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How to Pick Yourself Up When You've Been Knocked Down

Have you ever felt like you've lost everything and you don't know where to go or what to do with your life? 

Or worse yet, that you're in so deep and you're constantly trying to dig yourself out of a rut?

We all experience getting knocked down in life. In fact, life is about the ups and downs. The picture above says it all, without the “ups and downs”, we'd be dead...

But what's more important is how we react and respond to the ups and downs of life, because that plays the biggest role in our outlook on life and shows our true character.

Hard knocks come in all shapes and sizes, but they seem to pack a bigger punch when you feel like your chin is already pressed against the ground. Trust me, I know firsthand. My low point was not too long ago, I was in over my head financially, physically, and mentally. I was in serious credit card debt (to the tune of $120K), I struggled with weight loss, and I felt completely overwhelmed.

Thankfully, I was able to rebound from my downfalls by learning about my limiting beliefs, which had been buried deep in my subconscious for decades. Though it took some work, I came back stronger and happier than ever.

What do you do when you feel like you've lost everything? How do you start over? 

How do you pick yourself up and dust yourself off again? Here are 5 tips to help you:

1) Allow Yourself to Grieve (then move on)

When you feel like you've been dealt a rough hand, it's natural and quite common to feel hurt, depression, confusion, isolation, frustration, despair, and anger. You may have lost life as you knew it or the life you thought you'd have. But, you can take this as an opportunity to embrace a new version of a life you never would have dreamed of. A life that could be better than the one you thought you wanted.

2) Realize You're Not Alone

Though the reasons we get knocked down in life aren't all the same, we do share common threads with others. We're all different and we all experience things in our own way, but remember that there are other people in the world who have also been faced with similar situations and have been able to come back stronger from it.

This holds true in the hardest of situations: going through a painful divorce, facing a major career setback, or being kicked out of your home because the bank had to foreclose. Whatever your case may be, even though your situation is unique, know that you're not alone. Find comfort in the fact that others have rebounded and found great success after similar setbacks.

3) Reconnect with Your Passions

Often times people will identify themselves through their partner, their career, their social status, etc. When something causes those factors to change, it can be very hard to learn how to recognize yourself without that label. I still have to remind myself to take time to keep in tune with what my passions are. Sometimes deviating from who we think we are, to who we want to be, can open our eyes in new and fascinating ways and allow you to deepen your connection to yourself.

4) Be Open to New Experiences

While you're being more open with yourself, also be open to new experiences that will enrich you as a person. Go out with friends to a comedy club and laugh a little (or a lot). Laughter has been proven to help lift your spirits. Share a meal and spend some quality time with people you love. Enjoy a hike in nature to reconnect with mother earth and your inner-self. So get out there and try something new :-)

5) Love Yourself Regardless of the Situation

This is the most important thing: Love yourself regardless of the situation. Don't lose your confidence just because you've taken a blow. We can be our own harshest critics and it's easy to get into a cycle of self-loathing if we're not careful.

No matter what's going on, we need to remember to take care of yourself (mind and body). It's important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and remember that you are worthy of everything you want.

Whatever hard times you find yourself going through, realize that you still have a purpose and value!

What experiences have you rebounded from? What tips or tricks did you learn along the way? Share your comments below! :)

Now before I go, if you need some more motivation to pick yourself up from hard times, I have a special treat for you!

It’s a FREE 13-minute exercise that reveals why you sabotage yourself and what to do about it. Plus, I’ll even throw in a free copy of my “7 Morning Rituals For Success” - guaranteed to put a little pep in your step! ;-)

Grab it right here, and enjoy!

success pdf

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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