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Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to attract wealth so easily no matter how the economy is doing... while others always seem to struggle just to get by?

For the most part, the reason for this isn't due to their level of intelligence, education or work ethic. It has to do with the beliefs they have inside of their subconscious mind.

Often, the beliefs you have about money and wealth that reside in your subconscious mind will either help or hinder you in your pursuit for prosperity (in ways that you may not even consciously realize).

The good news is that if you'd like to create more financial prosperity and 'master the game of wealth', you can reprogram your subconscious mind to assist you.

Here are 3 steps that will help you do just that:

Tip #1: Understand that money is "neutral”.

We often project our emotions and beliefs onto money. But the fact is that money is neither good nor bad. It's merely a form of neutral energy that you exchange for things that you need or desire.

The first step to attracting more money is to stop criticizing it. Understanding that it's neutral on it's own will allow you to shift yourself into a higher vibration, which will help put you on the path to increased prosperity.

Since money is simply an exchange of energy, instead of worrying and feeling anxious when paying bills or purchasing things, be grateful that you have the money to do this . By paying your electric bill, you are able to have light. By paying your car insurance, you are able to travel to new places and see friends. By paying your rent or mortgage, you are able to create a comfy, welcoming home for yourself and your loved ones. And with these thoughts in mind, you will master the game of wealth!

Tip #2: Create a clear intention

Even though many people desire to have more money, on a subconscious level, they may believe that "money is the root of all evil".

But this couldn't be further from the truth.

As I said a moment ago, money is neither good or bad on it's own. It's what you choose to do with it that determines the kind of energy that you put out into the world.

If you suspect that you have a subconscious belief that money is somehow bad, to help loosen it's grip, set a clear intention as to why you'd like to attract more money.

Do you intend to use money to help yourself or others? What are some specifics that you would do with this new wealth? Would you travel to an exotic destination with a friend who could use a vacation? Would you help your family with some of their bills? Would you donate it to your favorite charity? Be clear on what you intend, and this will continue to raise your vibration and help you manifest more money more easily.

As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity.”

Tip #3: Accept that there's nothing wrong with desiring to have more money

For some reason, a lot of people seem to experience shame around admitting that they want more money - to themselves and to others.

But as Joseph Murphy once said, "You are not here to dress in rags and go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous and successful."

There's nothing virtuous about being poor, just as there's nothing virtuous about being wealthy. Again, both are neutral.

But when you have money in the bank and you're free from financial distraction, you have the resources to help others and the freedom to spend your time giving back to your family or your community.

So again, there's nothing wrong with desiring to be wealthier and to have more money. Be honest about it, both to yourself and others, and you'll send a clear message to the Universe of what you'd like to manifest.

Oh and before I go… I have a fun and free gift for you!

In addition to putting these 3 steps into play, be sure to take this 30-second quiz, which reveals why you’re not financially free.

It’ll show you exactly what’s holding you back from creating the wealthy and prosperous life you’ve envisioned for yourself.

Take your FREE quiz and transform your life right now!

And if you have any other tips on how to master the inner game of wealth, please share them with the community below :)

Wealth & Abundance Quiz

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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Wealth & Abundance Quiz