If you know me at all, you know I’m a huge connoisseur of personal development books. Sure, I enjoy motivational films and the use of our Mind Movies to attract abundance and stimulate personal growth - but there is something very special about a good book that resonates with you long after you finish reading it.
Once I’ve gotten into the groove of a new year, I like to put together a list of inspirational books that I’ve recently read or am going back to again. I’m always on the hunt for books that help you manifest your greatest life, packed full of inspiration, positivity, and powerful personal development quotes. I recently put together some of the most incredible books I’ve read that had the power to change my life!
But this list, by different personal development leaders, is the most prominent in my reading roster at the moment.
1) Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza
This book, by my good friend Dr. Joe Dispenza, is truly a game changer. It draws on the research he conducted over years at his advanced workshops, where he explored how “common” people are doing the “uncommon” to transform their lives. Becoming Supernatural couples ancient wisdom with complex scientific information, and what comes from that is nothing short of amazing. In brief, understanding that we are all energy, and how to create a generous reality by changing that energy. And much, much more about how the law of attraction works in our lives. You can get his book here!
2) The Wisdom of Sundays by Oprah Winfrey
This is a fabulous book by the always inspiring Oprah Winfrey. It’s the book version of her television show, Super Soul Sunday . In this book, she talks to different inspirational people, including some personal development leaders, innovators, visionaries, teachers, entertainment luminaries, and authors. She talks to everyone about finding purpose through mindfulness and intention and it is a must read!
3) Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging by Brene Brown
I absolutely love Brene Brown and devour everything she puts out, from her books to her Ted Talks. “True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are.” That is going to the top of my list of personal development quotes that I love. In this book, Brene discusses the spiritual crisis of disconnection we (the collective we) are in and introduces four practices of true belonging that challenge everything we believe about each other, and ourselves. Given the turbulent times in the world, fighting to stay connected and heart-centered is more important than ever. This book takes you on a journey to get there.
4) The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer
No matter how long you’ve been on a personal development journey, this book will elevate your relationship with yourself and the world by helping you discover how to put an end to habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness. Practicing mindfulness and meditation to help let go of painful memories and negative thoughts that keep us stuck, and more - this book is life-changing.
5) Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, The Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work by Steven Kotler & Jamie Wheal
Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal spent years following the trailblazers of this revolution, which challenges traditional beliefs about achievement and high performance. They followed Silicon Valley execs and Navy SEALs and maverick scientists and more to find out the shortcut they used to outperform the competition: altered states of consciousness. This revolution is now making its way into the mainstream and forcing us to rethink how we can lead more fulfilling, more productive lives. You can find it here.
6) Life on Earth - Understanding Who We Are, How We Got Here and What May Lie Ahead by Mike Dooley
With the state of the world as it is these days, many of us may ask questions such as, “How can I be happy when so many others suffer?” “Is it right to pursue my own desires when others are unable?” “How do I know what my purpose is? How do I find my purpose?” and many other questions along those lines. Mike Dooley asks these questions and actually gets them answered in a compassionate and wise manner. Written in journal form, Mike uses his wit and explorer’s spirit to get to the heart of his questions. This book is powerful, I highly encourage you to check it out.
The common theme in all of these books, and most books that I read, are about visualizing your future and then creating the life you want to live.
Now before you go, if you’re looking to make this the most incredible year you’ve ever had… with amazing health, excitement for life, and inner peace, then you have to watch this video.
During the presentation, Bob Proctor and I share the REAL secret to successful visualization. It’s a bit unusual but very practical.
If you want to understand how to REALLY get results with the Law of Attraction, then make sure you watch this video , and while you’re there, grab the $234 manifestation gift I’m giving away for free.
Do you have any favorite personal development books not on my list? Please share with the community below! Happy reading :-)