Do what you love, and love what you do… sounds simple enough, right?
It seems like it should be intuitive, but sadly, for a lot of us, it can be a real struggle. To become happier, it’s important to be strongly connected with doing activities you enjoy. The more you do things you like or love, the more fulfilled you'll be, instead of living with regrets.
I often get asked about how to turn passions into careers. Here are 3 tips I've learned for doing just that:
Tip #1: Follow your passion & talent
First, know that you don't have to identify your top passion and talent. It's okay to have several, in fact most people do - and that's a great thing! Sometimes, trying to sum up everything you love and want to be a part of your life into one answer can be overwhelming. It's the reason why some of us put off identifying our true passions at all. If you don't know what you're passionate about, what you love, or what your core values are, you'll aimlessly wander and most likely not follow your dreams.
Write down your passions and talents. Regularly revisit them to remind yourself of what's important to you. You'll also be channeling the Law of Attraction by reminding yourself of all the things you truly want from the Universe. Think about your list before making decisions and you'll be taking the right steps toward doing what you love.
Tip #2: Figure out how you can use your passions & talents to help others
Combining your passions with your talents will get you that much closer to doing work you love full-time. But, I also believe the true key to being successful is figuring out how you can help other people by using this positivity. Really, serving others is incredibly fulfilling, and the joy I've found in my life came when I figured out how to do this for a living.
Now, I understand that not everyone is ready to take the leap right away. And, it's natural to keep your 9-5 job while figuring out your passions and talents to move toward your goals. Finding an outlet for what you enjoy by working on the side or volunteering is a great idea, at least until you figure out how to find passion in what you do full time.
Tip #3: Be confident in yourself & have faith
Start using visualization and the Law of Attraction to attract the things you want into your life. By being confident in yourself and your abilities and keeping the faith that the Universe will deliver the right opportunities and people to you, your dreams will become reality. Only then will you realize you love what you do, but you’ll also achieve pure bliss and become happier.
If you’re still having a difficult time figuring out how to love what you do:
Try this exercise , and in just 13 minutes, you’ll know the REAL reason you sabotage yourself and what to do about it.
On the same page, you’ll also receive a free mini eBook PDF containing my 7 personal favorite morning success rituals for peak performance throughout the day.
Go here to download your free copy, and prepare to become the most productive version of yourself!
And, since you’re already thinking about it - share! Spread the love and positivity by answering some questions for the community! What are your passions? Have you been trying to start your own passion-based freedom business? Share your comments below!