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3 Tips for Making Your Own Miracles

Do you ever feel like your dreams and desires just never seem to miraculously materialize in the way you want them to?

Well, I'm here to tell you that miracles happen in the world every day and can happen for YOU, too!

When it comes to manifesting miracles, you need to be in tune with the Universe, believe in the unexpected, and be ready to receive!

So let me ask you, have you been able to manifest miracles in your life?

I often hear from people in my community that even though they start with the best of intentions, that it's easy to lose motivation and belief in the Law of Attraction when things don't seem to be working out the way they had hoped.

So what do you do when this happens?

Well, I have a few secrets that I've learned over the years that will help ensure you stay focused on your goals while using the Law of Attraction as your secret weapon. In fact, with these secrets, you'll be able to easily manifest miracles and more of your desires!

#1: Respect the Timetable of the Universe

Have you ever set a pot of water on the stove to boil and impatiently watched it, waiting to see results? You may have turned the heat on high and continually checked it to see if it's started to bubble. But no matter how badly you wanted it to start simmering right away, it simply doesn't start boiling until it’s ready!

Similarly, we do this with our dreams, goals, and desires. It's important to realize that the Universe is always responding to your energy, thoughts, and behaviors. The truth is, you WILL attract what you desire when the time is right if you keep your mindset on track towards your goals and remain ready to receive.

Just like your certainty that the pot of water will eventually boil given due time, you should also be assured that your intentions will show up in your reality over time.

The key here is patience. Our dreams, goals and desires will eventually manifest, but it's our job to work WITH the flow of the universe. To do this, you should work to maintain an abundant mindset through gratitude, affirmations, meditation and so on. These practices will all help you keep faith in the Universe and to receive your desires when the time is right.

#2: Acknowledge Your Emotions

Your emotions are the fuel for the Law of Attraction. Everyone has their own master list of hopes, dreams and desires.

But if your desires don't manifest right away, it could be easy to lose patience and fall into a negative thought pattern of "What if I don't get what I want?" This will often be followed by negative emotions and will effectively make it very difficult for you to manifest what you desire.

It's completely normal to have fears and doubts, but it's important to not let them control your life. If doubts arise, I encourage you to humbly acknowledge them, and then work on releasing them from your mind and spirit.

Denying or burying these feelings will only cause them to leech on your positive energy and prevent a smooth pathway for miracles to find you and enter your life.

#3: Identify Your Roadblocks

The universe is composed of energy that dictates the workings of our world. If you want the wonders of the world to enter your life, you must create a clear pathway for this energy to reach you.

However, there are a few common energetic roadblocks that prevent energy from freely flowing into your life. Fear and negative thoughts are two huge mental barricades that halt the manifestation process.

If you think you could be being weighed down by an emotion that no longer serves you, I encourage you to explore meditation or yoga to help release it.

Another common roadblock is negative environments that are not conducive to a healthy energy flow. This could be in the form of unhealthy relationships or an unhappy workplace.

Do your best to eliminate things that no longer serve you or hinder the positive flow of energy into your life.

The universe is on your side and will do right by you. This world is filled with joyful abundance that will enter your life, if you let it in :)

So I encourage you to follow these 3 simple steps so that your master list of dreams, hopes, and desires, will become your reality, fast!

Also, before you go - if you haven’t had a chance to check out my podcast ‘Not Over, Just Different’, I encourage you to click here to listen, today!

During each episode, I interview special guests to discuss how as women, we can gracefully face life’s next new chapter. Join me for some deep, raw, and candid conversations about everything from health, aging gracefully, relationships, and how to squeeze the juice out of life.

Listen right here :)

Enjoy! And remember to share your comments about this post below. I love hearing from you!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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