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A Magic Technique To Rapidly Change Limiting Beliefs (Part 1)

We often believe that our thoughts and attitudes are our own, free from any influence. But what if some of these deeply ingrained beliefs held us back without even realizing it?

Limiting beliefs can profoundly impact every aspect of our lives - from money and health to relationships.

These mental blocks usually come from deep-seated programming that we acquire predominantly in our childhood between the ages of birth and six.

Now, examples of limiting beliefs include things like "rich people are bad", “I'm not rich enough”, “I'm not good enough”, “I don't deserve it”, or “Money is the root of all evil.”

Now, don't be too quick to write this off with self-teaching or believing you don't have a limiting belief…

Most of the time we live with these limiting beliefs, completely unaware of their existence which is exactly what happened to me.

Back in January 2008, the Mind Movies team collaborated with Lynda Dyer, a renowned NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) trainer from Australia, on a program called “The How-To Series.”

One of the standout modules was “How To Eliminate Limiting Beliefs,” a topic I never thought would apply to me. As we were filming, Lynda needed a volunteer to demonstrate her process on camera.

With only my business partner Glenn and myself in the room, I found myself nervously agreeing to be her subject.

At that point, I was confident that I had no limiting beliefs. I was happy with my life, satisfied with my accomplishments, and certain nothing was holding me back.

Lynda suggested we explore money as a topic, intuitively knowing it was something most people could relate to.

As we started filming, I followed her instructions to relax, breathe, and answer her questions. To my surprise, emotions I had no idea were buried within me began to surface. I broke down in tears, something that shocked both Glenn and me - especially since he had only seen me cry twice in our ten years of marriage.

Through this process, I realized that I had been holding myself back financially due to a deeply rooted belief: I thought wanting more money was greedy and that my current situation was “enough.”

It dawned on me that I was settling for less because of an unconscious belief formed in my childhood - a belief I didn’t even know existed.

Seven months later, we relocated to the U.S. and orchestrated a wildly successful relaunch of Mind Movies. My mindset about money completely transformed, and I haven’t looked back since.

Where Do Limiting Beliefs Come From?

Most of our limiting beliefs are formed in early childhood, specifically between the ages of zero and six, when our brains are predominantly in Theta and Delta brainwave states—what I like to call ‘sponge mode.’

During this time, we absorb everything: how to act, think, and respond, mostly from those closest to us—parents, siblings, teachers, and peers. For instance, if your dad constantly said, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” you might grow up believing that financial success is impossible for you.

Sometimes, these beliefs stem from seemingly insignificant moments, like feeling left out or overlooked. As children, we interpret these experiences in ways that stick with us, influencing our behaviors and decisions far into adulthood.

During my session with Lynda, memories of feeling inadequate compared to other kids with nicer clothes and more money came flooding back. I had formed the belief that wealth was bad and that I never wanted to make others feel inferior, leading me to unconsciously avoid pursuing financial success.

Recognizing Your Own Limiting Beliefs

These deep-seated beliefs remain hidden in our unconscious, stored in a mental “file” called the Gestalt.

Every time you face a challenge or decision, your mind refers back to this file, reinforcing those early conclusions: “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve success” or “I’m destined to be unhappy”.

This unconscious cycle can trap you in self-sabotage without you even realizing it.

Do you resonate with any of these limiting beliefs about money, health, or relationships?


  • Money is bad.

  • Rich people are greedy.

  • I don’t deserve to be wealthy.


  • Diets don’t work.

  • I hate exercise.

  • I’m destined to be fat.


  • I’m not attractive enough.

  • I don’t deserve to be loved.

  • I’m destined to be single.

If any of these thoughts sound familiar, remember, they are not your fault. These beliefs can be challenged and changed. If you want to start now, go here and take the FREE Success Blocker Quiz.

In only 30 seconds, you’ll uncover which is your #1 limiting belief and next week, in my next blog post, I’ll show you the 6 questions you need to ask yourself to change these beliefs and a powerful visualization exercise to overcome them.

Don’t miss it!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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