Natalie: Hello everyone! My name is Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show. Today is
one our live show that we have for you. I have an amazing guest for you tonight. An author of
the book called, The Rainbow Bridge and tonight we’re going to be talking all inner peace and
world peace. So, please welcome my guest Mr. Brent Hunter. How are you Brent?
Brent: Good. Thank you, Natalie. How are you?
N: I am absolutely amazing. So, inner peace and world peace, that is a hefty subject that we’re
going to cover in 15 minutes. We’re going to do our best but before we get into that, why don’t
we start with your journey and your background and how you got to writing this book and being
such an authority on inner peace.
B: Okay, well, I think the important part is I was raised in a multi-cultural, multi-religious
family. My mother was born and raised in Turkey and 100% Muslim, so I’m half Muslim, my father
is Jewish and yet they raised me and my two sisters as Christians. And so that was kind of
confusing growing up. My father was also very interested in meditation and Zen Buddhism. So I
was exposed to a lot of different religious traditions and I spent most of my life kind of
figuring out what is religion all about. The Rainbow Bridge eliminates the common ground in the
world’s major wisdom and traditions and part of it focuses on inner peace that’s a bridge to
inner peace and the other part focuses on the bridge to world peace, as well.
N: Right. So, you were exposed to this information as a child, I’m assuming. As a child how did
you apply what is that you were learning or when did you actually start putting all these
B: I thought about it for many, many years but it wasn’t until I ran an internet operation, I
was an online community back in 1994, from 1994 until 2001, that was (2:05) multi-million
dollar internet business and it was extremely challenging. It was really through the experience
of running this business and experiencing these incredible challenges I was taking notes all
along the way in terms of what was really important to get me through those rough times. And
after I shut down, the operation was called the park, after I shut down the park in 2001, I was
meditating one day, I was looking at all my notes and it just came to me that all these
information is actually common to world’s major wisdom tradition and what I was looking at all
these notes was very, very important and really the common ground that’s found in all of them.
And so, that was when I had this major awakening experience that, one of the reasons I’m here
is to illuminate this common ground, which is also known as the universal principles. So these
universal principles can be used to help achieve, one can help bring about a sense of inner
peace and harmony by using these universal principles, and as I mentioned early on, the first
edition of this book was published in 2001. So, this fourth edition which was published earlier
this year is 13 years in the making. So I’ve been using universal principles, I’ve been living
universal principles for 13 years now and as a result of doing that and meditating (3:35) to
basically, all new information is downloaded every day. And so, this fourth edition represents
a pretty significant upgrade, Natalie, since the previous edition and all the other edition as
N: Yeah. You brought up a couple of things I want to address. First of all I love the fact that
you’re focusing on what’s common, you know, and the common theme that ran through religions
rather than focusing on what makes them different. So can you tell us what some of those
principles are?
B: Sure, sure. There are 60 universal principles that are contained in the book. Some of them
are things that when you hear about them you’ll say, I already knew that. But things like love
and compassion and patience and understanding, all of those kinds of things that I think we
traditionally think about when we think about religion, of being kind and so forth. But the
other thing is, there is a lot in here about the power of our mind because the power of our
mind is really quite astonishing. I think its way more powerful than you can even begin to
imagine. So, there are things in there about the power of the mind, intention, the power of
focus, using our mind in visioning whatever it is that we’re trying to manifest either
individually or collectively. So those are the few, some of the universal principles that are
on the rainbow bridge.
N: Right. Okay. So what you are talking about is not just, because for me, I have no problem
with what people’s religious or spiritual beliefs are and I think the purpose of religion and
spirituality is really to help us morally have a compass on how to live life. But what you’re
also talking about there is that in a lot of scripture, they actually talk about things like
using our mind to be able to manifest and be able to influence the outcomes in our life. Isn’t
that like, isn’t that unusual or you find that in every single or all the religions that you’ve
done, that you’ve studied?
B: It’s in all the belief, the religions, major wisdom tradition. So it’s quite amazing. And of
course, it makes sense because we all have a mind. We all have the ability of having an
intention, of having a desire and being able to visualize our lives and yes, that’s part of the
common ground.
N: Cool. So we’re talking about inner peace and world peace. So what’s your definition of inner
B: Inner peace is really about feeling a sense of tranquility and calmness inside yourself
regardless of what is happening on the outside. Of course, it is easier if you’re sitting in a
room that is quiet and you have an incense, a nice view, it’s easy to be in a state of inner
calmness but what’s really important while you all have all sorts of challenges going on around
you on the outside being able to attain that state, that inner peace and remain calm no matter
what’s going on. So, I don’t actually have a definition for inner peace but it consists of
feeling calm, a sense of peacefulness and tranquility within, also in mind, heart and soul.
N: Right. So are there easy things that we can do when we find ourselves in a really stressful,
in a very loud circumstances or environment, is there something easy that we can do that can
help us get present and to center ourselves?
B: There are. There are a number of things, the first thing that comes to me is to breathe. I
know that that may sound like a cliché but it’s really true and it’s very, very powerful. Just
being able to, whether your eyes (7:31) it just helps to close your eyes and take some deep
breaths. So often we forget something as simple as that. But that is extremely powerful. And
the other thing, there are lots of different things you can do, exercises and meditation
techniques. I think one of the most powerful ones is to recognize that when you’re, let’s say
you’re meditating, you have some thoughts that are coming to you, to not identify with those
thoughts, to not sort of attach to those thoughts and to imagine that these thoughts are like
clouds that are passing in the sky. Because when we are able to do that, we find that the
thoughts that do come in to our mind, sometimes are thoughts that are producing stress and
worry and concern. Those thoughts can literally come into our mind and float away. You can let
it float away like clouds and that of course can help bring about a state of peace and calm.
N: Absolutely.
B: And there are many other sorts of things but those are some of the things that come to mind
right away.
N: Exactly. I know when I’m in a particularly stressful situation or may be I’ve got a whole
lot of things going on around me, I just put my hands on my heart center and I do the same
thing, I just close my eyes and take a couple of really deep breaths and just feel myself. And
what it does is to help you to move forward with any kind of challenge that you are facing at
that time in a more present manner, in a more conscious manner, I think. So it’s really helpful
for that. Now you’re also talking about world peace. So how do we achieve that?
B: Well, that’s a great question. And we have a very limited amount of time but, the first
thing is that any conversation about world peace would be completely incomplete without talking
about inner peace. Everything starts with our own heart and mind and soul. And so, I think that
it’s really important for anybody that wants to have a better world and wants a peaceful,
harmonious world to first and foremost do their homework on helping to do whatever you can in
your own life to achieve this, some kind of semblance of peace and harmony within yourself. As
always, if we don’t have that, then your outward actions in the world can actually produce a
lot of turmoil. So first is starting within, one’s own mind and life. And then in terms of
peace in the world, it has lots to do with, the way that the world is set up to today. The
metaphor that I use is that of a computer system. A computer system has to have an operating
system. The operating system, in the case like a PC, the operating system would be like
windows, unix is another type of operating system and apple has the Macintosh. So computers
have to have an operating system and the purpose of the operating system is to ensure the
equitable distribution of the computer’s resources and so programs then are able to share the
computer’s memory and to share the hard drive capacity and the cpu power and the hard drive and
the peripherals and all of that. And so, this is how we have computers that are kind of
peacefully operating with multiple programs. If you didn’t have an operating system in your
computer then anyone kind of program could suck up all the resources. So the existence of a
global operating system is very important. Now how that applies to our world is that we’re
living in a (11:22) to be this gigantic, enormous world but it’s one planet and we are people
that are connected by a computer system, communication systems, our financial systems, economic
systems, communication systems, everything is completely connected and inter-dependent and yet
we do not have a smoothly functioning global operating system. So, it’s no surprise that we’re
having all the problems that we’re having because without a smoothly functioning global
operating system, any kind of program can come along and start sucking up the resources,
whether it be the oil, the water, precious metals or anything. So we really need to have a
smoothly functioning global operating system in the world. Now when I talk about this,
sometimes it evokes fear and panic, what are you talking about? How could we possibly have one
more government? And I’m not saying exactly how this will look but what I am pointing out in
the details in the rainbow bridge about, number one, when we recognize that we don’t have a
global operating system, a smoothly functioning one, then we shouldn’t really be surprised to
see all the problems that we have. So therefore, one of the fundamental tasks of our lifetime,
I believe, is for you to figure out how are we going to create a smoothly functioning global
operating system? Now, I do have the 14-point road map to world peace in there where I talk
about specific concrete things that we can do and one of the examples that i used in there is
the upgrading the united nations. United nations is a really fabulous organization. It’s not
without its problems. It has a number of issues that really need to be resolved. And yet in
some ways it really is the best system that we have in the world today for ensuring global
harmony. So we have to start there and there are very specific recommendations that I’m making
which is actually backed up, some of them were backed up by Einstein way back when UN was
actually formed. So, that’s one example. And there’s a whole number of examples that I talked
about in rainbow bridge in terms of if we follow this 14-point road map, we will get very, much
further like light years closer to achieving peace and harmony in our lifetime.
N: I love the fact, actually the book is very comprehensive. You’ve detailed all of those
steps. And the thing is there is no reason, if we set that intention, that we can’t create
world peace and create a system under which we all live in a very peaceful way. There is no
reason why we can’t do that. So, if people want to find out more about the book or work with
you or find out more about you, where can we send them, Brent?
B: Well they can go to the,
N: Okay and they can purchase the book there? What else is happening on that site?
B: They can purchase the book on amazon, barnes and noble. It’s available in paper back soon in
hard cover. It’s available in kindle and nook. And there are some other elements on the website
for example, you can get in contact with me. There are going to be future features on the
website which will facilitate people coming together and having conversation and dialogue.
That’s actually a different website we call, the earth communication center but if you just go
to the everything will be linked to from there.
N: Wonderful. Awesome. Thank you so much for your time today, Brent. It’s been a pleasure
talking to you and looking to create some inner peace and world peace in their life. So make
sure you go to that website. And if you click on the banner to the side then you go through
straight to Brent’s website from there. So thanks again Brent, it’s been an awesome pleasure
having you here.
B: Thank you Natalie. It’s been a pleasure.
N: Awesome. Now guys, I encourage you to share this video. You can do that by clicking on the
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the box on this page because I would love to send you the manifesting with the masters video
e-course. It’s actually valued at $87 and I would love to send it to you for free. So until
next time, remember to live large, choose courageously and love without limits. We’ll see you