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6 Things That Are Quietly Poisoning Your Abundance Thinking

Science has long proven that our childhood brains are like sponges; absorbing and storing everything we hear, see, feel and experience.


But there is a particularly spongy period from age 2 to 6 where - due to our brainwaves being in a ‘Theta’ state (the same state adults are in when they’re dreaming or sleeping) - we are particularly receptive and impressionable to external stimuli.

What you experience in this period leaves a lasting mark on your abundance thinking. And since most of us spend this period under the watchful eyes of our parents, these two people play a monumental role in shaping our lifelong approach to work, money and personal growth.

But no parent is perfect. So despite their best intentions, many of their flaws and limiting beliefs about money are unknowingly passed onto us as children, often through seemingly innocent beliefs and phrases like:


“Look at that rich guy, I bet he screwed over a lot of people to get to where he is.”

Mr. Burns from The Simpsons… Lex Luthor from Superman… every Bond villain that has ever existed… Given pop culture’s fixation on wealthy, greedy and evil villains, is it any wonder rich people have a bad reputation?

For those of us raised in working or middle class families, it’s also likely that our parents weren’t actually close friends with very many wealthy people… which would have kept them reliant on the sweeping stereotype, and oblivious to the reality that many wealthy people got to where they are because they provided real, honest value to the people around them.

How it’s affecting you: Your subconscious mind erects an invisible barrier between you and rich people. You don’t want to hang out with them, you feel uncomfortable around them, and you’re often suspicious of them.


“Money is hard to come by… it doesn’t grow on trees, ya know!”

You may have heard your parents uttering this phrase (or something similar) each time they paid for something or handed over your allowance - usually in an exhausted or agitated tone.

Given that you were too young at the time to earn your own money, a part of you probably accepted their worldview as reality - instead of believing what many wealthy people have known all their lives…

… that there’s more than enough to go around, and often all you need to do to receive money is to open yourself to it.

How it’s affecting you: You may feel a sense of guilt or fear when you spend money, even when you’re spending it on something that makes your life better. And because money is “hard to come by,” you often equate acquiring it with unpleasant hard work.


“More money just means more problems.”

For many parents, this phrase is an excuse. A reason for them not to challenge themselves in ways that would reward them with more money.

This phrase also leads to the damaging belief that there is virtue in being broke, and that a person is for some reason better off not earning more money, even if they can.

How it’s affecting you: You find yourself rejecting money and abundant opportunities because you subconsciously believe wealth leads to hardship and false happiness.


“Money is the root of all evil.”

Across time, this biblical phrase has filled up an ocean’s worth of unfulfilled dreams and unrealized potential - all because people choose to mistakenly attach morality to a neutral tool like money.

If your parents told you this, they most likely had a dysfunctional relationship with money - where they needed it to survive, but also begrudged that need, instead of being at peace and working in harmony with it.

How it’s affecting you: You tend to be suspicious of wealthy people, financial opportunities, and any situation that could expose you to the “evils” of money. 


“If you want to be rich, you have to sacrifice your health, your family and friends, your soul, or all of the above.”

Parents are people, and people have fragile egos. And to protect these egos, they’ll often look at people who have more money than them, and assume they sacrificed something terrible to get there - hence “balancing” things out and justifying their own lack of money.

But is this really true? What about the wealthy people who really do have it all?

The ones who have the freedom and resources to do what they want, with whom they want, and when they want?

Why shouldn’t we aspire to that too?

How it’s affecting you: You tend to feel that avoiding wealth and the risk that comes with it is a safer and better way to live - even if it means saying no to potentially life-changing opportunities.


“Money can never buy happiness.”

This phrase is yet another defense mechanism often spoken by parents who don’t want to feel like they’re “missing out” by not thinking abundantly, and therefore attracting more money.

And while it’s true that money itself can’t buy happiness, the peace of mind of not having to worry about money makes it a whole lot easier to pursue and spend time on the things that do make you happy.

How it’s affecting you: You may have a stubborn attitude towards money, never willing to go the extra mile to acquire it because it’s just “not worth it.”


Now, we all know hard work equals success, right? 

But is it really necessary to work that hard?

What if, with a little nudge from the stars and planets, you could enjoy success without unnecessary stress and frustration?

If you're ready to play your way to Abundance -

Then go here to receive your free personalized Astrological report by master astrologer Adrian Duncan. 

Just answer a few simple questions, and you'll discover some mind-blowing (and deeply personal) findings in this report -

Including the dominant emotions, forces and energies silently influencing your life.

Click here to learn how to harness cosmic momentum to get what you want with ease and grace.

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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