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Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us, that means the end of the year is quickly approaching. So with 2021 coming to an end, it’s important to make sure you’re going into the new year with an action plan.

That’s why it’s incredibly beneficial to end the year with a bit of personal reflection to evaluate a particular goal or set of goals you are looking to achieve right away and in the future.

But you see, the end of the year, especially around the holidays, can get busy and even overwhelming to keep up with goal setting and preparing for a new year.

But with a self-review to help you modify and solidify your goals , you’ll be on your way into 2022 feeling motivated and empowered!

Whether it’s understanding a past failure, getting organized on your to-do list, or setting a new milestone, you’re going to want to make sure you are doing all that you can to set yourself up for future success.

So what can you do before the year is over?

Reflect on all of the year’s wins

A lot can happen in 365 days, so taking some time to reflect on all the good that has transpired marks a great foundation for how you plan to go into the new year (so you can make sure to do more of those things!). Even reflecting on all that has surprised you can provide excellent clarity on what may have seemed like a rollercoaster of a year.

That’s why I love writing in my gratitude journal at the time, to see and acknowledge the year’s wins. You can even go as far as making a list of the best things that have happened this year and compare it with a list you make for next year.

Smiling Woman Sitting on Couch
Review the goals that are still standing and adjust as you see fit

While we should always acknowledge our wins, it’s just as important to be aware of what didn’t go right or what failed to get done. By taking accountability for the goals that might still be standing, you are setting yourself up to take inspired action toward a more positive outcome.

However, it’s also crucial to forgive yourself and release any past failures and missteps. Holding onto guilt or shame as it relates to challenges or failures you may have had this year will never move you closer to your goal. So, instead, you must embrace those challenges and use them as inspiration for how you can make the necessary adjustments to get the results you want.

Modify your current to-do list with action-based tasks

Visualization is only one piece of the Law of Attraction formula – taking action is another essential part of materializing your goals. So it’s important to pay close attention and have an honest and objective conversation with yourself regarding the things you have been putting off all year.

Many times, we promise ourselves that we’ll “get to it later,” but life happens, and it can be easy to keep pushing things off further and further while we make excuses for those setbacks. So the time is now to modify your current to-do list with more action-based tasks that allow you to cross things off your list.

If you’re been putting off going to the doctor or the dentist, for example, or making an appointment with a new financial advisor, commit to the action that needs to be taken to see through those goals, no matter how big or small.

Men Chatting and Smiling While Working on Computers
Stay up-to-date

Remember, a lot can happen in a year. That means a lot can also change. So it’s important to keep up with and stay on top of your personal identity.

For example, maybe you’re a business owner who is frequently asked for your headshot and biography when mentioned in different write-ups or promotions. Consider taking new headshots and updating your bio to reflect the most current version of you. Maybe you’ve been on the hunt for a new job. Be sure your resume and website (if you have one) are up to date with their most current versions.

Even consider your finances and cancel any unused subscriptions that no longer serve you. Staying up-to-date in all areas of life ranks high on my list of best practices because it always keeps you headed in the direction of new possibilities.

Give yourself deadlines (for everything)

A big reason why we fail to fully achieve our goals is due to a lack of urgency. So it’s important to give yourself deadlines for just about every area of your life. A little competition is healthy, so use setting deadlines as a fun way to compete with yourself to get things accomplished.

You can even create deadlines or milestones with everyday tasks – things like committing to tidying up your house or workspace once a week. Or working on your passion project for a few hours on weekends. Or even setting money dates with yourself to check in on finances and money goals.

Structuring your life in this way with dedicated time constraints provides you with the guidance you need to stay on track. And even if it’s challenging to stay committed to hitting your milestones all of the time, having a timeline to fall back allows you the cushion to reframe your actions, so that you have fewer missteps going forward.

Incorporate a new habit into the mix

The great part of entering a new year is that it’s new! It’s a chance for a fresh start and a brand new outlook on the future. And one great way to start the new year is by finishing off the year with a new habit you can take with you into the future.

You see, healthy habits train us into becoming the best versions of ourselves. So instead of waiting for the new year to start to build a new habit, do yourself a favor start that habit now! This is an inspired action you can take to nearly ensure you’ll have one of your best years yet!

And now that you have what you need to finish off the year strong, I’d also like to share with you FREE instant access to my personal introspection exercise. It’s an eye-opening mind exercise to help you reveal the hidden programming that’s keeping you stuck right now.

Plus, I’m throwing in a little gift of my morning success rituals so you have everything you need to make the new year count. Go here now for free instant access and watch as the “real you” comes to life! To your best year yet!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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