listeners. Palmer encourages individuals to use The Law of Attraction, mediation, and positive thought in everyday life.

Dogs are Gifts from God

Natalie Ledwell invites Dr. Carol Kershaw and Dr. Bill Wade on The Inspiration Show to discuss their book titled Brain Change Therapy. Dr. Kershaw and Dr. Wade explain the scientific reasoning behind mediation, EFT and visualization. During the episode, they reveal how emotions, attitudes, and behaviors affect the overall makeup of the brain. Dr. Kershaw and Dr. Wade released 'Brain Change Therapy' to help others understand exactly how the brain functions, and to reveal the most effective strategies to alter thoughts and emotions. Utilizing this effective neuro coaching method can drastically improve income, relationships, business, and overall lifestyle.

Brain Change Therapy

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the leader of the non-profit organization titled Be Someone, Orrin Hudson. After seeing a violent robbery on TV in 2000, Hudson felt a strong urge to reach out, to inner city children and teenagers, to provide them with the tools to become successful and escape the violence of the streets. Hudson created the unique organization, Be Someone, that uses the game of chess to teach children and young adults critical life skills such as discipline and patience. Today, Hudson continues to travel to schools around the nation to help thousands of children develop practical and effective problem solving skills.

Orrin Husdon Inspiring Kids Through Chess

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life mentor, author and the originator of The Gen Why Project, Rich German. After German experienced financial success through his own coaching business, he knew it was his time to give back to society. German started The Gen Why Project to raise awareness for the 1.6 million homeless children living in America. German aims to improve education and overall quality of life for the homeless youth around the nation. His revolutionary mission will bring wide spread awareness, emotional support and material resources to the homeless youth through high-quality media platforms.

Rich German

Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, motivational speaker, and expert teacher in the film The Secret, Mike Dooley. Dooley worked as an entrepreneur and accountant for years but left the corporate world to follow his passion. Today, Mike travels the world as a life mentor. Dooley originated Notes from the Universe, an inspiring online community with thousands of subscribers. Dooley continues to motivate and empower thousands of individuals around the world through his written work, online seminars, and global coaching conferences.

Mike Dooley

Mind Movies co-founder, Natalie Ledwell invites Jason Freeman on The Inspiration Show to discuss his experience of overcoming negativity due to physical challenges. Freeman experienced a loss of oxygen at birth that caused limited fine motor coordination and a frustrating speech impediment. Freeman reveals how he transformed his life, by altering his attitude and becoming involved in regular exercise. Today, Freeman succeeds as an author and motivational coach, and is an aspiring healer.

Jason Freeman

Today on The Inspiration Show Natalie Ledwell speaks with medical miracle, Betty Iams. Iams was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis 18 years ago. This disease is generally considered incurable and untreatable but Iams reveals how she used self-healing techniques to beat MS, and now lives symptom free. Iams continues to spread her knowledge of natural remedies for healing through her website titled Betty's House...Life after MS.

Betty Iams

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Yee Shun-Jian, the originator of the popular personal development Facebook community, 101 Affirmations. Yee Shun-Jian started 101 affirmations'as a non-profit organization to inspire and motivate individuals to follow their dreams with a positive mindset. Today, Yee Shun-Jian has thousands of fans and has even written a book describing the 101 affirmations he used to change his life. Yee Shun-Jian strives to expand his community even further and spread the knowledge of powerful affirmations.

101 Powerful Affirmations

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with the author of The Science of Affirmations, Jack Roberts. The Science of Affirmations explains in detail how affirmations work and reveals the power that thoughts, words, and feelings have in daily life. Roberts educates the reader of the powerful influence of the subconscious mind and explains the reason why so many people are unaware of the impact of affirmations. The Science of Affirmations provides step-by-step strategies for creating effective affirmations and offers advice to overcome negative thought.

The Science of Affirmations

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Kerry Tepedino, who is exploring the connection between our mind and our health. Our mind has a surprisingly strong influence over our health, which can be great for healing, but can also be toxic when we play mind games with ourselves. Kerry has struggled with eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and other deadly mental games in her past, which has inspired her to give back to the world and put together the upcoming Global Health Summit.

Global Health Summit

Today on the Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with best-selling author and originator of the 'Perfect Publishing System', Jonny Andrews. After realizing the massive potential for independent writers to become recognized on the Amazon Kindle Platform, Andrews created the 'Perfect Publishing System', which reveals the most effective strategies to become a successful author. Andrews wrote his first book in one weekend and within 13 hours of the first promotion, he was the number one bestseller on Amazon. After his success, Andrews shares his knowledge with thousands of others through Internet podcasts and online training workshops.

Jonny Andrews The Kindle Revolution

Natalie Ledwell invites Desiree Doubrox on the Inspiration Show. Desiree founded  An Empowered Woman,'a global networking community for professional women which Desiree started a few years ago in her living room with only a handful of people?  Real estate broker, entrepreneur, professional speaker, and mother of two!? Talk about an inspiring figure!

An Empowered Woman

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with creator of 'University Without Borders', Corey Glazier. Glazier has spent years increasing awareness for the 2 billion people living in extreme poverty around the world and his new project aims to educate volunteers to positively impact millions of lives worldwide. 'University Without Borders', is an online education program that will supply information to volunteers on how to improve healthcare, sanitation, nutrition, education, and overall business tactics in developing countries.

Corey Glazier U Without Borders

Dr. Huesan Tran revisits The Inspiration Show to share her new book titled "The Meridian Of God", that reveals the steps humanity must take to co-create a new universe filled with peace and understanding. Dr. Tran shares her discovery of her life purpose and some of the important secrets from her book. Dr. Tran even discusses what she believes will happen on December 21st, 2012, and how the universe can make a massive transformation by simply understanding "The Meridian of God".

Dr Huesan Tran - The Meridian of God

Today on The Inspiration Show, co-founder of Mind Movies, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr Huesan Tran, transformational leader and co-author of the book titled "Pebbles in the Water". Dr Huesan Tran, shares her inspirational story of discovering her life purpose and learning how to financially profit from it. Dr Huesan Tran now focuses on sharing her experience and knowledge with others and strives to teach thousands of individuals how to successfully combine business and spirituality.

Dr Huesan Tran - Pebbles in the Pond

Natalie Ledwell speaks with the unique and incredible Danielle MacKinnon. She is a pet and human intuition expert who wants to talk to you about your soul contracts. After dabbling in meditation in college, Danielle fully realized her intuitive skills when her dog got sick. A Soul Contract is an agreement you've made in a past life, and sometimes these contracts can cause you to have problems in your current life. Some of the results of a soul contract session with Danielle MacKinnon is better relationships, financial success, better health, and more.

Soul Contracts Danielle MacKinnon

Natalie Ledwell invites medical miracle Sam Riggio on the Inspiration Show to share his remarkable story of being wheelchair bound for 8 years after a tragic car accident. Riggio was told he would never walk again but after altering his medical approach and creating his own system filled with meditation, visualizations, and mind movies, Riggio began to walk again. Riggio now travels the world to speak at seminars and has published a book that aims to encourage and motivate others to overcome any obstacle.

Seriously! The Movie

Natalie Ledwell invites medical miracle Sam Riggio on the Inspiration Show to share his remarkable story of being wheelchair bound for 8 years after a tragic car accident. Riggio was told he would never walk again but after altering his medical approach and creating his own system filled with meditation, visualizations, and mind movies, Riggio began to walk again. Riggio now travels the world to speak at seminars and has published a book that aims to encourage and motivate others to overcome any obstacle.

Inspiring Stories Sam Riggio

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with natural health and quantum naturopathy specialist, Dr. Danielle J. Duperret. Duperret shares her personal story of transformation from misery and abuse to wealth and happiness. Duperret now uses the Law of Attraction and natural health methods to heal numerous clients and reveals her secret to turning "lemons into lemonade". Duperret is an inspiring example of the ability to change any negative experience into a positive opportunity.

Overcoming Adversity

Knowing your archetype will allow you to effectively set goals and achieve them quickly. Natalie Ledwell speaks with Gabrielle Javier-Cerulli, M.A, an incredible woman and mother who's speaking to me directly from a cafe in Paris. Her first book was published in December 2011, called "No Ordinary Woman: Tips for Conscious, Creative, and Healthy Living," which shows people how to find their 8 guiding archetypes, for additional clarity in effective decision-making. Gabrielle actually credits Mind Movies for allowing her to live her dream life and live in Paris with her young child.

Gabrielle Knowing your Archetypes

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life coach and sound healer Marguerita Vorobioff. Vorobioff shares on the show her new project titled "The Wealth Conscious Summit", that aims to give individuals the tools to become successful in business and find personal harmony and fulfillment.

Conscious Wealth Marguerita Vorobioff

Natalie Ledwell calls Zhena Muzyka, who shares her dream of empowering women everywhere... a journey that began with Zhena's incredible rags-to-riches story. 12 years ago, Zhena Muzyka had nothing but $6 in her pocket and the burning desire to pay for surgeries that her little boy named Sage desperately needed. She started selling tea from a tea cart, in her family tradition, which she grew it into a multi-million dollar business with thousands of stores around the world. As Zhena explains, "With a mission to serve, you cannot be defeated."

Empowering Women

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Janet Attwood, an expert at living your life in flow, and the driving force behind the world-renowned Passion Test. After learning that the most successful people in the world are following their passion, Janet realized how important it is to do something you love every day of your life. She embarked on a journey to discover how to help others discover what maks them feel alive.

Discover your Passion Janet Bray Attwood

Natalie Ledwell is excited to talk to Michelle Bersell, the author of Feel, a book about how to harness the power of negative emotions like fear, anger, sadness or disappointment, and flip them over to actually experience more love and happiness in your life. Michelle Bersell was a psychotherapist who experienced negativity that she couldn't seem to remove from her life. After 9 months of intensive self-connection, she learned how to use the Law of Attraction to actually reclaim the ability to use negative emotions as a source of loving guidance.

FEEL The Book - Michelle Bersell

Natalie Ledwell interviews special guest Gillian Larson, a contender from the popular Survivor TV series. She is used the power of visualization her whole life, even before she knew what the Law of Attraction was. After watching the Survivor series, she became hooked and decided she would become a contestant on the show. She then used the Law of Attraction to make it happen, which led to her discovering The Secret...

Survivor Gillian Larson

Natalie Ledwell answers, in this special episode.... What do extraordinary people have in common, and what does that have to do with the Law of Attraction? Learn how to use visualization and the Law of Attraction to take the fastest path to being extraordinary. Even using one of these tactics will make an incredible difference to your personal development. Overcome self-sabotage caused by limiting beliefs and lack of motivation, and discover what really inspires you, so you can determine the fastest path to your goal.

5 Secret Tips to Being Extraordinary

Natalie Ledwell reveals 6 unique habits that are shared among "Centerarians", those people who have celebrated their 100th birthday. Natalie shares ecouraging research about what exactly causes some people to live such long, happy lives. She reveals 6 simple tips anyone can follow to put them on the path to become a centeranaian themselves. Hint: a big part of living a long, healthy life is creating an optimistic outlook for the future.

6 Habits to A Long, Happy Life

Natalie Ledwell interviews DD Watkins who shares the work she is doing with children. An author and writer with a background in the arts, DD wanted to use her experience to help the next generation. Advocating conscious growth and development, she believes in taking a science based, fact based way to teach kids that's fun, engaging, and teaches them how to take control of their own lives.

DD Watkins

Natalie Ledwell takes questions about personal development and the Law of Attraction seriously. Today she answers,

Eliminating Doubt

Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and energy healer, Dawson Church, about his successful energy medicine program, EFT. Using this scientifically supported program, he has impacted millions of lives by improving their physical and mental conditions. Church reveals how energy healing can improve many debilitating disorders, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder commonly found in war veterans. On the show, Church shares how many areas of life EFT can be used in, including reducing stress, anxiety and even weight-loss.

Dawson Church EFT Explained

Natalie Ledwell invites Eva IIona Brzeski, award-winning author, producer, and director, on the Inspiration Show to talk about her ongoing project, Kindness The Movie. During the interview, Brzeski shares that the movement collects videos from all over the world to show true acts of kindness that promote compassion and peace. Brzeski is also finalizing her documentary, Kindness, which she hopes will positively transform how people perceive the world.

Kindness The Movie

Natalie Ledwell invites Jinny Throup, energy healer, on to the Inspiration Show to talk about the many ways the Law of Attraction transformed her life. Jinny, originally from England, felt something was missing in her personal and professional experiences. Once she discovered energy healing and the Law of Attraction, she was able to take the steps to create her dream life in Ibiza. On the show, Jinny shares that she now is able to guide others as they discover their connection to the universe through energy healing.

Jinny Throup - Inspirational Stories

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell interviews Richard Barrier, the creator of TXT ME L8R, an android application that disables the use of cell phones while driving. Barrier's main goal is to keep teenagers safe while driving, the application sends incoming calls straight to voicemail, does not receieve text messages, and only allows certain outgoing calls in case of an emergency. Barrier strives to give every parent peace of mind while their teenager is on the road.

The Power of Masterminds

Natalie Ledwell is excited to bring on Shanda Sumpter, the CEO of Heart Core Woman, a company dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs build a business online. Shanda Sumpter is like dynamite for blasting past whatever's stopping wanna-be entrepreneurs from starting their own online business. She explains how the number 1 challenge for many women today is lack of clarity, and then reveals a step-by-step process anyone can use to discover their true mission in life.

Shanda Sumpter - Heart Core Woman

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Nancy Matthews, the founder of Women?s Prosperity Network (WPN), which offers opportunity and support to women in their professional and personal lives. On the show, Nancy shares her personal story of finding fulfillment and satisfaction in her life and reveals how simple it is to wake up grateful and happy everyday.

Never Wake Up On the Wrong Side of the Bed Again

Natalie Ledwell brings on entrepreneur and 30-year teacher Aline Boundy, who originally hails from England. At 50 years old, after raising a family, Boundy first discovered the Law of Attraction and visualization. She believes this change in mindset has resulted in massive success in her personal life and allowed her to launch her own business. Boundy continues to use Mind Movies and Mind Movies Matrix to visualize and manifest her dream life.... she even overcame a technology-phobia in order to manifest her perfect lifestyle business.

Aline Boundy

Natalie Ledwell has an opportunity to speak with Stacey Canfield about her new book titled The Soul Sitter that reveals positive grief methods, information and research on terminal illness, and thousands of personal experiences. Canfield shares how her website, Soul Sitters, was a huge inspiration for her book. During the episode, Canfield gives the audience useful tips to be supportive and helpful during the passing of a loved one and ways to fully honor their life.

Stacey Canfield Soul Sitter

Natalie Ledwell speaks with the incredibly intelligent Tellman Knudson, whose mission is to give people the power of accelerated learning using hypnosis techniques. After studying brainwaves, altered states of consciousness, and peak performance in college, Tellman Knudson became interested in brain sciences such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and eventually Hypnosis. Tellman hypnotized his whole class (including his two teachers) only halfway through his first hypnosis course, and that was just the beginning...

The Benefits of Hypnosis

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with award-winning author, Jack Cranfield. Using the Law of Attraction and visualization, Jack was inspired to co-write the best selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and transform thousands of lives through teaching the importance of goal setting, affirmations, self-esteem and positive
thinking.  On the show, Jack reveals powerful tips to discover true joy and simple ways to achieve a life of success and abundance.

Jack Canfield

Nutrition expert Shawn Stevenson stops by The Inspiration Show today to talk about health, and the importance of the type of food we put in our body.  After battling a severe spine disease for years, Shawn laid in bed one night and decided to change his health, and his life for good. In 6 weeks he lost 22 pounds and cut his body fat percentage in half. His personal battle has led him to help tens of thousands of people get healthy, and happy.

Shawn Stevenson

Today on the show Law of Attraction expert Natalie Ledwell interviews Nickkea Devida, the queen of getting people past liming beliefs. Nickkea opens up about her past and her 13-year battle with bulimia and how she was able to overcome it in 6 weeks. She also explains the difference between the subconscious and conscious mind in great detail. Throughout the episode you'll gain nuggets of knowledge to help you understand the way your mind works, and how to get it working for you.

Nikkea Devida Getting Unstuck

Have you suffered with back pain? Natalie Ledwell invites Tristan and Sabrina Truscott onto the show. A long time martial artist, Tristan explains how he was able to overcome an overwhelming back injury that happened in an instant in 2000, yet left him unable to walk for nearly 5 years. The surprising cure to his debilitating back pain? Qigong. Tristan's life was completely transformed when he cured his back pain and he now serves the world by sharing what he's learned, which they've developed into the Satori Method.

Tristan and Sabrina

Natalie Ledwell speaks with award-winnng and bestselling author, Viki Winterton. An inspiring woman, Viki does more than live a life of passion, she has been intrumental in sharing a powerful message. Originally a model, her life took an unexpected turn to a new purpose, which caused her to begin her own magazine business, giving her the chance to work with big household names. She believes that becomming an author set up an incredible positive momentum in her life, and she is dedicated to showing others how to gain that power in their own lives.

Viki Winterton

Natalie Ledwell interviews the health expert Marcia Tabram Phillips who had an incredible flash of inspiration while whe was working out. Using the power of Mind Movies, she now uses her idea to inspire children and adults around the world to live more healthy lives. Marcia takes a positive approach to provide support to those in need and reduce the obesity epidemic around the globe.

Marcia Tabram Phillips

Natalie Ledwell speaks with CEO Michelle Patterson, the owner of the Event Complete and the organizer of the all-encompassing California Women's Conference. A mom of two, Michelle's mission is to connect women (and men) around the world and show them they really are good enough to achieve their dreams. She explains how success follows passion, and tells the story of how she made a huge change to start living her own life with passion.

Inspiring Women Michelle Patterson

Natalie talks with the legendary Larry Crane, who has been helping people overcome illnesses and mental blockages for over 30 years. There is a strong link betwee your mental state and your health, and today Larry reveals how you can change your state right now and dramatically improve how you feel. In fact, on the show he walks Natalie through an exercise that immediately reduces the pain she feels from a knee problem that has plagued her for decades.

Larry Crane Where Has The Happiness Gone?

Today Natalie Ledwell speaks with actor Derek Rydall, who lived through a near-death experience in Jamaica that changed his life. Over the next year, Derek realized that his identity had completely changed, and had to reconnect with his sense of self. He feels that his experiences have illuminated how many of us are trying to improve ourselves, but we're using the tools in the wrong context. Like an acorn seed that needs the right conditions to grow into an oak tree, our sense of self just needs to be nurtured and discovered, not created from scratch. Derek has dedicated himself to showing others how to find their inner perfection which already exists, and free it into the world.

How to use the Law of Emergence to activate your own calling

Natalie Ledwell interviews inspirational kid Jake Ducey, who is on a mission to awaken the younger generation to step into their power and change the world. At only 20 years old, Jake has already lived an interesting journey that has taken him around the globe, but it wasn,t always that way. At 18 in college, Jake felt passionless, depressed, and lost. Around the same time, he started becomming aware of the incredible poverty and suffering in many parts of the world. Unlike many others his age who are exposed to such injustice, Jake decided to go and actually do something about it.

Jake Ducey

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Frank Johnson, who was caught in a fire over 25 years ago. As Frank laid waiting for rescue, he was overcome by smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisioning. Frank suffered a traumatic brain injury which caused him to lose his voice, fine motor skills, and much more. Yet Frank has not let that stop him from living his life, and his story of courage will bring tears to your eyes.

Fantastic Frank

Natalie Ledwell speaks with author Neal Donald Walsch about his life-changing book, The Storm Before the Calm, which Natalie recently read and absolutely loved. Neal has led an unusual and interesting life that seemed to take a turn for the worse when he turned 50. He got in a car accident and broke his neck, lost his marriage, and literally lived on the streets for a year, among other hardships. Despite it all, Neal managed to turn it all around...

The Storm Before The Calm

Natalie Ledwell gets the chance to speak with bestselling author Jill Lublin about how she discovered her passion. She also offers some effective tips for dealing with procrastination. Her main focus is showing others how to get their passions out into the world, and she offers publicity crash courses all around the world.

Passion Peeps - Jill Lublin

Natalie Ledwell interviews Canadian Shawn Shewchuk, who was able to escape his "lot in life". After going completely bankrupt, both emotionally and financially, Shawn was able to rebuild his life in less than a year by following his passion. His purpose in life is to show people how much they can achieve in their own lives.

Passion Peeps - Shawn Shewchuk

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Jim Oliver, who not only shares his beautiful music, which he's been using to heal people all over the world, but also explains how the Law of Attraction has given him the ability to meet his two biggest idols. This manifesting master and healer shares something really special, so make sure you don't miss the spectacular ending of today's Inspiration Show!

Inspirational Stories - Jim Oliver

Imagine finding the secret to happiness in business. Natalie Ledwell speaks with DC Cordova, who has been doing incredible work all around the world. Originally from Chile, she moved to Los Angeles as a teenager. She became a total party girl, and was making a lot of money, but couldn't shake a deep depression. After many trials, she found out the secret to true joy in business. She now sees that her life's problems have given her an immense wisdom which she uses to help entrepreneurs transform their lives and businesses.

Passion Peeps - DC Cordova

Natalie Ledwell travels to Los Angeles to talk to Pat Soloman, the creator behind Finding Joe the movie. The main theme of the movie reflects on the lives of people around the world, and demonstrates how everyone's life is a Hero's Journey in many ways. Heralded as one of the best movies since The Secret, Finding Joe the movie has an underlying inspirational message that anyone with courage can go out and build the life that they secretly yearn for.

Finding Joe The Movie

What could be possible in your life if you tapped into your passion? Gabriel Nossovich, today's guest star on the Inspiration Show, grew up in a multi-cultural family in a small town in southern Argentina, where they were the "odd ones out." Gabriel's life was completely planned out for him before he was born, yet he knew he was destined for more. Now he's dedicated to teaching others how to escape their own traps and go on to make their own lives extraordinary.

Passion Peeps - Gabriel Nossovitch

Karin Volo and Neale Donald Walsch drop in on Natalie Ledwell today by phone on the Inspiration Show. An unlikely meeting, Karin had a run-in with the law that put her in jail, where she read the Conversations With God books by Neale. These three books completely transformed her life and she sent a copy to Neale just thanking him for the effect he's had on her life. Karin saw a need to get this message to children and the two of them worked together to create a Conversations with God book with messages that are aimed at children.

Neale Donald Walsch and Karin Volo

Natalie Ledwell is excited to have former psychotherapist Dr. Ray Blanchard on the show. Dr. Blanchard teaches that you need to go inside yourself if you want to identify your passions. He explains how you can find out to what your heart truly yearns for.

Passion Peeps - Dr. Ray Blanchard

In this special episode, Natalie Ledwell gets another visit from Don Jose Ruiz. This time the topic is the 2012 Mayan calendar and the predictions surrounding what's going to happen towards the end of this year.

Don Jose Ruiz

Natalie's passion peep, Ted McGrath, seems to find massive success effortlessly, but it wasn't always that way. His life story changed dramatically one day when he decided to take a metaphorical leap of faith. On today's show, Ted details a simplet, yet very powerful email that you can send out, right now, to identify what your passion is. Very interesting...

Passion Peeps - Ted McGrath

Natalie Ledwell speaks with the energetic best-selling author Brendon Burchard about his newest book, The Charge. Brendon passionately teaches people how to be productive and fufilled in this chaotic and fast-paced world. He's spent 15 years researching neuroscience to discover why some people are fully alive and fufilled, while other continue to struggle no matter what happens in their life. Brendon shares some of the amazing information and strategies from his book. After watching the episode, you will walk away with additional clarity and vision about your own life.

Brendon Burchard - The Charge

Natalie Ledwell has a fun and informative conversation with relationship expert Mat Bogs. Mat, who has a background in biology, shares the science behind finding the perfect partner and explains some of the biological differences between men and women that affect how they behave in relationships. Mat is so genuine and his powerful strategies to using these differences to your advantage will allow you to improve your current and future relationships.

Cracking The Man Code

Natalie Ledwell interviews Sharon Babineau about the amazing story of Maddie, who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 12. Maddie underwent many surgeries and procedures, yet was inspired to help other children around the world, who she felt were even worse off than she was. She was given a wish to do anything by the Make a Wish Foundation, and used it to start a school in Africa, and that was just the beginning...

Sharon Babineau Maddie's Story

Natalie Ledwell has an engaging conversation with the beautiful Lisa Kalmin, who was moved emotionally after witnessing the Munich Massacre during the Summer Olympics in 1972. This unlikely event is what started Lisa's journey to a life helping others become their happiest, healthiest, most alive self.

Passion Peeps - Lisa Kalmin

Natalie Ledwell has a very special surprise passion peep? Joe Vitale! Dr. Joe is an LOA master, and today he will teach you the #1 (unexpected) secret to identifying your passion. He'll also answer all of the usual passion peeps questions, and will share his personal story with you. This episode is EPIC!

Passion Peeps - Joe Vitale

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Susan Stiffleman, who was recently featured on the Today Show for her book, "Parenting Without Power Struggles." This book is the current number 1 bestseller for "Motherhood" on A counselor for decades, Susan brings a unique perspective to the topic of parenting. In today's episode, Susan teaches you how to be the "captain of the ship" within your family.

Parenting without Power Struggles - Susan Stiffleman

Today, Natalie Ledwell introduces Mark Romero, who has been doing some amazing work with music and the guitar after he escaped the corporate world.

Inspirational Success Stories - Mark Romero

Natalie Ledwell recently interviewed Mary Morrissey, and now she interviews her son, Mat Boggs. Raised reading personal development books instead of bedtime stories, Mat has a unique perspective on the world. A romantic guy, Mat had a lot of pain in his life as a result of negative experiences with relationships, but now he's devoted to studying romance and bringing more romance in the world. Mat even has a special gift for Inspiration Show viewers!

Passion Peeps - Mat Boggs

The 5th Agreement is to learn to properly listen to our inner voice so we can use it as a guide. Natalie Ledwell was especially touched by Don Jose Ruiz's story because she also has overcome limiting beliefs in her life.

Don Jose Ruiz - 5th Agreement

Natalie Ledwell is pleased to speak with Scott Coady, who was able to overcome negative mental programming that was holding him back. It's not that Scott was born with this, but he sort of acquired it through his young experiences. Scott Shares his story on how he was able to wash away his limiting beliefs and achieve massive success.

Passion Peeps - Scott Coady

Natalie Ledwell takes viewers on a trip down memory lane, back to the days when she was struggling, frustrated, and making little progress like a hamster on one of those spinning wheels. She tells viewers what she wished someone had told her back then...

Power of Intention

Natalie Ledwell has a famous guest on the show, Barnet Bain, who's the creator such movies as "What dreams may come" and the "Celestine Prophecy"! Barnet shares an amazing exercise that you can use today to discover what YOUR passion really is.

Passion Peeps - Barnet Bain

Natalie Ledwell shares a Visualization Mind Movie today and gives some tips on how to "Retrain Your Brain" and actually make success come to you on Auto Pilot.

Your Special Visualization Mind Movie

Natalie Ledwell has a conversation with Dr. Joseph Lim, a third-generation eastern medicine doctor who wrote the book, The Yin and Yang of Life. His book shares his philosphy of yin and yang with the world, which he has developed in his 25 years of practice.

The Yin and Yang of Life

Natalie Ledwell speaks with the amazing Mary Morrissey who miraculously recovered from a fatal kidney disease after a chance meeting with a spiritual healer. Since 1975, Mary has devoted her life to inspiring others. Natalie is also excited to announce that today she has a NEW list of passion peep questions, including ones about limiting beliefs and even a questions about who their dream dinner guest would be!

Passion Peeps - Mary Morrissey

Natalie Ledwell chats with Dr. Bob Uslander, an doctor who worked in the ER for twenty years before he realized he was completely unhappy in his life. He made a brave choice and now lives a life full of passion as he helps other doctors and medical professionals find their own purpose.

Inspirational Success Stories - Dr.Bob Uslander

Today, Natalie Ledwell's passion peep is Dwayne Klassen. They discuss some of the challenges that men are facing today and an amazing movement that Dwayne has started called the "Remarkable Man Project."

Passion Peeps - Dwayne Klassen

Today, Natalie Ledwell discusses the whole 2012 phenomenon. This year, finding and pursuing your passion seems to be on the tip of everyone's tongue. Why is 2012 so important? Natalie talks about the Mayan Armageddon prophecy, the crazy global weather we've been experiencing, as well as what the expected cosmic alignment that will occur on Dec 21, 2012 might mean for us. Learn what you need to do to prepare for 2012!

2012 - What will happen?

Today on the show I talk to Esperanza Universal, and she shares her incredible story. Twenty years ago, Esperanza was a hardcore civil litigator (a lawyer) and was on track to becoming the first Mexican Congresswoman. After an incredible experience she had while she was in a trial, she completely changed her path and became a spiritual teacher! Her ultimate goal is to shift the planet from a place of fear to a place of love.

Passion Peeps - Esperanza Universal

Inspirational Kids Xanthe (age 10) and Quinn (age 9) from Canada have actually written a book after their beloved dog Candy after she died while they were away from home. They wanted to remember their dog with laughter instead of tears, which was the inspiration for their book. This episode is so touching and just too cute to miss!

Inspirational Kids - Xanthe and Quinn

Natalie Ledwell had two passion peeps you'll relate to if you've ever hit rock bottom. Ten years ago, in a 4-month span, Lanny lost three family members, went broke, and got divorced. Deena was a single mom making 12,000 a year. Needless to say, things seemed hopeless. They united and even though life seemed really grim in the beginning, they believed in each other. They share their story of how they turned $800 into $3.5 million!

Passion Peeps - Lanny and Deena Morton

Jennifer Bailey wasn't always as happy an joyful as she is now. She comes from a big family and then one day decided to move out to California. She started with no money, but was able to achieve material success and eventually got married. Despite her successes, Jen couldn't understand why she still wasn't happy. After a poignant dream, Jen moved to Europe and started a new chapter of her life. After several ups and downs, Jen finally discovered what she need to do to achieve true, deep happiness. Now she helps other people become true representations of their inner essence as a spiritual and intuitive life coach.

Passion Peeps - Jen Bailey

Natalie Ledwell introduces a special guest on the show today, her husband Glen! They also introduce the newest addition to their family... Glen shares the story of how he started his first "real" business at age 17 (after dropping out of school at 16). Glen's passion is marketing, which he didn't discover until after several years of owning small businesses. He shares some of his biggest successes as well as a story about a huge fear of public speaking which he overcame. Glen's advice is this: if you find yourself wearing many hats, then it's important to look at the hat that you actually enjoy and find a way to expand that in your life.

Inspirational Success Stories - Glen Ledwell

Vanessa Hamilton is a singer/songwriter who suffered from Vertigo for several years, a debilitating condition which prevented her from even being able to get up and move. Medical doctors told her there was no cure, and unfortunately, she couldn't afford the few alternative treatment options that were available. After starting Natalie Ledwell's 7-week course, "7 Secrets to Happiness," Vanessa was able to miraculously heal herself through Natalie's program. Vanessa shares her favorite habit of success from 7 Secrets and urges people to always believe in themselves, even when everyone else gives up on you.

Inspirational Success Stories - Vanessa Hamilton

Natalie Ledwell speaks to Cory Glazier, whose life is literally overflowing with passion. Even though he dropped out of high school at age 16, Cory has gone on to achieve incredible levels of success. Now, at age 26, he is dedicated to helping eradicate extreme poverty for the after traveling to third world countries in Africa. He is extremely grateful for what he has, and shares his personal template which he uses to achieve a really high level of productivity by protecting his energy and motivation levels.

Passion Peeps - Cory Glazier

Natalie Ledwell has some incredible tips to help you overcome fears or limiting beliefs in your life that may be causing you distress or holding you back. She explains how to stop avoiding fears, and then defeat them once and for all.

How to overcome fear and defeat it for good

Natalie Ledwell speaks with Renee Airya, a spiritual leader and former fashion model, who has managed to heal from three near death experiences, including a pancreatic tumor where she was told she had only 2 weeks to live, massive brain surgery and facial paralysis. She shares her incredible journey of healing and explains how she now uses her experiences to help other people make their lives better.

Passion Peeps - Renee Airya

Natalie Ledwell shares her insights from the Yes! Energy Summit. Now, Natalie ends all her Mind Movies with the affirmation "I choose to create all of this or something even better." This will help you stay open to things that are even better than anything you can imagine. Natalie believes this was the key that allow her to keep achieving audacious goals, and she shares a personal story about something amazing that came true from her Mind Movie.

This or Something Better

Natalie Ledwell visits Dallas and talks to Jim Bunch, a leader in the personal development industry. He shares how some of his best inspiration has come from desperation, and how he used the LOA to transform his life. He shares the exact system that he uses every day to continuously exceed his goals, and that's just the beginning! You will walk away with a ton of fresh tactics and strategies for success, and Jim even explains how you can upgrade your environment TODAY to help you achieve your goals.

Passion Peeps - Jim Bunch

Natalie Ledwell gives listeners her favorite highlights to the inspiring book, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. He explains how in many ways, life is like a dream that we create for ourselves. As children, we learn the rules to this dream world and create beliefs about how things work. The only thing is we didn't have the opportunity to choose our beliefs and often they don't serve us... but luckily, these limiting beliefs can be overcome.

The Four Agreements

Mari Smith has a massive following on Facebook and is known as the "Social Media Queen." She always loved both technology and relationships, but in 2007 she realized that Facebook was her true passion. Mari explains how she became an entrepreneur after living in three countries, and offers many tips and hints to help other people follow in her footsteps.

Passion Peeps - Mari Smith

Natalie Ledwell kicks off a brand new segment called "Inspirational Kids" with the amazing story of Julia Weber, who wrote a book when she was only 14! Julia Weber's book, called ILY (stands for I Love You) is written from a teen's perspective as a guide to help teens deal with and overcome teenage bullies, and is based on Julia's own experiences with cyber bullying.

Inspirational Kids - Julia Weber

Natalie Ledwell has a special treat for you, due to popular demand she managed to get Loral Langmeirer on the Inspiration Show as today's passion peep. Loral believes in saying "Yes" to your passions right now, and figuring out the details later.

Passion Peeps - Loral Langmeier

The Law of Attraction states that if you have an abundant vibration, it will attract wealth and abundance to you! Today, Natalie shares some easy-to-implement (and cheap!) tips you can start using today to get you up to an abundant vibration!

How to Create an Abundant Vibration

At age 21, Mercedes Maidana from Argentina went through a terrible dark period in her life. A friend took her on a chance trip to a beach in Brazil, where Mercedes realized surfing was her true passion. Though her friends and family said she was crazy, she left her business behind and started backpacking around the world in pursuit of better waves. Mercedes followed her dream all the way to Hawaii, which she now calls her beloved home, and goes big-wave surfing every day.

Passion Peeps - Mercedes Maidana

Have you ever wanted to see what kind of Mind Movie your pet would make? In today's bonus episode, we show you a digital dream board from your dog or cat's point of view. It's too cute to miss.

A Mind Movie for Your Pets!

Today, Natalie talks about tackling a very common problem: dealing with negative people around you. She answers an email from a fan who is having trouble dealing with a negatively minded family who does not support her. Natalie offers advice how to stay positive in situations like this and remain focused on your goals and passions.

Dealing with Negative People

The New Year brings the first 2012 episode of The Inspiration Show. Sit with Natalie while she interviews her first set of Passion Peeps this year, Gay and Katie Hendricks.

Passion Peeps - Gay and Katie Hendricks

Episode 54 is the End of the Year Show. Help celebrate the New Year by Helping others in their time of need. Help the Achuar people save their Amazon home.

What is your New Years Resolution?

You may know today's guest as one of the people involved with the Passion Test. Chris Attwood talks about how he used to do work that he hated for years. He felt like he was living the same terrible day over and over. Then something happened. He woke up shaking in the middle of the night and he knew something was incredibly wrong with how he was living his life. That was when he decided to finally make a real change.

Passion Peeps - Chris Attwood

Drew Canole, our resident health expert, has returned to the show to answer the health questions we've been receiving from Inspiration Show fans. Whether you want to know more about juicing for your health, getting six-pack abs, or the best ways to burn body fat, Drew has the answers for you!

Health Tips part 2

The reason Natalie asked Tiamo on the show is because he is about to embark on his life of passion. He is a singer and songwriter who has been balancing his day job with his true passion of music for the last 12 years. He says his biggest defining moment was when he walked away from his passion in order to truly pursue it. You have to watch the show and hear his amazing story!

Passion Peeps - Tiamo

Nadine Lajoie is a mother, speaker, skydiver, volleyball champion, accomplished business leader, musician and vocalist who has also earned more than 50 podium placements in male-dominated motorcycle racing competitions, including the Daytona in 2007. Natalie talks to her about her recent book called "Win the Race of Life," which is written from the heart and mind of experience.

Win the Race of Life

Ten years ago, Christine Arylo was outwardly doing well but on the inside she felt like a huge part of her life was missing. When disaster struck, a chance meeting with an astrologist caused her to reevaluate the path she was taking. Christine found her spiritual core, and finally realized that she had intense limiting beliefs that were holding her back from achieving her dreams. Once she realized that she deserved happiness too, everything fell into place.

Passion Peeps - Christine Arylo

Today Natalie got to spend some time again with Drew Canoli, who has become a favorite since his first appearance on the Inspiration show. It?s holiday season, and many of us will be guilty of overeating and overdrinking due to all the celebrations. Drew helps us out with some general health tips for enjoying the festivities without overdoing it, as well as advice on how to increase our energy levels.

Health Tips part 1

In Episode 47, Natalie interviews John Assaraf, a star from The Secret. He has appeared on shows like Larry King Live, Ellen, Anderson Cooper 360 and many more. John is a millionaire whose passion is helping entrepreneurs understand the psychology and strategy of building a dream life through the Law of Attraction. This video is packed with actionable information and LOA strategies!

Passion Peeps - John Assaraf

Natalie got to be a fly on the wall during an interview with fellow Aussie Nik Halik about what motivates him. After a rough start in life, Nik has managed to tick the following things off his list? he's became a self-made multi-millionaire by his late 20's, he's had lunch on the Titanic (the one 5 miles beneath the surface of the ocean), he has flown to the edge of space...

Stickability Nik Halik

This Passion Peep doesn't need a formal introduction as he is the Godfather of LOA, Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor is an author, lecturer, counselor, business consultant, entrepreneur, and just recently celebrated 50 years teaching the power of positive thinking, self-motivation and the Law of Attraction.

Passion Peeps - Bob Proctor

Natalie is excited to share her thoughts on "Discover the Gift," one of the best movies about the Law of Attraction since "The Secret." Natalie interviews Shajen Joy Aziz, one of the creators, about her experiences leading to the creation of "Discover the Gift." Make sure you watch the whole episode, because at the end Natalie explains how "The Inspiration Show" listeners can get an autographed copy of the "Discover the Gift" DVD.

Discover the Gift

Natalie reads an email from one of her viewers named Courtney, who has experienced great success through the Law of Attraction. However, now that Courtney has so many awesome opportunities available to her, she is feeling overwhelmed by all the possible choices. She is worried about wasting time going down the wrong path and is looking for advice on how to choose the best course of action. In response, Natalie shares 3 things that Courtney (or anyone) can do to get additional guidance on what actions to take next.

How Do I Know I'm Making The Right Decision?

Today Natalie has the pleasure of interviewing Eldridge DuFauchard, an inspiring man who was able to overcome a debilitating social phobia that developed as a result of a traumatic experience from his childhood. He discusses the experiences that helped him start a new life full of positivity, abundance, and success.

Passion Peeps - Eldridge DuFauchard

Today's passion peep is Karin Volo, an expert in career and personal development. She is known as a Tough Transition Specialist and Dream Life Mentor, and she helps individuals and companies thrive through difficult transitions. Karin's passion is helping people better their lives through sharing all she has learned on her own journey, which includes an extraordinary story of overcoming the loss of her freedom and separation from her family for nearly four years. You will be blown away with Karin's story so don't miss it!

Passion Peeps - Karin Volo

In Episode 40, Natalie interviews passion peep Drew Canole, a man who went through extremely difficult experiences in his childhood, and yet has emerged passionate, prosperous and successful. Drew is now a fitness and health expert who coaches people in southern California to push past their boundaries and exceed their potential. He inspiringly discusses what it took for him to move past his limiting beliefs and live a life of happiness by helping others make positive transformations in their own lives.

Passion Peeps - Drew Canole

Natalie answers questions from her listeners. Natalie shares visualization tips on attracting your perfect partner. She also explains strategies for choosing when to use pre-made mind movies and when it's more helpful to create your own mind movie. Finally, Natalie offers some great tips to visualize more powerfully and clearly.

Q & A

Today Natalie speaks with passion peep Bob Doyle, a famous proponent of the Law of Attraction. Bob is devoted to showing people how the Law of Attraction is actually based on sound scientific principles. Bob Doyle is also known for being able to break things complicated information down into language that anyone can understand. He delivers some amazing insight and information based on his experiences with the Law of Attraction.

Passion Peeps - Bob Doyle

Natalie recalls Winston Churchill's speech, "Never, never, never ever give up." She talks about how Mind Movies was started in 2008, after an assortment of problems and roadblocks. Despite all the trials and tribulations, the Mind Movies team was able to succeed beyond their wildest dreams because of their pure determination that failure was never an option.

Never, Ever Give Up

In Episode 36, Natalie travels to New York to interview Gabrielle Bernstein about her recent book "Spirit Junkie". Gabrielle explains how this book is a response to requests from readers of her first book, "Add More -ing To Your Life". Gabrielle wants listeners to know how important it is to look at all past experiences as divine prescriptions for spiritual growth, which is why she wrote "Spirit Junkie" about her own life.

Spirit Junkie Book Review

Natalie's interviews today's passion peep, Amy Ahlers. Amy was a life coach who transformed her life by making the decision to live her passion. Amy explains how becoming a mom was the catalyst that caused her to embark on her transformational journey. Amy also shares a powerful 3-step strategy that anyone can use to start making positive changes in their life today.

Passion Peeps - Amy Ahlers

Natalie answers questions from people like you who are using her "7 Secrets to Happiness" program.  She talks about incorporating Daily Success Habits into your life and how to stick with these habits. Natalie offers her opinion on whether or not you should create deadlines for your Law of Attraction goals. She also gives advice on how to take purposeful actions to achieve your goals, even when things seem difficult. You don't want to miss this episode!

Answer to 7 Secrets Questions

Episode 33 is jam-packed with content from LOA expert Natalie Ledwell. She talks about taking action, and how any action is the right action. She shares her personal experience with her husband Glen about getting involved with Mind Movies. Action is a very important step of the Law Of Attraction, so take action and watch this episode!

You Don't Need to Know How

In this episode Natalie Ledwell reviews the book 'Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves' alongside the author Amy Ahlers. They discuss some of the lies in the book and reveal the truths underneath them. Enjoy!

Big Fat Lies Book Review

In episode 31 LOA expert Natalie Ledwell interviews another passion peep, the beautiful Gabrielle Bernstein. She's been tagged as the next generations spiritual seeker and is a number one best selling author. Gabrielle is incredibly authentic and open in this interview. She shares how she was looking for happiness in all the wrong places, and how she transformed after hitting rock bottom.

Passion Peeps - Gabrielle Bernstein

Kathi Burns is back! Natalie models the new stylish outfits that Kathi helped her to put together. Combining new clothing items & old ones to look put together whether you are strolling around wine country, heading out to dinner, or partying it up in the club! This episode is packed with new fashion ideas & tips.

Dressing for Success part 2

Today LOA guru Natalie Ledwell interviews one of her 'passion peeps' Max Simon. Max is a leading global authority for teaching entrepreneurs, and his father David Simon opened the Deepak Chopra center. He shares his many 'business life's' and how following his parents path was not for him.

Passion Peeps - Max Simon

Attention ladies! Today's episode is a little different from what you are use to watching on the show. Natalie brings you inside her closest while a stylist goes through her clothes and tells her what works for her, and what doesn't. This episode is loaded with fashion tips, and do's and don'ts.

Dressing for Success part 1

In Episode 27, Law of Attraction guru explains the reticular activating system, what is it, how it works, and examples that will help you understand it. She shares the ability it has to filter out certain information that bombards you everyday. Have a pen and paper handy because this is a content packed episode.

What is the Reticular Activating System?

LOA expert Natalie Ledwell interviews one of her 'passion peeps' Zhena Muzyka. Zhena's story is truly unique, she was barely making ends meet when she found out her son had a birth defect. She had to finance pricey surgeries to ensure his survival. Find out how she made is all work in this episode of The Inspiration Show.

Passion Peeps - Zhena Mukyka

Today Natalie elaborates on the topic discussed in the last episode,  your daily success routine. She'll teach you how to implement her top 5 must-haves into your daily routine. Enjoy!

Implementing Your Daily Routine

Who knew Will Smith was an LOA believer?! Listen 
to Will discuss possibility, the power of making 
a choice and he shares his favorite read. It's 
an inspiring interview that might just ignite a
spark within YOU!

Will Smith on the Law of Attraction

In Episode 23, Natalie discusses the topic she receives the most questions about: success.  She'll share what you need to do on a daily basis to become successful. You'll learn great new tips and exercises in this episode.

Your Daily Success Routine

Today Natalie interviews 'passion peep''Peggy McColl. She is an internationally recognized expert in the area of destiny achievement whose purpose is to make a positive contribution to the lives of millions of others. She has been inspiring individuals, experts, professional athletes, and organizations to reach their potential for the past 25 years. Enjoy!

Passion Peeps - Peggy McColl

In this episode Law of Attraction guru Natalie Ledwell will share some of her personal routine and tips from one of her favorite experts, Mike Dooley. Natalie will share some of his work, and add her own spin. This is a fabulous episode jam-packed with content so have a pen and paper handy!

Mike Dooley Wisdom

LOA expert Natalie Ledwell invites her 'passion peep' Mark Black to the show. Mark is a heart and double lung transplant recipient, marathon runner, best-selling author, life coach and motivational speaker. Mark will share the biggest challenge of his life with you, while explaining how he overcame obstacles that many people can't even imagine.

Passion Peeps - Mark Black

In episode 19 Natalie Ledwell talks about your perception and how if effects the way we act and think. She gives concrete examples of how we can begin to transform our perception for the better. She'll help you raise your positive vibration and the way you see the world.

Your Perception is Your Reality

Natalie Ledwell discusses the power of thought in episode 18. She explains how thoughts become things so it's important to focus on the positive ones. She shares some tips from her close friend the legendary speaker Les Brown on how he beat "the little c." This episode will transform the way you think about your goals.

The Power of Thought

In episode 17 LOA expert Natalie Ledwell interviews one of her "passion peeps" Marcia Wieder. Marcia is the founder and CEO of Dream University, has wrote 14 books and is a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She shares how divorce and her handicap sister helped her become the woman she is today. This is a truly inspirational episode!

Passion Peeps - Marcia Wieder

In episode 16 Natalie answers a question from the show's comment box. She will discuss meditation, what it is, how it works and why we should do it. She'll also share her four step meditation process.


In episode 15 LOA guru Natalie Ledwell does a group exercise to help release limiting beliefs. This exercise will help you re-write your subconscious programming, and will get your internal programming to start working for you and not against you.

Eliminating a Limiting Belief?

Natalie Ledwell interviews one of her "passion peeps" Paul Hoffman who is a successful musician, teacher and author. Paul makes positive, uplifting, amazing music. He's created jingles for TV shows, worked with B.B. King, Tony Bennett and even created the intro music for The Inspiration Show.

Passion Peeps - Paul Hoffman

Law of Attraction expert Natalie Ledwell explains limiting beliefs in this episode. Many people are unaware that these beliefs or programs even exist. This episode is packed with great content so we encourage you to revisit, pause and absorb the information as necessary.

What is a Limiting Belief?

In this episode Natalie Ledwell interviews another one of her inspirational "passion peeps," Martin Cooper. You may not recognize his name, but I'm sure you are familiar with his invention, the cellar telephone. This episode will be included in Natalie's upcoming book, you can get the inside scoop before it's published. Enjoy the show!

Martin Cooper Takeaways

In this episode LOA guru interviews one of her

Passion Peeps - Greg S Reid

Law of Attraction guru Natalie Ledwell interviews one of her passion peeps Sean Stephenson. This interview is exceptionally inspiring because Sean was born with a rare bone disease and was repeatedly told he had a limited life span. Now in his 30's Sean has a LONG list of accomplishments including a stint in the White House, working on Capitol Hill and sharing the stage with Tony Robbins.

Passion Peeps - Sean Stephenson

In a continuing effort to improve your life, Natalie challenges you to find your passion. She'll help you leave 'survival mode' and start leading a life filled with happiness. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy to jot down some notes.

Identifying your Passion

In episode 8 Natalie will challenge you to find your core values. Establishing core values is an imperative step to identifying what goals you want to achieve. You and Natalie will do an exercise together that will help you form your core values.

What are your Core Values?

LOA expert Natalie Ledwell interview's one of her passion peeps Marci Shimoff. Marci is one of the best selling non-fiction female authors of all time, a New York Times best seller and has appeared on over 500 TV shows. Marci opens her heart to Natalie, and now you.

Passion Peeps - Marci Shimoff

Welcome to a very special edition of The Inspiration Show. Natalie takes you to Europe with her. She answers YOUR questions in episode 6 while showing you around Budapest and Prague.

Q & A from Europe

Thought leader Natalie Ledwell elaborates on her last episode with a Part 2. She gives some awesome success tips and invites you to take part in her feel good exercise.  She will also pose two questions that you will not want to miss!

Are You in Your Happy Place? pt 2

LOA guru Natalie Ledwell will challenge you to find your Happy Place and break down positive vibrations. She shares her journey of how she's gotten where she is today, and how the movie 'The Secret' inspired her.

Are You in Your Happy Place

Natalie Ledwell introduces one of her passion peeps Gary Vaynerchuck. He is a New York Times Best Seller, social media and wine tasting expert and entrepreneur. You may have seen him on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Warning: His language is colorful!

Passion Peeps - Gary Vaynerchuk

Personal development expert Natalie Ledwell takes you on a journey inside her computer. She'll show you how to make a Mind Movie quickly and easily.

Creating a Mind Movie in minutes

Law of Attraction expert Natalie Ledwell introduces the first ever episode of The Inspiration Show. In it, she share's what you can expect this season and how the show came about.

Welcome to the Inspiration Show

Andy Shaw



Transform Your Life