NOTE: This blog post series is intended for Mind Movies Matrix students. If you don't yet have access to Mind Movies Matrix - one of the most powerful personal growth technologies we've ever created - go here to find out more.
Welcome to Day 3 of 4 Days of Matrix Mastery .
(Go here for Day 1's lesson on wealth , and here for Day 2's lesson on non-romantic relationships .)
In case you've missed the series so far:
4 Days of Matrix Mastery is my mini project with Mind Movies Matrix co-founder Morry Zelcovitch, to help you get better and faster results in the 4 areas of life covered in your Mind Movies Matrix package:
1. Wealth ~ (here you'll find tips for your Money Matrix)
2. Relationships ~ (here you'll find tips for your Relationships Matrix)
3. Body Weight ~ (here you'll find tips for your Weight Loss Matrix)
4. Romance ~ (here you'll find tips for your Perfect Partner Matrix)
To do this, we're giving you 4 days of daily tips, exercises and tools in each of the above areas.
Click here to log into your Mind Movies Matrix account!
Today we're focusing on body weight .
I so want you to have the body of your dreams.
A thin and youthful body that lets you squeeze the most joy and best experiences out of life.
A healthy and energized body free of pain and suffering.
A sensual body you can flaunt and admire, if you choose to.
And no matter how much you weigh now, or how many diets or exercise plans you've tried in the past -
Know that you're closer to that ideal body than you might think.
Because you don't actually need to try a dozen more excruciating diets. Or drag yourself to the gym for countless hours of painful workouts.
All you really need to do is overcome all of the negative programming, habits and emotions implanted inside you, that are blocking you from achieving your ideal weight.
You need to remind your mind that being slim is actually your default state.
Do this, and everything else will fall into place effortlessly : from your diet, to your self-image, to your physical activity.
But how?
Well your Matrix Mind Movies are a fantastic way to activate your brain's weight loss switch.
Another way is with this mind exercise Morry shares with many of his private clients.
In his own words:
The first thing you need to do is to define the issue - and the best way to do this is to start by weighing yourself first thing in the morning in order to find out your current weight.
Talk to your doctor or nutritionist and find out what an average healthy weight for your height should be. This will give you a baseline from which to work.
You may discover that you are already at a healthy weight, or underweight, or overweight or more overweight than you suspected.
Do this over some time so you get a handle on your natural ebbs and flows (it's best to do it at around the same time every day and in the same location).
Now that you know where you stand, it's time to list the reasons you want to lose (or get to a healthy) weight.
Think about how you will feel when you are active, when you feel better physically and mentally about yourself - like having the freedom to be more active with your children, or the confidence you will feel about yourself as you progress.
Really look for the personal reasons that YOU want to have a healthy weight and life.
Write it all down, this will make it real for you and help you to take action.
I also want you to think about how being overweight can threaten your health. It’s a well-known fact that people who are overweight can be at a higher risk for various diseases and conditions.
On top of that, please ask for support from your family and friends.
Share your goals and desires with people you trust to support you. Even ask if anyone wants to join you in any or all of the steps along the way. Often having a buddy to work with can be of great help and support.
Create and write up a plan based on your goals. Keep a written record of everything you do for yourself and allow yourself to be happy with every step towards your goals - the first and middle steps are just as important as the last ones!
Reward, reward, reward (not with food though). Allow yourself to be happy and reward every single step towards your goal.
And of course, remember to keep using your Matrix Mind Movies !
Your Matrix Mind Movies are a fantastic tool for keeping your habits, thoughts and emotions in the optimal zone for health and weight loss - and all you need is 6 minutes a day.
Tomorrow we reach the end of 4 Days of Matrix Mastery - and we're going to explore how to manifest your perfect partner with a neat and surprisingly powerful 'storyboarding' technique from Morry.
(Morry's clients have reported incredible success with this one technique - so trust me, you don't want to miss it.)
And for now - please share your favorite 'mind-over-matter' weight loss tip in the comments section below.
Mind Movies Matrix is a remarkable technology that harmonizes today's best personal growth tools - including brainwave entrainment, subliminal programming and visualization - to give you deep 'inside-out' transformation on autopilot. Just sit back, relax, and let Matrix upgrade your mind and your life. Find out more here .