So many times we hear about how important it is to love ourselves first to find true happiness and peace within…
And even though we’re aware that not loving ourselves can affect the quality of our relationships, our careers, and our future… we sometimes continue neglecting ourselves as we’re too busy taking care of others.
Ironically, it’s when relationships break apart or when health is compromised that we suddenly realize that we’ve forgotten about the person we need to take care of and love the most…OURSELF!
To ensure you’re giving yourself as much love as you’re giving to others, I encourage you to follow these 7 Tips To Love Yourself More:
Tip 1 - Don’t be afraid to go after what you want in life
People who love and respect themselves usually know what they want and they’re not afraid to express and act on it, rather than doing what they think is expected of them.
Tip 2 - Honor your needs instead of your wants
Stay focused on your goals and away from negative patterns and habits that could get you in trouble or make you feel stuck in the past and unable to move forward in life.
Tip 3 - Nourish yourself
Take care of your body, mind, and soul by giving it what it needs when it needs it. That means eating well, resting properly and not procrastinating on doing exercise or activities you enjoy.
Tip 4 - Be assertive
You’ll be practicing self-love and respect every time you say no to doing things that could harm you physically, emotionally or financially. Don’t be afraid to say no, or to set boundaries.
Tip 5 - Remove toxic people from your life
And never feel guilty about it! Regardless if it’s a family member, your employer or someone you just met, you should never make room for people who ignore your boundaries, disrespect you or harm you in any way.
Tip 6 - Heal your heart from pain
To really heal your heart from painful or negative emotions it’s important you face them. Pretending that they’re not there will only bring about anger, anxiety, and frustration. If you feel any resentment towards yourself or others, make sure you seek the help or advice of a friend, a mentor, or spiritual or professional advisor.
Tip 7 - Love the moment you’re in right now
Even if your present moment looks far from perfect, be grateful for how much you’ve learned up to this very moment and remember that there’s no better time than right now to start over. So take a deep breath and say out loud ‘Today is the best day of the rest of my life.’
After you practice these steps and start implementing them in your daily life, you’ll find out that you’ll attract more love, better opportunities, and more abundance into your life - your potential is limitless!
And speaking of being limitless, I have a special treat for you. It’s called my Limitless You Guided Meditation Pack . And inside, you’ll discover how to break free from any blocks holding you back from living your best life!
So go ahead, love yourself today and snag your Limitless You pack!