Your Most Abundant
And Fulfilling Life
Starts Here

Transform your success in every area of your life
in minutes a week with 5 Minute Prosperity


Visualizations, Meditations, Subconscious Reprogramming Tools…
To Elevate Your Prosperity, Success, And Happiness

Master prosperity the way you want to

5 Minute Prosperity is whenever and wherever you want it. Enjoy a money meditation on your daily commute, or at your favorite picnic spot. Or soothe a chaotic day with a quick visualization exercise or money mindset Mind Movie. A few minutes a week is all you need to create real and lasting change.

What happens to 5 Minute Prosperity users

0% feel more optimistic about their financial future
0% feel more confident about managing their money
0% feel happier and calmer

How (and why) it works

Weekly Check-Ins To Keep You On Track

Celebrities and professional athletes have expensive personal coaches. You have us, sliding into your email every week to keep you consistent, accountable, and on track.

Virtual Events All Year Round

You'll receive exclusive in-app invites to online workshops with expert money mentors, live group meditations, community masterminds, and more.

2X Bonus Goodies To Get You Started

In the app you'll find two free gifts for kickstarting your money mastery journey: the first is a starter kit for tracking your financial goals. The second is a digital gratitude journal.


Master prosperity in 6 key areas


How you think about money and our ability to attract money and success


Your subconscious beliefs about money

Skill set

Your tools and techniques for growing and managing money


Your drive and focus to earn and grow wealth

GOALS & Values

Your financial targets and vision based on your standards surrounding money


Your higher purpose and calling for wealth

Uplift your life with quick and powerful wealth-boosting meditations,
tools, and exercises


Sit back, relax, and let your money worries make way for deep peace and flow in minutes. Our guided money meditations are perfect for any time of day: no meditation experience necessary.


Simple yet potent exercises that elevate you to peak manifestation and creation mode. Use these when you need a little rocket fuel to call in a specific outcome or opportunity.

Visualization exercises

If you can see it, you can have it. Our visualization exercises banish uncertainty by giving you laser-sharp clarity on what you really want - and how to get it, fast.

WRITING exercises

A pen, a piece of paper, and a whole new you. You'll be surprised by the breakthroughs you'll experience just by writing down your thoughts in a specific way.

Habit reprogramming exercises

Dive deep into your subconscious mind, weed out the stubborn habits and patterns that don't serve you - and replace them with new ones that uplift you and stick with you for life.


Just press play: our world-famous Mind Movies are beautifully animated vision boards that reprogram your subconscious mind for any positive outcome - in just 3 minutes or less.

Leading-edge science that transforms YOU

"I love everything about it"

I absolutely love everything about your 5 minute prosperity program. I am immensely grateful to you for making it available for free and truly cannot wait for my 5 minutes fix every morning.

Tania M.


Your tips and insight are an eye, mind and heart opener for me. My learning and life experience have grown so that increase is happening all around me. Thank you for new ways to think positively instead of entertaining negative which get me nowhere. I recommend this program for anyone!

Kimberley W.

"I've noticed random checks in the mail"

I’ve noticed a few random checks in the mail since I received access to the course, less anxiety about checking my bank account and less worry about spending money!

Michaela S.

Meet your prosperity coach,
Natalie Ledwell

Nat is the creator of the tools, techniques, meditations and lessons you'll find in 5 Minute Prosperity.

She's also a bestselling author, international speaker, and founder of Mind Movies: one of the world's biggest personal growth movements and the creator of some of today's most widely used personal growth technologies.

Get 5 Minute Prosperity
FREE for 14 days

Get instant access to our entire library of visualizations, meditations, and subconscious reprogramming tools. And start transforming your success in minutes: