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What does it mean to have spiritual wellness? How does one attain it? For many, spirituality is sometimes hard to define. We can’t touch it or hold it, and sometimes it just doesn’t seem tangible.

However, those of you who know me well know the importance I place on nurturing our spiritual wellbeing. The path to spiritual wellness can involve many things; from meditation and prayer to affirmations and yoga.

Whether we’re trying to get in shape, achieve our goals, or even foster better relationships with ourselves and others, blogs that focus on these personal development topics have the power to motivate and inspire us.

My favorite blogs to follow have developed and changed with time. But some blogs out there provide extremely useful, timeless material that I just can’t get enough of.

Below is a look at five spiritual advice blogs I follow on a weekly basis – and you should too!

1. Tiny Buddha

Filled with simple readings, tips, and enjoyable topics, Tiny Buddha is my go-to for quick, meaningful advice. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be interested in Buddhism to love and appreciate this blog. Happiness, love, meditation, mindfulness, and self-care are just a few of the many topics I follow on Tiny Buddha and recommend you do the same!

2. The Master Shift

I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of meditation for your spiritual wellbeing. THE MASTER SHIFT is a powerful blog that’s main focus is practicing regular meditation for a more purposeful being. This blog crafts new and engaging content around global meditations meant to raise your vibrational energy and clear your mind. There are even volunteer opportunities and ways to build your network of people in the personal development industry!

3. Change Your Energy

This blog focuses on spiritual healing and self development. Packed full of advice, spiritual guidance, and inspiration, it’s no wonder this blog is followed by so many.

ChangeYourEnergy dives deep into topics like befriending yourself and boldly accepting and embracing challenges. It discusses ways to learn how to use your energy in a more positive way, creating the life you have always wanted.

4. Zen Habits

Every month, over one million people visit the Zen Habits blog - and I’m definitely one of them! Similar to the Mind Movies community, the founder of Zen Habits is a big proponent of developing healthy and productive habits to raise your daily vibrations.

Committing to practicing daily habits can be challenging. We are all busy and sometimes staying motivated or even getting started can seem burdensome. Luckily for us, the founder of this blog shares his key secrets to building healthy habits and rituals all for free, so we can learn to lead a life of happiness and prosperity as well!

5. Reach Your Greatest Potential

Run by Marie Forleo, this blog has quickly become one of my favorites to follow. Picked by Oprah as a thought leader and owner of one of Inc’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie has become a leader in the personal development industry. She tends to write about inspiration, life goals, overcoming challenges, fear and limiting beliefs. Check out some of her articles and I bet you will instantly find yourself motivated and inspired to change yourself and change the world!

Are there any spirituality blogs you follow that aren’t on my list? Share in the comments below!

And before you go, I have a very valuable gift for you that will help you discover your path to spiritual wellbeing: 3 free pre-made Mind Movies.

Mind Movies is a visualization tool so effective, that by watching one for just 3 minutes a day, you’ll be reprogramming your subconscious mind to release your mental obstacles and achieve your goals faster.

You’ll get instant access to three Mind Movies on:

1. Overcoming Procrastination: Look forward to the most productive days of your life!

2. Increased Motivation: This powerful Mind Movie helps you get your spark back and live every day with joy, passion and excitement.

3. Long Lasting Energy: If you want to instantly transform your body into a stamina and vitality machine, then this Mind Movie was made for you!

Get them here for free!

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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