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Are you ready to step into the Vortex and manifest your desires faster than ever before? In case you’re new to the term "vortex"... it basically means finding a way to feel good . Because when you feel good about something, you're in the Vortex.

You can tell if you're in the Vortex by listening to your emotions —the worse you feel about something, the clearer the sign that you're out of the Vortex.

In other words, it’s an analogy that Abraham Hicks created to help us visualize a place where all our manifestations are first created vibrationally before we can see, smell, taste, or touch them in this physical, three-dimensional world.

Because, as the Universe would have it, when you ask it is given . Meaning, when you want something, you automatically think it into existence and it becomes real (energetically).

So even though you can't see it (yet) in "real life", it does indeed already exist as a vibrational reality, as a possibility in the quantum field.

When you "get into the vortex" you are simply coming into alignment with your highest self and becoming a vibrational match to everything you have already asked for.

This is why the concept of the vortex is so important. In order to manifest all your heart desires, you gotta get in the vortex, your vortex! The energetic place where everything you've ever wanted already exists.

Manifest Fast

Without being in the vortex, which is vibrating at a higher state or feeling really good (a majority of the time, at least) it will be hard for you to realize your manifestations, which have already manifested there, so to speak.

Ready to experience the vortex right now?

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help get into the Vortex quickly:

  1. What am I grateful for right now?

  2. What makes me feel happy and content?

  3. What are some positive aspects of my current situation?

  4. What recent successes or achievements can I celebrate?

  5. What do I love most about myself?

  6. Who are the people in my life that bring me joy and support?

  7. What activities or hobbies make me feel excited and energized?

  8. How can I be kind and compassionate to myself today?

  9. What future experiences am I looking forward to?

  10. What’s one small thing I can do right now to feel better?

The thing is, you usually trust what you can see and touch with your five senses.

However, your emotions, which are less noticed, are just as important, if not more so. This is why asking yourself these questions as part of your daily rituals for success is crucial to getting into the right mindset.

Here are 5 simple ways you can get into the Vortex:

Clarity of Desire

The first step in harnessing the power of the Vortex is to be crystal clear about what you want. Vague or conflicting desires can create mixed vibrations, hindering the manifestation process. Take time to define your goals in detail, visualize them vividly, and feel the emotions associated with achieving them.

Raise Your Vibration

To enter the Vortex, you need to match its high-frequency vibrations . Engage in activities that make you feel joyful, grateful, and excited. This could be anything from spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, meditating, or engaging in hobbies that you love. The more you elevate your emotional state, the closer you get to the Vortex.

Let Go of Resistance

Resistance is any negative thought, doubt, or fear that contradicts your desires. It's crucial to recognize and release these limiting beliefs. Affirmations, positive self-talk, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are powerful tools to clear resistance and keep your focus on what you want to manifest.

Align with the Present Moment

The Vortex exists in the present moment, not in the past or future. Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and fully present. When you're mindful, you're more attuned to the subtle energies around you and can better align with the Vortex.

Trust the Process

Trust that the universe is working in your favor. Have faith that your desires are already in the Vortex, waiting for you to align with them. Patience and trust are vital components of fast manifestation. When you let go of control and surrender to the flow, you allow the Vortex to bring your desires into your physical reality.

Use Your Imagination

Imagination plays a crucial role in this process. We often think of imagination as making something up, but it truly means 'Image in Motion.'

By visualizing what we desire, we initiate the process of bringing it into reality. Imagination is the language of energy, setting the universe into motion.

So instead of trying to get into the Vortex, a more powerful approach is to allow your Energy Field to BE the Vortex. Practices like meditation, energy expansion, and cultivating a state of love for yourself and others create a more powerful energetic vibration.

When you build this energy within and around you, you create a Vortex that attracts what you desire.

And remember… Don't try to control the process. Simply take steps in the right direction and be prepared to be amazed when it happens!

Now, speaking of using your imagination. Can you imagine if you woke up tomorrow:

  • With limitless creative power, and channeling brilliant ideas, solutions, and visions far beyond the average person.

  • With dramatically heightened intuition, giving you an uncanny instinct for making accurate decisions and seeing what others can't.

  • With a level of spiritual clarity that elevates your connection to yourself, your purpose, and the very fabric of reality itself.

But what if you didn’t have to wait until tomorrow?

What if that happened right at this moment?!

If you’re curious to uncover how to get into FLOW and get in touch with your fullest power of creation, then make sure to go here now , and let me know in the comments what you think!

Daily Flow System

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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