Natalie: Hello, Everyone! My name is Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show. Today,
we have a very special show because today we’re going to be talking about love and it may not
be in the way that you think. So, can you please join me in welcoming my guest, Regina Cates.
How are you Regina?
Regina: I’m wonderful Natalie. Thank you for having me.
N: It’s actually a pleasure having you here and I’m really interested into getting into today’s
show. But before we do that why don’t we talk about your background or your story and how you
got into doing this work?
R: Sure, be happy to share. Natalie, I grew up in the southern part of the united states in the
fundamentals of the Christian church. From the time that I walked in about 3 years old, I knew
that I was different. I was gay. I was born gay. And boy that set up a whole lot of stuff for
my life and so I did not grow up knowing how to love myself. And I spent the next many, many
years trying to really figure out what love means, to say I love you and so that’s what the
book that I’ve written, lead with your heart, is all about. It’s the journey of how to love
yourself. The actions that I take everyday that make sure that I’m loving myself, so that I can
love others well.
N: Right. I thought that you might have had an accent there (laughs).
R: Like you, no have none (laughs).
N: (laughs) (mumbles) It is an interesting life story that you’ve had because I can imagine how
hard it would be to have everything in your environment telling you one thing but inside you’re
feeling something else. So how do you handle that or how do you cope with that?
R: Well, you know, not well at times, Natalie, and I think anyone of us whether we’re gay or
whether we’re dealing with any other issues because Natalie we all have our own stuff and I
think that anyone of us that’s dealing with challenges of being different, which by the way
we’re all different and we need to embrace that difference that we have and we share because
that’s something that we all have in common is that we’re all totally different. I think
whenever we reach those points where were we’re I guess pushing against the boundaries of what
society says we should be, then we’re going to suffer and I think our job is regardless of
whatever we have experienced in life is to find ways where we come back to ourselves, to remain
align with that part of us that says, hey Regina being gay is like biological, don’t worry
about it. These people don’t know what they’re talking about. Love yourself. Learn to love
yourself. So whatever issue that we’re dealing with, it’s all about coming back to that heart,
that soul that we are.
N: Yeah. And was there a particular event that helped you realize that you needed to turn to
love to be able to live a fulfilling life?
R: Oh Natalie, there’s been so many, I don’t think we have time to talk about all of them but
here’s what I will share because I believe, for me, and I don’t think I’m unique. I believe
everyone on the planet is born with certain understanding. I think it’s more of a clear
connection to our souls. Even as a young child of 3 or 4 when I was encountering these weird
thoughts, I’m horribly different from everybody else, there was something inside that said,
Regina, it’s okay. It’s really okay. So my life journey and I think each of us, our journey is
to remain connected to that part of ourselves. So, I really was sort of an abstinent child and
I think a lot of us really need to be, yes, I know. No, you’re not going to put this box on me.
And I think what we need to do now for our children and those generations that come is to give
them permission to be themselves. So that means that we need to learn how to accept other
people for who they are and just guide them in developing the values that will allow them to
lead with their heart and that’s basically leading with love, Natalie.
N: Yeah. I mean that’s the thing, who are we to judge anybody and people are people and how
boring a place, the world be if we were all the same. So what does it mean to lead with love?
How do you live, leading with love?
R: Well, I think the first thing Natalie is each of us has to come to the understanding of what
love is and I spent a long time thinking about it and I documented it in the book because it’s
actually, lead with your heart, this book that I’ve written, it took 10 years and it was very
specific and very careful because I really wanted to document the steps that I think that we
take every day to love ourselves so that we can love others. What I’ve come to find out is that
love is affection. Love is caring but how do we express that? How do I know I love you? How do
you know you love me? Seriously, we don’t think these kinds of things. We become attracted to
someone and all of a sudden there you have it and we don’t get to know them well enough and
then we’re in a relationship but then we start getting nasty and all of these things that we
see around us. So what I have come to understand is that love is expressed and received through
positive behavior. I’m accepting. I’m understanding. I’m patient with you (laughs). I’m caring.
I’m supportive. I listen as I want to be heard. All of these actions that we take, they
actually give meaning to I love you.
N: Yeah, exactly. And it’s interesting what you’re saying is it’s not just lip service. It’s
not just saying it but actually showing it through our actions. And you’re not talking about
showing this with your significant other, you’re talking about showing this with other people
as well, right?
R: Oh absolutely, everybody, because I’ll tell you what Natalie, when we’re happiest is when
we’re being loved. And by that people say, what in the world does that actually mean? What does
it mean to be loved? It means to be patient. It means to be kind. It means to be compassionate,
empathetic. All of these wonderful values of our heart or our soul, that’s what it means. So
yeah, we’re patient with the checker at Walmart who’s learning for the first time how to be a
checker. We’re patient with the person who’s at Peace Coffee, here in LA that’s learning to
make the coffee for the first, second or third time. And here is the key, Natalie, the exciting
part is that we have to be patient, loving, understanding with ourselves first before we can
actually give that to someone else. Therefore, it is not selfish to love yourself first. It is
responsible because until I became patient and accepting and forgiving, and all the other
behaviors of love with me, I could pretend but I wasn’t really giving it to you.
N: Exactly and the thing is when you don’t love yourself, that is the energy that you are
emitting. So you are making it difficult for anyone else to be able to reflect back the love
that you want because what you are emanating out is such a mismatch to what it is that you want
to have back. Right?
R: Perfect. Absolutely very well explained, yeah. And that’s again, I’m going to bring it back
to the book, lead with your heart, because that’s the reason I devoted so much of my time to
it. It’s the handbook that I didn’t have. I sat down and said, listen, if I had a handbook that
I would want to share with the young people, the old people, anybody of how you love yourself,
what are the steps that you do because every day I’m in contact with people all over the world,
how do you love yourself? How do I do that? I love everybody else, well you really don’t
because you don’t know what love is.
N: Exactly.
R: Important.
N: Yeah, they’re very important. I know a couple of times you referred to connecting to our
soul, I did a recent interview with Panache Desai, how I was, I’m calling this since I’ve
separated from my husband, I’m calling this Nat 2.0, (overlaps with guest). No, you’re actually
going back and remembering yourself, reconnecting to spirit. So, what is a way our listeners
can have that connection or create that connection?
R: Well, that, you know what Natalie, I’m going to break it down and going to make it easy and
it might not be exactly what people suspect because some people expect it’s something weird we
experience, I want to tell you something, another reason I spent so much time creating this
business and writing this book and helping people is because it looks a lot simpler than we
think. And that is that, we behave in certain ways that are loving and we know we’re spiritual
beings on a great human adventure. Whenever we are grateful, truly grateful, boy our soul fills
with something that is just indescribable. There is a joy there that we cannot receive through
any other way. When we’re kind, when we’re compassionate, so if you want to know what it looks
like to actually be a spiritual being on a great human adventure, then it is connecting with
your behavior and the legacy that you live with the world. That’s pretty much as sexy as it
gets, you know, but it’s so gratifying.
N: Okay, absolutely. So tell me some stories or some success stories of people that you’ve
worked with or that have read your book and had been able to contact you through that.
R: Oh my goodness, well I’ve been a presence on Facebook for many years now. We’ve got quite
enough number of folks that join us there from all over the world and I think that one of the
most important things is that every day we are able to exchange ideas and how to lead with your
heart and how to do these sort of things, from that came a very large practice of working with
people in workshops and one on one, and I’m going to tell you what happens Natalie, I think is
that when we share our story with others, we’re totally honest, we’re just transparent, then
they’re able to take that information and no longer feel that they are isolated. No longer feel
that they’re totally alone in this experience and from that alone they are able to say, hey, if
she can do it, I can too. Now, privately I work with people that have experienced unbelievable
kinds of abuse and they have now forgiven their abusers and are now living lives of great love
and compassion. It’s inspirational to see, Natalie. Unbelievable. The spirit that we have in us
to heal.
N: Yeah. Exactly. I agree, which is part of the reason why the Inspiration show exists.
R: Yes, yes.
N: (overlaps with guest) gurus and all sorts like yourself but you know, regular people that
have had experiences that is so inspiring that you have to share this story with the world. And
especially after me going through my separation from my husband, it was like, we need to talk
about this stuff because I have found out that there are a lot of women that, we were going
through exactly the same challenges that I was going through at that time but I didn’t really
felt like I had anyone to share with. So creating a forum, an ability for us to share our
experiences doesn’t just help us but it helps to bring our souls together. So where can we send
people if they want to find out about your book? If they want to find out what you, if they
want to work with you?
R: Sure. Well the official website is and on Facebook come over and join
us it is romancing your soul and the book is available, leading with your heart, creating a
life of love, compassion and purpose is available in Canada. It’s available in the united
kingdom and on and in every bookstore in the united states. So just walk in and grab
yourself a copy.
N: Excellent. So how long have you been doing this book, Regina?
R: Oh my goodness, Natalie, officially about 11 years but all of my life there’s something that
has just been given and I’m very grateful to be able to I guess share my heart that other
people relate to it. Yeah, so, I’m blessed.
N: Well, we’re blessed to have you on the show, so thank you so much for joining me Regina,
it’s been an absolute pleasure.
R: Oh it’s been an honor for me, Natalie. Thank you so much.
N: Awesome. Now guys I encourage you to share this video, the information in it, you can do
that by clicking the Facebook and the Twitter share buttons on this page. Make sure that you
click on the banner on the side so you can go straight to Regina’s site. And make sure that you
grab that book of hers, so that you can start to live a life where you’re leading with love.
Make sure that you download the app if you haven’t done so already, so that you can watch the
shows on the go and leave your email on the box in the page here, so I can send you the
manifesting with the masters video e-course. It is actually valued at $87 and I would love to
send it to you for free. So until next time, remember live large, choose courageously and love
without limits. We’ll see you soon.