Greetings Mind Movies community!
Nat here, and I don’t know about you, but whenever a new month comes along, I like to review my current habits and behaviors to make sure I’m still going about life with intention and drive. I think of it as a way for me to turn the microscope on the everyday behaviors I’m doing to make sure I’m not getting stuck in a bad habit or lingering in autopilot mode.
You see, there's a lot of intention setting that goes on at the start of a new year, but what about intention setting for other times throughout the year? Well, instead of waiting until January 1st to scramble and set new intentions every year, the start of each new month is a great time to reset and refocus.
Setting an intention is basically an act of creation, and I believe that when you're intentional and mindful about your actions, you’ll find it easier to create the life of your dreams.
So for this month, there are a few things I’m going to be trying out! These are essentially little goals and intentions I plan to use to recenter my energy, improve my habits, and make my days more fulfilling.
But the real question is, will you join me?
Well first, think about this:
Is there an intention that would make your life more joyful and more meaningful? Do you want to improve a certain area of your life, like your physical health, or your spirituality?
Well, here’s a list I’ve compiled of new things you can practice along with me this month that will boost both your physical health and mental health, so you can feel healthy, happy, and intentional in your daily life and in turn, make strides towards your more long-term goals.
Are you ready?
Daily meditation, preferably first thing in the morning
Drink one gallon of water per day
Perform a random act of kindness
Get physical exercise or move my body every day for at least 30 minutes
Take 5 minutes each morning to write in my gratitude journal
Set a screen time limit on my phone to cut down on mindless phone usage
Practice using ’No’ as a complete sentence for things that do not serve my mental health or highest good
Walk 10,000 steps every day
Drink a glass of water before every meal
Face one fear
Exchange smiles with a passerby whenever possible
Set a weekly spending budget
Drink warm water with lemon each morning to help with digestion
Commit to waking up at least 30 minutes earlier each morning to do something productive (exercise, meditation, journaling, etc.)
Read a new book
Consciously cut down on time spent complaining
Take the stairs (instead of the elevator)
Reduce or eliminate sugar intake
Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake
Reduce or eliminate dairy consumption
Stretch before bedtime
Take a break to stretch every hour of the workday
Consciously readjust and correct posture while sitting during the workday
Get 8 hours of quality sleep each night
Make at least one healthy, home-cooked meal each day
Be more generous with time (with family, friends, etc.)
Be generous with money
Express gratitude every day
Show my body love and kindness by reciting positive affirmations in the mirror
Get some sun or spend some time outdoors every day (even if only 5 minutes)
Introduce myself to someone new (in the elevator, at a store, etc.)
Keep track of daily exercise
Floss every night before bed
Go to sleep at the same time each night
So, are you up for the challenge? Well, if you are a little bit nervous, think of these new intentions as simply micro habits that will help you to keep moving toward a happier and rewarding life.
Intentions are one of the best ways to make sure you are inviting happiness, mindfulness, and positive vibes into your life. But if you’re still feeling a bit down right now, and you’re not sure why I have some good news for you! We’ve created a special quiz that can actually help you reveal your #1 hurdle when it comes to your happiness , plus help you overcome it once and for all. So you can take the free quiz right here to find out and continue making positive strides toward the most rewarding life!