Discover If You’re Destined For A Career Change This 2024
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Do you crave a fulfilling new career?

Where you transform other people's lives every single day?

With The Mind Movies Coaching Academy, you can launch your own very Lucrative coaching business in just 3 months, from anywhere in the world, on your own terms.


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Do you feel trapped in a job that just doesn't

light you up?

Do you feel like you're just slogging through life without making a real impact or experiencing true fulfillment?

Does it feel like you're living the same day every day, and the time is just passing you by?

If so - you're certainly not alone. So many people go through their entire lives working to make ends meet, and come to mid-life wondering "What have I done all this for? Am I happy? Is this IT"?

Taking the leap to change your life, start your own business, or switch careers to escape the rat race can feel scary. And maybe even impossible.

Especially if you've never had your own business before. never coached anyone professionally, or don't know anything about online marketing.

But here's the thing: another degree is expensive and time-consuming, and running away from your inner calling to do something 'more' won't go away.

So, should you go back to school or quit your job... or simply ignore your intuition?


Meet The Mind Movies Method Personal Transformation & Coach Academy

The ultimate coaching and personal development solution for anyone who desires a fulfilling new career and yearns to make a positive impact.

In just a few months you'll emerge with absolute confidence on how to proudly step into your new coaching career...

Hi! I'm Nat..

Co-founder of Mind Movies, a company that has helped over 10 million people change their lives with the power of The Mind Movies Method and the Law of Attraction.

Since 2008, I've coached 38,887 people to transform their lives using this exact same method, and I've had the privilege to partner with the most brilliant minds in the personal development industry.

After 16 years as a coach and personal development teacher...

I'm convinced that with the right tools, we ALL have the ability to write our life story the way we want it and to change our career at any age, regardless of our background education, or life experiences.

That's why I created The Mind Movies Method Coach Academy... To provide people with the tools and knowledge to make their lives a masterpiece.

We use the potent forces of the Law of Attraction with personal growth principles and our unique Mind Movies technologies and practices.

As a certified Mind Movies Method Coach, you'll experience the most powerful personal transformation of your life.

You'll master the "Mind Movies Modality" - a unique method rooted in Mind Movies, Visualization, Brainwave Entrainment, and Subconscious Rewiring Techniques to transform the lives of your clients.

And, you'll create a thriving business that gives you complete money and time freedom.

We understand that true transformation comes from within - from who you are, how you show up, and what you do. And when we show you our method, not only will you experience the transformation yourself, but you'll also learn the techniques to transform the lives of your future clients.

Regardless of your background experience, or what your situation may look like, the Mind Movies Method Coach Academy acts as a bridge, guiding you confidently into the world of Transformational Coaching.

You don't have to do this alone.

The truth is, it takes a lot of time, energy, and money to figure out things on your own... This is why most entrepreneurs don't make it.

Yet, with the RIGHT support... Can you imagine how BIG you can go?

Just know this:

You don't require a perfect life... Leadership... Or Coaching experience... Or to even give up your job to retrain...

You just need wifi, and a burning desire to serve others.

Let us do the rest!

Once you join The Mind Movies Method Coach Academy, you'll get complete support so that you can confidently step into the role of a "Transformational Mind Movies Method Coach":

Coaching, practice, strategy, marketing, sales, tactics, systems, business, mindset, emotional intelligence, a private concierge, community, and so much more!


Access The FREE Training Now

We've got your back!

We're dedicated to supporting you at every stage of your journey.

Here's how:

Personal Transformation Online Training

You'll have on-demand access to video lessons of the 3 stages of becoming a successful coach. First, you'll experience a personal transformation, then you'll learn how to coach, and finally, you'll learn everything you need to make your coaching business a success!

Plus, inside your online Members Area you'll find all the supporting materials you need to succeed like worksheets, templates, and even contracts to ensure your success!

Monthly Live Virtual Retreats

This is your chance to work with Natalie in an intimate and safe setting! During these intensive day-long sessions you'll explore the subject of the month through deep conversations, dynamic exercises, and exclusive live presentations from experts that will open your mind to even more possibilities.

Not only will you gain practical and easy-to-apply knowledge but you'll also have customized feedback from Natalie and a lot of fun along the way.

Monthly Live Q&A Meetup

Personally connect with Natalie during our mid-month live Q&A Zoom sessions.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and receive one-on-one laser coaching on any challenges you're facing. You'll have a safe space to grow and thrive as a person and receive expert guidance and feedback on what you need to do to progress. These motivational boost sessions provide guidance, support. and additional insights to keep you on track.

Our Private Members-Only Facebook Group

Surround yourself with a positively curated community of like-minded individuals in our dedicated members-only Facebook group, Share your progress, check in with others, and uplift each other throughout the month, This is a safe space to find support, encouragement, and make lifelong friends who understand and support your journey. This is also where you'll find your accountability buddy for the program.

Supporting Resources
Resource 1

The Mind Movies Platinum Creation Kit + 50 Licenses For Your Clients!

A Mind Movie is more than just a vision board: it's a 3-minute video that combines deep affirmations, uplifting imagery, music, subliminal audios, and space-age subconscious reprogramming technology to literally command your brain to manifest whatever you desire.

Resource 2

Brainwave Entrainment Audios

Brainwave entrainment is a fundamental aspect of the Mind Movies Modality, backed by scientific evidence. These licensed audios, in conjunction with Mind Movies, have been shown to modify the brain's receptivity to the transformative journey your clients will embark on with you as their guide. Through the synchronization of brainwave frequencies, your clients will be primed to embrace the vision of their new life with heightened focus and receptiveness.

Resource 3

Guided Meditations And Downloads

Gain access to supporting meditation recordings and exercises along the way. These are designed to prime your mind to be and achieve anything you want!

Marketing, Social Media Marketing, And Sales Training

Let me let you in on a little secret: No matter how good your coaching skills are, if you don't know how to sell or market yourself as a coach, you won't succeed. This is why as a Mind Movies Method Transformational Coach you can expect to receive extensive training in Stage 3 of the program on how to set up your online presence, find your first clients and scale your business, and how to use social media to build your client base. With our step-by-step process, you'll learn how to get potential clients excited to work with you! Plus, you'll be equipped with all the essential business tools and skills you need to effortlessly create your lucrative and independent career.

Your Private Concierge

Right after you join, you'll receive a welcome call from your private Mind Movies Method concierge who will warmly greet you to the program, ensuring you feel right at home. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or need a bit more guidance, your personal concierge is there to ensure you feel confident navigating the platform and get you started.

Watch the free training on how to achieve wealth, health, freedom, and fulfillment with the Mind Movies Method

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Imagine the feeling of fulfillment and joy as you help others overcome the same struggles you once had.

Imagine the satisfaction of seeing the transformation you bring about in their lives. You will be using your passion for helping others and creating a real difference every single day.

How do I know this?

I know this because I've used these exact same strategies to start a fulfilling new career and transform countless lives.

I've helped many others like you do the same, and now it's your turn.

The Course Curriculum Deep Dive

The Mind Movies Method Coaching Academy is a 3-Stage program that will teach you everything you need to know to start your own coaching business and transform your life and the life of your clients!

You’ll learn how to be an effective coach using the “Mind Movies Modality”, a unique coaching method that combines Mind Movies, Visualization, Brainwave Entrainment and Subconscious Rewiring Techniques to become a Transformational Mind Movies Method Coach ®..

The blend of our coaching method and approaches helps people to visualize their goals, and overcome limitations holding them back.

Plus, we give them the steps to take and the accountability to achieve their dream life, help their clients, and create a lucrative business working from home as a Mind Movies Method Coach.

Anyone interested in getting out of a 9-5 office job and starting their own coaching business where they can work their own hours, from anywhere in the world.

Anyone who wants a more fulfilling and impactful career.

Anyone yearning for a career shift that’s more affordable and less stressful than traditional school.

Coaches who want to add a new powerful modality to their toolbelt.

Teachers, nurses, consultants, admin assistants, marketing managers, stay-at-home moms, coaches, personal development students, and anyone who wants to make the world a better place!

Our online certification training consists of 3 stages:

Stage 1 - Personal Transformation - During this stage, you’ll be guided through a powerful process called The New Life Story, designed to clarify what your ideal life looks like and then you’ll create it using the cutting-edge tools of Mind Movies Visualization Licensed Software and Brainwave Entrainment. By the end of this stage, you'll be equipped to lead your clients through this transformative journey yourself, helping them define their goals and aspirations. Plus, you’ll experience profound personal breakthroughs along the way!

What’s Included:

  • 8 powerful on-demand video lessons
  • Design Your New Life Story’ Blueprint
  • Mind Movies Platinum account
  • Success Habits Worksheet
  • Visualization Exercise
  • The Cost of my Bad Habit Blueprint
  • Identifying Limiting Beliefs Worksheet
  • Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs Worksheet
  • Brainwave Entrainment and Meditation Audios to accompany your journey.
  • Lesson transcripts

Stage 2 - How To Coach: During this stage, you'll focus on skills of how to coach your clients using the Mind Movies Method, decide who you are coaching, why you are coaching, how to close your sales, how to bundle your services, how to structure your coaching sessions, and how to follow up and keep your clients accountable to their own success. But most importantly, you’ll learn to be a coach who thinks, feels, and acts abundantly! By the end of this stage, you’ll feel more confident in your abilities, armed with the knowledge of how to coach effectively using the Mind Movies Method

What’s Included:

  • 7 powerful on-demand video lessons
  • Why Are You a Coach Story Worksheet
  • What is Your Niche Worksheet
  • The Discovery Call Blueprint
  • The Mind Movies Method Blueprint
  • Brainwave Entrainment and Meditation Audios
  • Lesson transcripts

Stage 3 - Making Your Coaching Biz Boom: Get ready to master the game of entrepreneurship and become a marketing pro! During this last stage, you’ll get crystal clear on what your branding voice is, you’ll learn how to conduct successful market research and get clients, discover how to build your online presence, proven social media content strategies, how to use AI in your business, a step-by-step guide to recording your first video, and our best email marketing secrets!

What’s Included:

  • 7 powerful on-demand video lessons
  • Referral marketing templates
  • Building your ideal client persona template
  • Stand out from the crowd exercise
  • Brand Voice Guide
  • Brand Values Guide
  • Brand Voice Exercise
  • Ultimate Website Copy Template
  • Lesson transcripts

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, Mind Movies is one of the world's most powerful yet easy-to-use technologies for awakening the power of the subconscious mind.

All you do is watch a customized 3-minute video infused with affrmations. visualizations, and uplifting visuals and sounds. and allow this positive programming to command your mind to turn any goal into reality.

In other words - it manifests what you want into your life, almost on autopilot.

Here's how Mind Movies works in Dr. Joe's own words:

Have you ever been driving down the road in your car, and heard a familiar song on the radio that instantly brings a rush of visuals, emotions and memories into your mind?

Maybe it reminds you of a time in your life - like when you were 16 years old and you had a crush on your first boyfriend or girlfriend. Or when you were 22 and graduating from college. Or when you were 30 and you had your first child.

This trigger is known as an associative memory: the song activates a set of circuits in your brain to remember the past.

Mind Movies works in the exact same way: except instead of remembering your past when you hear that song...

You remember the future you want to create when you watch your Mind Movie.

As this associative memory is triggered your brain begins reorganizing its circuitry and laying down the tracks that turn the future you visualized in your Mind Movie into reality.

At Mind Movies our goal is to elevate at least 10 million lives with our technologies - and we're honored to continue pushing the boundaries of human potential with luminaries like Dr. Joe Dispenza who has used Mind Movies at his Advanced Workshops for years.

Between Dr. Joe's revelations and our own in-depth discoveries, here at The Mind Movies Method Coaching Academy, we know the power of using tools and technologies to create a positive mindset and attract the outcomes we want in life, and we're using Mind Movies as one of the key components of the Mind Movies Modality.

Watch the free training on how to achieve wealth, health, freedom, and fulfillment with the Mind Movies Method

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Watch the free training on how to achieve wealth, health, freedom, and fulfillment with the Mind Movies Method

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