Today on the blog, we share a special article from guest blogger and Law of Attraction coach, Deborah D’Ippolito. Enjoy :-)
There's something beautiful about knowing you are a spirit with a body, and not the other way around. Our manifestations are emotional at first, then they become co-creations in the material realm from the actions we take and the momentum of the universe.
Inspired moments in life are from the spirit! They are from within! Our inspired actions are literally riding the metaphysical wave of our good feelings and the ideas prompted by the divine. We just have to learn to tap into them.
Here are some keys to tapping into your personal ingenuity that will stimulate your imagination and shift your energy:
1. Practice radical self care
Notice how your body is feeling. Even though we're spiritual beings having a human experience, the body speaks loudly when it's tired or needs nourishment. Taking care of ourselves and feeling good must come first. What feels joyful to you? What would you love? What would you do if you were embodying high self regard? It's amazing how many times we might ignore ourselves because we may have been trained to believe that it's selfish to consider our needs first. However, if you don't put you first, the whole universe is affected because you are an integral part of it!
Included with self care is also saying "no" to what’s not in your best interest. Becoming aware of negative beliefs, self-talk, and activities that drain our energy can be extremely healing. It's not easy at first, and I know this from personal experience! But, self-awareness fuels growth and the capacity to lead ourselves with confidence. Add a regular dose of Courage and Confidence Mind Movies and you’ll be on the fast track to changing your expectations and your self image!
2. Take excursions
Day trips, holidays and time away from your home or work environment invigorates your life with a burst of fresh energy, fun and insight! Cruise ships often offer stops at various ports where you can swim with the dolphins, or go whale watching. They call these additional activities excursions . Leaving your home domain is also a confidence booster because you're meeting new people, trying things you've never done, and your mind is thinking differently. To me, getting away is magical.
3. Learn something new
When I was young, my Uncle Les used to say to me, “An education is something no one can take away from you." He said it on many occasions. Uncle Les was not educated beyond high school and he worked as a plumber. He was a precious man with piercing blue eyes and wore his overalls with suspenders to work everyday. Whenever I would go to his house during my lunch hour, I would talk about school and again he would say, “An education is something no one can ever take away from you." Family and friends may come and go, but learning is an achievement. It’s something that doesn’t just fade away. Learning has always inspired me and it's something that can shift your energy. It doesn't need to be formal education, just learning about something you enjoy does the trick!
4. Cultivate the essence of peace, joy, gratitude, love and contentment
My meditation mentor pointed out to me that we all can access the essence of our hearts desires through the practice of meditation. In particular, it's a shortcut to alignment and harnessing higher vibrational states of being. Prayer, meditation and time with unconditionally loving people, places or animals support all of us in cultivating inspired states .
5. Make your inspired moments your business with your creator
This protects your energy. You need not involve others in your co-creative moments because you are enough and often others’ opinions spoil the purity of our connection with the divine by introducing a third party that need not be there. Inspiration happens for all us naturally when we're in the flow, so it's a good practice to get used to patting yourself on the back and fully claiming the beauty of your own personal power!
Whether it's great music, food, nature, projects or people, follow YOUR muse, and as you take the leap, watch your dreams take flight!