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9 Ways You're Self-Abandoning And How To Reclaim Your Power

Have you ever found yourself feeling lost, overwhelmed, or disconnected, even when everything seems “fine” on the surface?

That quiet, nagging feeling is often a sign that you’re not just tired…. you’re abandoning yourself. ;-(

When we neglect our own needs and desires, we gradually lose touch with who we are, compromising our happiness and well-being.

Self-abandonment often begins in childhood, shaped by the experiences we have with our caregivers.

If your parents or other influential adults in your life didn’t meet your emotional or physical needs, you may have felt abandoned, unworthy, or unlovable. These early experiences leave a lasting impact, teaching you that your feelings and needs are not important.

As we grow up, we neglect our own needs, mistreat ourselves, or put others first because deep down, we don’t know any different. No one taught us how to truly be there for ourselves because no one was fully there for us when we needed it the most.

But the truth is, these are just coping mechanisms that helped you navigate a challenging past - they don’t define who you are or what you deserve today.

Here are nine common ways you may be abandoning yourself and explore how you can start reclaiming your power today.

1. Constantly Putting Others First

Put Yourself First

It’s natural to want to help those we care about, but when you constantly prioritize everyone else’s needs at the expense of your own, you send yourself a damaging message: you don’t matter. This pattern of self-neglect can lead to burnout, resentment, and a deep sense of unfulfillment.

Tip: Practice saying no when your plate is full. Remember, setting boundaries isn’t selfish…it’s necessary. Start small, like carving out 10 minutes a day for yourself, and gradually build from there.

2. Ignoring Your Own Needs and Desires

We all have needs: emotional, physical, and mental. But when you regularly ignore them, you lose touch with what makes you feel alive and fulfilled. This might look like skipping meals, neglecting your hobbies, or suppressing your emotions to keep the peace.

Tip: Tune into your needs by checking in with yourself regularly. Ask, “What do I need right now?” It could be a break, a meal, or simply some quiet time. Give yourself permission to meet those needs without guilt.

3. Overworking to Avoid Your Emotions

Do you bury yourself in work to escape feelings of stress, sadness, or pain? Overworking is a common form of self-abandonment where you use busyness to avoid facing uncomfortable emotions. This constant hustle keeps you disconnected from your inner self.

Tip: Schedule downtime as seriously as you would a work meeting. Use this time to journal, meditate, or simply sit in silence. Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions without judgment.

4. Abandoning Your Values and Morals to Keep Others Happy

Compromising your values and morals to keep others happy is a profound form of self-abandonment. Whether it’s staying silent when you disagree or going along with something that doesn’t align with your beliefs, you lose a piece of yourself each time you choose their comfort over your truth.

Tip: Stay true to your values by standing firm in your beliefs, even when it’s uncomfortable. Your integrity is worth more than the temporary ease of pleasing others.

5. Keeping Yourself Small to Keep Others Big

Dim your light, shrink your achievements, and hide your talents to make others feel comfortable… sound familiar? This self-abandonment tactic often comes from a fear of outshining others or being seen as “too much.” But keeping yourself small does a disservice not only to you but to everyone around you.

Tip: Own your achievements and celebrate your wins without downplaying them. Your success doesn’t diminish others—it inspires them. Shine bright and allow others the space to do the same.

6. Seeking Validation from Others

Put Yourself First

Relying on others to validate your worth is a dangerous game. When you constantly seek approval, you place your self-esteem in someone else’s hands, abandoning your ability to affirm yourself. This leads to people pleasing and living according to others’ expectations rather than your own.

Tip: Cultivate self-approval by celebrating your wins, no matter how small. Practice affirmations that reinforce your worth, such as “I am enough,” and remind yourself that your value is inherent, not dependent on others.

7. Suppressing Your True Self to Fit In

Whether it’s dimming your personality, hiding your opinions, or changing your appearance, suppressing your authentic self to fit in is a form of self-abandonment that erodes your confidence. Over time, you lose sight of who you truly are, and your life becomes a performance rather than a reflection of your true self.

Tip: Start embracing your uniqueness by expressing yourself in small ways—wearing what you love, sharing your opinions, or pursuing interests that excite you. Authenticity is your superpower, not a flaw.

8. Failing to Set Boundaries

A lack of boundaries is one of the clearest signs of self-abandonment. When you allow others to overstep your limits, you sacrifice your own needs for the comfort of others. This often stems from fear of rejection or conflict, but the cost is your mental and emotional well-being.

Tip: Practice setting boundaries by first identifying where you feel overextended. Communicate your needs clearly and confidently, remembering that you have the right to protect your space, time, and energy.

9. Neglecting Self-Care and Personal Joy

When life gets busy, self-care is often the first thing to go. But neglecting your well-being and the things that bring you joy leads to a dull, unfulfilled existence. Self-abandonment often disguises itself as “just being busy,” but the reality is that it disconnects you from your passions and your purpose.

Tip: Reconnect with activities that light you up—whether it’s reading, painting, taking a walk, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of coffee. These moments of joy are not luxuries; they are essential to maintaining a vibrant sense of self.

As you can see there are many sneaky ways that self-abandonment often manifests in our daily life. It's when you put others’ needs before your own, ignore your instincts, or change your values just to keep others happy.

Maybe you constantly seek validation, allow others to trample over your boundaries, or suppress your true feelings because you don’t want to cause a fuss. It’s saying “It’s fine” when deep down, it’s not.

These behaviors can make us feel disconnected from who we truly are and leave us feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. But remember, your needs and feelings are just as important as anyone else’s.

So, isn't it time to make your emotional well-being a priority for yourself and those around you?

If you’re ready to reconnect with yourself and break free from self-abandonment, FeelWise is here to support you.

FeelWise is a brand-new and groundbreaking app that combines the power of science, psychology, and technology to give you REAL solutions to manage your emotions and build healthier relationships.

It’s like having a therapist or your best friend’s advice in your pocket at ANY time! 

You just speak into the app for a few seconds, and the AI technology detects your emotions giving you real-time insights, advice, and activities inside the app to guide you back to a happier place.

Click here to explore and try the FeelWise App for free, and experience how easy it can be to overcome challenges and feel happy and supported every single day.

FeelWise App


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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