30 Second Quiz Reveals All!
Are you a man or a woman?
(We ask because your success blockers may sometimes manifest a little differently depending on your gender.)
Growing up, your parents told you risk and adventure were:
I smile and appreciate it.
I say thank you! I love compliments.
I sometimes feel uncomfortable and don't know what to say.
When it comes to goal setting, I have been conditioned to...
I love it! I make instant friends with everyone!
I like talking to new people.
I find it difficult to talk to people I don't know.
Growing up I was trained to seek approval and meet people's expectations.
The bigger and crazier the better! I love to stretch myself.
I set reasonable goals and achieve them.
I won’t set a goal unless I know with 100% certainty that I'll achieve it.
When I wake up in the morning I am usually...
True! I'm a lion, hear me roar!
Most of the time. I regularly speak up and ask for what I want, and I usually get it.
Not true. I have a hard time using my voice to ask for what I want.
I enjoy talking to strangers and meeting new people.
I don't care what others think about me at all.
Sometimes, but not all of the time.
I constantly worry about what others think about what I say and do.
When there's something that needs to be done, my friends know me as the one who...
I love and accept myself, faults and all.
I like to do my best, but I know that it's ok if I fail sometimes.
I tend to be hard on myself, finding fault in everything I do.
When making a big decision, my first impulse is to...
They're a snap! No problem.
I find it pretty easy to make up my mind, though I occasionally second guess myself.
I have an extremely hard time making even the smallest decisions. It's a painful process.
What do you feel most holds you back from experiencing true fulfillment in life?
Lack of money.
My limiting beliefs.
I need to get the LOA to work for me.
Question 1 of 9
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