Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 319   Jeff Gignac

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), expert in Goal Achievement and Brainwave Entrainment, Jeff Gignac. Jeff joins Natalie to discuss his new breakthrough technology called ?Passive Brain Fitness? which is helping people take their lives to a whole new level by improving their mental processing power. During the show, Jeff explains how negative emotions like stress, fear and depression affect our body by restricting our brain from the blood flow necessary to learn, think and live to our fullest potential. He also reveals that to be able to problem solve, look into the future and create, we must first be in a state that is stress and worry free.

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Episode # 319 Jeff Gignac

Natalie: Hello Everyone! My name is Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show. Today, my

special guest on the show is going to be talking about science, a little bit about the science

and the brain and the amazing new breakthrough work that he’s been doing to help people take

their life to the next level. So please welcome my very special guest today, Jeff Gignac. How

are you Jeff?

Jeff: Great, Natalie. Thanks for having me today.

N: It’s an absolute pleasure to have you here. I am always talking the science behind the

principles that we teach and I know that you’ve been working with quite a few people to really

help them either heal or take their life to the next level. So, why don’t we start first with

your background and how you got to such an interesting line of work.

J: Sure. It’s kind of a long story, so I’m going to give you the (00:53) of it. But the whole

passion of why I’m here and what I’m doing what I’m doing is really, started when I was very

young. When I was growing up, I was diagnosed with a whole plathra of learning disabilities and

cognitive delay, ADHD, you name it, right? It was very embarrassing. I was undergoing speech

therapy all the way up to grade 6. The things that I couldn’t read aloud, they have to make

exceptions for me on how I would take tests and how I would do all kinds of things and it was a

very painful, embarrassing times. The great thing about it is both my parents are psychologists

and they’re both very brilliant people. And so they advocated for me very well. They worked

with me after school, every single day, right? In the late 70s, early 80s (1:42) but neural

science is really not what it is today. They did the best they can with what they knew and what

happened, suddenly, one day going into grade 7 everything clicked. All of a sudden I was able

to read aloud, I was able to take tests like normal kids, I didn’t have to have speech therapy

anymore. It’s like everything that needed to connect with my brain just connected and my life

changed forever, right there. I begin, and here’s the cool thing, I knew, even though I was

really young I knew it was a result of all the mind work that my parents did with me that

allowed this to happen. Had I not had the advantages, right, about my parents and who they were

and what they were capable of, who knows what would have happened. And so from a very young

age, it was instilled in me a passion for anything that have to do with the mind. Anything that

we could learn to improve large quality of life issues, not even small ones, right? It became

of a real passion for me and I never looked back and I’ve never been involved from anything

(2:46-50). Incredible promise in technology.

N: You know, it’s interesting, I think what you’re talking about here is the fact that your

parents helped you and instill in you the belief that you were okay, that you were going to be

able to learn and when you have that belief then that becomes your truth. Is that what kind of

what you felt?

J: Yeah, actually and some of the things that they’ve said to me were directly, looking back,

some of what my father said goes, Jeff, you don’t have a math problem. You don’t have a reading

block. You don’t have a social problem, because I also had social quirks. It goes with having

all these problems. What you have is a learning problem and as soon as we fix that, you’re

going to have an advantage over everybody else because you are going to know specifically how

you learn. And everyone takes it for granted but you’re going to know it in that level and

you’re going to be able to learn anything. And so while the world is changing, you’ll be

anything you want to know that anybody knows in the world you will be able to know because of

your ability to acquire knowledge. And so, that was the process and belief installation that he

put in me and I remembered when we had this conversation , it was so unbelievably powerful and

it created in me a desire, a hope, right? Because for so long, it was upsetting, it was

embarrassing, it was whatever and so now there was this belief and hope that in fact, because

he presupposed that it was all going to work out, right? Presuppositions. And he said, not only

is it going to work out, he created a timeline, if you will for me. He created a very beautiful

future for me and using language and saying you’re going to have the advantage. You’re going to

have the, right? So we created the compelling future along with that belief, right? And that

certainly was one of the major things that kept me alive and really light that fire.

N: Now, we’re talking about neuro science which is really the study of the brain, but what do

you think is the difference or tell us the difference between the mind and the brain, because

they’re not really the same thing are they?

J: Well, you know, people had been debating this whole thing for a very long time, right? The

brain, you know, we can look at it. We can take EEGs. We can dissect it, you know, long after

we’re not using it you know, right. Well, you know, we can look at the brain and this is the

physical thing and it’s made up of fattened proteins and electrical activities that uses (5:24)

all those other stuff that blood goes through. As a result, we all have these electrical pulses

and somewhere along the line consciousness comes about and this is what we often referred to as

the mind. Now, there could be a spirit, it’s a lot, it’s a combination of your entire (5:46)

will, and our soul and our essence that really help, that comes together to create our

consciousness. But that’s what the mind is. It’s our ability to be conscious, our ability to

self-govern, right. That really sets apart and sets that aspect away from the brain.

N: Yeah. I love to ask that question. Actually, I read a book recently or I’m reading a book at

the moment called, do you quantum think? (overlaps with Jeff) guest on the show. And she

mentions how our mind is non-local. For me, if our brain is non-local and connected to the

etherals or to the quantum field or whatever that is. The brain is the vehicle that which it is

able to manifest or change our lives or operate through, it’s like the connection between us

and in our higher source.

J: I absolutely agree with that.

N: Now, of course, we were talking earlier on how you’ve been doing some incredible work with

this whole audio and visual stimulation, I was just saying before we have, a lot of our

community have the mind movies matrix product which combines the visual of the mind movie but

with the auditory of the subliminals or brain entrainment. So, why do you think if we’re

combining two of those things or in your research what have you come up with as to why is that

so powerful.

J: There are a couple of reasons, and number one, the visual system projects in roughly 40% of

the cortex of the brain, that’s a pretty big chunk, right? It’s a really powerful modality in

which to simulate, right? And so, using motions and things like these, we can also get

encouraged the cross of communication and across the pathway. This is really, really important,

may be I’ll touch on that a little bit more after I talk about the (7:45) set. Our ears are the

purest definition of a (7:50) –free organ, peripheral organ. Based on the information 360

degrees, up and down all the time never stops, and as a result it has a very interesting set of

filters. (8:02) sometimes it allows to enunciate the sounds or really pay attention to the

specific sounds and so, stimulation, entrainment or just stimulation right, has a very unique

way of getting the attention of the brain and when we do it properly, we further encourage

cross hemisphere communication in the brain. And again, this is really important, but the

important thing to understand is the way that the cross hemisphere communication happens

through the ears and through the auditory system is infinitely more complex than the (8:32)

pathway in comparison. So, one of the ways that that works for instance is, in order for our

brain to determine, one of the things that our audio or ears are hardwired to pay attention to

and do automatically is a whole wack of amazing math. It relates to sounds. If we have sounds

approach our ears at different rates and speeds, in other words, moving in a 3D environment,

the brain is forced to do a massive amount of internal math, a massive amount. Because what it

is doing automatically and every mammal, this is built in every mammal by the way, the brain

looks for point of origin – speed, location, distance and then it wants to add meaning to what

it is in relation to ourselves, okay? And so, if you ever done trigonometry, calculus, the

street mathematics, generally the joy of doing all that, you know I’m talking about heavy duty

math, okay? I mean, point of origin, speed, location but what our auditory system is able to do

really quickly but one of the ways it does it is by bouncing the signal back and forth between

the hemispheres, right? So get a little bit of data here (gestures), a little bit of data there

(gestures), a little bit of data there (gestures) because of the way it was positioned in a 3D

environment, okay? So, you’re forcing the brain to do all these internal math. So we’re getting

this really big engagement and the reason why, and you can do this through visuals too, right?

That’s why it’s important getting that cross hemisphere communication. The reason why that is

important it’s because, we know this, the vast majority of negative emotions – stress, fear,

anxiety and overwhelmed, the all cause a blood flow restriction, away from the cortex of the

brain, why is it that important? Because the (10:20) cortex of the brain is the self-governor,

the thing that allows us to think clearly. What allows us to make good decisions. It’s what

allows us to take negative situations and go, you know what, that’s not so bad. I can think

right through it. I can do it. And a lot of the times when we have the stress, the overwhelm

and the anxiety, the activity is not only constricting away from those areas but also from

other areas that are important to help us feel good, just feel better more often. And when

we’re looking at the brain and some of those brain scans, we’ll see some of those trapped and

bundled up on one side and sometimes electricity is spinning like a top since the trap. Well,

the cross hemisphere communication, when we’re encouraging that (11:01) or auditory pathway,

both, right? We’re encouraging the brain to expand that electrical activity back out, so we’re

unwinding that negative emotion. We’re encouraging, wherever the activity goes, blood flow is

going to go, same as the (11:15), it’s chicken and the egg kind of thing, okay? Well, this is

what we know. All of a sudden we’re expanding, the reach of the brain, we’re getting people’s

brains back. Okay? And the reason why this technology is so important because a lot of modality

out there say you know, how are we going to work through problem is we’re going to try to think

it through. Right? But if you’re already stressed, overwhelmed, right? You’re ability to think

it through is already compromised. You are already firing the cylinders and it’s not going to

work too well. If you introduce a type of stimulation that comes from a video and an audio at

the same time, you’ll be able to really get this cross hemisphere communication, you’re doing a

lot of good for people in terms of their ability to take back their own lives and use their

brain properly. The funny thing about this is, we never think that our brains are compromised

in a situation. Right? It’s like, I’m fine, I’m fine. And here’s another thing, the smarter the

person is the less likely they are to believe that stress, negative emotion affect them

negatively. So what we have is a whole society of really bright and brilliant people that don’t

take care of their brain or their stressful emotions and things like that because they think it

doesn’t affect them and in reality all the research is there, so they’re giving a six of what

they could be if they really just took time and technology and take care of themselves.

N: Right. Because you know, and I know that you have some amazing technologies that help people

to do this. So basically what you’re saying is for us to be able to problem solve, to be able

to, you know, look into the future, to be able to create a reality for ourselves, to even get

ourselves out of our current situation, we need to be in those positive mode of feeling good

first, before we start to think of anything like that?

J: Yeah. Hey, you don’t have to be but it sure makes a difference. The research is all there, I

mean, you have the Harvard research to prove it, it’s all over the place. The better, the way

your brain works is really tied to the way you think and feel moment to moment, then day to

day. The quality of your emotional operating system is intimately tied to that. Right? So, if

you want to be at your best, if you want to be the most productive, you have to have that

expanded blood flow, that expanded core brain activity, that expanded electrical activity,

otherwise, you’re simply not going to be making the best decisions for you and your life. And

let’s face it, your life now, whether you love it, hate it or anything in between, I hope it’s

not hate it, right, it’s a factor of several things. Sometimes, you know, the opportunities you

had growing up, culture and everything else like that, but moreover, what you’ve done with it.

The decisions we’ve made with what you have. And so the impact on somebody’s life who has maybe

a brilliant mind but life is filled with stress and overwhelming anxiety every day at different

parts of the day, the long term impact of large quality life issued is substantial and it’s

tragic, right?

N: Yeah, absolutely. So tell me a little bit about the work that you do and the type of people

that you work with and the results they get?

J: Wow. It’s all over the map. I’ve been hired by government agencies. I’ve got technology in

military that doctors are going, post traumatic stress, you really got to look at some of these

stuff and it’s going to help you , okay. I’ve got, I’ve been hired by major corporations to

help their entire organizations to develop technologies for other people. You know, so they can

go out and help their client bases. The testimonies says thousands a year and they are all over

the map, everything from all of a sudden I’m making more money, I’m making better decisions,

you know, I get telephone calls, I had a lady call me not too long (15:00) literally saved my

life, and I get these all the time and the tests I have on my website, I only get a small

fraction of it because the vast majority I can’t even publish because I’ve got these letters,

these things that are a mile long, people that are pouring out about the details about the

shifts and the changes they’ve had when they took (15:23) there’s many, I mean, so many people

had been living with constricted blood flow and electrical activity in the brain for so long,

when you give it back to them, men, sometimes things just change like that. Everything from you

saved my life, my business, I’ve made more money in 3 years, in 3 months than I did in the last

3 years. I’ve got some video testimonial for that. To you know, you name it, it’s out there.

I’ve had people say, my relationship’s been better, my health is better. I’ve had a lady called

me days ago, I think part of your technology fixed my eyesight a little bit and I go, really?

It hasn’t mind. But you know, whatever, you know, so they’re all over the map, they’re life


N: Yeah, I know. It’s amazing when you have that ability to be able to step out of the energy,

that negative vortex of that situation that you’re in, let’s say from a completely different

point of view, which is what you’re saying is you have to build the ability to do that. Once

you get the blood flow, you get the brain back into a healthy state. So, Jeff, we’ve ran out of

time as we always do, very quickly on this show but where can I send people to find out if they

want to connect with you and find out more about what you do?

J: You can send them to forward slash and we’ve got life frequency special

page set up for you and I’ve just launched a new product called chakra manifestation and we’re

giving it away for free to anybody who buys the life response frequency’s collection through

the link. I thought you’re going to have it available to people. It’s not advertised on the

sales page but this is the newest, advanced visual and auditory stimulation on the market today

par none, I promise you that. It’s crazy good. So you get both of them combined. That’s a

wonderful place for everybody to stay.

N: Great. Awesome. Now guys, remember, if you click on the banner to the side then you will go

straight to Jeff’s website from there. So thanks again for joining me Jeff. It’s been an

absolute pleasure having you here today.

J: Well, thank you so much and I’d be happy to come back anytime.

N: Excellent. Now guys, I encourage you to share this video and the information that it in it.

You can do that by clicking on the Facebook and the Twitter share buttons on this page. Also,

download the app if you haven’t done so already, so you can watch the shows on the go and make

sure that you leave your email on the box on this page as well because I would love to send you

the manifesting with the masters video e-course. It’s actually valued at $87 and I would love

to send it to you for free. So, until next time, remember to live large, choose courageously

and love without limits. We’ll see you soon.
Jeff Gignac



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