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Sleigh Your Holiday Stress and Rediscover the Joy

When you think about the Holidays... What comes to your mind?

Is it the whirlwind of stressful shopping and a calendar packed with social obligations?

Or perhaps the image of snug winter days, inviting you to unwind in the warm embrace of your cherished ones?

The truth is… I’ve been on the whirlwind December ride more times than I can count…

But guess what?

I've stumbled upon a little secret that lets me wind down the year gracefully and truly relish life during this festive season.

And let me tell you, it's all about creating some much-needed space and wholeheartedly embracing the art of slowing down. Here’s how to sleigh your holiday stress and rediscover the joy!

1. Craft Your Space: Our days are usually filled to the brim, with work tasks, emails, social media, and a constant stream of messages. To truly savor the holidays, we must intentionally create space.

Set aside an entire day or weekend to detach from your devices. Establish a work cut-off time in the late afternoon or early evening. Schedule breaks for rest, leisurely walks, and moments of mindfulness. Whether it's a cup of tea, a meal, meditation, or journaling, make room for what calls to your heart.

2. Embrace Slow Days: Do you ever wonder… What it would be like to do everything a bit more slowly, instead of rushing through it all?

Celebrate slow meals, leisurely days filled with reading, unhurried mornings and evenings, and the art of slow cooking or cleaning.

Picture it as an intentional and conscious approach to your activities. Spend quality time with loved ones without the distractions of technology, savoring the moments you share.

3. Do Less: This year… Why not consider simplifying your holiday celebrations? If your goal is to infuse your holiday season with less stress and more serenity, then embracing a slower pace is the way to go.

Start by honing in on the activities that truly bring you joy. Is decking the halls your thing? Make time for it! But if it doesn't top your list, keep it straightforward and focus on your favorite decorations.

Another smart move is to decide upfront how many events and gatherings you genuinely want to commit to. And once you've hit your limit, don't hesitate to say no to additional invitations.

Remember it's YOUR holiday season, and you get to decide how to make it the most meaningful and enjoyable for you.

4. Reassess gift-giving: Do you ever find yourself truly loving and using most of the Christmas gifts you receive each year? Unfortunately, for many people, the answer is no. It's all too common to unwrap presents that don't quite align with their wants or needs.

What often happens next is that these gifts end up collecting dust on shelves or in closets. Why? Because there's often a sense of guilt associated with giving away presents that were given with good intentions, even if they aren't serving a purpose.

The good news is, there are better ways to approach gift-giving during the holiday season.

One approach is to reflect on whether you truly need to buy gifts for everyone on your list. Having open and honest conversations with friends and family members about changing gift-giving traditions can be a refreshing and welcomed relief for all parties involved.

5. Savor the Spacious Moments: Whenever you find a precious moment of space, savor it fully. Discover the delight in nature, the tranquility of a quiet morning spent with a good book, a luxurious 20-minute meditation, or even a leisurely nap.

If, like me, you cherish your Christmas traditions, it's a good idea to take a fresh look at them this year. Consider keeping those traditions that hold a special place in your family's heart, and be open to letting go of those that no longer resonate.

Remember, just because you've done something repeatedly in the past doesn't mean it has to be etched in stone as a forever tradition. You have the power to make changes that align with your desire for a slower, more peaceful holiday season. Embrace the freedom to shape your traditions in a way that brings you the most joy and serenity.

6. Create Simple Rituals: Incorporate small rituals into your daily routine to help you slow down, be intentional, and relish the present moment.

Whether it's a morning reading or journaling session, a bit of meditation or yoga, or a daily stroll, these rituals can help you stay aligned with your intentions.

7. Reflect and be thankful: Dedicate some quiet time each day or week for reflection. Contemplate how the year has unfolded, acknowledging your triumphs and lessons. Explore what's been on your mind lately and the wisdom you can gather from it. Ponder your aspirations and your role in manifesting them. Meditate on your deepest passions, values, and the things you're most thankful for.

Now, remember you don't have to tackle all of these suggestions – a long to-do list doesn't quite align with the concept of Slow Holidays!

But I hope these ideas inspire you to create a more intentional holiday season and I hope this super cool system helps you remove stress, self-doubt, and overwhelm from your mind.

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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