So you’ve probably heard that affirmations are a great LOA tool that helps you manifest your ideal future…
But have you heard of Mind Movies ?
Well, Mind Movies can be used like a visualization board, but with personalized images, affirmations, and music! They are super powerful!
There’s even a subliminal audio layer that helps your brain tap tune into the frequency of abundance.
When you watch and repeat the manifestation affirmations inside the video , you’re wiring your brain to feel those good emotions like compassion, understanding, gratitude, and love which are emotions that vibrate at a really high frequency.
These are reminders that your brain is beyond powerful and life-altering!
So go ahead and watch your 3-minute Mind Movie and let’s create your own reality now !
And if you’re interested in learning more manifestation affirmations or simply learning how to visualize effectively, then accept these 6 pre-made Mind Movies completely free ! I’ve handpicked them to enhance the most important areas of your life.