"What can my horoscope tell me about myself?"
Every day, millions of people turn to newspapers and spirituality blogs to read their horoscope and find out what the Universe has in store for them.
Millions more are at the very least aware of their personal characteristics and inclinations, based on their zodiac sign.
But far fewer people realize that our zodiac signs can also serve as a compass when we're feeling stuck and unsure of what to focus on in life.
This is powerful if you ever find yourself torn between addressing an area of life like your fitness, versus your finances. Or whether you should pursue a relationship, or focus on your career.
So how can you use your horoscope to get un-stuck and find your focus?
Here's a quick guide, along with some FREE Mind Movies tools and trainings to complement your journey:
January 20 - Feb 18
An Aquarian is both a heart-centered humanitarian and a free-spirited rebel. You have a strong community spirit, and enjoy bringing people together whether it's for dinners, adventures, or social causes. And yet at the same time, you may sometimes find it hard to express your true emotions, instead choosing to blend into the collective energy of the groups you're in.
Suggested area of focus: Interpersonal relationships, so you can express yourself better and connect more deeply with others on an individual level.
Start here: Download six free pre-made Mind Movies right here and start connecting more deeply with yourself and your passions - as well as express yourself more easily by attracting positive vibes through the Law of Attraction!
February 19th - March 20
Pisceans are the eternal dreamers. You live your life with a strong sense of wonder and compassion, and you're deeply tuned into your own emotions most of the time. Your qualities would serve you well as an artist of some sort. Your biggest challenge is that sometimes, it's frustrating when the life of your dreams doesn't align with the life you're living now.
Suggested area of focus: Becoming a stronger manifestor, so you can turn the wonderful visions in your mind's eye into reality.
Start here: Download our free visualization gift right here so you can start manifesting any outcome you desire in life - plus you’ll love how this exercise instantly raises your vibrations and amplifies your creation power!
March 21 - April 19
Aries are defined by their determination and unbreakable spirit. Confident and energetic, you are known for diving headfirst into even the most challenging situations, whether it's to do with your work, your finances, or even your romantic relationships. This, as you can imagine, sometimes leads to great rewards, but also great challenges when things don't go as planned.
Suggested area of focus: Honing and listening to your intuition, so you can anticipate obstacles before they're in front of you.
Start here: Discover what obstacles are standing in your way by taking our FREE and fun quiz right here . Inside you’ll find out what’s quietly sabotaging your success so you can start focusing on one area of your life - whether it’s your career, relationships, or health!
April 20 - May 20
Taureans are discerning creatures who love to be pampered. You appreciate the finer things in life, from food to travel to home luxuries - and you're prepared to put in the work to get them for yourself and your loved ones. What may sometimes set you off balance, however, is any decision or event that threatens your sense of security and stability.
Suggested area of focus: Attracting even greater wealth and success, so you can effortlessly create the rich life you desire.
Start here: Download our free Wealth And Success Mind Movies right here so you can start manifesting the luxurious life you desire. Trust me, the powerful visualizations and affirmations inside will NOT disappoint!
May 21 - June 20
Geminis are high-energy beings who are constantly exploring, doing, and learning multiple things at once. You likely belong to a variety of social groups, indulge in a multitude of hobbies, and have dozens of half-read books on your shelf. Your high energy sometimes affects your attention span and leaves you feeling stretched a little too thin.
Suggested area of focus: Achieving a deep sense of inner peace, which will help balance out your high energy and protect you from burnout.
Start here: Trust me, we all get stretched a bit thin from time to time. That’s why we have put together this FREE masterclass right here just for you! Inside, you’ll discover how to put your success on autopilot so you’re not overwhelmed by all life throws at you. This is one of our most popular events, make sure to reserve your seat.
June 21 - July 22
Cancers are highly intuitive and connected to the environments and people surrounding them. Anyone who knows you, knows you're both highly empathic and compassionate. You have a tendency to plant deep roots in the people and places you care about - which can sometimes be challenging when you're faced with unexpected change or upheaval.
Suggested area of focus: Learning to detach from situations or people you are overly invested in, whenever it means protecting yourself from possible harm or negativity.
Start here: Sometimes we become distracted by other people’s negativity. And that’s perfectly normal. But as a Cancer, you are designed to thrive and move past negative energy, self-doubt, and any obstacles standing in your way. That’s why we want you to download this FREE exercise right here to get you started and help you move past any challenges you may be experiencing.
July 23 - August 22
Leos are regal, bold, and deeply passionate. You have no qualms about putting your heart and soul into whatever you're hunting for - even if it means trampling on some feet on the way. Your ferocious nature earns you many trophies and much respect in life, but you can also feel uneasy when someone or something else threatens to take your throne.
Suggested area of focus: Reconnecting with your spiritual side, and learning to honor your gallant energy without becoming overly attached to ego.
Start here: If you’re ready to connect to a higher energy and vibration, you must take our FREE Chakra quiz right here . Inside, you’ll discover how to unblock and heal your Chakras so you can move forward from any obstacles standing in your way.
August 23 - September 22
Virgos are brilliant strategists. Every decision you make, whether it's to take that job, move to that distant city, or speak to that attractive person sitting in the corner, is supported by copious amounts of thought and research. As a result, you often make smart and accurate decisions, but also have a tendency to be overwhelmed by analysis paralysis.
Suggested area of focus: Learning to rely on your intuition more, so you can achieve a balance between your analytical nature, and your sixth sense.
Start here: I highly suggest you start by attending our FREE masterclass right here . Inside, you’ll discover how to connect with your wants, needs, and aspirations on a deeper level - all while riding yourself of any negativity standing in your way.
September 23 - October 22
Libras are all about balance. In your personal life, you do your best to pay equal attention to everything that matters to you: family, friends, work, and passions. You are deeply concerned about social issues regarding fairness and equality for all. Your quest for balance, however, sometimes results in moments of indecisiveness and an unwillingness to commit.
Suggested area of focus: Improving your productivity and mental processing power can greatly help you create the balance you're looking for in all areas of life.
Start here: Take our free quiz right here that has been designed to help you discover what’s standing in the way of your most successful life. As a Libra, you’re made to provide equal attention to all areas of your life, but you must also focus on yourself. This quiz is a great start!
October 23 - November 21
Scorpios are mysterious and charismatic. You (and perhaps only you) know what you want, and you move towards your desires with tons of strategy but little fanfare. Your secretive nature can be an excellent asset in gaining the upper hand at work and in your personal life, but it can also leave you feeling detached and distant from the people closest to you.
Suggested area of focus: Working on your personal relationships, so you can gain a deeper connection to those who matter.
Start here: Download our six free pre-made Mind Movies right here and start connecting more deeply with yourself and your passions - as well as express yourself more easily by attracting positive vibes through the Law of Attraction!
November 22 - December 21
Sagittarians love exploration, whether it's traversing an exotic rainforest, or devouring a book on forgotten ancient history. This innate curiosity rewards you with a strong personal magnetism; people can't help but listen to you. Just be mindful not to get too big for your boots by diving into anything overly risky that could endanger you or those around you.
Suggested area of focus: Reconnecting with your Higher Self, so you can also enjoy exploring the essence of what makes you, you.
Start here: Download our free Visualization gift right here so you can start manifesting any outcome you desire in life - plus you’ll love how this exercise instantly raises your vibrations and amplifies your creation power - keyword is YOUR! Start focusing on yourself and your needs right now so you can connect to your Higher Self.
December 22 - Jan 19
Capricorns are resilient and determined. You have high aspirations, and you're more than ready to take the journey to get there - no fear, no detours, and definitely no turning back. Your unbreakable focus often allows you to achieve things others can't. But you may also find yourself rushing, stressing, and forgetting to stop and smell the roses along the way.
Suggested area of focus: Learning to savor the moment more, so you can feel closer to the positive energy emanating from the people and places surrounding you.
Start here: Coming from someone who is always multitasking, I know it gets hard to savor the moment sometimes. That’s why we have put together this FREE masterclass right here just for you! Inside, you’ll discover how to put your success on autopilot so you’re not overwhelmed by all life throws at you. This is one of our most popular events, make sure to reserve your seat.
I hope these free goodies get you in a space of clarity and helps you finish off 2018 strong.
Until next time ;-)