Do you feel like you're squeezing the maximum amount of joy out of your life?
The fact is, you can attract happiness if you choose to start looking at your life from a new perspective. To help you do this, here are a few quick and easy tips you can do TODAY to be more joyful immediately:
1) Practice Gratitude
When you're feeling down and out or frustrated with something or someone, take a moment and think of one or two things that you can express gratitude toward.
If you're frustrated with your partner for example, instead of having feelings of anger, resentment and frustration towards him or her, stop for a moment and be grateful that you have a partner you get to share your life with.
Although this may not solve the issue entirely, it will instantly put you into a better state of mind, which will help to shift the conversation between you and your partner toward living in gratitude , which is a step in a positive direction.
2) Keep a Journal
Writing down 5 things that you're grateful for each day in a gratitude journal is one of the fastest, easiest ways to start experiencing more fun and fulfillment out of life, feel less stressed, and show channel inner-peace and appreciation.
These can be things as simple as having a roof over your head, food in the fridge, repeating home-hitting life quotes, or a few dollars in your wallet. But after a week so, you'll begin to start digging deeper to find new things that you're grateful for. This will help you train your mind to focus on what you have versus what's lacking, and before you know it you'll be experiencing more joy in the simple things you may not have noticed before.
3) Get Face Time with People You Love
Is there a friend or family member you adore but that you don't get to see as often as you'd like?
Technology these days is a wonderful thing - make a point to reach out and connect with him or her using FaceTime, an awesome free iPhone app that allows you to make free video calls on your mobile phone, or you can set up a free Skype video chat to get caught up with one another.
I understand that your schedule may be demanding, but if you make time to connect "face to face" with those you love, you won't regret it :)
4) Appreciate Mother Nature
We've only got one Earth and we need to enjoy it! If you're a water person, take some time to head out to the beach, lake or river to fish, sun bathe, swim or just hang out.
If you prefer being on land go for a nice walk or hike, visit a local park or even take a few days to go camping. Whatever is it, get out of the house and go outside and spend some time with mother nature.
If you take some time each day to appreciate your natural surroundings, you'll find yourself a happier, more grounded person in no time!
5) Smile & Greet
Putting a smile on your face is SUPER easy, but it's amazing how many people you see that aren't smiling. Don't be one them!
Try greeting others with a smile and a good morning, g'day or hello! It's fast, easy and costs you nothing, and it will naturally evoke more joy into your life, giving you even more reasons to smile.
6) Meditate
Meditation can bring you the most calming realizations and helps you manifest your best life. Meditation allows you to sit down and really focus on all that you are grateful for, and everything you wish to achieve in the future. After meditating regularly, you will notice that you feel less stressed and significantly more joyful.
I hope you try one if not all of these tips on how to be happier so you can start finding more joy in the small, simple things in life. If you have something you want to add, please comment in the box below, or if you tried one of these tips and it's helped you please share in the comments below :-)
And before I go, if you really want to learn how to channel more joy and happiness into your life, I urge you to check out one of my most popular and life-changing systems called: Rich With Gratitude.
The Rich With Gratitude system has been designed to effortlessly retune your mind to the frequency of gratitude. This 3-part system is jam-packed with our most powerful tools and technologies for shifting you into an unbreakable gratitude mindset. Check it out now!