USM 2.0 Never In Your Wildest Dreams eBook Opt-in - Email Swipes

USM 2.0 Never In Your Wildest Dreams eBook Link:

Remember to ALWAYS make sure your 5 Digit Affiliate ID is embedded at the end of your link.

NOTE: If your email system allows you to mask links, we suggest that you use the text that is
[bracketed] and/or underlined as the hyperlink text - just don’t forget to remove the brackets
after hyperlinking!

We also suggest adding your affiliate link to any images you may use.

*NEW* Email Swipes for 2023 -

Subject lines to choose from:

Your new favorite book + good vibes ;-)
This book is GOLD!
This book will keep you reading until 2:00 am!


Option 1


Wow [Name]!

This book is GOLD: Never In Your Wildest Dreams.

It’s the bestselling book from Natalie Ledwell, the co-founder of Mind Movies...
It’s 2:00 am here as I write this, and I can’t stop reading it!

Here’s my favorite quote so far:

“You don’t need to know how you are going to achieve a goal. Your job is
to know what it is that you want and to visualize that in your mind every day
while feeling the emotions of living that life. Then all you need to do is take
action. Take any action in the direction of that goal and experience the
‘magic’ of the Law of Attraction.”

I really love this, it’s so true!

Natalie has a unique way of simplifying profound law of attraction concepts,
and this book is no exception.

It’s especially transformational if you're feeling stuck, frustrated with the law
of attraction, or held back in life.

I promise that as soon as you pick up this book you’ll start to:

* Shake off the self-sabotaging beliefs, thought patterns, and models of reality
that rob you of the success and fulfillment you deserve (if you're like most people,
you'll be surprised when you find out how many are wedged in your

* Shape your personal game plan for finally achieving your biggest dreams
- no matter what's holding you back now, or how many times you've failed
in the past.

* Learn Natalie’s most powerful personal growth techniques in a series of
immersive training videos that complement each chapter of your book.

Seriously, once you dive into this book, you’ll find it hard to put down.

Go here to read Never In Your Wildest Dreams now and get ready to be
sucked into its fascinating story!


Warning: this is the kind of page-turner that will have you reading "one last chapter"
until sunrise. It’s that goooood!

Download your free copy of Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling book now!

>>>>END OF SWIPE>>>>


Other Existing USM 2.0 Quiz Swipes


Subjects to choose from:

This book is hard to put down
A spellbinding story that will inspire you to thrive
You’ll get sucked in by this book
[Your free book] You’ll wish would not end
This book will keep you reading until 2:00 am!
This page-turner will keep you up

Subhead: Make every day as inspiring as this book.


Hey [Name],

Do you enjoy a good book? Like a spellbinding story that really sucks
you into its story? If you do, then this free [bestselling book] by Natalie
Ledwell is for you!

Natalie is the co-founder of the successful personal growth company
Mind Movies, and in her book “Never In Your Wildest Dreams” you’ll
find an extraordinary story filled with her best-kept prosperity secrets
that, if you’re anything like me, will keep your eyes glued to the page.

The real twist here is the interesting format: It's an interactive
multi-sensory experience

Which means it also comes with an exclusive ‘Inside The Chapter
Video Series’
that you’ll be able to access as you finish each chapter
via a secret link in the book. So, you’ll not only go on an amazing
journey with the main character, but you’ll also get practical,
life-changing tips on how to implement the ‘life lessons’
into your own life.

Caution: this is the kind of page-turner that will have you reading
"one last chapter" until 2:00 a.m. It’s that goooood!

[Download your free copy of Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling
book while it’s 100% free.]


P.S. Once you download Never In Your Wildest Dreams, you’ll
also receive a free spot at Natalie’s [acclaimed online workshop]
with personal growth icon Mary Morrissey!

This workshop is the perfect complement to your interactive
book as it’ll teach you the easiest way to get rid of your limiting beliefs.
It’s optional, but seriously, I highly suggest you attend!


Subjects to choose from:

Does [Name] believe in [Name]?
I believe in you [Name]
Is [Name] enough?
Please don't doubt yourself [Name]
How to switch your self-doubt into Limitless Possibility
The Limitless Superhuman Manifestor in you
This is how you banish crippling self-doubt forever

Subhead: You deserve better


Do you believe you're enough [Name]?

Smart enough to be hugely successful in your dream career?

Attractive enough for your soulmate to love you forever?

Graceful enough to accept all the things you can't change?

Resourceful enough to solve any challenge life can throw at you?
If you struggle to say "one thousand percent YES!" to any of those
questions -

Then I have [a gift] to help you not only believe in yourself again,
but to also turn that belief into rocket fuel for your greatest goals.

It's a free digital copy of my friend Natalie Ledwell's international bestseller,
Never In Your Wildest Dreams.

This remarkable book takes you on a journey towards erasing the
self-sabotaging doubts and blocks in your subconscious mind -

And rewires you with empowering new thought patterns that
awaken the Limitless Superhuman Manifestor in you!
Listen -

After Over a year of lockdowns and navigating a pandemic,
I'm sure you're as ready as I am to rebuild, to grow,
and rise above anything blocking you from
manifesting what you want!

Which is why I highly recommend securing your free copy of this
uplifting, interactive book, to raise your spirits and vibration!

So hurry, get your free copy before it's gone:

Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams” style =
Image Text: Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams

[Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams - and
let's get you believing again.]


P.S. Natalie Ledwell is one of the world's top personal growth and
Law of Attraction teachers.

She's also a dear friend of mine -

Which is why for a very limited time, she's giving away [this free
digital copy]
of her international bestseller to everyone in the
[INSERT NAME] community.

P.P.S. The book also comes with a complimentary invite to one of
Natalie's critically acclaimed online trainings -

Where she'll help you erase and replace the subconscious limiting
that quietly cheat you every day of the success, prosperity, and
happiness you deserve. It’s optional, but I highly recommend it as it’s the
perfect ‘next step’ to Natalie’s book.

[Get your free book + online masterclass invite here.]


Subjects to choose from:

Never In Your Wildest Dreams (book giveaway)
This book will change you [Name]
Found a book you'll want to read ASAP [Name]
For You [Name]: a copy of my friend's international bestseller
One of the best books you'll read in 2020
The answer is inside you [Name]
How to break free from debt, depression, and despair
How to make your dreams your reality

Subhead: Don't ever give up.


Devoured any good books lately [Name]?

The pandemic put us in a heck of a roller coaster ride,
I guess I don't need to remind you of that! But now,
it's to go from where you are, to where you really want to be.

And this is the perfect time to rebuild, grow and jump into
this life-changing page-turner...

Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams” style =
Image Text: Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams

[Download your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams:
the international bestseller by Natalie Ledwell.]

Never In Your Wildest Dreams is an interactive story of a woman
who went from extreme debt, depression, and despair -

To an award-winning screenwriter living her dream life.

What's fascinating is that her transformation involved no luck or
back-breaking hard work.

But instead, a series of simple yet profound [mind shifts] that elevated
her into a magnet for the opportunities and outcomes she needed
to change her life.

Is something holding you back from the success, prosperity, love,
or fulfillment you crave?

And are you open to the possibility that the answers are already 
inside you?

[Then use this special link to get your free copy of Never In
Your Wildest Dreams
 - ]

And join hundreds of thousands of people who are applying these mind
shifts to harness the Law of Attraction in ways they never thought possible.


P.S. Natalie Ledwell is one of the world's top personal growth and Law
of Attraction teachers.

She's also a dear friend of mine -

Which is why for a very limited time, she's giving away a copy of her
international bestseller to everyone in the [INSERT NAME] community.

[Get your free copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams before it goes back
on sale.]

P.P.S. This isn't your average book.

It's an interactive experience that combines a traditional book narrative with immersive
training videos designed to trigger an even deeper subconscious transformation.

[Trust me - you've never experienced a book quite like this :-)]


Subjects to choose from:

I believe in you [Name]
How to (finally) awaken your Limitless Possibility
This is how you get unstuck
The easiest & quickest action to end self-sabotage
"How do I stop sabotaging myself?"
Do this if you've ever held yourself back from greatness
Live. Life. Limitless.
A gift for your Limitless Life

Subhead: I'll make this quick:


Q. "What’s the single easiest way to get un-stuck, stop
sabotaging yourself, and start reaching your highest potential,
individually and professionally?"

A. [Try this (and see what it feels like to finally live your life Limitless).]

There are no limits [Name].

~ MM

P.S. This is an exclusive invite to experience something truly
life-changing from my friend Natalie Ledwell. And she believes
everyone deserves to be successful so,
[she wants you to have this for free - so hurry!]


Subjects to choose from:

Got limiting beliefs? Here’s a free download
Free download for removing limiting beliefs
Free Download: Life-changing book
From Natalie Ledwell: your free eBook
Never In Your Wildest Dreams download
Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling book is all for you
The book you’ve been waiting for :-)
feeling lost or uninspired?



Hey [Name],

[Do you ever feel lost, uninspired or depleted by life?]

If yes and you’re ready to rise above your limiting beliefs and realize
your limitless potential, then I think you’ll love [this free gift.]

It’s Natalie Ledwell’s best-selling book called “Never In Your Wildest
Dreams” and it’s extraordinary story has helped thousands of people
worldwide achieve true success.

Natalie is the co-founder of the successful personal growth company
Mind Movies, and her book reveals the exact steps, inspired by her
own quest for success, to achieve any goal you set for yourself and
your future.

So, what are you waiting for?

[Download your free copy of Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling book
while it’s 100% free!]

Also, a heads up - once you read it, you’ll find this is not your average

It's an interactive multi-sensory experience - because it also comes
with an exclusive ‘Inside The Chapter Video Series’ that you’ll be
able to access as you finish each chapter via a [secret link] in the book.

If you love movies as much as I do, then you may have been binge
watching Netflix in your free time, yet, did you know there's a
more inspiring and entertaining way to spend your weekends?
It's this page-turner: [NIYWD!]

Just begin by downloading your copy - then follow the easy instructions:

[One more time, here's the link to your free copy of Never In
Your Wildest Dreams.]

To a life beyond your wildest dreams,

~ MM

P.S. Important: When you sign up for the book, you’ll also get a
free spot at Natalie’s acclaimed online workshop
with personal growth icon Mary Morrissey!

On the workshop, you'll discover a quick and easy way to erase your
limiting beliefs -

And replace them with empowering beliefs that lift you up instead of
drag you down.

All in just five simple steps.

This workshop is the perfect complement to your interactive book.

Don't miss it: [Download your book and get your free spot at Natalie’s online
workshop - and discover the quickest, easiest way to get rid of
your limiting beliefs for good!]
