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How To Let Go Of The Past & Open Yourself Up To Endless Possibilities

Is there an event or decision in your past that you regret or feel guilty about?

Do you often reflect on your life, wishing you could go back in time and do things differently?

Many of us beat ourselves up over things that occurred in the past - with feelings of guilt, unworthiness and self-judgment (most of the time this is subconscious behavior)...

And these underlying, negative thought patterns can cause us to self-sabotage our future prosperity, health and happiness without us even consciously realizing it.

You see, if we continually dwell on circumstances that seem unfair, tell ourselves the same limiting stories and mentally revisit the same pain...

...we allow our feelings and beliefs about the past to limit our happiness in the present and to hinder our success in the future.

The good news is, we CAN change how we interpret the past, how we view ourselves and how we live today.

The next time you find yourself clinging to regret or living in the past, try these 3 powerful steps to help release it and step into the now.

1. Become still

Stillness and silence can feel scary if you want to avoid thinking about a situation. But it's only when facing the emotions that we're able to work through them and let them go.

Sit with yourself, focus on your breathing and try to observe your past from a different perspective. In time, you'll become more skilled at observing your life instead of anxiously obsessing over it. You'll also start to notice which beliefs and thoughts lead to guilt or regret. And then, from a calm place of stillness, you can choose to focus your attention elsewhere.

2. Write it out

I love jotting down my thoughts and feelings, especially when they seem overwhelming. Allow yourself to write down everything that you're feeling on paper and then take time to read it back. Look at what you wrote and ask yourself if holding on to these emotions is serving any purpose or only hurting you.

Be really honest with yourself about why you're still holding onto these negative thought patterns and make a decision to release them from your being.

Then start writing down some new goals, affirmations and thoughts that you can focus on instead and make time each day to practice them.

3. Try Meditation

If you want to get to the core of your subconscious mind and rewrite the emotions and beliefs that are chaining you to the past - meditation is one of the fastest & easiest ways to do so.

Meditation allows you to effortlessly release negative thought patterns and to then 'install' good habits, positive thoughts and uplifting beliefs in their place.

Once you release the thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors that are holding you back, you'll automatically open yourself up to tons of new possibilities - new relationships, exciting work opportunities, and even increased prosperity.

In fact, if prosperity is something you're looking for right now, I have a free meditation gift to share with you that I just know you're going to love :-)

Attract more prosperity & abundance, starting today! <— Check it out here!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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