Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 478   Teresa St. Frances - How to Communicate With Your Teenager

About The Episode:

Whether or not you believe in the gift of mediumship, this episode of The Inspiration Show will have a great impact on you. Teresa St. Frances joins me to discuss her latest book “What Happens The Day After?: Messages From Adolescent Suicides”, which details encounters and conversations with the spirits of adolescents who committed suicide. If you’re a parent, a teacher, or if you have kids at home, then this episode will teach you how to address challenging topics with them. Plus, learn the most important coping skills that kids and teenagers need in order to overcome any challenges in life, as well as the signs to look out for when your kid needs help.

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What Happens the Day After?



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