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“Think of it this way: The Input remains the same, so the output has to remain the same. How, then, can you ever create anything new?”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza

Researcher, international lecturer, and my good friend, Dr. Joe Dispenza, believes nothing in your life will change if you don’t break the habit of being yourself.

And I couldn’t agree more!

You see, we can’t expect new outcomes in our lives if we don’t change anything - and that’s why personal development leaders like Dr. Joe and myself teach people to first change their inner world of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, in order to create an improved state of well-being.

Haven spoke at over 32 countries, Dr. Joe is driven by the conviction that everyone has unlimited potential to live out their greatest lives. In addition to offering a variety of online courses and webinars, Dr. Joe holds Advanced Workshops in the U.S. and abroad, teaching people to rewire and recondition their brains for lasting positive changes. And I personally just came back from an incredible week-long workshop in Cancun, Mexico!

From deep meditations and immersive lectures - to rock climbing and lots of dancing - this workshop is designed to challenge you to master your energy, your environment, and your destiny.


Enjoying Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advanced workshop in Cancun!


And the absolute best part of these workshops - besides showing off my dance moves of course ;-) is that Mind Movies plays a large role in the attendees’ experience! Since 2014, Mind Movies’ technology has been used during Dr. Joe’s Advanced Workshops to help people manifest their ideal life at a rapid rate. My team and I host live onsite Mind Movies workshops at each event to help people create their perfect Mind Movie, and then inside some of the meditations, Dr. Joe asks attendees to watch their Mind Movie - which deeply embeds their dreams and desires directly into their subconscious mind. And let me tell you, it’s a powerful process!

If you’re not familiar with Mind Movies , it’s our fun and simple technology which allows people to create, share, visualize and materialize their ultimate dream life! A digital vision board of sorts, Mind Movies are short, powerful movies filled with affirmations, uplifting images or videos, and inspiring music that you choose and then watch for just a few minutes a day. Combining Dr. Joe’s teachings with Mind Movies only enhances and advances attendees ability to change their lives for the better. And it’s a privilege to be a part of it.

I personally have witnessed students perform miraculous changes and powerful, life-altering transformations in just a few short days. Fun group activities, entertaining evening gatherings, and mysterious adventures into the unknown facilitate the group in building a stronger community while encouraging each participant to become their best self.

Here’s what some of the attendees are saying about their experience of using Mind Movies at the event:


Njemile’s testimony:


Oliver’s testimony:


Denise’s testimony:


See for yourself and make your own Mind Movie right here!

I simply cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity to contribute to Dr. Joe’s Advanced Workshops and highly recommend you look into experiencing one for yourself. (Psst - the next one is in September in Toronto, Canada!)

And speaking of being grateful, since I am so incredibly thankful for you and the entire Mind Movies community, I have a little gift for you:

It’s my incredibly popular Rich With Gratitude System ! This system is packed with our most powerful tools and technologies for shifting into an unbreakable gratitude mindset - every minute of every day.

Countless studies have proven the incredible effects of expressing gratitude daily - from your health, quality of sleep, to your career, finances, and even to your relationships. And if you order today , you’ll receive a gratitude offering from me - a FREE copy of the Rich With Gratitude System to give to a loved one.

So go ahead and start living your best life today!

Until next time :-)


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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