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Feeling Lost? Here are 4 Tips to Get You Back on Track With Your Passions

Do you ever feel lost and unsure of what step to take next?

Life is full of choices and, at times, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you aren't sure of what your next step should be (or even what direction to head).

It can be especially frustrating when deep down you feel a higher calling to be doing something more or helping others, but you just don't know what that is or how to figure it out.

I get this question a lot from our community, "How can I get what I want when I don't know what that is?"

Here are 4 tips for figuring out what you want and staying on the right path toward your goals:

Tip #1 Journal Your Emotions

I know I've touched on this one before, but there really is no better way to get to know yourself. Spending a little time each morning or evening going over the day's events is a great way to really get in touch with your inner self.

As you write, focus on your emotions. Remember the events of the day and write down how you felt. Move beyond the 'normal' emotional expressions and use this as an opportunity to figure out your passions.

If you aren't sure what your passions are, somewhere in your journal, keep a list of the events that most deeply stir your emotions. As your list grows, you'll begin to see common themes appear.

Tip #2 Find Ways to Give Back

Once you've discovered even one thing you're passionate about, you can begin to explore it. One of the best ways to do this is to give back by volunteering. There are countless volunteer opportunities.

Discover your passions in life by finding ways to feed your heart and soul. If you beam every morning seeing kids at the playground, maybe you'd enjoy volunteering at school events or working with underprivileged kids. Or, if you get upset by seeing someone flick a cigarette butt or toss trash out the window, you might really enjoy volunteering at adopt-a-highway or for another similar roadside cleaning group.

Volunteering gives us a chance to make a difference in an area we truly care about. The more good we are able to accomplish, the better we feel, and the more clearly we can see ourselves.

Tip #3 Enrich Your Day

Passion and work do not need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, they should go hand-in-hand. When we're passionate about work, we thrive and our work provides us with more passion. If you notice your journal lacks stirring events from your work day, there's something missing.

Take a step back and try to think of things you feel would enrich your work day. Or even if you don't work, think of things that would make your day more fulfilling. It could be something as simple as organizing a weekly "lunchtime fun-time" where co-workers or your circle of friends can come together to chat about current events, shared interests or to simply catch up!

We all have 'things we have to do' everyday, but by no means is your day required to be drab. Even if you already spend your days doing things you love, there's always room to inject a little more zest into the day!

Tip #4 Talk to a Coach

After doing some soul searching, if you're still unsure, it might be helpful to talk to someone who has experience with helping other people figure out how to live life to the fullest.

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The tips and secrets inside will help you quantum leap yourself into your dream life faster than you’ve ever imagined possible. Click here to get free access.


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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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