Have you ever set a big goal for yourself only to feel stuck or held back by invisible forces? You’re not alone! What if I told you that a tiny part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System—or RAS—could be the key to breaking free from self-sabotage and finally unlocking your true potential? In this week’s blog, I’ll show you how to flip the switch on your RAS to silence those limiting beliefs and align your mind with success!
Now, let me tell you one thing about self-sabotage… Most of the time, it isn’t conscious—it’s your brain working against you. The RAS, your brain’s filter, is designed to confirm what you already believe about yourself. So if you’ve been telling yourself, 'I’m not good enough' or 'I’ll never succeed,' guess what? Your RAS will filter out opportunities and focus on anything that confirms those thoughts.
This is why breaking free from negative patterns feels so hard: your brain is literally wired to prove your doubts right. But here’s the good news—when you reprogram your RAS, you can turn this mechanism into your greatest ally.
Reprogramming your RAS is all about creating new neural pathways. The brain is a creature of habit, and what you focus on repeatedly becomes your reality. By consistently feeding your RAS empowering beliefs, you can retrain it to highlight solutions, opportunities, and evidence of your success.
It’s like installing a new operating system in your brain—one that works for you instead of against you.
Now, let’s dive into a 3-step system to hack your RAS and put an end to self-sabotage once and for all.
Step 1: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
Take a moment to write down the negative thoughts or beliefs that pop into your head when you think about your goals. For example:
'I’m not smart enough.'
'I’ll never have enough money.'
Be honest with yourself - awareness is the first step to change. Now, I’m going to give you an extra edge to help you with this. I have a free quiz specifically designed to help you uncover your #1 limiting belief in just 30 seconds! Simply, click here and you’ll also receive a personalized assessment.
Step 2: Flip the Script with Power Statements
Now, take those negative beliefs and turn them into empowering affirmations. For example:
'I am capable of learning and growing.'
'Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.'
Repeat these power statements daily. Bonus tip: say them out loud while looking in the mirror for extra impact.
Step 3: Take Micro Actions
Your RAS responds to action, not just thoughts. Commit to small, daily steps that align with your goals. For example, if your goal is to get fit, start with a 5-minute workout. This creates momentum and reinforces to your brain that you’re capable of following through.
Want to take it up a notch? Try these RAS-specific hacks to accelerate your results:
1. Mindful Disruption
When a negative thought arises, pause and replace it immediately with a positive affirmation. Think of this as a pattern interrupt for your brain.
2. Anchoring Positivity
Associate your goals with something tangible. For example, wear a specific bracelet as a reminder of your financial goals. Every time you see it, visualize abundance.
3. Environment Upgrade
Surround yourself with things that support your goals—books, podcasts, even your social media feed. Your RAS will soak up these positive cues like a sponge.
4. Gratitude Loop
Start and end your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. Gratitude shifts your focus to abundance, rewiring your RAS to spot more things to appreciate.
Right now, more and more people are waking up to the power of the RAS and how it’s tied to self-improvement. Whether it’s breaking free from bad habits, growing a business, or finding love, people are realizing that mindset is everything—and the RAS is the secret sauce to make it work.
This isn’t just about the law of attraction; it’s about aligning your brain with action and creating a reality that matches your highest potential.
And remember… if you’re interested in discovering your #1 limiting belief, make sure to take the free quiz here . In only 30 seconds you’ll know what’s holding you back from more success, love, health, and abundance.