Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t manage to maintain a positive perspective?
I’ve definitely had one of those!
And when this happens, I know it’s time to take my pup Bella for a walk around the marina…
Because being in contact with nature and contemplating the ocean is my source of peace and it grounds me immediately. I find myself instantly thankful to be surrounded by this beauty with the comfort of my puppy.
But during those dark times, I can understand how it may be easy to lose sight of these things for which we’re grateful for.
One of the best ways to triumph through these times is by having a gratitude ritual.
Do you have a go-to gratitude ritual?
I asked this same question to 5 of the world’s top personal growth leaders and this is how they accomplish being grateful at all times:
Jack Canfield
"I begin my day with a 5-minute Rampage of Appreciation as taught by Esther and Jerry Hicks after I meditate.
I walk through my home and appreciate everything I see, the carpeting, indoor plumbing, my wife Inga, my stepdaughter Riley, my dog and cat, the refrigerator, the food in it, the stove, the dining room table, my computers, my nice house, my television sets, the air conditioning unit, my Koi pond and the Koi in it, my barbecue, the swimming pool, my art, and so on—everything I lay my eyes on. It’s a very moving experience.
I also make a commitment to appreciate a minimum of 5 people a day for some contribution they have made to my life - family members, staff and students. This can be verbal or written.
I also end the day with what I call The Mirror Exercise , in which I look into the mirror and appreciate myself out loud for any achievements accomplished that day, any disciplines kept (like meditation, reading, exercise and eating healthy), and any temptations (like dessert or staying up late playing online games) that I didn’t succumb to. 'Jack, I want to appreciate you for…' I always end with 'I love you.'"
For more info on Jack Canfield, click here...
John Assaraf
"My practice as soon as I wake up is a 'Thank you GOD' for waking me up and giving me another day to be alive . And then a few questions :
What am I grateful for? Or questions about my health, wealth, relationships, business and life… I answer these as I smile."
For more info on John Assaraf, click here...
Jennifer McLean
"I often start with doing something that is more unwinding and healing first so that I can release the tension, release the judgements and my beliefs, and then I have a clear path into gratitude.
For me, sometimes gratitude is not an instant thing. For me it’s a little more fake-it-till-you-make-it. I usually do hoÊ»oponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) first.
So every morning and every night before bed, I do about 10 minutes of hoÊ»oponopono, where I’m doing a prayer of self-forgiveness essentially.
And then I get to really have tremendous perspective in that moment, because to me I do a spontaneous transformation version of hoÊ»oponopono, where I have a conversation with these parts of myself that were hurt. And so I get to say, 'I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.'
And I’m sorry to the part of you that was hurt that created coping mechanisms that had to show up in the world to protect myself.
And please forgive me for those who I hurt by expressing those coping mechanisms. And then I get to a point where I can actually love myself, have compassion for myself, and then I have gratitude.
The prayer is: I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you."
For more info on Jennifer McLean, click here...
Christy Whitman
"Some people say, 'List all the things you’re grateful for.' But I like to go deep with one . So I’ll take one thing and I’ll think about the reasons why .
Because when you start getting into the reasons why , that really vibrates; it starts the vibration and the Law of Attraction raises this vibration.
So when I can think of 'I love my husband' - that’s a thought. But then I think about, 'He’s such a wonderful dad, and the way he sees me and supports me, and he’s so open, and he’s got this beautiful heart' - that brings up tears to me. Because now I’m feeling the gratitude. So that’s always my practice."
For more info on Christy Whitman, click here...
Mike Dooley
"When I feel stressed or particularly burdened by a task, challenge or opportunity, I remind myself that, 'I don’t have to do it…. I get to do it.'
Everything before us is a fleeting gift that will enable us be greater than we were before it arose."
For more info on Mike Dooley, click here...
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