Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 328   Treyce Montoya

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and forensic handwriting expert, Treyce Montoya. Treyce joins Natalie to discuss her very unique and empowering program, which consists of a non-traditional psychological, handwriting therapy. During the show, Treyce explains the fascinating way she analyzes people?s handwriting and the amazing discoveries she?s found that helps people identify what could be blocking them from reaching happiness. She also shares the proven science behind this technique and reveals that by changing our handwriting, we actually reprogram the brain to make new neurological connections so we can take on the new personalities traits we desire. Plus, she uncovers 3 very powerful tips that can help you to fully let go of the past and activate your subconscious.

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Episode # 328 Treyce Montoya

Natalie: Hi Everyone. My name is Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show. And today, I

have a very super interesting show for you. I have someone on the show, an expert, who is going

to tell us how our handwriting can actually influence our life. And how by changing our

handwriting, it can positively influence our life. So, I would like you to help me in joining

our show, Treyce Montoya. How are you Treyce?

Treyce: Great, Natalie. Thanks so much for having me.

N: It’s an absolute pleasure of having you and I am so interested to get into this subject with

you, because not only do you have, you have been doing this work for quite sometime but you

have some incredible results that you have been able to measure along the way as well. So, why

don’t we start at first of all with your story and your background on how you got into doing

this type of work?

T: Well, I was a civilian police started in kindergarten, beat up and you know, every day was,

even started very young, I was, I don’t want to wake up another day and go to school and deal

with being bullied and then at home, I was severely abused in every way, shape, form you could

think of with alcoholic parents, and I was the only child. So, my father had military time and

met a man named Charles Saw, who lived in San Francisco at that time. He had ran a handwriting

analysis’ school, and this was back in the 60s. And so, he started coming over to my father’s

house, we were living in Tuson at that time, and would try to talk to my father about how

handwriting analysis work, but my father was extremely not interested but would pacify him to a

certain extent. Where here I am, a little mini nerd, and I want to learn everything about it.

So, to make the story short, my mother’s birthday present was to start learning forensic

handwriting analysis, age appropriately, and I studied with him very closely until, I started

writing in high school when I went into the air force and I ended up being certified and I

spent my career path ever since. So for 27 years professionally, I’ve done this


N: Right. So when you say forensic handwriting, so how were you using this knowledge in the


T: Well, I started, what happened was he had some businesses, old clients, he had come down

with cancer, what he did was he introduced me as his replacement. So, I actually walked into a

career in my 20s. It was a career field which was mostly men, obviously, and mostly men in the

line of law enforcement field and kind of like, why am I going to listen to a 20-year old

female about something that we don’t even necessarily believe in, something like handwriting

analysis. And so, I had my own battle with that trying to get myself started but most of that

time for 27 years, I’ve been working on law enforcement training all around the world and then

I opened up training human resources, training probation, parole, other correctional

facilities, mental health and then the general public got into it. So I travel the world doing

all that training and also working on case work and I worked on private, criminal mind

episodes, stuff like that, very interesting work but my passion was not in the forensic side

but it was in the mental health side and handwriting related.

N: So what is it that we can tell, that you can tell from someone’s handwriting? What can you

tell about a person?

T: I’ll say a couple of words. When I look at that, I see hundreds of personality traits flying

at me. Going back to that individual’s age of approximately 3 years old, so I have to, I had to

train my brain to only pick and choose what I think that person needs, I guess what I

instinctively feel that person needs to hear or know about at the time things may be blocking

their happiness or their success or their goals or what have you. So I can see things, you

know, such as sexual abuse, such as anger, resentment. I can even timeline it back to where

these things occurred or when these things occurred. So people can be aware. It’s not that we

can go back and change what happened but we don’t have to let those significant experiences

trigger us and control us, and that’s what my program is about. It’s taking away the power that

the past holds over us and that we drive along day-to-day into our future and blocks us on

creating our goals and happiness.

N: So what you’re saying is we can, when you analyze our handwriting, we can make certain

changes that would then allow money to flow into our lives and first to have the heath that you

want or create the relationships that we want?

T: That’s exactly right. Exactly right (overlaps with Natalie)

N: (overlaps with guest) So, how do we do that? (laughs)

T: I really would like to give, you know, you and your followers a really, really strong

powerful tip. To really let go of that past and really start self-empowering for whatever it

is, whether it is money-related or goal-related or relationship-related, whatever it is, and

that it seems simple in theory but I guarantee you it’s a lot harder consciously to do because

of all these habits, fears and years and years of writing habits, it’s just like behavioral

habits. So the change is to make all the capital i in your I statements, I am, I will, I have,

whatever it is, that I, that capital I is the only letter in the alphabet that represents just

you, so it’s really important to have that capital I very strong and made in a right, healthy

way. And the healthiest way to make that is one strong, tall, proud vertical line down. No

horizontal lines, no loops, no anything, just one straight vertical line down.

N: Wow! Okay, I am adapting that right away. (overlaps with guest) (laughs)

T: Super powerful. (overlaps with Natalie) (laughs)

N: So I know you have worked with a lot of different people. I know that before we jumped on

the video, you were talking about how working with the juvenile as well, tell us a little bit

about that, what was happening in there?

T: Well, what happened was a friend of mine was the executive director of the Texas Juvenile

Probation back in 2006. She was there for many years but in 2006, I had a state representative

invites me to ran a research project on the high risk juveniles that were there. And

anonymously they were put into that program, of course, they had to be willing participants,

and they taken off all other treatments and programs that they had been on for mental health

and behavior because none of them had worked, they’ve failed repetitively at these programs.

And so for 6 months, I took these juveniles of various range of age, of socio-economic, culture

and backgrounds, and crimes, and everything was very, very diverse. And for 6 months, I put

them in the program, completely anonymous to me and the state tracked their background for five

consecutive, 6 years that they have tracked their background and keep in mind, all of these

had, you know, are repeat offenders. They have been through the system several times. After my

program, for the continuing 6 years, none of them had re-offended.

N: Wow!

T: So, very powerful.

N: Okay. So how do you work with people? Like, what is the work you do with them?

T: Well, I have several certified therapists now, I ran the (7:58) coming up. The program was

designed in 1987 and literally, saved my life. So that’s how, it was really just for me, and

then it started helping other people in domestic violent situation, then it just expanded from

there. So keep in mind in 1987, there was no immediate access to fax machines, no internet for

everybody, no email, no cellphone, none of that. So the program was and still is designed and

to be working remotely from home. Or some people, don’t feel safe at home, they do it from

their office. And there is progress (8:35) involved, vision schedules, there’s a lot of videos,

there’s video support series. There’s all of the support work that goes into it, even when it’s

a remote situation. So, it’s a really safe way to go to therapy, if you want to say that,

therapy even though it’s exactly therapy. It’s just like journaling, everyone knows the power

of journaling, but it takes you a step farther by creating new neurological connections in the

brain, which is cognitive then the behavioral part. It details all those, I think one of your

previous guests (9:11) consciousness, it nails all those layers. So, it’s very powerful.

N: Wow. So you bring up a really important point there. So like changing our handwriting, it

actually changes something neurologically for us?

T: Yes. It actually reprograms the brain to make neurological connections for the new person

that you’re trying to put in place of the one that you don’t necessarily like. (overlaps with

Natalie) anger, they put that away and put in forgiveness, or something opposite, you know, and

keep the brain connections there, they just make them healthy and create new ones.

N: Right, because, I mean, not many of us write anymore.

T: I know. That’s the problem. I mean handwriting is slower but it actually has been proven by

neurological studies and the scans and brain imaging and stuff that when you actually

handwrite, you fire up a lot of the brain activity areas that’s not fired up during typing or

keyboarding or texting or anything like that. So there are parts in there that you are

activating the brain and second only to language, handwriting uses more brain activity than

anything else.

N: Wow!

T: It’s very, very powerful.

N: Yeah, I know. I actually personally went through a program just recently called the (10:38)

process. It was six and a half days, intense, just, it was probably one of the most

transformational things I’ve done for myself. And a lot of it, we were doing a lot of writing.

And it was amazing how, once you start writing how things start to flow and memories would come

back, because, I don’t handwrite that often because I’m typing all the time. That was actually

really insightful. So, how much writing should we be doing? How many hours a day or how many

minutes a day would be handwriting to be able to effectively make these changes?

T: I suggest no less than 20 minutes a day and write before you go to bed is best, because it

activates the subconscious and when you go to sleep it continues working subconsciously and at

the same time, even probably more powerful or just as powerful as helping letter shape. That’s

incredibly important. Because if we’re writing only in crappy and unhealthy letter shapes, it

doesn’t matter how much writing we do because that’s going to keep that unhealthy stuff locked

in us, and that’s why it’s really important to use it with a guided measure such as my program

or like my book, any of my books really, but it’s really important to do the healthy letters. I

think that’s the power behind it all is really the healthiness of the letters.

N: Wow! I see. We’re getting a little close on time but is it possible for you to share like a

transformational story of someone that you’ve worked with over the years?

T: Yeah, absolutely. The one that comes to mind instinctively when you said that was a lady at

Oklahoma. She was 45 years old, have gone through 15 years of traditional mental health talk if

you will and medication, and she still felt kind of divided, she said, part of me felt it was

helping, the rest of me felt as unstable as it was 15 years ago. She had been raped multiple

times. She’s been in repetitive abusive situations. She’s being verbally abused and

disrespected by her children. It was a huge unhealthy environment she was in. She didn’t have

access to go to any other place physically to get to a therapeutic environment. So she came to

my program and she graduated on time, which is 6 months, and now she’s been out of program for

almost 14 months. She’ll check in every few months and say she’s still doing good. She left the

abusive environment. Her kids are living with her dad now to give her some space for healing

and visitations they’ve been more respectful to her but at the same time, she’s setting more

boundaries where she didn’t set boundaries before. She said she’s finally reached a place where

she’s in love with her life and I’ll share that on my fan page and some of that stuff

anonymously of course, but I do share some comments on one of my fan pages. So, it’s important

to feel empowered. She is just loving her life now and that’s really important. She actually

heard about my program from one of my police officer students because it was her brother.

N: Excellent. So, what are some of the benefits people can experience from going through your


T: A lot of people as they come to my program have eating addictions. They have eating

disorders, if you want to reword that, and food has real control over people. I’ve dealt with

that myself in the past and we control what we can’t with our license out of control of the

things that we can’t control. And so one of the things we can control it the pen and the paper

though and that’s what makes it empowering. So whether we’re dealing with residual effects of

trauma such as abuse or bullying or we’re just writing a lot of anger, resentment, guilt or

shame, and all that stuff that just keeps beating us up, I call them the words of the

itty-bitty shitty committee. Because it’s always talking bad just like these mental bullies and

this helps quiet that, you know, not suppress them. When you suppress them, they come back

stronger but to quiet them and learn how to interact with them so that they can heal from

within and reprogram the brain and come out of it much more stronger and not have the triggers

before affect them.

N: Wow, awesome. Like I predicted at the beginning, this was an exceptionally interesting show,

Treyce. I’m so glad that I got to have you here on the show and you can share this information.

So if people want to find out more about you and your programs where can we send them?

T: is a website for the handwriting information therapy program itself but

then my website is And thank you Natalie so much for this opportunity, I’ve been

a fan of yours for a very long time.

N: I’m very honored to have met you. Now guys I encourage you to share this video and the

interesting information in it. You can do that by clicking on the Facebook and Twitter share

buttons on this page. Make sure that you click on the banner on the side, you guys go straight

through Treyce’s website from there. Also, download the app if you haven’t done so already. So

you can watch the shows on the go, you don’t necessarily have to be in front of your computer

anymore. And please leave your email on the box on this page, so I can send you the manifesting

with the masters video e-course. It is actually valued at $87 and I would love to send it to

you for free. So until next time, remember live large, choose courageously and love without

limits. We’ll see you soon.
Treyce Montoya



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