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15 Law of Attraction Affirmations For Happier, More Positive Days

Have you ever heard that the way you start your morning will always reflect on the rest of your day?

Do you wake up all flustered and anxious thinking about the day ahead? Or do you take the time to breathe, meditate, visualize and then actualize your perfect day?

One of the best ways I know to start your day on an uplifting note is to repeat positive affirmations to yourself.

An affirmation is a statement or proposition that is declared to be true. When said in the present tense, affirmations have a way of embedding these positive statements into our subconscious minds, making us feel truly empowered. By stating our goals and our desired feelings out loud, we are essentially speaking our ideal futures into existence.

In a very similar fashion, affirmations are also an integral part of the Law of Attraction. According to the Law of Attraction, how we think affects our attitude, behaviors, and actions.

So the words we repeat and the thoughts we think both have the power to transform our desires into reality. The Law of Attraction can also be thought of as a magnet. The energy and the vibration that we put out into the world is always magnetized back to us.

As a Law of Attraction expert, I swear by the power of positive affirmations. So today, I’d like to share 15 of the most popular Law of Attraction affirmations from the Mind Movies community:

1. I say thank you to all the wonderful blessings in my life.
2. I wake up each morning with a grateful heart and an open mind.
3. I attract positive circumstances and positive people into my life.
4. I believe in myself and my own willpower.
5. Everywhere I look, I see an opportunity to bring more wealth into my life.
6. My dreams are manifesting before my eyes.
7. My life is filled with joy and abundance.
8. I am a magnet to prosperity.
9. I visualize my ideal life and I watch it manifest.
10. I have the power to create my reality.
11. The Universe constantly supplies money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
12. I appreciate all that I have.
13. I am open and ready to attract abundance into my life.
14. My day is full of abundant opportunities and success.
15. The more I love myself, the more love I have to offer.

Which affirmation is your favorite? Do you have any that resonate with you that you would like to share? Please comment in the box below!

Now, speaking of Law of Attraction goodies, I have one more special gift for you!

It’s an inspiring 5-part video e-course featuring the biggest Law of Attraction stars from “The Secret”: Bob Proctor, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Joe Vitale and John Assaraf!

The tips and secrets inside will help you quantum leap into your dream life, faster than you’ve ever imagined possible. Click here to get free access. Enjoy!

Law of Attraction Video E-Course

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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