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What I'm about to say is going to offend some people.

It might anger you, set you off, or even cause you to dislike me (hopefully just momentarily)!

But I'm going to take the risk and say it anyway - because I sincerely believe countless people in our community need to hear it.

Are you still with me? Here it goes...


Here's what I mean by that:

Through the Mind Movies movement, I've worked with - either directly or indirectly - over 5.8 million people across the world, to help them overcome the obstacles holding them back from happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity.

In this time, I have been reminded, time and time again, that the vast majority of blockages and problems a human being can face… are actually wedged deep in our own minds.

The perception of insurmountable obstacles… of inescapable bad luck… or the notion of "it's me against the world" are, in the vast majority of cases, nothing more than a stubborn ILLUSION .

I have worked with depressed multi-millionaires. I have worked with overjoyed quadriplegics and stage-4 cancer patients. I have worked with broke single mothers, lonely orphans, shaken survivors of war and violence, people who had it all and lost it all, people who've never had anything, and everything in between.

I have even worked with myself to overcome the personal demons that kept me broke, unfulfilled and overworked for decades of my life.

In short, I have been blessed with the unique opportunity to connect - on an extraordinarily deep level - with people from ALL walks of life.

That's why I can so confidently say that most of us who feel stuck or unfortunate or lost are not actually battling the people around us, or the Universe, or our unlucky circumstances… but simply our own minds.

The truth is, we are our own worst enemies - and anyone who tells you otherwise is ( often innocently enough ) enabling you to continue that pattern of self-sabotage.

So today I'm taking a stand.

From this blog post onwards, when a person comes to me upset about how the world is treating them, or about the negative energy or people or circumstances surrounding them…

I'm going to command them, in no uncertain terms, to stop BLAMING others, and to look WITHIN for the answers they seek.

Am I being too harsh? Could there be a better way to do this?

I'm only human, so I won't pretend to know for certain.

But what I can say for sure is that the existing mainstream model of personal growth… the traditional paradigm of telling people that, "it's not your fault"... is BROKEN .

Let me put it this way:

My ultimate purpose of being here is not to make you feel good (not on a surface level, at least).

Nor am I here to give you false hope or sugar-coated promises.

I'm here to empower you to FIX the cracks that life itself has knocked into your foundations.

Please understand that I'm not saying you’re broken.

Because I believe you are both infinite and limitless .

I have faith in your strength.

I believe you can overcome and achieve anything you choose to focus on.

And I also believe your spirit is more than capable of handling the turbulence that comes with deep personal change (which, by the way, is the only kind of personal change ever worth triggering).

You - and I too - simply need to be reminded that there's really no such thing as "negative energy.”

There is only YOUR energy .

What kind of energy will you choose to surround yourself with?

Rant Over,

Nat “Anti-Negative Energy” Ledwell

P.S. Know what else positive energy is good for?

Harnessing the Law of Attraction and becoming a master of manifesting :-)

See, long before I created Mind Movies, I was a hardcore ‘personal development junkie’.

I’d read dozens of books, attend every seminar, and try every goal setting and positive thinking technique I could get my hands on -

Just so I could be the "best" version of myself.

But it wasn't until I discovered the Law of Attraction that my personal growth went from 'okay' to 'oh my God is this really happening to me?' .

And one of the biggest goals in my life is to share that breakthrough with as many people as I humanly can.

That's why I've created an easy-to-follow 7-step process that demystifies the Law and gets it working for you - no matter what may have held you back in the past:

Discover the 7 steps to easy breezy Law of Attraction mastery :-)

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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