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Being productive is a lot easier said than done! Especially with most of us working from home right now, it may be harder to stay focused throughout the day.

Plus, when you have a lot on your plate, it can be easy to feel distracted and pulled in a lot of different directions...

And when this happens, you may find yourself spending your time on things that aren't as important as others, which is why it's important to learn how to focus on the task at hand.

So to help you stay on point and accomplish what you need to get done, here are 4 of my best tips for being an all-star productivity achiever!

Quick Tip #1 Get Specific and Get Scheduled

If your goal is to exercise on a regular basis for example, set aside a specific time of day that you're going to do it.

So instead of saying, "I'll workout when I have time," tell yourself, "This week I'll exercise on Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm" and then schedule it into your calendar.

By mentally setting in stone a specific time to do something that's important to you, chances are higher that you'll make it a priority even if other distractions arise.

Quick Tip #2 Disconnect from technology

Electronics and gadgets can be wonderful tools for increasing productivity, but they can also have the opposite effect and be some of the biggest distractions.

Do you ever pause whatever you're in the middle of something to check your phone for new updates? Or, maybe you've found yourself spending countless hours surfing the web or watching TV instead of doing what you're 'suppose to be doing.'

Let's say one of your goals is to start meditating 10 minutes a day. In order to do this, you need to create a quiet space where you can hear your own thoughts. Turn off the TV, shut off your computer, and put your phone ringer on silent.

This allows your brain to focus 100% on the task at hand and most of the time this is all it takes to set your brain up for success!

Quick Tip #3 Regroup before moving to your next task

When you're switching gears from one task to another, consider taking a moment to allow your brain to "reset" and regroup.

This doesn't have to take a long time - it can be as simple as taking a minute to close your eyes and taking a few cleansing breaths.

So for example, if you're at work and you've just completed an assignment or just got out of a meeting, before rushing on to your next task, take a minute to gather your thoughts to prepare yourself for your next thing.

By giving yourself a second to prepare for your next task, you'll be more clearheaded and focused towards completing it.

Quick Tip #4 Learn from those who have mastered being productive

Yes, those people do exist! And I've found that almost all productive people have secrets they've learned along the way to help knock out to-do lists in record time. Asking for advice around this topic can be super helpful, so reach out to your favorite focused friends for their tips :)

And before you go, if you’d like to learn even more about living a life with more energy, focus, positivity and abundance - then don’t miss out on the special offer I have for you today. This powerful program is called ‘Limitless You’ because it’s specifically designed to guide you through any self-sabotaging habits to live a truly limitless life.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your personal growth - check out right here!

limitless YOU

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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