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On this week’s blog, our guest Hillary Faye will share how to learn a simple yet potent healing modality for opening and activating your energy centers! Enjoy! ;-)

With all the demands of daily life, it's nearly impossible to find balance without committing time to self-care.

Self-care is now more important than ever for physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being.

Yogis have long believed that energy has power over form and form or physicality is first created on the energetic level. Caring for your energy centers with the simple repeat after me's from below offers you space to slow down, breathe, process, and digest life.

More and more people are experiencing hormonal and endocrine system imbalances and adrenal fatigue and each of the energy centers, wheels or Chakras connect to the endocrine system or nerve plexus in the physical body. To stay balanced and aligned during these intense times we need to care for our energy centers, so they can be the blueprint for our physical health.

Energy follows intention and we can balance and activate our energy centers through our intentions and beliefs.

Muladhara (Root Chakra) is located at the base of the spine and is meant to support us in being rooted and connected to the mother Earth. This base energy center is all about survival, safety, stability, and grounding. We want to ground the frequency of our root chakra to the frequency of the Earth—because the Earth Mother not only provides us a home, but she also provides for all our needs. The divine Mother manifests everything we desire but we must root before we rise so that we feel grounded, stable and safe enough to open our receptivity to her glory.

Self-care mantras for the Root Chakra place one palm on your tailbone, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my root chakra to be open and fully connected to the Earth Mother.

Despite what has happened in my past I know that I am now safe on this Earth and my root chakra is empowered by her frequency.

It is the will of my root chakra to be open and in full balance.

Count three more deep breaths and imagine a tail growing from your tailbone to the center of the Earth and repeat out loud—I now ground.

The Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) is located around your sex organ region. This chakra is associated with the element of water and when balanced helps you enjoy your sensuality, creativity, and sexuality. When not in balance you may hold on to rigid emotions or have trouble setting healthy boundaries in relationships. Once we feel safe by balancing the root chakra we move up to the sacral where we have the ability to enjoy pleasure and also utilize sensuality as powerful creation energy.

Self-care mantras for the Sacral Chakra place one palm on your pubic bone, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my sacral chakra to be open, positive and creative.

Despite any pain from my past, I know that I am now safe to enjoy life’s pleasures while also maintaining healthy boundaries.

It is the will of my sacral chakra to be open and balance my ability to feel, desire and create.

The Manipura (Navel Chakra or Solar Plexus) is located in your navel above your belly button. It is associated with the color red and the element of fire and connects with your digestive organs and adrenals. In Yogic Science the Solar Plexus chakra represents the will of the spiritual warrior and our ability to bring our creations from the Sacral chakra into manifestation within the psychical form.

When your navel chakra is in balance you can create personal power, positive self-esteem, inspiration, and good health. When not in balance you may sense that there are obstacles everywhere and you don’t have the strength or discipline to create your desires.

Self-care mantras for the Manipura Chakra place one palm above your belly button breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my Solar Plexus to be open and in balance.

Despite past disappointments, I now embody my personal power and commitment.

It is the will of my Solar Plexus to inspire self-esteem and good health.

The Anahata (Heart Chakra) is where we awaken from ME to WE. This energy center emits the bodies largest electromagnetic field and this energy field works like a magnet to call forth our heart’s desires into our lives. The heart chakra is associated with the element of air, the color green and the heart, lungs and thymus gland. Anahata represents the qualities of unconditional love and compassion when in balance.

I want you to know that there is nothing on Earth that is worth closing your heart over. All the joy and everything you desire in love comes from this energy center being open. Always think it is open, as the heart chakra and all chakras respond to your thoughts and beliefs – if you think it is closed and you check to see if it is, it probably will be. If you think it is open and you check to see if it is, it will be. Think that it's open!

Self-care mantras for the Heart Chakra place one palm over your heart, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my Heart to be open.

Despite past pain, I now hold unconditional love and compassion for myself and others.

It is the will of my heart to be open and my hearts energy holds me in a space of love.

The Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) is where we project the power of our word. When we awaken the heart chakra love flows as wisdom that we communicate through our voice. The throat chakra is associated with the color light blue, the element of ether, and the trachea and thyroid.

This is the center for truth, sharing wisdom, language and being able to consciously communicate.

Self-care mantras for the Throat Chakra place one palm over your throat, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my throat to be open.

Despite any past insecurities I now easily and consciously communicate my truth.

It is the will of my throat to be open and in balance.

The Ajna (Third-Eye Chakra) is your center for inner vision and intuition. It is with both eyes closed that we truly see through our 3rd eye center. The Ajna chakra is located in between your eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo and the pituitary gland. When in balance you understand your purpose, when this energy center is not in balance you may experience confusion and over-thinking.

Self-care mantras for the Third Eye Chakra place one palm over your brow point, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my third eye to be open and in balance.

Despite any past confusion I now understand my purpose.

It is the will of my third eye to be open and to support my whole mind in being expanding into life’s great possibilities.

The Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) is your direct connection to God, Source, Universe. It is often depicted as a thousand petal lotus and is associated with the pineal gland and color violet. The crown of your head where you connect to your higher self and when open you can receive the light and wisdom from Father Sky or Sun. When in balance this energy center represents unity and elevation. When out of balance one may sense feelings of fear, separation or grief.

Self-care mantras for the Crown Chakra place both palms by the sides of your temples, breathe deeply and repeat each line below.

It is the will of my crown chakra to be open to Source energy.

Despite any past feelings of separation, I now fully embrace my unity.

It is the will of my crown chakra to be open and to support my connection to my higher self.

Self-care truly is the way to happiness so please use the ‘repeat after me’ self-love mantras as much as needed.

And if you want to learn more powerful ways to clear your energy, soothe the effects of stress, anxiety, PMS and more then check out my Ultimate Self-Care Kit —you’ll be equipped with all my best tools and practices to love and care for yourself on all levels. You deserve it.

Special Offer From Mind Movies: Before you go, I have a special surprise for you! It’s an unbelievably accurate quiz that will reveal which one of your Chakras is blocked! If even one of your Chakras is blocked, it can negatively impact your careers, health, finances, relationships, and much more. Find out which one of your Chakras is blocked with my fun and free quiz right here!

chakra quiz

Hillary Faye’s deep purpose is to guide soulful beings just like you back into your heart and body through nourishing self-care. She helps people align with more freedom, joy, and abundance by sharing the practices of Kundalini, Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, Reiki, and Alchemy. Having worked as an international facilitator for more than a decade, Hillary has trained and certified hundreds of heart-centered yoga teachers, meditation guides, and energy healers worldwide.

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