Do you have a dream that excites and inspires you... but deep down you think it's impossible to achieve?
Too often people give up on their dreams because they let fear stand in their way?
They fear they might fail, they fear they don't have what it takes to be successful or even worse, they believe at the core of their being that it's simply not possible of them to achieve.
But in reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. If you've been doubting yourself or your dreams, try implementing these 4 simple steps today :)
1- Believe in yourself. Henry Ford once said: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right." This is very true. Remember that the only limitations we have in life are the ones we put on ourselves. Once you start believing in yourself and in your ability to pursue your dreams, you'll be setting yourself up for unlimited success.
2- Be ready to invest in it. Dreams don't happen by accident, they become real when you put time, effort, discipline and sometimes money, into making them come to life.
3- Pursue your dream EVERY day. Your dream probably won't manifest in one effort, you have to continually be working toward it. Make sure you're make choices that support your dream or goal in life, even if it means sacrificing comfort or small pleasures.
4- Make it a priority. If you're like me, then you probably have a lot on your plate right now... juggling work, family and friends, all at the same time. That's why it's extremely important that your dream lights fire inside of you when you think of it, so that you actually set aside time to fulfill it and make it a top priority.
An easy way to discover where you're focusing your attention is to look at the past week and write down everything that you did.
When reviewing it, see where your dream fits into your current priorities. Is it a top priority or is it nowhere to be seen?
Remember, making your dreams a priority, should be a priority :)
And before I go, I have two great gifts for you today.
Try this exercise , and in just 13 minutes, you’ll know the REAL reason you sabotage yourself and what to do about it.
On the same page, you’ll also receive a free mini eBook PDF containing my 7 personal favorite morning success rituals for peak performance throughout the day.
Go here to download your free copy, and prepare to become the most productive version of yourself!
And if you have any other 'dream reaching' tips that have worked great for you, please comment below and share them with our community :)