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4 Common Success Strategies That Actually Make You LESS Successful (Do you do them?)

Americans spend $11 billion each year on self help. 

And while there are many, many credible personal growth coaches, programs and websites out there (including ours, we hope you’ll agree!) - there’s also a lot of ineffective advice, that for some reason or another, gets passed off as fact.

The problem? It’s hard to separate truth from fiction until you’ve lived it. But instead of spending years experimenting with everything you’re told, you could always review this list and just remember to avoid…


One of life’s most common fantasies is gathering the courage to stroll into your boss’s office, hand in your resignation letter, and spend the rest of your life doing what you really love. Why isn’t everyone doing this already???

The Problem: Firstly, not everyone has a passion that can harmonize with their financial and lifestyle goals. Sure, you might be seriously into pet dust bunnies - but can you earn a decent living from them?

Secondly, will you be as fiercely passionate about the same thing in the months and years to come, when you find yourself being forced to do it, even on days when you’d rather be doing something else?

The Solution: Spend more time cultivating your passion instead of just following it.

Then, set clear expectations for what you want in all areas of your life - and do a reality check on whether your passion can realistically give you these things.

Always dip your feet in the water before jumping in, and remember: in some cases, it’s better to keep your passion as an evening or weekend activity, instead of making it a full-time career.


Back in 2006, The Secret shook the world.

Thanks to this one film (and its companion book), everyone started talking about the Law of Attraction, and how the Universe was itching to give them their dream car, home, job and partner… if only they would just ask.

The Problem: Many people ask for what they want, sit back and wait, and then get bitter when it doesn’t arrive.

What’s more, studies show that visualization without effort makes your brain lazy, because it starts getting addicted to the idea of success rather than the reality of it.

The Solution: Today, we have a far better understanding of how the Law of Attraction really works.

The key is to not only ask and visualize, but also to make the choices and take the actions that will lead you to what you want.

Remember, the Universe won’t work for you until you do.

Click here to discover a blueprint that makes taking inspired action EASY.


Music, films, food, people, experiences - everything we consume promises us some form of happiness, lasting or otherwise.

Happiness is the ultimate goal… so what could possibly be wrong with being focused on it?

The Problem: A study in 2011 found that focusing on happiness and expecting to be happy actually leads to greater frustration and, ironically, less happiness.

The key lies in a misalignment between your emotions and your expectations, when you realize that what you wanted isn’t making you as happy as you thought it would.

The Solution: Allow yourself to enjoy moments without over-analyzing them, and don’t judge yourself for not being as happy as you think you should be.

Remember that acceptance is one of the biggest pillars of happiness :)


This one surprised us too: isn’t it common sense that sharing your goals with your friends and loved ones not only turns them into your cheerleaders, but also motivates you to follow through?

On the surface, it makes perfect sense, but that’s not exactly how the human brain sees it…

The Problem: Multiple studies show that sharing your goals with others makes you far less likely to see them through.

Why? Because when you do so, your brain triggers its own pleasure centers…

And tricks itself into believing it has already achieved those goals - which leaves you less motivated to actually work towards them.

The Solution: We’re not going to suggest you start keeping all your goals a secret.

But we do believe it’s a good idea to take some decisive action towards your goals, before sharing them with others.

That way, you get to celebrate steps you’ve already taken towards your goal, rather than just celebrating the fact that you have a goal!

Now That You Know What Doesn’t Work, How About Trying Something That Does?

If you’re ready to launch your success and free yourself from any internal blocks, you just have to give our energy clearing system a try.

Seriously, this is life-changing. If you feel like you’ve tried everything to be successful and it’s just not working, give this a try right here!

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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