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How To Use The LOA to Attract The Perfect Partner in 3 Simple Steps

One of the questions I often get asked is: “Natalie, is it possible to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate?”

Even though it may be tempting to use the Law of Attraction to attract your ideal partner, remember the Law of Attraction works best when you set your intention and you trust that the universe will deliver to you what’s best for you, even though this may be different from what you want or expect.

In other words, consider focusing on ALL the things you’re looking for in your perfect partner and the Law of Attraction will do the rest!

Your perfect mate could be waiting just around the corner!

If you’re really looking for relationship advice, all you have to do is follow these 3 simple steps and align yourself with the Law of Attraction and let the universe guide you to the perfect partner:

Step 1. Shift your mindset

When you’re frustrated or desperate to find love, you’re living in a reality of scarcity, and that effectively closes the window on the abundance the universe is offering.

If this is how you’re feeling right now, the best way to get aligned with the universe is to focus on the solution (not the problem).

So focus on all the good in your life, feel the love that surrounds you and be completely grateful for all the supportive, wonderful people in your life.

Step 2. Love yourself

Here’s the thing, attracting your ideal partner is hard when deep down inside you don’t feel worthy of receiving love.

So enjoy yourself, spend time with your family and friends and do the things you love. When you’ve fallen in love with what makes you unique and wonderful, then you’ll be truly ready to receive more of what you’re feeling.

Step 3. Adopt the qualities of your ideal partner

You’ve heard the phrase “Be the change”… it’s no different when you’re trying to find the perfect partner. In order to attract your soulmate, you must first “be that person” that you want to attract.

If you want to attract a happy and loving relationship, then why wait for the perfect partner to show up in your life to experience this when you can be happy and lovable right now?

Alright, now for the clincher. If you really want to ensure you’re ready to raise your personal energetic frequency and truly attract love into your life, I have one more thing to share with you today.

It’s my 4th ( and secret! ) tip!

It’s learning how to use the Law of Attraction in the right way, not just by channeling it - but also by practicing it perfectly.

As someone who's been studying and teaching the Law for over a decade, let me assure you that there is a science behind it - and it's actually surprisingly easy to work with, once you know how.

That's why I've created the Law of Attraction 101 system (or LOA 101 as our students like to call it).

LOA 101 is an easy-to-follow 7-step process that demystifies the Law and gets it working for you - no matter what may have held you back in the past.

Try it out and let's turn you into an unstoppable force of manifesting nature :-)

Discover the 7 steps to easy breezy Law of Attraction mastery.

LOA 101

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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LOA 101