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Do you feel like you’re living your life to the fullest? Or do you feel like you’re just going through the motions to get by?

When we’re young, each day brings a new adventure equipped with renewed energy and excitement. We usually feel like the world is our oyster and anything is possible.

But as we grow older, we can become jaded from previous life experiences and that excitement we felt in our younger days fades like an old pair of blue jeans.

To live a life with no regrets, it's important to check in with yourself as you navigate through the different stages of life, and to make sure you’re focusing on the people and experiences that give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

If you want to live an inspired life - one that will leave you with no regrets, remember these 5 tips of wisdom:

1) Don't Work Too Hard

We all need to "survive," but remember that there's more to life than deadlines, paychecks and the daily grind. Try to infuse joy into your work. You can have meaningful relationships with your co-workers, appreciate the life lessons you're gaining from your work and learn new things from people you meet through work. You're working to live, not living to work.

2) Live a Life True to Yourself...

...And not one that society expects. Oftentimes, we get so caught up in being the type of person society says we should be, that we lose our true self. We can get into a habit of trying to do the "right thing" that we aren't doing "our thing."

Make sure to follow your calling whatever that may be, and live a life true to yourself and I promise you won't regret it. It's like Joseph Campbell says, "Follow your bliss."

3) Nourish Your Relationships

Life happens and friends you gain along the way, you might lose touch with. While this is common, try to make it a habit to nourish the relationships in your life, and keep in touch with the people you care about. As we grow older it becomes more difficult to stay in touch, but with modern technology it can also be so easy. Drop an email to an old friend, set up a time to chat on Skype or if possible, meet up face to face.

Spending time with an old friend will make you feel good, and you will be able to look back and remember all the fond times with them.

4) Forgive & Forget

Holding grudges never did anyone any good. It's important to cultivate the power to forgive others, and forget about their wrongdoings. Holding a grudge is like saving a bunch of negative energy inside of yourself and letting a dark cloud follow you around. And when you're looking back on your life, you want to remember the good things, not the bad. So forgive and forget those that have wronged you in the past.

It's like Gandhi says, "Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong."

5) Make a Choice to be Happy

Many years ago, after watching ‘The Secret’ for the first time, I had a realization that some of my thoughts were sabotaging the happiness I desired. In that moment, I made a conscious decision to shift my attitude towards positivity whenever I could. It may sound simple, but actively choosing to be happy allowed me to see the joy that was already around me and opened me up to even more positivity.

With each passing hour our life is getting shorter, make every day count, and live your life so you look back with no regrets. We're not here for a long time, but we're here for a good time! Please share your thoughts in the comment box below :)


And if you want to take your happiness and personal growth to the next level, check out the special gift I have for you today: 3 free pre-made Mind Movies.

Mind Movies is a visualization tool so effective, that by watching one for just 3 minutes a day, you’ll be reprogramming your subconscious mind to release your mental obstacles and achieve your goals faster.

You’ll get instant access to three Mind Movies on:

1. Overcoming Procrastination: Look forward to the most productive days of your life!

2. Increased Motivation: This powerful Mind Movie helps you get your spark back and live every day with joy, passion and excitement.

3. Long-Lasting Energy: If you want to instantly transform your body into a stamina and vitality machine, then this Mind Movie was made for you!

Get them here for free!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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