Why do you do the things you do?
Motivation is the driving force, or the reason, behind our desires, actions and behaviors. Ultimately, it is the big ‘why’ underneath everything we do.
Maintaining high motivation levels is the difference between being overwhelmed and easily stressed, to breezing past our goals and feeling like everything is just falling into place.
At the heart of unshakeable motivation is knowing what we truly want and being uncompromising in our quest to receive it.
So, how do highly successful people stay motivated?
Whether you are embarking on a new passion project or reaching for your health goals, here are 6 proven tips for staying self-motivated, even when things get shaky!
1. Journal Your ‘Why’
Write out your “why”! Ask yourself what it would mean to actually reach your goal. Once you write out an answer, ask yourself ‘why’ having that answer is important to you. Keep asking why and write it out two more times! Each time you do this, it allows you to go deeper and truly examine what motivates you. Then, anytime you start to lose motivation, simply revisit this journaling!
2. Visualize The End Result
Can you feel the big picture? Not only do you want to know what it looks like, but you also want to be able to feel it, as if it’s happening right now!
3. Use Affirmations
Ever wonder why you’ve stopped dead in your tracks after a really good productive streak? Limiting beliefs and negative thoughts can constantly get in our way. With the right affirmations, you can eliminate this negative mental chatter in no time.
4. Make it Fun
If you find yourself dreading a project, or unable to implement a new habit that you know is going to change your life - make it fun! Create a change of scenery, find somewhere new to work out, turn on your favorite music, or find recipes of food that excite you. Set up your environment so that you look forward to doing whatever it is that you’re working on!
5. Get In Your Body
Anything that helps you detach from your logical mind is helpful in moving past reoccurring behavior patterns that hold you back. If you’re focused on being present with your body, there is naturally less room for negative thoughts and worries to slip through. Plus, the movement helps release happy hormones to help you crank up that motivation!
6. Strive for Progress Not Perfection
Now that you see the big picture, assume that you will reach your goal and just start taking the first step. Then take the next step - and the step after that! You don’t need to have all of the details figured out before you get started. In fact, it never works that way! The universe has a way of providing better outcomes when we surrender to taking the next step.
Do you use any of the above techniques to stay motivated? Feel free to comment below and share with our community! And before you go...
Do you want to experience unshakeable motivation? Join our free online workshop , where we go deep to uncover subconscious blocks that could be standing between you and the life of your dreams.