Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 456   Naomi Katz - How To Prevent Teenage Depression

About The Episode:

If you have a teenager at home, or if you know one, then you must watch today’s episode of The Inspiration Show. Today, Natalie Ledwell and writer and teacher, Naomi Katz, discuss the “Beautiful Project”, which is a movement created to empower young women to love themselves and speak their truth. During the show, Naomi shares that after working so closely with teenagers, and learning that suicide was the #3 leading cause of death amongst teenagers - she felt compelled to help prevent teen suicide. She created a platform where young women could share their struggles and their voices would be heard. She also explains that nowadays, teenagers suffer more from anxiety and depression than other generations. And she addresses how sexualized images affects girls’ self-esteem. Plus, she reveals important and practical strategies to respond in a healthy way to the social media influences.

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