Knowledge Base

How can I Import iTunes music?

Please review the following video tutorial to import iTunes Music

Here are the written directions for the above video link:

Create a Video, Music tab, Upload My Own Music -- if the song selection you would like to upload is greyed out, then follow these steps:

iTunes , View, View Options, select Kind  -- look at the type; it must be .mp3. 

If it is not:  iTunes, Preferences, General tab, Import Settings:

Import using:  MP3 Encoder, enter through OK, OK -- this brings you back to the iTunes main screen.

Click on the originally greyed out song, click Advanced, Create MP3 version

In Mind Movies, you can then resume the music upload to your own library as the song will now be available in an .MP3 format.

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Category: Mind Movies Tips

Last updated on August 1, 2011 with 3713 views