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Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, physician, author, researcher, and speaker, says that we all need seven different types of rest to recharge.

She explains in her book Sacred Rest that many humans are lacking sufficient rest in different areas of their lives. And she explains that this is not only the leading contributor to exhaustion but also the reason why many people lack fulfillment in life.

Okay, so you’re probably wondering, isn’t a good night’s sleep of at least eight hours all we need to feel well-rested?

Man Sleeping

Well, in short, yes.

But in reality, we need rest in many different areas to fully feel like ourselves every day.

The 7 types of rest you need are:

Mental rest
Sensory rest
Creative rest
Emotional rest
Social rest
Spiritual rest
Physical rest

Okay, let me break it down a bit:

Mental rest

Think about all that your brain does during the day – the reading, the decision-making, the analyzing, and so much more. Not to mention all of the thoughts that go through our heads and even the mental chatter we hear when we’re feeling worried or anxious.

So it’s safe to say that our brains could use a little rest here and there. Mental rest is how we give our brains a much-needed break from all the work it does. Something as simple as a brain dump or writing down all of the thoughts going through your head is highly effective for purging all that consumes our minds for the breathing room it needs to perform at its best.

Sensory rest

Sensory rest is when we detach or unplug from the things that stimulate us externally. From television to news to social media, there are all kinds of external stimuli that can secretly sabotage our quality of life.

Consider silencing notifications, finding some alone or quiet time, or even going to bed a little early simply to bask in the soothing silence before you fall asleep. Taking a break from all that consumes our senses throughout the day can do wonders for our overall health.

Creative rest

Creative rest isn’t just for creative people. We all have creativity within us that’s used in different ways, other than just being artistic, for example. When you're on a creative kick, it can sometimes be hard to stop down completely, but giving yourself a rest from constantly cranking out new ideas actually does more good than harm.

Creative rest is when you allow outside creativity inward  – like going on a nature walk or spending a day at the museum, or listening to a live orchestra. You are allowing yourself to absorb what surrounds you to then use as inspiration for yourself in the future.

Emotional rest

Processing your emotions can be hard in general. And this can be even harder to do without proper rest. So taking an emotional rest allows you to show up more as your authentic self, where purpose, passion, and vulnerability are at the forefront.

Whether that’s leaning on a friend, mentor, or counselor, emotional rest comes from being able to freely express yourself rather than bottle up your emotions, which can often do more harm than good.

Social rest

Ever feel completely drained after socializing? Well, taking a social rest by spending time by yourself provides you with the reset you just may need to always show up as your best self, especially around others.

Take inventory of certain people or relationships or conversations that seem to soak up all of your energy and determine whether you’re feeling spread too thin. Make sure that the exchange of energy is a two-way street for both parties, where you’re not feeling depleted of the energy you do have.

Spiritual rest

Meditation, breath-work, and prayer are only a few of the many ways you can give yourself spiritual rest. Harnessing that feeling of inner-connectedness can help nurture an often much-needed sense of feeling like you belong.

This may look different based on your beliefs, but leaning into the people or groups where you feel embraced and accepted can help support spiritual rest.

Physical rest

Physical rest can show up in two different forms: passive and active. Passive physical rest is when we sleep. Sleeping provides your body with the internal reset it needs every night to make sure you wake up feeling clear-headed and energized.

While active physical rest is more restorative. So partaking in activities like stretching, yoga, and even massages can help to improve things like blood flow and muscle relaxation to make sure we’re feeling good when we’re not asleep.

So now that you know a little more about the different types of rest you need to thrive, are you going to hold space for more rest in your life? Well, when you’re working on living your most fulfilling life yet, it’s important to harness the right tools to see through all of your greatest desires and dreams.

And as we’ve just discussed, one of those tools is rest. And another tool that just may give you that extra boost is this free gift I have for you here . It includes a special Law of Attraction planner and a ‘manifesting check’ – two of the most powerful manifesting tools you can ever use. Click here to learn more and access your free manifestation toolkit and watch the Universe work its magic!

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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