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Today on the blog, we share an inspiring guest post by life coach, author and speaker, Sean McCool. Enjoy :-)

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I’ve known it since 4th grade. What I didn’t know is exactly what that looked like for me. And yet, despite having run in over thirteen different directions, that dream never died.

And here’s the crazy-cool part: Everything I’ve done is now a vital part of making my coaching business work. Everything I’ve done and haven’t done allows me to be who I am right now, in this very moment. As Darius Rucker says in his hit song, This :

“Every chance I did or I didn't take
All the nights I went too far
All the girls that broke my heart
All the doors that I had to close
All the things I knew but I didn't know
Thank God for all I missed
Cause it led me here to

In other words, I’ve been making my dreams come true all along! And I’d invite you to consider, so have you. So let me ask you…

What dreams would you pursue if you knew it was impossible for you to fail? More specifically, what dreams would you re-ignite if you knew, this time, you would not fail?

I ask because I firmly believe you are exactly where you need to be right now to make your biggest, most important dreams come to fruition. And as we wind down 2017, I’m willing to bet there are some dreams in an area of your life that didn’t come through this year like you thought they would. And that’s ok.

However, before you throw in the towel on those dreams — or choose new ones for 2018 — I invite you to take another look at those old dreams.


Because I’ve discovered in my own life that those nagging dreams that come up again and again are the ones that WILL happen precisely because you can’t shake them. And, just like I was, you’re probably a lot closer to them than you realize. Let me explain…

It All Comes Down To Perspective!

Much of the battle for your dreams is fought in the mind, which is why it's so important to believe in yourself and your abilities. In order to make consistent progress towards your dreams, you must believe that success is yours for the taking if you take action and acknowledge the actions you’ve already taken.

Let me say that last part again…

“… and acknowledge the actions you’ve already taken.”

This last idea is something very few people talk about. But I’ve found most of us are way too hard on ourselves and we overlook much of the success we’ve already achieved. You see, I’ve discovered in my life and in the lives of my clients, that we don’t take the time to acknowledge and appreciate what we’ve already done.

So what? Why does that matter?

Because if we do not acknowledge and appreciate all we’ve done and been through, then we’re actually being very ungrateful. And being ungrateful is never the most useful frame of mind, or spirit, from which to achieve big, bold dreams.

So, to re-ignite those old dreams, start by questioning and attacking your doubts about how far you’ve already come.

Are they really true?

Are they logical?

Are you being kind to yourself or simply comparing yourself to someone else?

Most doubts are simply exaggerations based on fear. Replace them with empowering thoughts and affirmations that recognize how far you’ve come and how much you already matter. Instead of always focussing forward on what you want and don’t have yet, consider all that you’ve been through, survived and accomplished.

For instance, if you survived a divorce, bankruptcy, losing a child, the war, a dysfunctional home, disease, or even “just” kept yourself alive this long… that’s something to appreciate, acknowledge and build on.

Next, list all you’ve been through and make a note about how that’s made you stronger , more empathetic, wiser, or whatever. Be generous and kind with yourself as you do this.

Then, list all the skills and positive qualities you possess . If you can't think of any, ask your friends and family. Others often have a better perspective on your strengths than you do.

Think of the compliments you've received , write them down, and review them often to combat the fear and anxiety that falsely lead you to believe that you aren't good enough. I keep a 3-ring binder that I call my “brag book”. Any kind word, post, email, comment, I either print out or write in my binder. Then on tough days when I feel sorry for myself, I pull it out and realize just how awesome and special I really am. You could also create a file in Evernote or the notes app on your phone.

As you do the exercises above, you’ll begin to see yourself in a new, more forgiving and powerful way. You’ll begin to be grateful for ALL you’ve experienced and how you can use it as stepping stones to your biggest, boldest dreams. After all, what we appreciate, appreciates.

Now, once you’ve done the work above, list the things you want most in life.

What are your financial and career goals?

What would you like your relationships to be like?

What are your core values?

What big dream can’t you shake?

Explore yourself and find the spark of those dreams you've let burn out because you thought you weren’t making progress. Dust off those dreams and boldly continue on your journey.

You are already succeeding.

As you look back over your answers, my belief is that you’ll begin to see that you are quite literally already succeeding at moving towards your dreams. How could you not be? Even what feels like moving backwards allows for wisdom and growth. My hope then is that you will give yourself a little more credit for how far you’ve come and ride that momentum into a glorious new year!


Exciting Quiz Opportunity from Mind Movies: Everyone fears failure at one point or another. But what’s important is to acknowledge that this fear is a limiting belief holding you back from accomplishing your goals and dreams. Some limiting beliefs even begin in your childhood and stay with you for the rest of your life!

If you want to learn more, take the next step and discover amazing insights about yourself by taking this quick, easy and free Success Blocker quiz.

Take your 30 second quiz here!

After you do, you'll receive a personalized video report that identifies your #1 limiting belief and most importantly, how you can rid yourself from its influence.

Success Blocker Quiz

Sean McCool is a US ARMY Veteran, speaker, award-winning copywriter, master life coach, and best selling author. His private coaching clients include entrepreneurs, actresses, children’s book writers, franchise owners, small business owners, authors, podcast creators, and even a member of the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame. You can learn more about Sean by clicking here .

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