Are you a person that likes to be responsible? Whether the answer is yes or no, I'm going to share something that you absolutely need to take responsibility for right now - YOUR LIFE! You, and you alone, are 100% responsible for your life and everything you find in it.
This is actually the first lesson in my recently released book Never In Your Wildest Dreams . Though the story focuses on a fictional character named Katherine Murray, it really is based on my real life experiences. It's a transformational story that will help you tap into your hidden gifts and create a life of passion, purpose, and prosperity.
You'll learn with Katherine as she uncovers the secrets to a successful life, just like I did. As the author, I wanted to take the reader on a journey that they could relate to while encouraging them to manifest their own dream life.
But, first, let's talk a little more about how to take responsibility in your own life by implementing these 3 tips:
Always remember that you have a choice in how you respond to a situation. Evaluate your choices and make one that leaves you feeling good about yourself and the journey you're on.
It's also important to recognize when something is your fault and openly acknowledge it. Don't play the blame game! It may sound simple, but it's amazing how often people blame others when things don't go the way they expect they should.
Always accept responsibility for who you are right now and understand that your current state is a result of the choices you've made (and the thoughts you've had) leading up to this point in your life. Once you begin to see the circumstances you are in as no one's fault or success but your own, you'll have made a major leap in the right direction.
Accept others for who they are and don't place your expectations on them. Release yourself from the burden of being responsible for others and you will feel more free.
Always forgive yourself when you've made a mistake. Sure, it's important to take responsibility and learn from it, but it's more important not to beat yourself up over it because that is not productive.
Forgiving others is just as important to your own happiness. Holding on to that negativity can really keep you from achieving the best version of you possible. Remember that everyone makes mistakes... forgive yourself, forgive each other, and move on.
Learn how to take 100% responsibility for your life and everything in it, as well as my other unique life lessons, along with Katherine as she embarks on her journey of self-discovery, by getting a copy of Never In Your Wildest Dreams TODAY!
But, what's unique about this book is we take it a step further by taking you behind the scenes to participate in a multimedia experience by going "Inside the Chapters".
Here you will find videos from me that offer a unique perspective to explain the life lesson Katherine is going through, how it relates to my personal experiences, and how you can put this lesson to work for you immediately to manifest your Wildest Dreams.
Get your copy by clicking here.
In celebration of my book launch and being so excited to share all of my valuable life lessons that I learned first-hand, I am also giving away $20,000 in prizes for those who get the book in the coming week - click here to see what you could win !
One of the prizes I'm so excited about is the chance to work with you one on one! You see, one lucky winner will be flown out to San Diego to experience the high life (all on my dime - yes, it's an expenses paid trip)! But, that's not all, you'll spend the day with me getting exclusive personal coaching and we'll build the blueprint to creating your ultimate life, well beyond your wildest dreams!
So, what are you waiting for? I can't wait to work with you :)
Now remember, I'm holding you responsible. What steps have you taken to recognize, accept, and forgive on your path to accepting 100% responsibility for your life? Leave me a comment in the box below.
Never in Your Wildest Dreams Life Lesson

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.
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